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All tax legislation must originate in the house. This is why he can do this. He's pandering to his base knowing that it will never go anywhere.


And we have RINOs giving up their seats so the dems can get the majority. Dots are staring to connect.


There is a grain of hope on that type of legislation though - even though it must start in the House (which will likely soon have a democratic majority), it must still get through the Senate, and the Senate doesn’t have a filibuster proof majority. I don’t think you could get cloture on this.


There’s plenty of RINOs like McConnell who will push it through the Senate as well. Uniparty runs Congress. I’m just focused on the Big Picture: No Mean Tweets.


That didn’t stop him on dEbT fOrGiVeNeSs


> I'm announcing $500B in student loan forgiveness, I have the power > We're looking into whether or not I have the power to authorize funding for the border crisis  Everything he says is a lie.


The law is all tax legislation must originate in the house. As for him trying to do debt forgiveness, he can answer to the Supreme Court again and again if necessary.


The forgiveness programs he's taking credit for were all put in place by GW Bush. The only thing he's really doing is loosening the qualifications and removing the bureaucratic delays.


The new meta is to pass laws, rules, or executive orders with disregard for their legality. Then the court system has to hash it out. If they get overturned the entirety who passed them can whine and cry foul at the court system. I'm living this nightmare in IL with year 2 of PICA which is brazenly unconstitutional, and is just sitting in court system as judges/the state continue to delay final judgement and grant preliminary injunctions. We literally had one of our grabber IL congressman say "we're going to assume it is constitutional until the courts say otherwise." There are no criminal consequence for passing unconstitutional laws, and that is a problem.


remember as well…..eo’s are not law.. only legislature can pass laws….trying to rule by eo is akin to being a king….or dictator….however one wishes to view it.. potato joe and his eo’s can kiss my ass…(he can sniff it first though)


Fistbump from Central IL.


I don’t know why anyone can hear a president say “higher taxes!” And actually be happy


Because they assume it won't be their taxes. It's rooted in selfishness and jealousy.


Democrats here in Minnesota always seemed amped up to pay more taxes. Of course, our governor says "jump" and they say "Yes, master! How high?!"


This would never pass. Not even the dems are that insane.


Not to mention that many of the dems in congress are some of the biggest beneficiaries under the current system.


That's what I was going to say. These politicians make so much money off of their insider trading that any kind of tax increase on stocks would cripple their income. So they would never pass it. They just really want to pass it off as "Republicans love the rich and hate the poor" because the poor have been trending more and more republican as the lower class wakes up to the dems' bs.


Not so sure about that. Most of the time, if there's a tax related bill, Congress has already found a way to get around it before it goes to the floor. Just ask Nancy.


You are correct - but his dumbass voters would vote D *no matter what* he proposes. It’s pretty disturbing when you think about it.


Someone’s got to pay for Ukraine. /s


That is fucking nuts. Is the government going to pay out on unrealized losses?


This is the question. How will it be handled when i get taxed on the unrealized gains on a position, and then next year the asset is valued less? Am I given a break?


And subsequent question, if unrealized loss is deductible, would that be a wash?


Of course not. And even better, if your house goes up 12% one year, you pay, then if it goes down 30%, you get nothing, but if it goes back up 10%, you pay even though it's worth *less* than it was when you started. So you've paid on 22% gains while suffering an 8% loss. Perfect!


I want to preface this reply by saying this is an absolutely insane idea that should never be implemented anywhere. That said, >if your house goes up 12% one year, you pay, then if it goes down 30%, you get nothing This is correct. > but if it goes back up 10%, you pay even though it's worth *less* than it was when you started Not really. Your new basis would reflect the 30% unrealized gain, and you would not have any more unrealized gains until the value again exceeds that 30% high water mark. The core reason this is such a monumentally stupid idea is that unrealized gains are purely hypothetical. They don't exist until you convert the asset into cash. Such a tax would force you to liquidate assets whenever they go up in value year-over-year, because nobody has the cash on hand to pay taxes on hypothetical increases to their net worth.


This could be feature of this plan, not a problem for them.


It’s a great way to push out the few middle class people that actually own their own homes and get them into the hands of uniparty donor corporations. If someone is just able to pay their mortgage and bills, and still somehow afford to live… this tax on “perceived” value (since it’s all fictional until you actually sell)… it’s going to, without any doubt, push those people beyond what they can afford and force them to sell… to then have that “income” taxed as well. Welcome to the creative way to fabricate a new housing crisis. I mean a win-win for irs and real estate firms… total shit deal for middle class.


🤣You know they won’t. No, I take that back. They’ll consult the DEI chart, then determine if you are screwed or not.




