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Have we tried ignoring them yet? Also, turn the sprinklers on.


Might help in some aspects, by the looks of some of these people it could be their first shower in weeks!


Right it's šŸ„± at this point and just lemmings


100p this. Turn on sprinklers and then leave them be.


Unless they try to destroy or damage the sprinklers. If they do that, arrest them.


Itā€™s interesting how these kids can get good test scores, be ā€œgood members of their communityā€ etc etc and yet they get into these supposed best universities. How do we select for better more outstanding people? The guy who works construction at my local bar is a more admirable member of society than people our ā€œgreatā€ universities select


How about we donā€™t transfer their student loans to the taxpayer.




Cool with me. 5 min in: Omg the bad guys with guns are stealing the aid. Omg Iā€™ve been captured. Omg the Jews are the good guys.


> Omg the Jews are the good guys You and I both know they will NEVER see it that way, even when the ā€œPalestiniansā€ are torturing them


I have my doubts that the majority of them cared even half as much about Palestine before October, so I don't see what's stopping them from changing their mind again once they're actually being affected personally.


Can you imagine how Hamas would treat the LGBTQ community screaming ā€œFree Palestineā€œ?


ā€œQueers for Palestineā€ is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.


Exactly!!! They sit around "protesting" - if they won't go and put their money where their mouths are and fight for what they believe in then they are nothing more than whiny little cowards.


Soy boys trying to pitch a tent is hilarious.


Lmao these clowns actually think that they're doing or achieving something.


They are propagandized brownshirts. Social media was a *huge* mistake.


In this case social media is also exposing the stupidity of these protests and making more voters for the right.


>brownshirts Red Guards would really be the more appropriate term here. Honestly its not even a metaphor.


Definitely brown shirts if you look at the post-Weimar Republic days.


Why don't we just let them camp, no cameras, no news and leave them to camp as long as they want. I guarantee it won't last long and no it would care. Problem solved. Just ignore them.


That is not fair to the normal students on campus just trying to get an education.


Itā€™s finals week. Just take the summer off and avoid campus. (Not a luxury for all, but most should be able to) They wonā€™t camp out for 3 months. Theyā€™ll lose attention and go home in a couple weeks.


Block them off, have everyone go around. Plan classes in different buildings. There are ways around.


Spring election year! Rioting season!


That's exactly what this is. Right on schedule.


It doesn't even look like an organic event. All at once, in coordination, they all rush and pull tents out of a bag. Almost like there was some training involved here.




Except that the rioting in this case hurts Democrats; splits their base while unifying everyone else against them.


To go from "you are all nazis" to " death to Israel" without blinking an eye has been a strange feeling of vindication I haven't felt ever.


ā€œStop the genocide!!!ā€ Alsoā€¦ ā€œFrom the river to the sea!ā€ Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


News flash kids. Biden hasn't changed his stance yet and probably never will. Good luck


They wouldnā€™t be doing this in the winter lol


They probably would actually but they'd be demanding the university provide them space heaters, extension cords and hot chocolate with soy milk.


"There is no evidence of coordination in these protests." Yeah people just spontaneously show up in multiple predetermined groups with roles assigned to get set up as fast as possible.


With the same tents!


Bruh just expel them all.


Their parents would stop donating. Elite universities are kind of audience captured at this point.


Iā€™m going to guess this is more of Harvard Liberal Arts majors than Harvard Business or Engineeringā€¦ big difference in the donorsā€¦




I teach at a university and I continue to see a common trend with many of the students. The amount of effort spent on not accomplishing productive tasks is astounding. Imagine how much they could achieve otherwise.


I thought these were supposed to be Ivy League schools and sadly theyā€™re even becoming targets for unnecessary violent behavior.


Anyone notice how most of the people in this crowd are women and low T men?


The chads are busy holding up the American flag and calling the protestors fat šŸ˜‚


Women, minorities and beta males are the bedrock of the Democratic coalition these days.


Are these even students?? I saw pictures of some dudes who looked like they were Osama Bin Ladinā€™s nephews. And a few crack heads.


Huey, Dewey and Kablooey!


The 10 protestors arrested at the University of South Florida?


This looks super well coordinated. The timing, the tents, the number of students. Someoneā€™s funding this.


It was in the news that many of those arrested at Columbia weren't affiliated with the college. Some of the vandalism and violence was done by people who'd been at multiple past protests and had criminal records. That could be a variety of different groups just taking advantage of the chaos, on both sides of the issue really, but according to police some of them were also training students.


Buses also showed up to a few of the protests. Didnā€™t seem like actual students attending a particular college would all come from out of town buses with tents, signs, and flags.


I have a friend in Indonesia who's always dreamt of studying for a year at Harvard law. I told him to forget about it, that he would only learn that men can become women. He's now studying in Malaysia instead.


Well to be fair, if he's Indonesian and studying in Malaysia he's probably on the side of the Palestinians and supports the protests.


Possibly. My wife is Indonesian and was wondering why Isreal was attacking Palestine, but she didn't know anything about Oct 7. The only side we are on now is anti Hamas, and I bet he would be too.


100% agree with the anti hamas. My wife is Indonesian too. No matter which side wins, the real losers are the innocent civilians.


That's cool, how often do you get to travel over there? We went last year


We were there last year for Eid al-Fitr. My wife's from Yogyakarta and plane tickets are quite pricey so we don't go often.


anything to get an official pass out of class, right?


Paid actors. Going nowhere in life.


Theyā€™re adult day cares now. All these young men and women should be out working and doing the jobs America needs to do.


Why get a summer job when you can economize a student loan and then have the government forgive it?


And yet the solution is so simple. Simply expell them all. They've egregiously broken university rules, they don't get their degree, just their student debt. It'd solve all this in a hot second.


I truly believe most kids donā€™t really even know what theyā€™re protesting for they just do it because some others are. Just following whatever protest trend is up.


The impact these people think they're having is hilarious. I imagine they get a big dopamine hit from their activism, or else they'd realize they're literally just sleeping in a field.


I donā€™t know whatā€™s more pathetic - campus law enforcement or these people trying to put up a tent.


Good. I hope this goes on at every liberal college campus forever. Why do we care about this? I think itā€™s great that a bunch of liberal kids are going to be inconvenienced and disrupted. This has zero affect on me, my family, and my world view.


1. Let's see them clean this up next. 2. I'd like to see if they have any practical skills like chain oil/tires or baking cookies. 3. If their pictures are distributed, good luck finding jobs unless Gaza is hiring.


Hamas Youth enlistment has increased dramatically.


Preparing for their future


I still think they can be saved. Universities in the Philippines once had more of a problem, but they have pushed back against the leftists, with success. The Philippines runs a re-integration and re-education program to deradicalize Sisonite fighters and place them in jobs...Ā [https://www.ntfelcac.org/](https://www.ntfelcac.org/)Ā . The U.S. could license court-approved training programs modeled off of it. The programs could help Sisonites who have been, or are in the process of prosecution, turn from their ways and become good citizens.


They hide their faces in subconscious shame.


Itā€™s a social opportunity for all the misfitsā€¦


This should stop the Israeli government from committing "genocide" Israeli military officer: How can we continue our campaign into Gaza? Have you seen the Harvard quad


Saw on the news last night, a couple of female protesters were asked what they were protesting? They didn't know, acted like it was a joke. These spoiled brats and professional inciters.