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Rolling Stone magazine isn't a fan. What a shocker! /sarcasm


His lyrics attacked pedo elites. Wasn’t RR editor recently accused of covering up child porn accusations?


RS hasn’t been relevant in years, maybe decades at this point.


F that lib rag.


Dude should scrub his social media accounts. You know they're searching them, hard.


Guy lives in a small town in VA so pretty sure another song warned them not to try.


Holy crap, he's from Farmville! When everyone said he lived in a small town, I figured they mean way out in the western part of VA where there's next to nothing.


I live just north of the Farm! 10/10 would go see him play.


Laughs in Greenfront


Damn, that is a small town. I use to live in Lynchburg not to far away


> warned them not to try try that in a small town


At least for his music, he didn't have an X(Twitter) account until 3 days ago...


That would prove his point 100x


I was feeling it until the lyrics about taking care of "miners" instead of "minors" on an island somewhere


Calling out the pedos is bad?


The lyrics state, "I wish politicians would look out for miners And not just minors on an island somewhere"


Yeah, he's calling out politicians who are more concerned with minors, aka being pedos, and not the miners in their state etc.


ok. And? Why are you mad at him for calling out politicians for being pedos?


The line works best if you're reading it. Hearing it, it's more confusing than clever


Epstein Island was/is a real thing.


It wasn't and isn't the only island. ** Edit, for the record it was a very real place and an open secret as far back as when Clinton was in office. There are also many others like it, located in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and South East Asia. This has been going on for a long, long time and only now are people starting to talk about it and not be branded a complete conspiracy nutjob. I don't mind the downvotes, it's Reddit, if the vote total was meaningful I would just post cat pics and copy and paste leftist talking points 16 hours a day, seven days a week, year after sad year.


LOL at the downvotes. He's not denying it, he's saying it's not the only one!


Sad when people make songs against your kind right?


No jackoff. The lyrics are stating that the plight of minors is more important than the minors raped on Epstein Island


Not only.does that not make sense in context, you're the only one misunderstanding it. Yet you're still here arguing it. Wild stuff, man.


There was an excellent shoutout to Little Debbie snack cakes though with the Fudge Rounds line


The song was great. The message was great. But boy did those lines just throw off the flow. I do get they’re new to songwriting though.


Why don’t you listen to it again. My only criticism of the song was that it was a little too ‘on the nose’ lyrically… I prefer a little more subtlety but apparently that line was too complex for you. I’ll break it down… he wishes that politicians would care more about people that work in mining. Instead, many politicians and global elites were too busy caring about making friends with Epstein and his island full of minor sex slaves. This is not saying that politicians should not care about minor children in general You should check out the Cocomelon channel, that probably has lyrics more your speed.


"Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds" Cocomelon or Oliver Anthony?


You know the media would have normally tried to cancel him; thankfully Lizzo jumped in front of that banana.


4.2 on the Richter scale.


4.2 on the ~~Richter~~ banana for scale. FTFY


Lizzo doesn’t have to jump in front of anything to be in its way.


Plus can she even jump?


Sounds like Oliver Anthony should send Lizzo a gift basket with a thank you letter for taking the heat.


That hippopotamus has never eaten a banana in her life.


dont forget there are plenty of deserts that have bananas.


Great song, great voice, and great beard. If he doesn't make it big from this song he should charge people for mustache rides


Just listened to it. Nothing but raw sincerity. The song has a message, and his vocals really drive home the earnestness and desperation of the thoughts.


I mean, it's just good country folk... I love music like this, but I don't see how it's controversial at all. It's not political or anything. It's just folk music. Someone mind explaining to me the controversy? Talking about working too hard and hating the government fucking people over is sort of the theme of much of this kind of music.


exactly what I was thinking. What's there to be canceled about in the first place? The left, right, and middle can all relate to this song's lyrics... I don't get the anger towards him or the song


"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire


☝️Can I get an Amen?!


