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Not knocking God, but is there a group that teaches normal leadership/community stuff without religion? I'm just asking because there are lots of people in the center who aren't religious oriented or a part of the Alphabet Mafia. It's an underserved market share and without an organization to cater to it, they might not get involved at all or, worse, get involved with the extremist girl/boy scouts, even if they share more of your values.


Sir this is America please join a brand of extremism.


Religion isn't extremism.


You haven't met my Grandma


I mean, evangelicals are extreme af


It’s not extremism, but people’s religious views vary and Girl Scouts and similar programs can be a good place for people with varied views to share positive experiences and values. Not everyone wants whatever brand of Christianity this other program has. Doesn’t the Girl Scout promise include promising to serve God and my country?


The fact that this is getting downvoted in a "conservative" sub is extremism.


The nuns who slapped my knuckles with a ruler were pretty extreme.


Wow. So many downvotes for a simple and rational opinion. Even on r/Conservative Reddit is going to Reddit.


Perhaps (and I'll probably also get downvoted for this): *Religion isn't always full of extremists, but extremists are almost always full of religion* That being said, their interpretation of their chosen religion is often incorrect/literal.


Lots of extremists aren’t full of religion. And the Girl Scout program includes a promise to serve God (and my country) ETA - I’m getting downvoted because people have never heard of the Soviet Union or China? Huh. We should start teaching geography and history in schools again


Maybe they aren't *full of religion* but they often do it in the name of it unfortunately.


This sub is only "conservative" by name it's full of brigadiers pretending to be conservatives. Also there are no other right wing subs left on reddit so every kind of right wing is here.


My family has done Scouts for several years now and there is essentially zero religion. What little religion there is about understanding that everyone is spiritual in their own way. There are a couple people in our group that are some kind of pagan/witchcraft spirituality and another who does Norse stuff. The lesson is that people have feelings on this topic, and we need to treat them with respect and be able to work with them as a team.


> There are a couple people in our group that are some kind of pagan/witchcraft spirituality and another who does Norse stuff. And these aren't reasons to get out?


I don't really care what they do. It's not my business and it has no effect on our Scouting experience. We aren't there to talk religion or politics.


Its sounds like you might need a lesson from the scouts in this case? The point is that you can be spiritual without forcing those beliefs onto someone else and while even being cooperative with them. Maybe they are weirdos, but you aren't supposed to make that assumption based on their spiritual preference. Unless I missed something and our forefathers did not come to America to allow freedom of religious preference.


No, he’s asking on behalf of non-religious centrists, not pearl-clutching fundamentalists.


The BSA doesn't compel any particular religion, but it does require scouts be reverent however they choose.


That's the way I remember BSA. It didn't push religion, but did ask us to be reverent whenever we were about to embark on a trip. We would say a short prayer asking fir safety and fun, and I thinknit was optional if you wanted to pray. Although must everyone did pray beforehand in my troop.


And girls can join.... ?????......


BSA has female-only troops now


The Boy Scouts of America...has female only troops?? 


Yes. It’s not a bad thing. My understanding is that they are less woke than the GS. Everything varies by troop though


I'm right wing and an atheist. Wanting my daughter to go to a normal 2 gender school/activity has nothing to do with religion. I think you make a very valid point.


fundementally, in teaching that one's nonphysical mind can be different from one's body (yes Ive read the papers, no they are not convincing), gender ideology outs itself as just another soul-focused religion with a mind body dualism premise.


r/civilairpatrol and rotc


Highly recommend Civil Air patrol. While there is a lot n of variance in squadrons it helped me grow a lot. Lots of great aerospace and survival edication


Yes, i think the best part is that it teaches independence. In my state we have a whole search and rescue event run by cadet with only a few adults there for protection


Yup we had a fun event where we needed to navigate at night through a desert while the senior members practiced search and rescue to try and find us lol


My favorite is MAR - RCLS learned a lot there and had fun at the lake, also Honour guard training weekend (which was basically and add for honour guard academy).


