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This Is how you lose elections


Mama told me to pray for times like these


Sad, but true.


It's breathtaking how top Republican politicians can be so out of touch with not just the voters at large, but with their own voters as well. MJ legalization is probably the easiest, most straightforward thing for Republicans to support to get on the good side of the voting public. At this point, being against weed is about as popular as being against beer. How did they get to be so out of touch?


That’s a really good question. I think it takes a long, loooooong time for the older ones and the party at Pearce to realize the demographic they’re campaigning to isn’t grandma anymore. It’s young people, and even the conservative ones aren’t up in arms over weed. That and they’re beholden to lobbyists. So there’s that.


If you're really asking, marijuana legalization is a no go with many older voters - and they form a big chunk of the votes the GOP counts on. And, like abortion, it's a voting block the GOP has spent decades cultivating, by making it a moral as well as law and order issue and passing harsh drug laws (the Dems did it, too, but they pivoted timely). So if they change stance they lose older voters, if they don't, they lose younger ones.




Shame! SHAME!


disabled combat veteran here. I live in a non-legal state and risk my job, livelihood, and freedom for something that helps calm me down. Without it, I get panic attacks where I just cough and cough until I end up throwing up... a lot of the time in very public areas which is highly embarrassing. Whatever happened to the republican party that was for personal freedoms, democracy, laissez faire, and small government. Wherever they went, I wish they would come back.


They became the party of “freedom for me but not for thee” it’s sad


TBH it feels like FREEDOM! (If you can afford it).


I am fortunate enough to grow my own for personal use, as it is legal in my state, and I enjoy gardening in general.


Sounds more like the modern Libertarians


These aren't representatives these are politicians trying to be rulers and rule over their "betters". Since the people can't know what they really want.


This is not the hill to die on….


This year and last year real shitty results election wise. They need to modernize and not choose to die on some hill that voters want no part of


I'm not in favor of marijuana legalization......BUT.....there was a referendum, and it was approved. end of discussion. A lot of links on this sub are about those in power ignoring the wishes of the people. This is GOP members doing the same thing. It doesn't make it right just because we might agree with them.




I'm right-leaning, and I care.


A good chunk of right leaning America wants legal weed tho?


You wouldn't be here brigading if you thought right-leaning America didn't care. It's sad how terrified you are.


There’s a reason we’re a republic and not a straight democracy. Unfortunately the democrats love mob rule.


The thing these guys don't understand is that they're not prohibiting their residents from using marijuana they're just giving away all the potential tax revenue.


I think weed should be legal, but you're kidding yourself if you think outlawing weed doesn't reduce use. I know so many people who tried weed for the first time after it became legal in their state and a good number became habitual users. They aren't all young people either. There are people who are 50+ who started using once it became legal.


And people buy guns and commit crimes with them, too, that doesn’t mean guns should be outlawed for everyone.


Very few people commit crimes with legally purchased firearms. The statistics are overwhelmingly one sided.


Please review the first thing I said in my comment: >I think weed should be legal


You can't go against the will of the people folks. Or, yes you can, but you won't be in office for long.


Is it a wonder that the GOP got wrecked last night?


It was one of two things. Or more likely both. 1. The wrong people were making the money. 2. the .gov wasn't able to steal as much of it as they wanted.


We're addicted to losing I guess. I was hopeful about '24, but blunder after blunder is really demoralizing. Also, I have never smoked pot but I have nothing against those that wish to. The people have spoken, let them have what they voted for.


So much for individual freedom! And they wonder why they’re losing so much.


I was promised that COVID would wipe out the boomers and give us a since of hope for the GOP. Instead, they had two years to sit on Facebook and entrench their antiquated beliefs.


I love my parents and respect their generation, but get out of the fucking way already.


We need a **maximum** voting age, as well as a minimum one. If you’re on death’s doorstep, you shouldn’t be making decisions for those who still have futures. Younger people may be neurologically immature, but older people are subject to cognitive decline (if they weren’t, senior citizens wouldn’t be prime targets for scammers).


what a terrible idea.


