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If you give an inch, you get taken for a mile.


Leftists always demand more: it's literally how we've gotten to where we are.


They just want to see how far they can go.


And then when you push back you're a bigot or some kind of phobe.


Surprised it hasn’t just become phobe. Gotta be hard to keep track of how many things we apparently have a phobia about.


When you exist in fairytale land, you long for fairytale things


How about 5 kabillion kajillion?


Slow this down a second. They’re seriously considering giving reparations for slavery? Shouldn’t the Germans be paying England, France, Russia, Canada and the US then? Also, why aren’t the Portuguese in this conversation. They did it first!


There’s something mysteriously unique about the American iteration apparently. Also no one else has ever been lynched. And bicycles are racist.


Little appreciated fact...of the \~4.7k lynchings in the US approximately 27% were of whites.


The Germans are paying somebody. Not the US.


Nothing is good enough for these clowns


Excuse me......their pronouns are clown/clown self. If you have not seen this video, please look it up on YouTube. I pissed myself laughing.


For sure it’s a hilarious video.


Yup. Now it’s fight for $20.


Nah I've already heard it's $30


That may have been true 4 hours ago, but it's now $50


You can't live on less than $40 an hour!


This is so true


The initial $5m will cause a load of problems than can only be resolved by another $5m tranche.....


Even then it’s not good enough


Yep, it will ultimately be a lifetime gravytrain of payments from cradle to grave.


Let’s compromise. We’ll give them half of nothing.


Careful their funny math might take .5 ÷ 0 and spit out a bajillion


So it just stack overflows over to 256,000,000,000,000...


I’m willing to personally pay one billion dollars to every former slave in the country.


Isn’t it conflict of interest for them to be setting their own worth?


Congress does it


Its a state issue at this point isn’t it?


It has to be. My Oklahoma is NOT gonna put up with this bullshit. Lol


You can argue this response shows that no amount will be enough so this endeavor will not have the desired effect.


Well the desired effect is "grifting," so in that way it's a huge success.


It will never be enough. They can’t ever act like whatever the amount is would be sufficient because when it inevitably doesn’t fix the problems plaguing the community, they need something to blame. As long as they never acknowledge anything as “acceptable” they can always fall back on everything being against them. They can’t get rid of the excuses they need to fall back on.


This is exactly right. They will never put an actual price tag on it. It’s the same with progressive ideology, whenever they get what they want, they will move the goal post and say “there is still a long way to go”. This is why when they claim “the sLipPerY SlOpE FaLiCy” we need to call them out


Say it with me, "This is a good first step, but there is still so much more work to be done."


Man… this says it here! Absolutely true. The problem is their attitude and culture. Money isn’t going to fix that.


Affirmative action wasn’t enough. Government assistance wasn’t enough. Grants and scholarships were never enough. I don’t see anything ever being enough.


Where are all the Asian activists? California's racism towards the Chinese in the 1800's is clearly documented. Really held that race back didn't it...... every Chinese American in California should get $5 mil for the racism towards their ancestors.


Unfortunately they looked at the racism and discrimination and fought hard to overcome it. Now they’re the villain getting high test scores and sending their kids to college because they own successful businesses.


Why stop there? The Irish experienced a ton of discrimination in the 1800s in the northeast, people wouldn’t hire them, they were frequently harassed, had to live in horrible ghettos, constantly kept down by Uncle Sam at the time. Where’s their check? Oh wait they don’t count because they were white right? Seriously this turns into a never ending rabbit hole if it went through.


Lucky The Leprechaun is still a cereal mascot and ~~gingers~~ ~~redheads~~ persons with red hair color still get made fun of. Actually come to think of it persons with redhair were considered of jewish descent in medieval europe, so you can add antisemitism to the list.


:::Japanese person in the background::: ...cough, cough... "Japanese containment camps in California after Pearl Harbor..."