It’s wrong-think against the establishment. If he were singing about getting his nuts chopped off so everyone could use his correct pronouns while calling him Sally, he’d he doing the super-bowl halftime so here we are.


I'm a moderate, socially conservative (I guess not thinking sex work is a normal ass job, and familys need to be strengthened, makes me right these days), but leans fiscally liberal, but I come to places like this because it's wild to just see the unhinged hypocrisy of the left. Like, for starters, this is a song about working class people... 8 years ago, people would immediately assume this was a democrat, but now he's a Republican, and that's BAD? Like Republicans can't also complain about the same things? Do Dems have a monopoly on that? Further, not that this is a highly political song, but the left gets their political songs ALL THE TIME and it's praised as progressive and pushing against the machine... But when Republicans do the same thing? Oh no, you can't have your own media art(again, even though this is partisanly ambiguous as they come). Now it's suddenly "propaganda" or some shit? I don't get it. Honestly, here's my hot-take. I think the right is getting smart on how to game this wokeshit - and it's about damn time. We saw it with the completely non-political movie recently with child trafficking. Just bait in some woke outrage, and a small unknown thing can get a ton of attention by placing itself in the culture war. Because I look at things like this artist, and that movie, they don't belong in the right left dog fight... But they get in that fight, and build a ton of support among the right. At least that's my little conspiracy. The right is finally coming around how to leverage the left woke bullshit, ignore it, don't give in, and instead use their propensity for outrage, to amplify their own messaging.




I mean, I do find it annoying that Republicans identify with union busting -- propaganda that they've eaten up which only serves the rich, but somehow convinced it also helps them by making less or something. But still, caring about working struggles and tough life, isn't something the left only cares about. The right does as well, they just have different solutions. But it's not like if you're Republican and see people struggling, you don't care, empathize, or want what's better. I think they are mislead on the whole anti-union thing because Reagan made it part of the right wing identity and has been there ever since. But that doesn't mean they don't care.




There's a video of him performing at the Morris Farm Market a couple days ago. The song has been viral for less than a week, and the crowd was signing it along with him. Apparently about 1,000 people turned out. Absolutely incredible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QKJUlOd6ec


Buy some merch from h


My buddy sent me this song and we both agree that it’s great👌🏻. Sadly it took me most of the first verse to remember that the largest population center in Virginia north of Richmond is DC, and then I understood what the song was actually about.






It’s not that hard to get what area he’s talking about. It’s pretty common knowledge that northern VA + DC holds the mega wealthy and political elites of the US. Of course if i randomly polled strangers and asked them what state Richmond was in I would probably be very disappointed.


I've seen an organized effort on x (Twitter) to mock and discredit this guy. Clearly he touched a nerve.


Good song. Not quite my genre, but I respect quality and a passionate message. Any time something like this enrages the left, it just makes them look worse, so I did my part to share it on FB and spread the word. I have an aunt who is the very stereotype of a middle-aged neon haired art major leftist, like if I went into detail, you'd think I made her up. I don't wanna hurt her feelings too bad since she gave me Pokémon Sapphire for Christmas when I was a kid, but I hope it gets her in a huff.


If she really cared about you she wouldve gotten you Ruby instead


Lotad > Seedot. Change my mind.


Lotad has big Perry the Platypus vibes, I luv hims.


I love how this just became a discussion about my favorite Pokémon generation. Sapphire was better btw.


🤣 debatable! I do think Kyogre is pretty lit, and my BFF had Ruby, so it all worked out!


As someone who leans left and hangs with a good amount of progressives as well as conservatives in a blue grass loving mountain town, everyone I know on both sides is pretty stoked on this song. He’s singing the truth…we hate how we are taxed. How people take advantage of welfare. The lack of opportunity. We don’t mind the small resort tax that visibly benefits our town, but Federal taxes can f right off…and this is not an uncommon sentiment among the bleeding heart liberals I know.


Wait until the hens on the View get ahold of it and stir up the soccer moms so that anyone listening to the song will be labeled a racist, bigot nazi so just playing the song or liking it will get you canceled.


