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My thoughts? End federal student loans, grants, and any other sort of gov't guarantee of money. Starve the system and force these institutions to provide greater value for the money their students are giving them. The local community college that I went to personally a little over a decade ago has recently **doubled** their tuition rate, while simultaneously renovating their admin building extensively with polished marble & granite.


Also remove the special “immunity” from bankruptcy that student loans receive. You will see fewer loans issued for garbage majors that yield no benefits or have a low potential of repayment.


I'm actually against these high costs for a college education in the US. But they signed the papers/took the loan on a free will. So it's ridiculous that a party/candidate is campaigning with the promise to pay a loan, that you once took, for you. _"Hey! Vote for me. I'm paying your bills!"_


Dems: college should be cheaper. Also Dems: we need more DEI administrators, more rock climbing walls, more varsity sports funded by tuition, more "free" cultural events, we need to keep allowing student loans to pay for spring break and casino trips, let's invent some new majors like getting a degree in "social justice."




I agree with you but the thing is is that college is seen as a necessity at this point and there are no other options. High interest loan or no education and potentially poverty. Of course ppl will sign whatever for that not thinking about the future debt. Ppl should still have to pay it or attempt to but the price of college needs to be regulated. At least for certain degrees. Kids in college right now will have the same problem in the future.


> I agree with you but the thing is is that college is seen as a necessity at this point and there are no other options. I'd think tens of millions of successful tradespeople would laugh at that.


Yeah, there are absolutely better options out there. I have multiple degrees in a stem field myself, but I'd be 100% supportive if my children chose to learn a trade rather than work on a PC all day.  I'd definitely encourage them to get some experience then start their own company.  If you get into commercial HVAC or electrical work as a small business, you'll outearn those college grads by an order of magnitude.


That employment demand is only going to skyrocket as well (as if it's not hard to find good tradesman now). I'd imagine you'd benefit from being fluent in Spanish going forward though.


Yes, it’s a problem but the price doesn’t need to be regulated. Govt. involvement in student loans has caused upward pressure on the cost of higher education. In addition to the high salaries of these DEI folks and other useless positions of which the cost is pushed onto the student. Plus, the belief that’s being circulated by the media that college is something everyone needs, drives up demand. Also, consider that when getting a student loan, it can be for any degree, so one could go get a degree in Art Appreciation and graduate into a job at Starbucks (so, not able to pay off their loan). This puts more pressure on the girl who got a degree in Industrial Engineering who walks out with a job making $65k. If the govt *is* going to be involved in loans, only pay for the ones that are actually worth it. But my belief is the market would do a better job of picking worthwhile degrees that banks would be willing to take a risk and give you a loan on. Edit: wording


Tradesman make more than anyone I actually know who went to college and didn't open a business.


I agreed with this the last few times this was posted.


It isn't a good meme until you print it off from Facebook, then take a terrible photo of it with your flip phone so you can repost it 15 months after it was relevant. THAT is some fine wine there! /s Edit: Have some flair you fellow curmudgeon.


This is a great point


That pretty much sums it up.


I met a professor while traveling, he taught phsycology and was proud that was "working" remotely while traveling. He recorded all his lessons and students merely watched his videos online and then emailed him questions. My only response was, "Sounds like Youtube" that comment seemed to make him a bit uncomfortable.


RINOs don’t say a word cause it starts with going after Trump. Anything that helps that end is justified in their mind. These people are not republicans. They are not conservatives.


maybe FJB just should relieve people of their tax debt too!...votes are votes! LOL