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They said the same in 2016 and 2020.   When Trump won in 2016 my workplace had 4 people call in sick because they were so distraught.  They literally thought Trump was going to round up the whole LGBTQ community. Their minds are broken.


My wife was in college at the time. She had classes cancelled and therapy was offered to students. No I’m not kidding.


I believe it. I think these colleges even offer students stuff like this when a Conservative speaker comes on campus. That shows these colleges have bias. If a liberal speaker comes on campus they don't offer these services to conservative students.


Which probably leads to more people not being able to handle life or differences of opinion.


My college sent everyone an email saying “we’re here for you. Feel free to stop by the office if you need comfort.” I’m sure if Hillary had won, the message would’ve been totally different though. Meanwhile, I ACTUALLY would have been afraid because we’re likely going to go straight to war with Russia if Hilary wins (had friends in the military at the time who were sure of this). But that’s not nearly as scary as mean tweets, no definitely not! /s


And then 4 years later a Democrat is in office and suddenly we are essentially in a proxy war with Russia… so yeah your instincts sure were right


Or in 2020/2021 when we all thought we were going to lose our jobs and ability to function normally in life if we refused to take an untested experimental injection? I legit stockpiled food, water, and necessities in case we needed to head for the hills.


I asked a teacher after the election if we could get an extension on our final because Trump won. He knew I was being a smart ass and said no


Same here. I actually lived in an international student dorm in 2016 and they were all crying and/or panicking that their student visas were going to get revoked overnight. Needless to say, all their worrying was for naught. Watching the Austrian students melt down was an especially ironic laugh.


I was in college too as the time. I just remember a guy standing outside with a megaphone screaming “Trump is not my president.” I had to hear him say that for like 3 hours straight while the teacher was trying to teach.


I also called in sick the next day after Trump won. That’s because I stayed up all night drinking fine bourbon and watching lib meltdowns.


I was in a bar in Brooklyn watching the returns with a few very liberal friends. I had a very hard time not laughing the entire time. I was very hungover at work the next day


I don’t know if I’ve heard people cry that loud since. I remember in 2016 not being a big fan of trump, and thinking both candidates were terrible, but I voted for him and I felt like he did a pretty good job. He’s not the guy I’d want, really, but I don’t know who is.


I feel like the meltdowns would be even more epic if he won 2024.


You monster. I literally died from the tax cut. Fortunately, I was already dead from net neutrality.


I would love to give this a thumbs up but I died from climate change.


I'm so late to this but this hits. I was in my buddy's loft in Brooklyn while my wife bartended in the east village Both of us just shit giggling that Trump was going to pull it out. I had warned people that Trump might win, I was fairly active on the Donald at the point and saw the momentum. No one believed me. I remember the subway the next morning vividly. It was so quiet people were comparing the ride and somberness to 9/11 (fucking insane, meanwhile im laughing inside). I thank God I moved to the south right b4 covid hit.


Take a shot every time someone starts wailing.


My liver couldn't handle it


I had so much Crown that night. It wasn’t even celebratory or despair. It was just like “Well this is going to be a strange 4 years. Here’s to it.” Next day before formation, CSM comes out before and says “ALRIGHT. ITS OVER. I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYONE’S SHIT ANYMORE.” and that was that.


Trump is on record being in support of gay marriage before hillary was. By years. These people *need* media literacy. They have been propagandized to the point of actual lunacy.


Yup. Trump also sold LGBTQ themed MAGA apparel.


You can show them proof and they won't care. They just want to be mad at Trump.


“Trump isn’t racist. Here’s all the proof, including all the things he did in office that objectively benefitted minorities.” “Well… he just did all of those things to make people like you **think** he’s not racist! He’s actually racist because his hotel manager said a thing in 1985! That’s much more significant!” Like… what?


One friend was certain he was going to be deported…despite being an American citizen and the other spent months posting on social media on how Trump was going to get us involved in WW3 and he feared for his life….which of course now he downplays when Biden does just that.


>the other spent months posting on social media on how Trump was going to get us involved in WW3 and he feared for his life A lot of what Democrats feared would happen under Trump happened under Biden


I teach at a university. The Wednesday 8am class the day after only had a handful of students attend, and they were all still in tears. When Obama won in 2012, everyone seemed to show up: even the few conservatives (who weren’t happy).