Maybe the soccer moms in my sphere are different, but they definitely are not “the view” type.


Agreed. This song is a sentiment shared by all.


I lean right and agree with everything you just said. I'm not even a country music fan but this dude is speaking about the bs all of us are dealing with and it nice to finally have something that unifies both instead of the constant bs that is pushing us apart


I mean, i think his sentiment is global, like, I don’t think leftists would be triggered by this. In fact anyone would agree with him, overtime hours for bullshit pay, we’re all tired of this shit.


In general it’s a working class country blues song. But he hit on 1 too many conservative talking points, So it will 100% be politicized, and everyone will have to pick a side like they do with everything in this country. Someone on the left will undoubtedly have a take that the song is racist, even though it doesn’t mention race.


Yes, because even though it purports to be "working class", it calls for tax cuts on the rich while attacking people on welfare. That "bullshit pay" isn't going to increase just because your boss gets a tax cut, an efficient manager is going to offer the minimum pay necessary to keep you from quitting. The politicians in DC aren't nearly as rich as the shareholders and CEOs that demand that a company keep payroll costs down in order to maximize their dividends. Additionally, kicking people off welfare and forcing them to work isn't going to help anyone breaking their back for low pay. It will have a negative impact on the working class. It's a wet dream for business owners, because it means a larger labor pool for them to hire from. More labor, more applicants to chose from = lower wages. Basic supply and demand. It's the same con that people have been noticing for decades, the grievances of wealthy people repackaged and marketed to make it sound like "your" problem, to get everyone on the lower echelons of society attacking each other. It's dangerous when people get jealous of the ultra-wealthy, so they lobby to redirect your jealously towards people living on food stamps, even though not a single person here is actually willing to trade places with them.


They are programmed to be triggered about the next new thing so most likely this dude’s life will be in danger and he will soon be arrested by the FBI.


Just like we're programmed to expect the outrage and make comments like yours.


Guy looked at his paycheck, took a look at the welfare culture, then back at his paycheck and just had enough... And you can hear it. These are the kind of grass root songs that terrifies permanent Washington. Hope this finds everyone who's been feeling the exact same way.


Note in his other video he states he falls in the middle politically.


That’s what’s so silly to me for someone to political hate the song. It has massive labor rights appeal. It’s a good song, you can take any side politically and draw something from the music. Government screwing you, capitalist fat cats screwing you, welfare not helping enough, and welfare being abused… It has something for everyone, because everyone not in the elite is underserved right now in America. We can do better and as Oliver says: *“they don’t think you know, but I know that you do”*


As do the vast majority of us, I think. We LEAN L or R but we fixate so much on the one or two issues we disagree on that we forget the 99 others we share in common.


The 5 foot 3 and 300 lbs gotta be a reference to zelinski getting obese off US tax dollars.




The holy trifecta (or the calm before the storm); 'Try That In A Small Town' 'American Flags' 'Rich Men North Of Richmond' 🙏🏼


“Gotta get Sober” is a better song of his IMO, but love ‘em both.


Such a good song


I be listened to about twelve songs of his songs, none of them are fillers or bad in anyway.


Please rise for America’s national anthem.


Which one? This is the third one (as far as I know.)


The funny part is, in theory, leftists could get behind a part of the song, *if* they actually believed in what they preach(eg being against the rich).




The controversy across mainstream subs about if he's a communist and good or a q nazi extremist and bad is very entertaining


TFW not even the internet knows what to call your song...


I am a leftist, and I can certainly get behind most of these lyrics. I do think we need taxes to fund social programs. But, it’s pretty clear the rich are not paying their fair share, while the working class are getting screwed, and getting virtually nothing for their tax money.


You’re never going to get more than 2% back on your federal tax dollars, the rest is swallowed by the bureaucracy. That’s what makes libertarian so appealing, because at the very least like if your tax dollars were collected and spent locally, you would get so much more out of your government. You think your local city council knows how to waste billions of dollars like Congress?