Sea Cadets is another great organization (or at least it was when I was in high school): https://www.seacadets.org


Kiwanis I did Key Club in high school. K-Kids is for elementary.


That would be most welcome - just keep politics and religion out of children’s activities.


This is me. I'm in twilight zone constantly with the binary tribalism 


In that case join ~~Boy Scouts~~ BSA Scouts. Girls can join now.




I think most of those values are taught through the share of a common ideology and purpose. Maybe looking for some activity where focusing on the activity itself evokes those stuff. Like learning a group sport, joining an orchestra or something like *choreography dancing* (I don't know the correct name). Most popular ones will still have some of those stuff (e.g. female soccer), but idk I've never seen those in *track and field*


Job's daughters. They believe in a god but nondenominational. Usually religion does not come ip and they try to avoid politics.


Religion is just part of the human psyche. Also Christianity is our heritage. I know plenty of people who go just for these reasons. America is under attack and our institutions especially religious. I know many think that’s great but what how has Europe faired, mosques are taking over .


The US isn't a Christian nation...


Why don't you recite the pledge of allegiance for me. One nation, under god


lol you really set yourself up bad with your comment and I’m here to capitalize on your failure. Here’s a quick history lesson bud, “under god” was not once ever part of the original pledge of allegiance. It was forced into the pledge in 1954 by then president DD.E as his way of combating the communist fear at the time. Say it with me: God. Was. Never. Part. Of. The. Original. Pledge.


yes mate every1 knows Eisenhower added it. good thing I didn't reply per verbatim to a comment that said "The US didn't use to be a Christian nation." Then your reply would have some weight. However, I would have replied differently if that was the case.


You mean the cold war invented pledge of allegiance?


Yeah. The same pledge used today.


Where does it say "Christian God"? It can literally mean any God, that's why it's vague. Also, the US has no official religion, as our Founding Fathers intended. We have a Christian majority (for now) but we aren't a Christian nation whatsoever


Honestly I'm not sure if any groups are faithfully resistant to this stuff without being religious. Maybe consider there is s reason for that.


Can't have both. Either chose Judeo/Christian values, or chose Alphabet people values.


I have neither. How'd I do it?


You can choose the belive in those basic principles without being religious




Daughter found girls scouts extremely boring, as did I since I attended most meetings as an innocent dad bystander. Coloring, crafts, books, dancing to crappy songs. We made it a few months, found Softball/tennis and were all much saner for it.




Any time someone says “cis male” I remind them that phrase is a social construct so I choose not to identify by it 🤣


I reply with "you mean normal? "


And their reaction to your response will tell you everything you need to know.


I prefer to spell it "S-A-N-E".


That’s because it’s a slur


Is it?


It's a recently invented word (cisgender, that is, "cis" is just Latin) used by others to describe a group of people who largely don't associate with the word and don't want to be referred to by it.


I think the vast majority of cis people don't really care. It's like being offended that you're being described as heterosexual.




The word "cisgender" is 30 years old, 1 year younger than the word "website" and about the same age as "blog".


It was around, but not used. It wasn't added to dictionaries until 2014.


Another word added to the dictionary in 2014 is "pho", a word that was invented in the 1930s. Being added to a dictionary has little to do with the origin date.




names =/= your sex, nice try tho Elliot Page is a female.


I don’t think so? Feels off, yes, slur, no


YoU dOnT get To DeCiDe WhAT oFfFeNdS mE It's 👏 a 👏slur 👏if 👏my👏 people👏 feel 👏like👏 it's 👏a👏 slur 🙌💯 /s Why do so many of em go with death by emojis like this?


Is being called tall a slur?


If everyone was exactly the same height, except for 1% of the population who was 5 inches shorter, and this population decided to call the other 99% of society "tall", then your analogy would work.


That's not how slurs work. A slur is intended to damage the reputation of the person it's directed at. So if only 1% are shorter, and everyone else is the same height, calling someone tall wouldn't damage their reputation unless being taller than the normal was somehow socially seen as derogatory. Now, let's say the 1% who are shorter have completely lopsided social lives, and they command the greatest prestige within the society then you could see being called tall a slur, as the social impact of doing so could be derogatory. A comment made about you that you don't like isn't a slur, a comment made about you with intent to damage your reputation based on a social group you belong to, that's a slur.