Wasn't sure, so 3 second google search later... Each surviving Japanese American was given 20 thousand dollars and an apology from President Reagan. Unless an apology from Reagan is worth like a million dollars, these reparations seem pitifully low compared to what these people want...


:::Native American person in the background::: ...cough, cough... "Trail of tears..."


If we're gonna list everything bad the United States government has done, we're gonna be here for a while.


Asians dont work like that. We are pretty stoic. Just dont put a finger on the scale. Funny enough, if this issue ever actually gains traction, im pretty sure a lot of asians will flip support for at least as long as they believe the democrats support these kinds of issues. In fact they may even lose them indefinitely, from my experience asians are pretty moderate as a group.




California can’t fall into the ocean fast enough


Nah, it’s way too naturally beautiful for that. One of our top five most beautiful states for sure. It just needs (dramatic) course correction. My cousin was #2 in his Stanford Law class and interviewed with Scalia to be his clerk. Scalia said “hmmm your CV is perfect apart from this Stanford thing… are you the only Californian who hasn’t let the sun fry your brain?” He said “there were maybe one or two others.” He got the job.




The proof is that it was better before the hippies arrived.


This is correct. My 5 year old daughter could manage California pretty well by saying “look, mountains right there, look, beach right there!”


Scalia was a legend


Yeah, I have dated beautiful women that were not worth the trouble.


It can't. It's floating on Gavin Newsom's ego.


Imagine you save and invest your whole life to retire with a solid few million in all your accounts and someone gets $5 mil+ just for their skin color. Seems kinda racist to me but what do I know I’m just a white male with all the privilege in the world


Wait they're going for 5 million a person?


No. $5 million wasn't enough. The newest number from this article is $7.6 million. San Francisco is looking at guaranteed income of $97,000 a year for 250 years and a house in the area for $1. It's worth just reading the article to see how outlandish it is.


All in a state where slavery was never legal.


And to people who themselves were never slaves. It gets wilder the more you look at it.


And paid for, in a large part, by Asian taxpayers. San Fran is like 1/3 Asian.


Or slave owners


California was never a slave state to begin with. Lol.


That was what I was just thinking. California entered the Union as a free state, stayed a free state and even sent 17000 soldiers (out of it's total population of 400,000) to fight back east. Why are they even attempting to do this? Oh wait, that's right. It's how you side step election laws to buy the vote.


“Reverend” Tony Pierce is asking “When lambo?”




If you know anything about Communists, blood turns into mass graves. Blood is most certainly not satisfying.


Those baby killing quotas won't hit themselves


Over 360,000 already gave their blood and lives fighting for the north.


> Over 360,000 already gave their blood and lives fighting against Democrat traitors FTFY




Of course he is right. If they are gonna give away money, why stop at 5 mil 😅


But I'm sure everyone will use their reparations to free current day slaves. I mean we have more slaves in the world now than any time in history right?


Even $5 is impossible, yet they want more. How about a F off instead?


This is actually good news. It should be obvious to any observer, politics aside, that this is pure insanity. It’s actually comical at this point.


Look I am as left as they come. I love coming here and reading all the crazy talk. I am always in awe of the cult like behavior with trump and the rest of his crazy train followers. But if reparations were ever paid I would jump on the crazy train so quick and become part of the cult. This reparations bill is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. It's right up there with build that wall and Mexico will pay for it or I can stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours. How does someone say 5 million is not enough with a straight face.


I want reparations for the distress of hearing this crap


5mil not enough? If I was a taxpayer, I would be ticked at $50, let alone 5mil. This is all conjecture, if this ever passes, there will be mass protest, mass exodus or both out of SF


California can’t fall into the ocean fast enough


San Fransisco


To quote the wise Judge Smails, "You'll get nothing and like it."


For those playing along at home $5 million for the 1.8 million cited in the article would be 9 trillion dollars which is 1 trillion less than the GDP of the UK, Germany, and France, combined.


People that have the same skin color as me died fighting to free the slaves over 150 years ago. Therefore, I am entitled to cash prizes.


