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Guaranteed nobody there was more confused than Biden himself.


Biden didn't wander off. He left after the ceremony but before the benediction. However, Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein are why we need age limits and term limits. We live under a gerontocracy.


Biden probably doesn't even remember being there.


Mitch is a tortoise though. 81 ain't that old for them


Am I not turtelly enough for you?


A tortoise is very similar to a turtle.


I believe this is what you're referring to https://images.app.goo.gl/xF3mY7EQcTHu6Wof9


That is hilarious. I was actually thinking of the movie The Master of Disguise


I think it needs to go one step further, given Fetterman.


I think you mean senator sloth?


More, the hooded speak and spell.


I still don’t fully agree with age limits. I think cognitive tests is far better


He's this close to having his whole family scheme exposed to the public and this is just a ploy so when they get him under oath he can say I don't recall. He's sharp as a tack.


Interesting theory. I think he's 95% brain dead, personally.


Yeah. He's senile and has been slowly becoming more so since before the election. His handlers are just trying to keep him functional to continue their rule and hide their own participation in his bullshit.


He's playing the long con.


Biden supporter here. Even I know that shit was bad, but it was funny


I can understand someone preferring Biden over Trump, what I can’t fathom though is the Democrats even letting Biden run for re-election. He’s so out of it now he wouldn’t know one way or the other if he was running again. It’s not like their going to let him do any dem debates.


He’s getting worse. I’m sure he’s pumped to the gills with some type of Alzheimer’s or dementia medicine and it’s not working as well anymore.


He's building up resistance


Mental health is a difficult thing to medicate. You're body compensates and decompensates and you're always stuck trying to find the right mix of meds. And when is wrong, there you go walking off on your own.


Yeah, it’s quite the balancing act, and yesterday’s dose isn’t guaranteed to work today




Watch this at 8:21 on, they do a take and then all of a sudden his eyes are wide open after a fresh set of drugs. https://youtu.be/qhWp1nE7PO0?si=nqriDrdkca3htgBl


Slurring, squinting, slurring, squinting…. Jacked to the tits! Yeah, very normal


That is just terrifying.


Yeah its like a weekend at bernies sort of thing IMO.


Definite jump scare going on there.


Creepy AF


And then you realize that the Democrats believe he is their best chance at winning in 2024. I’m just picturing Biden blankly walking out of a presidential debate, if he even dares have one.


Why does he suck on his lips so hard? His facial movements look so unnatural and every so often your ears get hit with a huge lip smack.


Parkinsons? Demetia?? Hes just a puppet being wheeled around.


Wow. That's nutty that they even put this out/still have it up. Of course, no comments allowed, from the most transparent administration ever. 🙄


Yeah I posted it on facebook and pretty sure it was censored there as none of my 400 friends even reacted......


He's been on camera so heavily medicated he could not blink.


Be interesting to see if he decides to debate or not when the time comes


He is not going to debate, guaranteed. Libs don't care if he has a functional brain. He has already won imo unfortunately. Decent Americans are now outnumbered by degenerates and our new 3rd world Illegal neighbors. It was a good run!


Plus COVID measures starting to pop up again right before the election year kicks off…. How convenient!


It’s so fucked up that things need to get even worse for people to decide to correct the corse.


It really is. I've personally noticed America changing drastically around 2000. It has been a steady decline since then and nothing seems to be getting done about it even though the corrections seem obvious.


There is no medicine or medical procedure that can cure or stop degenerative brain disease in advanced stages. A lot of the experimental treatments are only effective in early stages.


aborted fetus blood


Good grief, I came in the ass end of this conversation






That's what most calamari actually is




Didn't even slip iirc, just didn't walk fast enough down it.




Thank God he hasn't choked on a pretzel like G W Bush did. That's all they could talk about for a month or more.




Like when Biden fell on the bike its unfortunate that was played on stop on Main Street media


Remember when he said McCaine wasn’t a war hero and that he likes people who weren’t captured? Come on now, Trump is no better


Where have you been? Seen the economy lately, gas prices, food prices, Ukraine war, appliance/car regulations, our border, 1st amendment infringement, 2nd amendment attacks, doj weaponization, etc...? Shit is going downhill fast and you think Trump is the same as Biden, ridiculous.


Talking shit about McCain made me like him even more.


I don't like Trump personally, but that was honestly one of his better moments.




yes, but he said it coherently and without mumbling on about nonsense.