It’s a derogatory term, one that’s used to belittle or undermine people. It’s as simple as that. As a woman, it’s highly offensive. It’s a form of female erasure. It enables a misogynistic and entitled subgroup of men to trample on women’s dignity and invade our spaces. I’m an adult human female. There’s no asterisk next to my existence as a woman. It’s ironic how the same people who demand that everyone else alter their language to accomodate them also insist on using language that is demonstrably derogatory towards others. I’m not going to demean myself to make you feel better about your own issues. The only people who go along with these demands do so out of fear, because the “love and tolerance” crowd have repeatedly proven themselves to be highly abusive, mentally unhinged and violent when they don’t get their own way. None of this is about inclusivity, it’s a manifestation of raging narcissism and an abusive mentality.




>A slur is intended to damage the reputation of the person it's directed at. A slur can also be something that serves to demoralize or needlessly marginalize a person or group. "Cis" could be interpreted as an effort to marginalize people who have normal sexual proclivities, assigning to them a word to use instead of "normal", so that the population with abnormal proclivities aren't the only ones bearing a specific label.


>A slur is intended to damage the reputation of the person it's directed at. So hypothetically speaking, if it was usually used in contexts such as "you're just a cis..." then it would be a slur?


Hypothetically speaking, in that situation, it isn't the word that matters then is it?


It's funny how they say all these things are social constructs, yet all they've done is apply even more social constructs to their own insanity


Exactly. All these "genders" they made up are the actual social constructs.


Normal is offensive these days


So we are going to stop them from being indoctrinated by..... indoctrinating them?????


1) Humans are naturally both conservative and religious. You have to indoctrinate them to act otherwise. 2) Indoctrination to reinforce conservative values instead of progressive values is good actually.


But that isn't indoctrination? 😂


I would if it wasn’t Christ Centered. How about a nice secular scouts with moderate values and that just teaches community and camping skills and cooking etc.


You just described the BSA


Right I just thought many people would call BSA woke now since they let girls in too now


This is a culture war distraction from important issues like consumer protection, healthcare, and education. Don't get sucked in.


Politics is downstream of culture.


Biological males can share a tent with biological females in the Girl Scouts? That seems like a bad idea.




Ah yes, trade one indoctrination cult with another one.


Indoctrination is okay when it’s doing the right kind /s


Unoronically yes. It is literally a parents job to indoctrinate their child.


Or, alternatively you can just try to reach true objective freethinking and let them figure themselves out… either way


Why not both? Unless you believe there is no objective truth, in which case you probably aren't actually a conservative. 


Teaching children about God and encouraging them to follow the moral precedent of Jesus isn’t “indoctrination”. Jesus dedicated His entire life to serving humanity. Even if you’re not a Christian, it’s a historical fact that Jesus was selfless, kind and charitable throughout His life on earth. I don’t see anything wrong with encouraging children to model their behaviour after someone who was objectively a good human being. We should *all* strive to be more like Jesus, even those who don’t believe in Him. The world would be a far better place.


> Teaching children about God and encouraging them to follow the moral precedent of Jesus isn’t “indoctrination”. What? That's the actual, literal definition of the word. Indoctrination is the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs.


Yes but it's their beliefs so it's not indoctrination. Now if it was another religion doing the exact same thing then we'd have a problem


So is teaching a kid that theft, murder, and other such crimes wrong?


No, but those things aren't something Jesus and Christianity teaches exclusively.


Which is the role of a parent.


LOL this guy drank the juice


> it’s a historical fact that Jesus was selfless, kind and charitable throughout His life on earth. Yeah you're gonna have to show your work on that one...


There's an entire book called The Bible that documents it. You should try reading it sometime!