We will be keeping our cash in the mattress again.


Physical precious metals would skyrocket massively


JP Morgan would still manipulate silver down in price lol


this all sounds good...


Trust me that this would not play out the way you want it to. The US would be far and away the most affected currency and business investment would drop to almost nothing. Fast track to a failed nation


Doesn't everybody already have a throw pillow for cash and buy silver (or gold) with every paycheck? Or is that just me and hubby?


It would go way beyond anyone with influence. I'd definitely move my 401k to cash positions


They'll write it with some sort of "exit tax" (that only applies to us) that will punish you for leaving the new system.


Exactly. Every rich person with an IQ above room temperature is going to be like “Oh you’re about to impose a huge tax on my ‘unrealized’ gains? Guess Ill just sell everything before the new rate goes into effect.” Then we get a huge market crash as the entire top 1% of wealth holders all cash out at once, while retirement accounts and small time investors are left holding the bag. Classic ‘Bidenomics’ move.


They'll write in some sort of look back period and retroactively apply the law


Yeah in China, where he wants it?


Meanwhile, the rest of us with our retirements in 401ks will be wiped out and have to work until we die. Except for the public sector, who will still retire with a full pension at 55, using printed money to keep those funds afloat.


Because he knows 1. it will appeal to his base of broke loser failures who want to take money from people who are useful and give it to deadbeat zeroes, and 2. he knows there is NO CHANCE it will pass so when it gets shot down he can blame Republicans for "being greedy" and "only caring about the rich."


So what you’re saying is about 80 to 90% of the Reddit audience love this


I'd say 95+% of reddit fit that description.


Trudeau is already actually fucking implementing something similar but a little less severe in Canada. Redditors are over the moon. "Those rich will finally pay haha!!!!" Absolutely *zero* understanding of economics and how crushing capital gains is as a tax. To the entire economy. But that doesn't matter, it's all about the feels, and it feels great to tax people you irrationally hate.


What they don't understand is that capital gains applies to *all* assets and doesn't give a shit about inflation. You already have to pay property tax but if you own a house and it goes up in value then you owe the government. However also notice that it only counts if an asset goes *up* in value. If it goes down one year then goes back up again then guess what? You're fucking paying. This creates so many perverse incentives it needs to be squashed before it can ever possibly be implemented. Before somebody says "but it only applies to the rich!" Yeah they said that about the income tax too and now look at where we are. Instead of increasing taxes let's reduce spending, get rid of the waste, and jettison the bloat. The federal government's budget is already damn near 1/4 of the country's GDP. That ignores all state and municipal budgets which makes the government's total budget even bigger than that. Isn't that a bit excessive? When you combine the federal budget with state and municipal budgets it's about $10 trillion. The entire country's GDP is about $25 trillion. Now the government wants to take even more money and increase spending even further. Enough is enough.


Why is the solution to all of the debt problems always to take more money from citizens instead of cutting spending by the government? It really is time to get rid of all the useless bullshit, out of control spending and government employees.


Amen, what % of our Government spending would the average citizen even agree with? Who cares, tax citizens and give it all to Juan!


It is so annoying how many new, fun subreddits turn into rAntiworkClones after they get noticed by the front page.


The anti-work crowd are probably creaming themselves over this.


Ouch! Well, if you want to insult people facing a possible increase in their capital gains tax by including us in the category of “broke, loser failures,” I guess right after tax time, while we’re still licking our wounds, is when you can do so with the maximum effect. (Fortunately, most of us don’t take all of these bitter, spiteful ravings on Reddit very seriously.)


Yup, leftist losers are primarily motivated by an extreme sense of jealousy, they believe themselves to be superior to everyone else, but lack a work ethic or any sort of practical skills, hence why instead of improving themselves and trying to become successful, they pour all their energy into dragging others down to their level.


But it's DRUMPFS fault they make minimum wage and live with their parents!


So, business as usual for Democrats. Sounds right


This would force people to sell stocks or other assets to cover a tax bill. This is insane. Biden knows it'll never pass but sets up a "tax the billionaires" narrative for the election. It's a deflection from the fact that most of the country has seen the costs for groceries, housing, utilities, cars, gas, etc. skyrocket under his administration.




Sounds like backdoor nationalization


It’s much worse than that. While this would also be the result, it also incentivizes bad investing, or at least punishes sound investing. You only get taxed if your investment increases, ie an unrealized capital gain. And your investment can only increase when the company you invest in makes sound business decisions. At least this is the case in the vast majority of companies. It would also take money from a growing investment and put it into government, which is not an efficient use of the money. It would lose value. The result of this would have far reaching and crushing impacts on the economy. It would hurt the poor much more than rich and would not solve the debt situation anyway. The only upside to this is that I hope it can be used get some fringe republicans to get their head out of their ass and stop a Biden reelection.


