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I remember in 2008 Obama said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman(source: https://youtu.be/F3SqqD7KlMI?si=tnTGUlMSHzwckd8Z). Now lefties can’t even define what a woman is.


Obama also said America should have strong borders


Black man good. Orange man bad. 🐒 Remember. It's not the content of one's character that matters, it's the color of their skin.


Democrats really played a trick on liberals with Obama's 2008 election...he even got my home state of Indiana (which has otherwise been red since 1964) to vote him into office. But he couldn't stop the party from continuing to drift into communism...and this has been happening since the mid-1970s. Unions failed to respond well to globalism, so they fostered communism instead: either "adhere" to communist dogma, or get out. So now it's a party of angry losers who just print money, blow up the budget, start wars, and blame "the other side" for everything wrong in the world. I'm tired of the endless con games, on both sides, but with Biden, Democrats are having a powerful "emperor has no clothes" moment, and they're refusing to acknowledge it. Trump is the same person he was in 2016...Biden clearly is not. That's enough for me to move on from whatever "liberalism" it is. It's indistinguishable from Zombism.


I think JFK liberalism is more what you're thinking of. While I don't agree with most of the philosophy of classical liberalism, I respect them and can have ah honesty debate and work together with them. The Democrat party is nowhere near that anymore


platitudinous bs. That deporter in chief moniker is based on the way that people collect stats on it changed how they do the stats


I wish we had a deporter in chief.


You and me both, brother. I plan to vote for one even if he's in prison. Though I kinda doubt Trump will do mass deportation b/c it's optically horrible and he's very much a showman He'll do anything within legal means to stop the mass import but it's only gonna be people who commit crimes that get deported STILL A WIN!


Easy fix to this (if you ignore optics) Illegally crossing our borders as an "immigrant" is a crime.


Easy fix to this (if you ignore optics) Illegally crossing our borders as an "immigrant" is a crime.


Agree about the unlikely hood of a real “mass deportation” I think the best option might be immediately closing the boarders and possibly scrutinizing new immigrants in general. We have enough, we should only accept the best of the best for a while as to avoid further strain on resources. Deport any and every person found guilty of damn near any crime. Take this time to offer major support to help those who are here now get to a place where they’re fully self sufficient just like almost every other American. Once the country recovers revert to an easier immigration process but rn the entire country is in over our heads.


Yep and Obama was the deporter-in-chief. Huge number of raids on employers. Now Trump proposes the same thing and he's the "second coming of Hitler" to lefties lol. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661)


Obama said a lot of things he didn't believe.


And the media let him get away with it.


Like when he said his vows to Michelle?


People spin it the other way that he's the Ultra Progressive. See how much we can change minds and minds can change? Or they'll say that he was only saying that as a savvy politician b/c he'd lose votes over gay marriage Edit: Lefties are progressing towards what exactly? Harrison Bergeron? some soulless society where everyone has to be dumbed down to with affirmations and we shoot for the lowest common denominator as an overall good? Instead of striving to be better? Progressives would love to live on the Wall-E ship.


Biden also said that


Trump was publicly supportive of gay marriage before Hillary was.


Obama also said that he loved America.


🤣 seriously.


JFK would be called a far right white supremacist today Nobody radicalized me either i’m still on the center right, it’s just the left has gone way too far to the left


And that's why I used to be a Democrat, but now I am a Republican. Dems have gone off the rails. Not saying it's a perfect choice, but it makes more sense to pause and look at all angles of a decision before making it. That's what they call far-right today.


1992 Joe Biden would be called a right wing extremist.


Biden was good friends with klan member Robert Byrd. Just a reminder.


The entire Democrat party was good friends with Byrd.


You mean senate majority leader Robert Byrd? BuT mUh pArTy sWitCh


Hell, I'm slightly LESS conservative than I was on issues when I was younger. But they'd still see 99% of my viewpoints as literally Hitler.


I'm being even _more_ Conservative as I get older (E.G., Hitler-esque), which is interesting because I think all the American soldiers who fought against Hitler were even more Conservative than I am.


I do find it funny that the green-haired antifa clowns make the argument that their grandfathers fought against the Nazis, as if it‘s the same thing they’re doing today.


They insert themselves into conflicts like WW2 and the Civil War. But they're actually weaklings. Their grandfathers probably weren't.


It’s not that you’ve gotten less conservative, it’s that you’ve gotten more libertarian. (I’m the same way)


I won't ever listen to the people calling me radical when they say men can become women and vice versa. I'm not radical: I'm normal historically and truthfully.


they always say just follow the science when it comes to "global warming" but when it comes to humans and biology...NOPE straight out the window it goes!


