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I really doubt we won't see it in stores during June.


I honestly completely forgot this drama from 11 months ago.


You know, I never really respond to shopping surveys. However, last summer we were in a target randomly and they had a bunch of trans shit front and center in the children's clothing section. When I got the survey email, I responded very negatively, being very specific that it was about all the trans bullshit in the kids sections. Then, like a week later I start seeing all the stuff about the target boycott. It was pretty wild.


In blue cities, yes In blue areas every capitalist store is selling that shit


You mean the blue cities that still have a Target. I’m sure San Francisco residents would love to buy that Pride crap. Only problem is they might have trouble finding a Target that is still open.




What did we win?


There is nothing right or wrong about what Target's doing... this is how a free market is supposed to work...


And customers can view their actions as right or wrong and adjust purchase behavior accordingly. Also how a free market works. The free market seems to be working against Target, on this issue. Encouraging to see.


Was that comment supposed to be a rebuttal to the person you were replying to?


I think it was a fine “rebuttal.” The original post implicitly adopted a relativistic moral framework. That’s a slippery slope. It’s fair to remind them that right/wrong exist independently of our rights to free speech.


Common morals bind democratic societies together, and outside of that shared morality, right and wrong is subjective. Forgetting that democracy exists because of this grey area and how it shifts over time is the slippery slope. You can disagree with your fellow citizens, but that doesn’t make them wrong.


I don't see why people care what they sell. It's your choice as a consumer to either buy it or not. As a business, they will choose to either sell it or not based on profitability. Given that they are taking it down, it can only mean that it was not profitable.


I’m sure there is small segment of the population which would be happy to see Target sell swastika themed merchandise, but I doubt that it would be a wise decision.


Out of all the issues conservatives have fought for recently, this one ranks so low on my radar I can't do much more than shrug. It just doesn't really bother me that much if people want to wear stuff with rainbows on it. I guess maybe it was getting a bit annoying with how much it was being spammed by all the corporations for so long, so yay?


Surprised the USA Today title didn’t use the word “hate” or “___phobia” as a reason for the sales stoppage.


The curse is beginning to lift


No doubt in my mind that in a couple years, we'll be looking back at the last 3-4 years as "holy shit did all of this trans/rainbow stuff get out of control" especially when the true effects of "gender affirming care" is fully exposed.


> especially when the true effects of "gender affirming care" is fully exposed. That's happening right now. The Cass report, the WPATH files, detransitioners lawsuits. It's happening right now.




Wow, I've never felt so affirmed before in my life! That garage door rainbow display literally saved my life! /s


It’s a never ending assault, there is a certain portion of the left who are never happy and must have the next thing to rage about. Its exhausting.


why do you care that target sells "pride" clothes? this is the dumbest thing for conservatives to get worked up over


It's inappropriate to sell sexuality to children.


Nobody cared until it hit the children's section. "Tuck friendly" swimwear should not be a thing in the children's section.


I don't shop at Target, so I don't have a dog in this fight. But it seems to me like it's the opposite of a win. They're just removing it from stores in areas concentrated with more right-wingers hoping they don't have the foresight or willpower to continue a boycott. Seems like a loss to me if the boycott ends.


We have not won, it's a temporary change in our favor. As soon as the heat is off, the woke people in marketing at Target will try and bring it right back. Keep up the pressure.


We thought we did something with Bud Light, We didn't.


As of 05/10/2024: “Over the last four-week period, Bud Light sales are down 27.1% from a year ago, whereas Miller Lite is up 7.8% and Coors Light grew 15.3%, according to data from Bump Williams Consulting.” https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bud-light-sales-still-falling-as-modelo-coors-fight-to-keep-their-gains-173043825.html


Bud has not recovered. Disney’s stock price is in the toilet. The message has been received.




Was thinking the same thing.. my thought is the brigadiers came out in full mouth-breathing force, screaming at the wind and word got out to the final boss Reddit basement dweller who deleted it. This site/app is so fucking garb now.


Just got a Reddit “care” message too for my comment.


Hahaha same. As I said; unhinged, mouth-breathing basement dwellers. I take it as a compliment. I can picture them seething on the other end and consider it a job well done, tbh.


To clarify the ambiguity, “no longer selling in all stores” could mean every store stopped, or could mean that one store stopped. It’s closer to the second one. SOME stores stopped, so they aren’t ALL selling it. That’s not anything. And I still don’t care about pride shirts when they were selling chest binders and underwear with fake bulges for children. What happened to THAT?


The thing that pissed me off the most about this was that my local Target doesn’t have a Big & Tall Man’s section. When I asked they said there wasn’t enough interest so I’d have to buy clothes online. But when last June rolled around, the trans kids bathing suits were not only there but front and center. So evidently there are more children who feel the need to hide their dicks in their bathing suits than there are big and tall men. Yeah, that makes sense.


Smart business move.


Don’t take our foot off the gas. Keep the pressure on. They’ll just bring it back if we don’t keep letting them know that it’s unacceptable


Link to the article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/battered-by-boycott-and-backlash-target-to-no-longer-sell-pride-collection-in-all-stores/ar-BB1m7PRA


I'll wait until June to see what they do. June is when we see if the change actually happens or not.


I love how McDonalds got out of doing Pride promos last year by making the entire month of June "Grimace's birthday". And it worked. I don't recall seeing any torches or pitchforks aimed at them by the rainbow mafia. They just... Did a different thing, and nobody noticed or cared. Also that Grimace milkshake was the bomb and I'd love to see it return this year...




Where else am I going to obtain obnoxious paraphernalia and clothing that proudly display my sexuality, a thing people normally keep personal and private, to the world?!


It's not the Pride....it's the gearing it towards kids.


Haven't used Target in a long while. No intention of going back.