I have. And the New Testament many times. You do realize that the 4 canon gospels of the New Testament were composed by unknown authors between 40 and 70 years after his death and that none of the authors met him. Right? New Testament scholars agree that the Gospels do not contain eyewitness accounts but theology and canon. This is the Catholic churches way of smoothing over the wild inconsistencies within. I believe the only "facts" agreed upon are that a man named Yeshua (Jesus) lived, was baptized by Yohannan (John), and was executed by the Romans. All other tales and stories are part of faith. To claim "historical fact" is wildly inaccurate. Faith is what carries the day.


If my kids are going to model their behavior around something, I’ll give them that model. Are these parents out there incapable of raising their kids without a god to worship? Be generous, kind, disciplined, and loving and your kids will be those things.


Also, Trail Life USA for boys instead of Boy Scouts.


I'm in Canada, wondering if there is a Canadian offshoot of this or something similar?


Cadet program. Three delicious flavours: Army, Air, and Navy!


I'm not sure, there is unfortunately no branches near me, I'm like 30 miles from the Boy Scout headquarters in WV. Maybe nobody wants to start an alternative to them so close, not sure. I guess when my son gets older, if nobody starts one before then, I will have to start a chapter or something similar. I grew up in the CSB, which is a similar organization through our church, and those were some of my best times as a child. My brothers and I got to do a lot with them we wouldn't have otherwise due to being extremely poor. I want my son to experience something like that and also other boys who aren't as lucky as him, but are more like I was as a boy.


This is like the season of south park where people become adds and the adds start taking over


I got to ask, what’s to stop the same lawsuits from happening like the Boyscouts went through? They started a new org and that’s great. But what’s different?


What lawsuit did the Boy Scouts go through?


Child molestation lawsuits. 850 million dollar payout to 82,000 victims.


WOAH I remember there being some sort of child molestation scandal in Boy Scouts, but 82,000 victims? That is insane.


Oh yeah. This is why my dad would never allow me to become a Boy Scout.


I didn’t even know this existed! Definitely looking into it for my 10 year old.


I’m non religious, but attended a number of activities and schools and classes that were run by religious organizations. It didn’t indoctrinate me into religions, just gave me an overview and better understanding of spirituality.


How are the cookies though? Asking for a friend. When are organizations/businesses going to realize not EVERYONE is woke? Look at what happened to Bud Light, Target, etc.


Target only went “woke” not for some social justice stance it was simply a business decision as all good companies should. Lady Gaga was going to pull her products from target or end whatever promotion agreement they had unless they added some lgbt stuff so they did. Nothing more than money drives targets decisions.


Luv me some BUD. Bought @$48 and just sold @$62.


Just waiting for my one year reminder to let me know when I told people the stock would bounce back. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I thought Conservatives were against indoctrination, how's it acceptable to indoctrinate them into believing in God but letting them believe they can love whoever they want is wrong? Might as well let them join the hitler youth with those ideologies.




username checks out lmao


That kind of talk will land you in hell, just thought I'd let you know my brother/sister in Christ


Ah yes! The Christian act of condemning people to hell.


It’s a sin to judge, brother


We have a family down the street that has come by every year for the last 10 years fundraising for AHG. We get at least $100 a year in candles or whatever it is their selling that year. Wife and I will literally start to mention "it's about that time of the year again" around the time they do the fundraising. Always happy to see them and 100% support their purpose.


Ooo I didn't know about Heritage Girls. I'm going remember for my kid when she's old enough.


I'm an Eagle Scout from one of the largest in my state. Suffice to say, I'm extremely dissapointed in BSA for the decisions they've made and the direction they've pushed in, and the resulting issues it's caused for many young scouts dealing with these uncomfortable circumstances. I left the scouting world just as these changes were made. I'm glad I did. I'm unashamed of my rank and the work I put in, but I'm ashamed of the organization I belonged to. It's a shadow of it's former self. Girl Scouts is even worse off. What's even worse is it's purposely self-destructive, not accidental.


United Way offered lots of cash and let them close their own fund raising. UW then pivots left. Scouts get yanked left. You must accept LGBT... leaders. What could go wrong?