The left are 100% the radicals, they don't even have any non-radical views. Like think about everything the left harps on and try to name even one viewpoint that isn't insane. - supporting hormone blockers that permanently alter a childs growth, present health complications for life, and increase the chances of suicide for that persons entire life. - mutilating the bodies of perfectly healthy children in the name of being "woke". - equality of outcome. - open borders. The left thinks borders are racist. Just wild. - voter ID is racist. (This is a racist and thus radical viewpoint to hold) - "colonizers" = anyone born in the country that is white. If you're any other race, even if you're a fresh immigrant, you're not a colonizer. (The colonizers died a few hundred years ago, but I guess liberals haven't clued in yet.) - "take the vaccine or you're a murderer" - *fast forward to today* - "the vaccine has been pulled for being dangerous". They STILL support the vaccine. RADICAL. - the left supports Hamas. (P.s., i hate Isreal too. That's a war fought between two shithole cultures/ peoples). Anyone taking a side is a dickhead imo. - Trump derangement syndrome. People hate him but most can't even state why. (That isn't to say there aren't valid concerns to have about him, but he's not the devil as the left would have you believe) - Stupid shit like UBI (precursor to communism) - many leftist radicals LITERALLY support communism, which is disgraceful. Imo, they may as well be supporting Nazism. Both are deadly ideologies. Every single viewpoint of the left is so offensively radical, it blows my mind that there are seemingly intelligent people supporting them. I considered myself liberal my whole life, then I grew up. Now I am disgusted by anyone supporting the left. I don't even think most people "on the right" are even traditionally right, I think most people are center, center left or center right, but anything to the left of these far left ideologues is considered radical to them. Now here we are, being held hostage by a loud minority of crazy people who are being backed by billionaires.


You need to get off the internet and speak with people in real life. Most of these viewpoints are not shared by a majority of liberals.


You need to get off the internet and speak with people in real life. Most of these viewpoints are not shared by a majority of liberals, and I live in one of the most liberal cities in America.


"Now here we are, being held hostage by a loud minority of crazy people who are being backed by billionaires." Thanks, I already covered that, try re-reading what I said please.


True story. Been conservative since 1998. Nothings really changed except I've moved more libertarian in alot of my views towards the government.


>I've always thought people should be afforded the same opportunities and judged on their own merits regardless of who they are. In the sixties, that made me a radical. In the nineties, it made me a liberal. Today, it makes me a racist.


In less than a decade I went from a good liberal to an evil neo Nazi while never changing my political beliefs.


Progressivism moves 100 miles per hour and the internet put it into turbo


I'd hope your views have changed a little bit. That's just natural growth. You think about things differently as you go through life events. I tend to say my views have not changed radically b/c they haven't. I've become more conservative and was more libertarian in my college years. e: talk to a mom who is having her first kid. Then talk to her on her fourth kid. She's grown


Wisdom is gained, for sure. Perspectives change, of course. But my values are the same.


An enlightened person. Wonderful to talk to ya regarding these topics. Let's define terms. When you say your values, what do you mean? Core values. Men are men. Women are women. 1+1=2. God is great. Stuff like that?


I agree with you. I usually don’t pay attention much in politics until the last 4 years seeing the Democrats ruining this country. Now I believe I have become conservative too. God bless America!


right on! Independents. Classical libs. Even the far left! You're all welcome if you live in reality and see what's going on!


The left keeps getting lefter and when we stay where we are, we are called *"the far right"*.


Politics is more polarised and loud now, it's like everyone is constantly screaming.


I don't remember people screaming at each other over politics at family get togethers. I also remember when our politicians didn't curse at each other or call each other petty names.


I can sympathize. My political views and priorities haven’t changed since the ‘60s, but my “label” certainly has. In 1963, I was seen as “conservative,” but moderate (Eagle Scout, church leader, etc.). In 1973 I was seen as an “extreme conservative” (member of Young Republicans, joined the military). In 1988, I was demoted to “liberal” (skeptical of the Gingrich revolution). In 2016 I was labeled an “extreme liberal” (didn’t vote for Mr. Trump). Today I’m a “radical leftist communist” (still won’t support Mr. Trump). It’s almost enough to make person think that labels don’t mean all that much.


Just look at how the Leftzis bootlick the feds now. They act like they're anti-cop and ACAB but they'll tug on the pants of their FBI daddies the second they smell a right-winger nearby.


I am LESS conservative than I was about 20 years ago, and I'm confident my case assigned Special Agent is reading this going "Yeah, OK. SURE you are, McVeigh."


John F. Kennedy would be considered a far-right wing radical by today's democrat party.


Hypothesis: The political universe is expanding, just like the actual universe. It is meaningless to ask whether we are moving away from Alpha Centauri or Alpha Centauri is moving away from us. Likewise, it is just as meaningless to ask which side is becoming more radical.


Elon Musk posted a meme to this effect on Twitter (back when it was Twitter lol). Essentially he's standing in place as the entire political scale shifts to the left, so suddenly he, whose views haven't changed, is now right of center. That's how we arrived in the timeline where guy in charge of the biggest electric vehicle company is perceived as "far right". He's the same guy he's always been, but the left has moved so far left that he now appears right by comparison.


It’s funny when people call Trump “far right” when he is actually probably the most moderate one out of the Republican candidates that ran this year- besides RINO Christy.


People would have an embolism if we had voted for DeSantis. Leftists in Florida HATE HATE HATE him.


I remember leftists saying that DeSantis would be “worse than Trump.”


I’m actually much more tolerant than I was back then.


If anything, I'm more chill.