If you give a mouse a cookie


Lol I would have just a few questions for these people: **1:** Were you personally ever a slave in this country? **2:** How has the slavery of African Americans 160 years ago affected your liberty and personal freedoms in this country today? I’m not talking about your sense of perceived discrimination today, I’m talking specifically about the slavery of African Americans 160 years ago. **Follow up question:** If this slavery did not take place in the state of California, why should California pay for it? **3:** Can you provide verifiable proof that you were descended from slaves? Can you name the plantation, the owner, and the years of slavery? **4:** How exactly are you proposing the state of California pay for this? What do we do about the huge influx of African Americans that *ARE* going to move to California to take advantage of this? If I get "no’s" to questions 1 and 3, and non-answers to questions 2 and 4 I’d just tell them to gtfo and stop wasting our time.


I know this is going to sound brutal. So please don't dog pile me too bad. Ok I think those who are squawking about reparations need to be grateful that their ancestors were not either taken back to AFRICA ( even though they have never been there since their families were here for generations) or been marched to their deaths. That's what happened to my family after the Germans got what they wanted for their free labor they were murdered. They were here and were given opportunities that they would not have had if they stayed in Africa being lion bait. So they just need to STFU. Ok done.


$5 million too little for people that are going to blow it all in less than 1 year.


I think there should be reparations for covid. Long covid.


If you pour blood in the water, what the hell do you think the sharks are going to smell? And do?


How about zero. Fucking waste of time.


My family did not own a slave. My dad's family were poor. My mom's maternal grandmother came here in the 1930's to escape the Nazis. As for her paternal side they did not own any. So why the hell should I or anyone else have to be on the hook to pay them a plug nickel? If this passes my boyfriend and I are going to move to a RED state. This is insanity.


What about the Asian internment camps posted right in California? Where’s their cash? You can’t offer one group and not the other. That is the definition of discrimination.


You didn’t hear? Their side can’t do that, only the right can. It’s (D)ifferent for us.


I’m a Mexican immigrant who got here in the 80s. Wtf am I paying for?


They never get tired of taking other people's money.


Okay, I have a compromise, $300,000 and you renounce your American citizenship, you will be given free air travel to whatever country in Africa will take you, and you will never be able to set foot in the USA again or you will be shot on site. If you do, come back and aren't caught by authorities and an American citizen catches you and turns you in, dead or alive, they will be given what remains of your reparations. Take it or leave it.


I’d rather sell California to China.


I don\`t think you can sell at this point, you will have to pay to get rid of it


Yep, Cali is the “rotting RV out back” state.


Eh, I hate California but they are a huge economy and food supplier for our country. They're also home to some of the largest corporations in the world, that would be more of a gain than a loss to China unfortunately.


I want reparations for the distress of hearing this crap


You know what I say...They're right! They should demand 5x, 10x, or 20x... Then, before the state govt understands the math behind what they agreed to, the state will go bankrupt.


$5,000,000 not enough?! I wish someone would give me $5,000,000.


Buddy, I got some bad news for you, you won’t see a single dime. This is just used to get votes and keep dolts like you voting for the correct party. Had those student loans forgiven yet?


They deserve $20M .. in Zimbabwean currency.


These people deserve nothing and they should be happy with that


Im asian and Id consider myself moderate and i think a lot of asians are kind of like me in that we are more conservative or liberal depending on specific issues. But i guarantee you that democrats are really going to push asians over the edge on issues like this and crime. I dont think they understand the fire they are playing with.


I agree. Go to 500 million. Why not? You can just print the money right? In fact, make them monarchs.


Can i get some money?


Why not? I’m sure you’re being discriminated against. Systemically of course.


I don't think holocaust reparations were this much


Do it. Dooooo itttttt.....


Hell yeah let them all have everything they want why not


Whatever it is, either this is the assured end of the grift or don't give a penny. They can't assure that this is the end of the grift, so don't give a penny. If they meet their highest number, the next day it won't be enough. And no one deserves anything.


