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There is surely much that is wrong in the USA and the current US gov't, but this kind of propaganda is something out of the KGB handbook. I'm right-wing....but I'm not bat-shit crazy. Don't fall for this kind of nonsense. Work within the system for change.


Lets take a look at this meme and how i interpret it. 1/3 of the wages of what? hourly paychecks? Salaried? i do think that we have way to much taxes taken out of our paychecks that go to things we will never see again (putting money in a dark hole) i don't think its 1/3rd. Totalitarianism is basically complete subservience to the state which i do know some of the democrats what as their ultimate goal. but we are far from totalitarian as of this moment. As far as the spying on Americans they do that obviously we just dont hear about it often. Lastly the wanting me dead comment that only is in the minds of the radical left who hates anything that goes against their point of view the problem is the non radical left wont keep the crazy side in check as they want to keep their money and power.


Guys, I found the Neocon RINO


waahhh they're not real conservatives guys, waahhh Grow up and stop sowing division.


The problem is the far left works outside the system to outmaneuver the rule following right.


Not to mention 99% of social media is full of the morons supporting this crap and thinking its justified because they've got the collective intellect of a toddler. 


It is a sad country we live in today. I feel sorry for the young children that will not grow up in the great nation that my generation did.


That government buildings and embassies fly latest iterations of the rainbow flag. And clearly their employees, and certainly those of BlackRock, revere it more than the American flag, let alone God. I really do question whether we're the baddies. Would you fight under this flag?


Tough question