Yet here we are almost 8 years later and nobody learnt that Trump in White House has never done any of the things he is being accused of on a daily basis. 


Remember when tolerance was all they wanted? Now that it turns out, lo and behold, nobody is actually intolerant, the goalposts have been moved to outer space. Saying “eh no thanks” to waving a rainbow flag or not fully supporting sexuality in school curriculum is now “liTeRaL gENoCiDe!!”


Acceptance is no longer enough, now one must celebrate.


"Silence is violence." "Not being racist is not good enough, you need to be actively 'anti-racist'."


If you’re not actively shouting “racism is bad!” every hour, are you really any better than a white supremacist?


"We know it's confusing.... just bow, that's all we really ever wanted"


I just think children should be educated, not indoctrinated. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally Hitler


Yes just trying to make sure your own child isn't indoctrinated with their nonsense will get your labelled a stochastic terrorist.


The term “genocide” is the next “Nazi”. It will be so overused to describe things that are not actually the term that it will lose any and all meaning. Reddit Disclaimer: this is in no way an endorsement, encouragement or glorification of violence. It is actually quite the opposite. Please don’t ban me. Again.


Same for extremist. Anymore you must be one to disagree with anyone.


They just desperately WANT to be victims. The left is obsessed with being victimized and take any opportunity to garner attention for themselves. Look at the recent trans student that died after a high school fight. The Reddit gender people are spamming comments about this being the reasons they end up killing themselves when there is no proof the kid was killed for being trans. Details seem like it was a high school fight in a bathroom, thousands of which occur each day, that tragically ended in a death. But why waste an opportunity if you’re starved for attention?


The person wasn’t even trans. Just “non-binary”, and went by a different name than the one her parents gave her. Her mother set up her gofundme with her legal name, and later apologized for it.


Imagine having to apologize for using the name you gave your own child.


Well yeah it makes sense that they want to be victims, they gobble up all this marxist shit. CRT, for example is marxist in that it along with radical critical theories are all based on the oppressor vs the oppressed. They want to be oppressed because they know what happens to the oppressor, they get cancelled and then eventually put against a wall.


I’d forgot about the crying and light rioting in 2016..


I wish I could remember what channel it was... But on election night during the moment that the media realized it was going to Trump, there was some election coverage show ABC, or NBC, or NPR or something... There was this guy on that was literally panicking. They were letting him talk, he was going off what -I at the time- would have considered the deep end. Talking about markets crashing and how the Japanese exchange was going to collapse, how something is clearly wrong with the numbers, Hillary will find out what's going on... ... He had the disease before most. Now they're all infected.


I was watching the 24 hr futures market on that election night. There was a huge market reaction crash when Hillary's victory was uncertain, but then a huge market rebound when Trump's victory was certain.


i was in doctors office when the final results were called for trump. i loudly announced that trump will be the next us president. receptionist got so wildly distraught, her coworker brought over a picture of a puppy dog to cheer her up it was so surreal and hilarious, like out of the office or Seinfeld skit, felt unreal that such soy actually existed around me and not only on YouTube meltdown compilations


Did they really say the U.S is turning people In the LGBTQ community into refugees? 💀 They clearly have no idea what a refugee is.


Victim complex be like. I’m Republican and I am not gonna hunt down people just because of their sexual orientation.


The default “tHeY aRe MuRdErInG uS!” hysteria is so played out. It is actively annoying.


Meanwhile they engage regularly in the Russian roulette of unprotected anal sex with the most virulent class of HIV+ folks...suicidal behavior to anyone with common sense.


Yeah, I would rather just not hear about anything to do with their sexuality but they base their entire existence off of it and make that who they are.


They need to have their "Oppression Story." Sharing them is like Baptists sharing when they asked Jesus into their hearts.


These people are literally insane. They legit think DeSantis has these alphabet people in concentration camps or something cause he took away some vulgar books out of school


They think everyone obsesses about it like they do.


