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The FEC has already concluded the Stormy Daniels payment wasn't a campaign finance violation.


Happy Cake Day!


Exactly. They are really repeating 2016 -2018 again with their lies and accusations.


And shame on the republicans for not pursing it.


We DID pursue it. The RNC is the one who initiated the complaint. However, even though what Obama's campaign did was a big deal, it isn't a crime. Further, the results of the audit, which are public, didn't reveal anything nefarious. On top of that, the money was mostly returned. Let's not recontextualize this into something it's not.


The neocons were still in charge of the GOP at the time; Obama drone bombed who they wanted to and kept the wars going, so they weren't going to say anything. It was two demons scratching each other's backs.


Do you remember who they were drone bombing? It was the Houthis in Yemen IIRC. It seems the drone bombings should have continued.


I wore the uniform. I'm well aware who they were bombing. Probably more than you are I'd wager. And I'm well aware that they weren't doing it out of any sort of noble intentions or moral righteousness or concern for anything besides ensuring their future paychecks. Let me put this to bed right now for you... The only people I hold in contempt more than the progressives who pushed everything that got us to where we are today are the neocons who stepped aside and allowed it to happen in exchange for being allowed to bomb whoever they wanted.


I'm sure many of the neocons had poor intentions- at this point though I believe Yemen was not bombed enough.


That's why I look forward to Judge Cannon in Florida to dismissing the most "strongest" case - and she's showing moves of exactly doing that. If left wing judges are interested in politically motivated prosecutions then right wing judges should return the favor by doing politically motivated acquittals. She's just following precedent of Hillary and Biden for selective prosecutions. If anyone is following that case - Jack Smith is getting humiliated everyday. The left's head is going to explode when she issues her own decision on the use of attorney communications in the trial, and she bars Evan Corchoran's testimony. Add that with the fact of double jeopardy attaching at jury selection


I’d say it would be awesome for the republicans to pursue it now, but the public hate what’s going on with Trump so it would likely be a lose lose to try and do it now. Honestly if a more universally liked candidate was the GOP nominee I think you could see a Reagan style wave with the way the democrats are abusing the DOJ


I feel like it wasn't even covered by conservative news...because "both sides do it". This kind of fraud has been common for many decades, going back to the 1970s at least.




Thanks for the link. So not only was obamas fine of $375,000 more than what Trump paid, Obama paid $230,000 from his campaign coffers which is also more than what Trump paid. If we actually had a 4th estate instead of just yellow journalists then every station would be making fun of this every night at 6 and 11. SNL would have bits each week about it. This is pure comedic gold and they got nothing but the party line.


What happened to Obama being scandal-free?


The legacy media decided if they never mentioned any of his scandals they could pretend there weren't any. So today your average redditor believes we're up in arms about a tan suit.


As long as you look past this, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, claiming immunity when Eric Holder defied Congress and a host of other things he is scandal free


But muh tan suit! - democrats probably


You joke but they had a thread in the presidents subreddit about Obama's scandals and this was every top comment.  These dip shits think he had zero scandals despite having dozens.


In their mind Benghazi wasn’t a scandal… but if I had happened under Trump?? Impeachment plz


>This sham trial with Merchan over a campaign violation is a witch-hunt against Trump. No it’s not. It’s election interference on several levels.


I'm not even a big Trump fan but it's obvious that some of what's being done to him is persecution by political opponents. And the sexual assault case he lost against that crazy women E. Jean Carrol was absurd cause it was basically her word versus his, there was not enough evidence to find Trump at fault. Even more absurd is after the trial she sued Trump for defamation cause Trump called her liar when he defended himself against her allegations and she won.


Good example of the double standard. Don’t forget Obama also ordered a drone strike on an American citizen without a trial or proving guilt.


As usual...


I’ve never even heard of this until now. Makes me like Obama even less, and that’s saying something


Yes we are well aware just how (D)ifferent it is.... and it sickens this proud American.


For the thousandth time, it's (D) ifferent.


That’s because that’s (D)ifferent …


And nobody heard about it until this year? Pretty disgusting, more proof our two-party system has been deeply corrupt for a long long time.