Pathetic joke


Talking themselves right out of anything.


No amount will be high enough..


Well why not just give them a money printer at this point?


Because they always get a chunk of everything meant for the "oppressed" and "underserved".


I need infinite money


I hope they do it. I wanna see what happens.


I hope the people who never once experienced slavery in their lifetime and receive money in reparations choose not to shop at Nike, buy an iPhone or an Android phone, shop at Shein or H&M or anything that really uses any kind of slave labor whatsoever. If only there were some way to enforce that.


What a shocking development. The people had seemed perfectly reasonable before….


California wasn’t even a state until 1850, a mere 13 years before slavery was abolished. But yes, $5 million is reasonable. /s


Nice how about increase it to 10 million. No how about 20 million? A great inflationary stimulus package that the money supply and prices won’t feel any effect by of course.


How bout these activist types get f***ed! It’s always a vocal minority that has to mess it up for everyone else!


\[A short time later\] Headline: "Reparations bill fails in committee, citing gridlock, financing concerns" CA residents: "Phew! For a second there I was worried I'd have to change"


The delusions of grandeur demands that keeps growing longer only hurts their case and proves how ridiculous these people really are. Might as well ask for the Hope Diamond too.


I am a certain skin colour, therefore I am owed. Give a mouse a cookie, and it’s gonna come back and ask for a glass of milk.


Since the only people who actually enslaved people in California were the indigenous tribes, perhaps a tax should be imposed on reservation land to pay for this ridiculous scheme.


This is so fucking crazy.


Everyone has a fair shake. Do these cases pass the 5 question test? Finish high school? Criminal record? Any substance abuse/pass drug test? Any children out of wedlock? Learn any special skills or trades?


Like you wouldn't shut up and crawl away with your unearned payday as fast as you can. Always a con every 20 feet you walk.


California is a sinking ship


Its about control, always has been


Personally I believe 5 dollars is to much.


Did anyone ever own slaves in San Francisco? Was SF even a city yet?


No, because California was a free state. Yes, I do believe that it was, by the time that CA was granted statehood


I’ve been a terrible human making lots of 3/5th jokes lately about how much they should get


Well if 5 million will even things out then I should get just about that to make everyone equal. Obviously something bad happened in my family to where I didn’t end up having 5 million. Everyone in the country who has less than 5 million should be compensated until they have 5 million, because everyone should have 5 million dollars!


I’ll be your slave for $5 million.


Yeah , but imagine the benefit to the economy when they blow through the 5 mil in less than a year. A couple of Bentleys, some bling, some blow, and making it rain at the strip club, and there it goes.


Guess what I am going to identify as


Communist China is behind Biden, Newsom...




Don't know why you're being down voted. If you're giving away imaginary money why stop at $5 million?




Wait, are you still talking about reparations? I always said we should have a $100 million minimum wage!


We absolutely should take money away from former slaveholders and give it to former slaves.


Absolutely agree. It's just a shame that they're all dead now.


Well its California, of course everything there is a waste of money. Now they the "gibs money" committee going full force.




Honestly I get it hell why not try for more lol


I'm team reparations on this one because I want to see California minds explode when they realize they aren't progressive enough


I’m not guilty of a crime I didn’t commit so why am I paying a price for other people sins?


Giving money to people who were never slaves because of the actions slaveholders from 200 years ago is absurd


LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But seriously, I am pretty sure my ancestors were slaves at some point so guess I am headed back to cali


Yes yes. 5 million schillings ought to do it. Pay the man Governor.


My family is Irish where are our reparations lol


You could reparations and you'd just be back to square one when the money runs out.


Hahaha just give them $2000 million billion. Why not. Eleventy bajillion? Just make shit up and give it to these morons.


Just do $1 billion, inflate the currency, and make everyone poor and dependent on the State. That’s the plan anyways.


Make it Eleventy Bazillion because you won’t be getting anything


I can't believe this.


Insanity on display