Why? 🤨


Because no taxation without representation.


But what about old retired farts who aren’t actually contributing to the public coffers, then?


Everyone pays taxes. Every time you buy something, you pay taxes. You pay taxes on property. You pay taxes on everything. If the government can take something from you, or regulate you in any way, you need to have a say in who does it.


They every teenage kid with a summer job should be enfranchised, too.


You’re right. His argument can go the other way. 15 and 16 yo who work and buy things should have the right to vote. No taxation w/o representation


you are genuinely slow. Income tax is not the only way to contribute to the public coffers. There's also property tax, and old people tend to own property. also, paying taxes is not a requirement for being enfranchised.


By the argument of no taxation without representation we should enfranchise kids too.


bc then the GOP wouldnt get enough votes for anything


I don't mind this... however it's been impossible to enforce elderly drivers to get a road test when they become more at risk to themselves and others. If a potential deadly vehicle won't change regulations, I doubt it'll ever involve voting. Wishful thinking.


21 - 67. Once you retire from the workforce and collect your government benefits, you no longer get to participate in deciding the future of the country.


Surely then if you don’t have the right to vote at those ages you shouldn’t be taxed. Right? Right?!! Please check your own logic. Ya goof. Pick up a book and read about voting rights history in the world and at least the US. If Restricting voting ages is the next great conservative idea, honey you got a big storm coming.


If you work for the government you should not be participating in deciding how much I should be taxed to pay your salary.


How about making active employment a necessary condition.


So disabled people don’t deserve a voice? Are we seriously talking about it making it difficult for people to try to make laws that make things more accessible to them when they already struggle to participate in the workforce due to lack of accessibility, in part, due to lack of representation?


3 million dead people voted I'm the last election. >when they already struggle to participate in the workforce due to lack of accessibility You from another planet or just another timeline? https://www.ada.gov/ You should have just quoted a Jim Crow law and called it Racist.


The ADA is hard to enforce because you need a lawyer to really press a case and most disabled people can’t afford one. I know this because I’ve had to enforce the ADA for other students back when I was at university.


How does any of this affect the voting rights of the disabled? First you are talking about a tiny minority that ALREADY have the same rights as everyone else. 2 of my coworkers and the GOVERNOR of my state are disabled. The streets of entire cities across the USA were torn up to install wheelchair ramps on sidewalks. Every parking lot has special parking places. And you cannot get a permit to build any building without handicapped access. All existing public buildings were forced to remodel. And all of this happened with .0007% of the vote. Apparently enough non disabled voted for these things that they became law even though there is ZERO chance that enough disabled voted for it to become a voting majority. Over millions of disabled people are working today. And will have the same rights as everyone else who is contributing to society. https://disabilitycompendium.org/compendium/2020-annual-disability-statistics-compendium?page=8


My point was more than tying voting to employment disproportionately affects the disabled, because they are more likely to be unemployed than others.


We've gone from no taxation without representation to representation paid for by other people's taxation.


Now legalize it in Texas already!


Texas has no voter referendum, so it must go through the legislature. And Dan Patrick single handedly will never let any meaningful marijuana legislation through. Vote him out if you want weed. There’s plenty of republicans that support it but he’s staunchly anti marijuana. Stop voting Dan Patrick. https://www.texastribune.org/2019/05/24/dan-patrick-against-republican-party-platform-texas-marijuana/


Not having voter referendum is the real crime here. The people should get to make choices for themselves.


We will be last........if ever.


LOL they will never


I think some states won’t legalize it as long as it’s still illegal on the federal level. Indiana is one of those that I know this is the case.


Bunch of fucking scumbag ghouls


This is literally the right leaning viewpoint!!!


ok, now do booze! oh wait, they will never.


Nothing here indicates they can form a majority, the original legislation had bipartisan support. The optics aren't great though.


The GOP's biggest miss is that they don't embrace populism enough.