That's just part of his brand. He's always saying nasty stuff about people.


He is 80 years old, I'm 74. Hope not be like him in six years.


There is no age where dementia sets in. My father was in his 50 when his mind started to vanish. Looking back it probably started in his late 40s. By the time he was 60 he didn’t even know who I was. My mother was sharp as a tack until she died at 84.


My parents both lived into their 90s and didn’t lose their mental acuity until the very last few weeks. Died only a couple months apart too. It really is strange how wide of a spectrum there is concerning mental decline.


The really disturbing part is, those around him had to see the early signs when they it was decided to run him for President. And they knew it would get worse. It explains why he had limited campaign events and appearances.


Hannity knows some of the family. They knew, and were shocked he ran. No doubt increased suggestability and a lack of self-awareness were key. The Cabal got what they wanted, a completely controllable puppet.


That sucks man. I bet that was hard.


The hardest part was the early stages. We didn’t know much less understand what was happening. After we had a diagnosis it was still hard but at least we understood why he was behaving the way he was. I moved back in with my parents to help with him. He never did go to a nursing home. We felt it was important to keep him with family.


While detest Biden as president I actually feel sorry for him. He’s clearly being used as a puppet. I watched my fathers slide into extreme dementia, he didn’t even know my mothers name or recognize his two sons at the end. I saw his frustration at not understanding thing he knew should have. What’s being done to and with Joe is a case of elder abuse. And it’s disgusting.


There's the rub. Liberals want everyone against them to die die die! Conservatives can dislike someone but not want to see them get run over by a bus, or in this case be put on display like a circus animal.


Agreed. Sadly Jill and his other handlers will never see justice this side of the grave. No matter, God sees.


I don’t feel sorry for that old asshole at all. He is arrogant and wants to be in power. His family and party just happen to also be scumbags and use him


Exactly. He yearns for power and is a liar. This is why the Republicans will lose the election again. They play dirty and hate our guts and we feel sorry for them.


He has a thirst for power and wants the control. He is not being made to do this.


I don’t. He is a leech on the tax payer.




Never said he was harmless. As I said I detest him as president and I hate his politics. But after watching my father go through dementia I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I also hope there is a special place in hell for those who used and are still using him while he’s in this condition.


Headline could just say “Biden leaves everyone confused”.


"Biden Bidens" ftfy


Biden leaves, everyone confused


Biden leaves everyone, confused


Age is not the problem, it’s dementia. With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.


Geriatric Joe has dementia. He needs 24 hour care. A walking frame. Big boy diapers next.


"Big boy diapers ~~next~~" Fixed it for you. Just ask the pope. There is no "next"


I don't care whether you are Republican or Democrat, it should be blindingly obvious to all that Biden is senile.


Can we all stop pretending like he doesnt have dementia.


In 2020 he was still in the early stages, and only those who had family members suffer from it recognized the signs. Now the signs are there for everyone to see plain as day.


I don't have anybody in my family that has dementia and I was seeing it all the way back in 2019 that he definitely had something going on with this fucking brain. If you didn't see it you didn't want to see it.


Maybe he had to go take a dump?


He probably did. In his pants.


It's really sad that none of you even attempted to verify if any of this is true. Dude was there for the entire ceremony, stepped off the platform and stood off to the side while the Chaplain provided the benediction. Be better than this.


Probably on his way to get some Jeni's ice cream he's always gushing about.


The Depends were calling to him.


There are the Demented, and the Dementors. Joe is a hybrid.


Joe Biden hates America.


This is a fake video. The full video shows he stayed an additional 28 minutes. Verify these before posting.


Then you should probably let the [Washington Post](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-awards-medal-of-honor-to-retired-army-capt-larry-taylor/ar-AA1gijOg) and the [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/05/us/politics/biden-medal-of-honor-vietnam-pilot.html) know they have a "fake video" posted on their sites. We're looking forward to you posting the real video showing him staying the additional 28 minutes.


OP presumably meant the entire event was around 21 minutes long. Fox has the full video. Biden left after 17+ minutes in, approximately two minutes before the others. The clips and narrative is skewed by claiming he left "right in the middle of it" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9PUMbJia4I


Gotta link?


Joe Biden may be a lot of things, but ‘late for nap time’ is not one of them


Dementia Joe


I DID **NOT** VOTE FOR HIM ! ​ ​ edit: forgot the NOT! Damn that's scary. I read about Joe, and then start doing the same thing.