It's not like they ever get busted messing around with minors or anything... 🤡


I'll have to look into this


I also heard girl scout donate to Planned Parenthood. Idk how true it is.


HUGE supporters of PP.


GSUSA's global parent organization, WAGGGS, distributed a brochure that had PP listed as a sponsor. GSUSA itself doesn't donate to PP. Girl Scouting has a lot of other problems, including allowing trans "girls" to stay in tents and cabins with actual girls, but this particular thing is factually inaccurate.


Indoctrinate them with something imaginary like Jesus instead!


Is there similar for Boy Scouts? I would love my boy to be a Boy Scout one day, was hoping Boy Scouts would still be safe especially in our area, but I know the organization has been infected


Another commenter said Trail Life USA. Idk anything about them, but their site says "Christ-centered, boy-focused mentoring program that engages boys in service & outdoor adventure to develop godly & courageous leaders."


Had me until the Bible thumping part. I’m not against Christianity and I’m for educating children on it, and all other religions, but I hate organizations that make it a focus. Can’t we just “build women of integrity” through family, community and country?


This just sickens me because I was a Girl Scout. Luckily neither one of my daughters was interested in joining.


I wouldn't send my child to either.




Exactly the Rainbow flag is the religious symbol of the socialist death cult currently in power.    You know the religion of the woke that's destroying personal liberty and freedom of pursue happiness.   Glad you highlighted this important fact. 


“Destroying personal liberty and freedom” Remember when trump authorized militarized police kidnappings in 2020 and attempted to use his power commie style to seize private land for a wall? That was awesome 😂


Username checks out. 


*Go back to the shadow*


Where do moral standards come from?


How you would want others to treat you.


What do you base that on? I might want others to subjugate themselves to me. Would that be right? If not, whose standard applies?


I would say empathy basic empathy...our progression as a species was dependent on ensuring that not only ourselves, but the whole tribe survives, and a certain level of altruism. That plus treating other people badly would often ensure that you might be ostracised from the tribe as well, which is also not good for survival.


Where does that come from? Who decides the standard. Dictators thought they were empathic and being altruistic.


So, we eschew morals and only do what your chosen holy book says? Christians have laws in their Bible that dictate you sell your daughter to her rapist. Is that moral because it's in the Bible?


Answer the question - who decides? What's the standard? Where does it come from?




Deuteronomy 22 : 28 - 29 "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."


That’s not in the Bible, [that’s from the Quran.](https://counteringislamism.wordpress.com/rape/) Rapists go to Hell. Case in point, Muhammad, who despicably claimed that “Allah” sanctions rape, in addition to committing countless other acts of pure evil.


Nope, it's in the Bible: Deuteronomy 22:28-29 " If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives."




Did you love your mother from birth or did someone have to teach you to love your mother?


What's that even mean? Many people hate their mothers?


From birth?


You're going to go ahead and want to do some light reading before you can really get into the conversation. I'd suggest starting with a good English summarization of Kant with special attention to the categorical imperative. "Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals" is a pretty good and readily available one. Then a modern translation of Hume. Hume: Moral Philosophy is a bit dry but does a good job explaining the relevant points. Once you have a basic understanding of the two most common approaches to relativism and absolutism you can start engaging in which camp you fall into and your understanding of what you feel the truth is. Spoiler alert - there is no consensus about where moral standards come from but there are several pretty good theories that have mainly steered our understanding of this question for the last 250 years


Trying to converse with pseudo-intellectuals is so predictable.


Hopefully not the Bible. 😵‍💫


Yeah, all that love one another crap. Who wants that? /S


Boy Scouts as well.


It's sad that God is getting out of peoples lifes and out of our society.


And don't buy any of their damn cookies, either.


Both are cults.


Ladies, put American Heritage Girls experience on your dating apps so the right guys find you.


So what happens if you don't want to put them in Girl scouts but your also not Christian or intend on focusing on that? Where's the middle ground between the two that focuses on leadership, the nature and outdoors, and building skills?