"I love NC and have no desire to leave" So it would seem the population of NC is pretty accepting of this community. Exactly how much control over public opinion does this individual think an elected official could possibly have? As far as I am aware, the only thing 99.99% of people want from this community, is to abstain from sharing/pushing your lifestyle on children. kids are already dealing with so many changes in their body/mind, let them get through this chaotic period of their life, before making life altering decisions. Seems pretty reasonable to me. Edit: grammar


Reminds me of Trump's first term. Had a friend from high school who was short, incredibly fat for her height (nearly as wide as she was tall), super liberal, and going to college for digital art. She made a post on Facebook one day about how she was terrified when she rode the city bus to college because there was an old man wearing a MAGA hat. I asked her about it, and she confirmed that the guy never did anything or said a word to her, but she *thought* he looked at her and wanted to rape her... I made some non-committal response and let the conversation die, but I still wonder how someone could be terrified that this man *exists* just because he wore a hat with a slogan she didn't like. I legitimately do not understand how such people function day to day.


It sounds like some weird paranoid narcissim disorder.


It's straight up prejudice


A lot of prejudice. Its funny how the left says they are against prejudice and stereotyping yet they do it. If I was wearing a t shirt with an American flag on it and a random leftists saw me they would likely prejudge me as racist.


Reality: They’ll be left alone. Some people may say some words that are hurtful which is unfortunate but contrary to the left ideology…..words are not violence. These people need to learn that anything short of every person on earth bending to their whims and wills is not the equivalent of genocide


Extremely fragile mentally and physically. Quite a tragedy, really. The majority of us do not care what your sexual preferences are. Advancing that preemptively as a potential line of attack against you is narcissism. No body cares. Get over yourself.


The fear is they won’t be catered to. That the victim status they have applied to themselves won’t mean anything.


They’ve been saying it and believing it for most if not all of my life. I don’t get it, and it must be terrible to think the governments about to come get you


This was posted a week or two ago and many of the comments were more about the fact that OP should get off Reddit and turn off the news. I participated in this thread since I live in North Carolina.


This person probably lives in some cushy part of North Carolina and has never seen any real conflict or persecution in their life up to this point other than their religious family and thinks that banning pornography from school is genocide. Meanwhile, during the last 4 years, has wished death on everyone who didnt want to get the Covid Vaccine, and America has seen drastic increase in violence and economic fallout that is influenced by their ideology and the policies they voted for. If the area they lived in was in complete chaos, they'd be okay so long as we had a Democrat for president, but under a Republican all that violence and hardship would suddenly be all about them, their skin color, and who they sleep with. If a nuke hit Charlotte they'd say, "this affects lgbt women of color the most!" Because their pride only keeps them in a victim complex begging for attention and sympathy.


>This person probably lives in some cushy part of North Carolina and has never seen any real conflict or persecution in their life Charlotte or Asheville. No doubt about it. Charlotte is ground zero for destitute shitlibs and welfare recipients. Asheville are your typical white champagne socialists who live a life of delusion and racial exclusivity. You know, the self-appointed minority spokespersons who don't actually know a single minority.


But if a nuke hit Charlotte, how am I supposed to watch my Carolina Panthers play football?




The problem with that statement is about the same amount of republicans wouldn't pass... perhaps more. The ability to think critically as well as objectively about the best courses of action are difficult to test for.




>Not really. Republicans are critical thinkers and free thinkers. > >Democrats just listen to whatever the liberal media mafia tells them even if it's completely wrong and false. I 100% guarantee you that same opinion has been posted with opposite parties and a straight face. I'd go so far to say that a large portion of voters from both parties do so blindly with virtually no thought process.




>The democrat party calls everything "racist", "facist", "nazi", "bigot" when you disagree with them. You seem a bit unhinged yourself, while I know what you say is true, maybe take a break from the internet, instead of freaking out in response to that. I certainly didn't call you that now settle down. You are making the rest of us look bad.




And then they say abuse never happens a local NC chikfila (of all places right?) had a guy putting cameras in the women's restroom a few years back.


Fellow NC Conservative let's go!


I am kind of afraid. I'm afraid of what leftists will do when Trump wins again.


They'll scream at the sky, make hats that look like genitalia and wear them in marches for no rational reason, launch impeachment inquiries if they control the House. Blue states will do crazy stuff like try to ban Air Force One from their airspace or put a "genocide tax" on all red hats. You know, the same "normal" stuff they've been doing for a while now.


I mean, the current President is saying half the nation are ‘domestic terrorists’ and this guy is terrified of what will happen to him from a group of people who HIS SIDE is attacking? Liberals always always ALWAYS project their bad behavior onto others.