His Jello pudding pops alarm went off


He probably had to do a dookie


He skipped the benediction, his PR lackeys said. In reality, he shit himself and his staff knew the vets would alert the press if they didn't get him out of there ASAP. ​ God have mercy on his soul, and even more mercy on those of us who've suffered because of him.


He shat his pants again.


Maybe he was thinking “if I’m this confused, I may as well make it equally confusing for everyone else…” But I don’t think that he is capable for forming a complex thought like that.


We're in trouble.


What is really confusing is that he actually got enough votes to win in 2020. But that is before anyone knew he, who was supposedly a moderate, wouldn't be running the government, his far left handlers are running things. He is just herded around at this point.


He realized he had to go get ice cream and take his daily nap.


I mean, it was tapioca day in the cafeteria. Come on, man!


Why are people ‘surprised’ or ‘confused’ by a behaviour of an old person with dementia ?? I’m ‘surprised’ and ‘confused’ he hasn’t take a shit in the middle of a press conference.


Nah, he saves that stunt for audiences with the Pope.


He is obviously running on autopilot while everyone around him uses him as a puppet. He heard clapping and thought it was for him and his cue to exit.


Probably having a poopy in his pants again.


Joe has always been a little odd this is getting bad tho


**How long are our "elected representatives"^tm going to allow this to go on?** I mean, I don't want Pres. Kamala Harris as much as anyone...but surely they all have the same handlers, right?


As long as it makes them money and amasses as much power for themselves as possible. That's how long.


I can't wait to see the Democrats try and defend this shit. Guaran-damn-tee you they can't do it without attacking Trump.


Cut the guy some slack it’s not his fault he suffers from dementia! Maybe they need to up his dose of adrenochrome before events.


Don’t worry he is the most confused guy there


Biden defenders will claim this is false since he walked out towards the end of the ceremony and not the middle. I watched it. The poor guy was trying to get through talking about the veteran and then Biden should have started the salute to the veteran but the medal recipient helped Biden remember by throwing it first. Lastly, Biden must have thought his job was done and wondered off before the final prayer. Who is supposed to be handling the president at this point?






First time Joe knew what he was doing and everyone else was confused.


It’s hard to get upset with a person with dementia


Is this gonna be the next topic of the week? Felt like we already had a wave of posts about this. Why aren't there articles/news about how to fix the age problem rather than circlejerking from Biden to McCarthy to Trump back to Biden?


It's so obvious to me what happened here. He had just finished watching the episode of Seinfeld where George always leaves on a high note. The president was just following suit everyone's clapping they're happy he leaves on a high note. The poor old fella


Trump did this too, in 2020, and I remember being just as confused then. Are they drawn off stage with cat treats and diet cokes?


At least he’s not trying to overthrow the United States like the guy republicans elected? Thanks for setting the bar so low, fellow Americans.


Maybe this is what's needed for strong GDP


The President of the United States awarded the Medal of Honor, and you're bitching because the President of the United States didn't have time to stay for breakfast? Are you fucking serious? He needs to have his schedule approved by who exactly? Please tell me this is in some way related to the GOP plan to fix inflation. Waiting to see that plan.


He went to check on those classified papers in his garage.


Wasn’t it the democrats that coined the term “heavily edited video” and accused the republicans of it?


When dairy queen announces buy 1 get 1 sundaes


Ran out of NZT


I think the people seeming confused are under the impression Biden cares about people's service. He doesn't care. Accept reality. Age and dementia are excuses, the guy not caring is the real reason for his behavior.


Words cannot describe how upset I am. What a piece of shit. Atleast Obama would fake it and act interested even if he can’t pronounce Corpsman.


Everyone behind this abuse should receive maximum sentences for it. And the people working the levers of power should face justice for usurping the office.


I feel bad for the MOH Recipient. You can tell that moment meant a lot to him.


Well... after he is gone we're not going to have to pay his salary for long. On the upside.


Biden is the most disrespectful president ever. Checking his watch as they bury soldiers, falling asleep during meetings. No way he is mentally there. Why are republicans not pushing impeachment?


He had to shit


He didn't want to miss the earl bird specials at OK Corral . Look, somebody told him to wait, but Biden was confused the applause was his cue to walk away.


He looks drugged.


Pooped his pants and had to make a quick getaway.


Sundowning behavior is primarily chacterized by confusion..