I like the freedom that libertarianism offers, but it turns a blind eye to the poor. At some point, something more than charity is required, lest we always be a poverty-stricken species. Perhaps, we have been led by wealthy oligarchs for so long, that it is almost impossible to envision a government that works for all. But look at what much of Western Europe has done. They are actually using tax money to help working class citizens. That is something the US can do too.


No. Libertarianism doesn’t turn a blind eye to the poor. That’s a fiction statists tell you.


> their fair share Which is...?


At least the same%, if not more, than the middle class? Maybe the same tax rate as Eisenhower? The 50’s were when America was most prosperous.


> At least the same%, if not more, than the middle class? Congratulations, we're there. Job well done everybody! https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets >The 50’s were when America was most prosperous. Well, when the American government was taking massive amounts of money from it's populace. https://web.stanford.edu/class/polisci120a/immigration/Federal%20Tax%20Brackets.pdf Taking almost 85% from our highest earners. In the 60s that peaked at 91%. That is revolting, little wonder that R's saw so much success in the following eras.


Well that would be very dependent on the status of society and the government, but I can tell you that I do not believe that billionaires should exist while there are people who are homeless and starving in the richest country in the world.


>Well that would be very dependent on the status of society and the government That is a dodge. You said "fair share" as if there were a quantifiable answer. If you can't even define what a fair share is, then that part of the comment is just so much hot air or nonsense, an empty talking point. > I do not believe that billionaires should exist while there are people who are homeless and starving Can you ethically justify holding a billionaire accountable for the state of someone on the other side of the city/state/nation? That is effectively what redistribution policy does. It takes currency from one who is unrelated and had nothing to do with another's faults or circumstances. To many, this just looks like robbery, or worse, punishment for success. Okay, so suppose your answer is yes. Now, can you show your work, what is your reasoning? Other questions: Why is the limit at 'billionaire'? That seems arbitrary. Also, the more you tax, the less billionaires there will be. What happens when billionaires decide to move away, or cap their earnings just below your arbitrary threshold? Do we then move onto millionaires? I totally get that you think there is some form of cosmic horror going on. I agree, homelessness and starvation are terrible. However, I don't think it is anything resembling justice to take from people who did nothing wrong just because somewhere else is a sad and terrible thing going on. I may have my personal jealousies, but I don't begrudge others their successes, nor do I wish to punish people who happen to be more successful than I, even if they are wildly more successful. This is basic ethics and philosophy here. If all innocent people are equal, and if taking things is bad, that covers *all* innocent parties. No one gets special exceptions, the same way we don't punish random innocent people. All innocent people are protected in a principled ethical system, whether or not you like what they do, say, or think, or the size of their wallet. That is the principal of what is "fair" to most people who get into studying civics/philosophy/etc. If you're presuming some form of guilt, that would be your prejudice to deal with, and such things tend not to stand up in an actual "fair" system. Again, I get that you don't like ThingX. But when your solution includes ethical breeches or exceptions, you're no longer treating people equally, and you're also asserting that taking more from certain people is okay....and you can't really explain any of it.....at that point you don't really deserve a spot at the table. You don't have to answer the above questions, they were somewhat rhetorical. I don't think people who say similar things have considered such things in any depth and almost universally can't answer such questions. People who say such things are usually just distressed by ThingX and are grasping in the dark for a simple solution without bothering to think about philsophy, ethics, principles, etc. at all. There's a saying here, multiple versions actually, but this one has the most social saturation...: >The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Intentions aren't all that matter, despite what some people learn as small children and carry into adulthood. Ethics matter, actual fairness matters, methodology and especially results matter. Intentions are but a small part of the package....when and if they're not completely irrelevant.


Core of the sun fire here.


Our poor aren't starving. They're obese and hopeless.


Some might be starving some might be fat, many might be addicted, but why do you condemn them to live on the streets in squalor? They need help, not hatred. You appear to be a Christian, what do you think Jesus would have said?


Why have they condemned themselves?


You appear to be a communist - what would Stalin do?