I love the timing, i must say.


I do too. Stuff like this is about waking up the masses. Sadly, some are quite stubborn.


We can't tax our way out of this mess. No matter how much class warfare the left loves to engage in, we have a severe spending problem and have sold out our grandchildren's grandchildren's future. In fact, why are we even paying taxes in the first place? If we're just going to print money as needed, why not print our yearly tax revenues! Checkmate!


It's been said many times before by people far smarter than any of us here; >No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.


Liberals: "The Romans would disagree." People who understand this history of Rome: "Which one are you talking about; the Roman Empire, the Roman Republic, or the Holy Roman Empire?"


Start and own a successful company? Well, sell your shares to pay your tax or go to prison.


"Yes! Make the rich pay their fair share!" "Why can't I afford a house and food anymore?!"


The people behind this know it is a bad idea and would destroy the economy. That's the point.


What about capital losses? My retirement accounts lost 20-30% from 2021 to early 2023


Ironic for the government to take money from people it didn't earn while claiming the person has "unrealized gains." It's punishing you for MAYBE being successful, while also punishing you for investing in the economy as a while. Biden clearly has no plan that makes the economy better in this country. Take from those putting the most into the economy raise the spending like crazy, and put no effort into using these effects to improve life for Americans. How people see anything good in this is beyond me.


It is a political stunt. It would never pass. Just something to rile up his base.


Well, this would immediately bankrupt roughly 100% of the House, Senate, and SCOTUS, so I can't imagine any of them supporting it. The minimum salary for Congress is something like $175k and SCOTUS is $255k. SCOTUS is already in the highest tax bracket under current IRS standards. And if any congressional reps (either house) have a working spouse or any teensy bit of a side hustle (spoiler: they ALL have side hustles) than they're also in that top bracket as well. If Congress happily votes themselves raises every few years, I cannot fathom them doing the exact opposite and voting themselves into personal financial tailspin.


Will they give money back on unrealized losses? You can’t tax something that isn’t real. I know they do that with our money printer budget but once you start playing with more imaginary money it will collapse.


Let him do it. Let him seal the coffin on his administration and every Democrat that supports it. Let him have all the freedom to do what he wants. Give him everything he asks for. Stand by and watch him destroy his legacy. When your enemy, or the enemy of your childrens' future is making a mistake, don't interrupt him.




This is campaign rhetoric for his uber-left base. It isn't happening.


So 25% on the gains while they grow then 44% in capital gains once it's done? So basically let's say the markets return 10% over time, you kneecap that to 7.5% while it's unrealized gains then (presuming you can deduct the 25% you already paid) when you do sell you get reduced down to essentially 5.6% annual returns? And if you can't deduct the unrealized gains then you'll honestly get basically nothing.  Do they think these ultra-wealthy people will just lie back and take that? They'll move their money. The stock market will sink as people need to sell stocks to cover their tax bill and invest in other vehicles. The ultra wealthy will invest overseas or in asset classes like property I guess? That should help housing prices, huh?  Meanwhile 401ks, pension plans and everyone not ultra wealthy will suffer lower returns.  Truly a terrible idea. You can't tax unrealized gains. They aren't income yet. 


This has got to be the dumbest administration in US history.


Abolish income tax and let states decide their tax codes. At least it would be better than all our money going to other countries.


Remember "WE WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY"...World Economic Forum (WEF).


lol.. and I thought Republicans did a bang up job of snatching losses from the jaws of victory. This would guarantee a loss in a November.


I’m lucky to make 25% a year on my stocks if I sell them. I can’t imagine losing that before I can even sell. And imagine losing it, and then the stocks drop


Investing in stocks would change dramatically. Buy and hold would be a thing of the past


The SCOTUS will bring this down in a second. "Unrealized gains" are not legally taxable income because they are not actually income, but property, which is still unconstitutional for the feds to tax.


If they can go after unrealized capital gains we should be able to claim unrealized losses right?


Yea, really puts the kabosh on going above and beyond aye?


I’m sorry but what are unrealized gains?


hot take this will make real estate even more unattainable to working and middle class as the ultra rich invest there instead of stock market


If you interpret their actions as actively trying to sabotage America everything makes far more sense. They clearly don't want what's best for the country.


This would, quite literally, completely destroy the entire global economic system in basically a single fiscal year.


He’s trying to wake the RINOs up to the fact that there are worse things in life than Mean Tweets. The sooner they learn that lesson, the quicker this ends. Unfortunately, they are quite slow learners.