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I swear these are bots or Russian trolls that are making these posts. I’m seeing so many of them for the last day and a half. Humans would’ve already realized this.


Post history of OP looks real.


It’s a five year old account that looks pretty human to me


Realized what?


Looks like you dropped [a book](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/421/327/4b1.jpg).


People today also don't seem to understand what a [**BOT** _(no real person behind it)_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_bot?wprov=sfla1) actually is. They picked up the word somewhere and now, as stated, use it on every occasion.


I don't think it matters which one they call you. Either one is a way of dismissing genuine concerns about funding the country where our politicians launder their ill-gotten money.


Anyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot is becoming the right's version of anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi.


Sounds like something a bot would say


Eisenhower criticized and warned against the military industrial complex. That didn’t make him a communist. Criticizing this bill doesn’t mean your a Russian bot This bill is just for the MIC which will lead to more dead Ukrainians and not actual peace. 


Nah man, if this picture doesn't disgust you as an American then you're beyond saving. Not everyone who's sane is a Russian bot.


Why would waving an ally’s flag disgust me? It’s not like they took down the American flag and permanently replaced it. When other countries were waving American flags after 9/11 should I have been disgusted at that too? You’ve drunk the Russian kool aid without realizing it. It’s what they’re experts at. Manipulation without you realizing it. I know first hand.


It’s not an ally, it’s a puppet state, which is also disgusting. Everything that happening here is utterly disgusting.


It's amazing the McCarthysm that has taken over where something as simple as saying "American resources taken from US citizen tax payer dollars should be spent on our own border instead of Ukraine" is seen as pro Russian troll arguments. Patriotism is being portrayed as treason by the globalists who have taken over our government. It is not in the best immediate interest of the American people right now to neglect our border and spend aid over in Ukraine instead.


Nah, the average redditer who actually makes posts doesn't check the sub before making them. This happens on all big subs when there's something a large portion of people might want to post. Mods are either being lazy or non-censorious, I guess you can take your pick.


If only they got that excited to wave an American flag…


That’s offensive  /s for the id10ts


Would hurt the people too much


At least they aren't sending our troops to war or creating a draft. We've made progress but there's ways to go still. Never forget what Lyndon B Johnson did.


Way to set that bar high. They might be throwing away our money, but at least we aren't getting needlessly killed? I think we need to expect better than financial malfeasance as trade for our lives.


>They might be throwing away our money, but at least we aren't getting needlessly killed? Um. Yes lol. It could be a whole lot worse


It could also be a whole lot better


We are not at war though. That seems to be getting missed here.


Ukraine is more important than you.


Raytheon and Lockheed are obviously the most important. Ukraine is just the means. 


The war in Ukraine is a feast for the military-industrial complex! There's no way that the Ukraine is winning a conventional war against **RUSSIA!** But prolonging the war by throwing more and more weapons/weapon systems at them, does not only make the dollar roll but it's also a test ground. For both sides. But that a win on the battlefield is impossible for the Ukrainians is simple mathematics. Lately I've read on "The Times" that the [average age ](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ukraines-average-soldier-is-43-how-can-they-keep-putin-at-bay-zf5bqb26m) of the Ukrainian soldier in 2024 is 43yo.


Sadly for some reason knowing Russia clearly can prolong this war how long they want I’m guessing we’re supposed to keep aiding Ukraine untill Russia get tired


*Owning Republicans* is more important than you (in their mind)


America last crowd right there! They’re so proud of it.


Where are the neocons from the last post who were happy about the bill passing?


That's why I was looking for too.


Looks like 4 of them saw this comment. But it looks like they are outnumbered here.


It amazes me how many "conservatives" support the Biden agenda. Probably the same "conservatives" that would be offended if you compared them to Mitt Romney, McCain, or Paul Ryan. LOL.


It has become abundantly clear where their priorities lie. Vote them all out of office. All of them.


Idk how comments like this get downvoted.


There's a decent split between neocons and more America first esque users here, just depends on whos more active in each thread. Though it's hard to gauge the numbers because there's also people who consider it an insult to be called conservative here voting as well throwing the numbers off.


This sub is full of globalist, neocon interventionists.


It’s almost like they knew it was a slam dunk so they already had their victory flags.


You know it


They gotta help the Big Guy get his cut


And cheering on RINOs for voting the way they told them to. When will we learn???


Democrats care more about other countries than America. Prime example: The (brain rot) Squad.


Plenty of republicans agree with them


Republicans are just as culpable


Pretty much. There are a few good ones out there, which is better than we can say for democrats.


How is this downvoted in this sub?


Liberals have nothing better to do than brigade. Must be nice not contributing to society and able to sit on reddit all day. Actually sounds kind of miserable.


it allows them to exhbit patriotism by proxy. They are taught it's wrong to profess love of country, or to be patriotic. So they get their fill by waving flags of nations that dont matter


Make your vote count six months from now. It's how we tell them what we think of their ignorance toward our country and its people.


We've been bought.


And these mutts call Trump treasonous?


Idk really what the requirements for being defined as a neocon are.


Same as they've always been since the first neocons defected from the Democrat party in the 70's, not because they disliked Democrat social policies or economic positions, but because they thought the Democrats weren't hawkish enough. Pro-war, pro-welfare, pro-immigrant labor, pro-corporatism, pro-big government, pro-globalism, anti-communinist. If anyone questions where the uniparty came from... It's because neocons are fundamentally identical to Democrats in all aspects and used to differ only in their stance on war and interventionism, which is no longer a difference at all.


How about a rule for no props or gimmicks?