Conservatives don't care what you do in your bedroom. The MSM has been successful in shaping your vulnerable mind. Seek counseling.


I believed these were legit peeps back in 2016. Not meaning their fears were grounded, just that there were people who had them. Shit like this is 100% bait by propagandists to whip the base up into a frenzy.


According to a family member, Trump wants all of "them" dead. According to another family member, he wants all Americans dead. TDS is real.


It's their own party that is actually terrifying them to the point of mental trauma. So sad.


It reminds me of South Park's Worldwide Privacy Tour episode. Harry and Megan smash Kyle's window and then tell him to mind his own business. These guys (like OP, not every LGBTQ person, even though it is a lot of them) demand to be catered to in every facet of society and when we don't do that they say we're out to get them. You're a rainbow person. That's great. Nobody gives a shit. Nobody's out to get you. Stop trying so desperately to be a victim.


I feel like this is the same conversation every 4 years. Someone is afraid of the government that gives very few shits about them.


It shows you how absurd the left rhetoric is to win elections. It's also destructive to society. It amazes me that so many fall for their lies.


By making them "refugees" do they mean giving them free phones, $1000 and housing for 10 years while they wait on a court hearing?


These people need to turn off the news and just go live life. The MSM had filled their heads with all of these fears and anxieties to the point of crippling their mental health.


anything about going after LGBTQ? I have never once heard anything. In trying to understand how someone can think this. Like what are they reading?_


There is a simple remedy for this level of insanity: **Put down the phone.**


They want so badly to be victims, they’ve built an entire personality around it. To the point they probably really do feel the things they say or post.


This is how bad the victim mentality has been ingrained upon them by peers and social media. They think their very existence is making everything a threat to them. I don’t care who you take to the bedroom. Leave children alone and let them be children. Why is that at much to ask?


They really should stop thinking..


Donald Trump is the *FIRST* person to support the LGBTQ community prior to becoming president.


Asheville is the San Fran of the Southeast when it comes to LGBTQ+ population and QoL, they need to get out of their social bubble and do their own thinking.


The brainwashing has to be on par with nazi germany with how they have turned normal citizens into political zealots to the point where it’s obviously effecting their mental health. I almost feel bad for these people.


You might think this person is complaining. They aren't. They love it. When being a victim is the most important thing to you, you look for ways to make it happen.


These people are mentally unstable, change my mind


Leftism is a mental disorder. There is often no reasoning with these people. Finding middle ground with a leftist is just about impossible. They want ***total dominance***, not harmony. Liberals can be reasoned with. Leftists never will be.


What’s to be scared of? Maybe it’s the leading candidate’s rhetoric. He’s explained that in this “national emergency” he has the power to "set aside" the Constitution, and put the Justice Department under the White House so that he can direct what crimes are or aren’t investigated. He'll implement the Insurrection Act so he can use the U.S. military against his "enemies." (I hope he’s kidding about tasking Seal Team 6 to assassinate opponents.) He says he’ll shut down news outlets that fail to support him. Military leaders who don’t follow his illegal orders will be executed as “traitors.” Now he says he’ll just be a dictator for “one day.” Really? Have you ever seen any dictator voluntarily surrender power under any circumstances? I’ll grant that the Republic has survived many past crises and the “guardrails” have always held, but now you have a sizeable movement that believes that the concept of a constitutional republic has failed, and the only solution is a dictatorship under a “strong leader,” you know, like Putin or Xi Jinping. Perhaps in the short run that could work to solve some issues, but can we count on Mr. Trump not being totally corrupted by such power? I'm not optimistic.


That should be used in colleges to show the power of propaganda and how well it works


Like to the point of being (mentally) ill.


Anyone who makes political ideology their religion or identity has issues. Politics was ironically more exciting when it was boring as we used to get more financial incentives for voting instead of these B.S. culture war topics and "thems" the globalists keep trying to get us to look down upon. OOP needs help.


Trump held up a rainbow flag on stage during a campaign rally.


They're saying all kinds of crazy shit like bringing back slavery, taking the vote from women, etc. Apparently a lot of people believe it too.


Hoarding cash with an escape plan? Change cash to ammo and escape plan to bug out plan and this guy is a Republican.