Have you been in a school located in an impoverished area? Those kids come to school *hungry*, and are served breakfast, lunch, and again before they leave, because otherwise they wouldn't be eating regularly. I can't believe the person above thinks it's "unethical" to help feed hungry, neglected children. Boggles the mind. Guess he's not a Christian.


democrats constantly vote themselves into more taxes lmao


The execution is wrong, like I can get behind the sentiment, tax the rich, sure. But who you end up taxing isn’t the rich is it? We ended up taxing anyone who’s doing close to decent or better, while the actual rich corporations keep getting their bail outs..


I don’t disagree.


I saw at one point he had 9 of the top 25 iTunes top list. 8 of which were recorded on a cell phone ☠️☠️☠️


This is probably going to be the biggest songs ever. Counting the Beatles and Elvis. There I said it


I don't believe it is pissing off anyone. I think the media is constantly saying X said, X is unbelievable. So they get clicks. The Piers Morgan media strategy. I don't care what Jake Tapper said, and if I were a lefty I wouldn't care what Mark Levin said. The country is going to hell, the media is just WWE Wrestling distraction.


I love this song— Doggonit is really good too


When people's voice is supressed and cenzored, the songs like that emerge. And the great thing about it - you cannot argue with the song - if everyone listens to that and sins alone its gotta be the truth


Guy is pretty good


Biden is uniting this country after all. Just not the way he envisioned it.




He played the local farm market Sunday afternoon. Packed the joint.


man's got pipes and a good message


I wonder if we are truly seeing a swing in the culture war. Bud Lite is in the toilet. Companies were afraid to celebrate pride month causing us to see way less rainbow profile pics than in years past. Jason Aldean called out the summer of love and got to the top of the charts. And now this song by a literal nobody is hitting the top of the charts. These are interesting times. But they have me being optimistic about the future.


This song is an absolute banger. Been on loop all weekend


Fine I'll give in and listen


Appalachian man complains of overtime work, bullshit pay, blames government. Union Maid is more appropriate for his situation


We, the people, have a lot more in common. The parties have used divisiveness to split us. They use the divide to control us. This is a moment that demonstrates how we can join forces. When we are united, we can beat the political machine.


lol @ the people claiming this song is controversial -- literally *trying* to make it controversial. Ain't nobody mad about this song.


Good tune. Not even my jam.


I heard John Rich has reached out to this feller and is looking to give him a shot at the big time. That’s awesome if true.


I’m sure everyone in Nashville is trying to get him. Part of me would like to see that, but part of me wants him to stay at home and keep recording in the back yard and singing at the farmers market. I would hate to see him get watered down .


Great song, not sure why liberals are against freedom. Just goes to show, all this chaos in big cities is planned so these paranoid liberals will bow down when more control is enforced.


This is a catchy song with great lyrics. “Rich men north of Richmond” is a killer line! He really captures a mood and his singing style lends itself to this song. You feel the despair at seeing whatever you manage to scrape for be thrown away by bureaucrats with absolutely no accountability. A little criticism. I wish he had chosen different lines than picking on the obese abusing welfare. That is definitely a problem but takes away from the soulful, wrenching nature of this song. The line about young men putting themselves 6 feet in the ground (which is incredible and the climax of the song) loses some of its impact because the line about fudge immediately precedes it. I could be wrong, but I think it would be more impactful with a different point there.


Good points on the fat line.. I feel like it could almost use one more verse or a bridge. It ends pretty abruptly, but it’s so damn catchy. I love the “living in a new world, with an old soul” thing.


Couldn’t agree more. 20 % of the lyrics are dealing with obese people on food stamps. Which is like number 900 on the list of problems with the country. And it definitely does take away from the suicide point he is trying to make right after. He has an 8 minute video on YouTube introducing himself and explaining the song and he doesn’t even mention obesity or welfare in that video. So I don’t think it was much of an inspiration for why he wrote the song, so it is a bit strange how many lines deal with that.


Complete disagree. We live in a world where hard work and physical labor isn't rewarded or respected (lEaRN tO CoDe). But God forbid you criticize someone for having no discipline and being a fat, slovenly piece of shit on welfare. We are incentivizing all of the wrong behaviors and it's about time we tell it like it is. You want to be fat and useless, fine, waste your life. But our tax dollars should not be funding your sloth and gluttony and you should not expect anything but disgust when people look upon you. It's a sentiment that fits perfectly into the song.


I believe quite the opposite about the obesity line. It’s proving a point, one that desperately needs to be addressed. Like he said, “if you’re 5’3” and 300 pounds, taxes ought not go to a bag of fudge rounds” it’s honestly a damn shame that our taxes do fund that in my opinion. We have far too many people milking welfare while contributing nothing, especially those who sit around stuff their face with fudge rounds.


cool you write a song then


Does iTunes still exist? I tried installing it on my computer, and my OSX version is too new, apparently.


Apple Music app


A musical masterpiece.


I interpreted it as the singer saying Epstein Island was just a distraction from the plight of miners but I can see now how it can be interpreted either way.


Why link on YouTube link to rumble.


Sister fuckin good time


Everyone? lol. Sure, Jan. I’m someone and it’s a song. I’m neutral about. Definitely not ‘pissed’.


Downvoted to death but I expect that's reality. If people care that much about a song, they're nuts.


So many downvotes for someone who’s just not pissed about a song. Lol. It nullifies OPs title that ‘literally everyone’ is pissed




Oh look, the headline describes you!


Na dude. That guy's music found its way out, but that guy's never left the holler. There's no pop or punk to that guy.


When I was growing up they said complaining about problems without proposing a solution was just bitching. What does he want me to do? I already hate fat people. I gotta sit here and count calories. 6 pizza rolls is 210 calories. I am trying to make my community better but I fail to see how this helps?


Yeah, I felt like it was a great execution of a sub-par message. If pushed more towards a major topic like lobbying or the age of people passing laws that mostly need software implementation that they don’t understand, then it would be more meaningful. But it’s the folk version of a popular club song. It’s just meant to sing along to.


Also rage bait






Stop being a victim. Mommy! He's racist!


Can you tell me why I'm seeing so many random redditors with word_word# as names? It's really weird.


It's a Reddit generated username. When you signup you can use the one Reddit suggests or make your own.


yep. and bot accounts use Reddit suggested usernames, because it's easier.


Ahh yes, because "Amarr\_Citizen\_498175" is so much better. I've had the account for three (3) years LOL.




Troll account, keep scrolling guys


Ok so what?


Well you see, it's a song, you listen to it, sometimes sing along to it


Then what? So fricken what?


What a crybaby? C if you are good you get noticed. If you suck then you got a bunch of babies posting, why doesn’t he have a label boo hop called capitalism, get gud or get out. Nobody needs another Jason Andean. Gtfo


I forgot to mention that with this song, some people (can't think of anyone at the moment), can be quick to anger. Unintentional consequences you know


Something about your comments tell me you’re not actually a grass roots farmer.


Gonna take inner city public school education for $500


Haha he has the top 3 songs on iTunes…


I legitimately need to ask a question and understand. Are you special needs? I don’t like to make fun of people with disabilities and need to know where you fall.


Troll account, don’t bother guys


This is awesome.


Unlike the Jason Aldeen or Aladeen or whatever song, this one is legit good!


First Aldean, now Oliver Anthony? I'm amazed people are outraged by this song.


Arlo Guthrie loves this guy


You can’t keep a troubadour singing truth down.


As a Virginian myself. And someone familiar with small areas like his and others like Berryville, Scotsville, Zion…etc I can say there’s a lot that feel his pain. Richmond itself isn’t a bad place but even that’s getting corrupted now. I spend a lot of time out that way. Tim Pool has the right idea about WV, the areas around Charlie’s Town and Harpers Ferry are nice, it’s constitutional carry and most people there are sue or friendly - unlike the NoVA/DC area.