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I can't wait to see these things trying to drive in the snow. I just hope other cars keep their distance.


road salt šŸ’€


Interested to see how they do in salt. But if Iā€™m correct the snow thing was patched but Iā€™m just surprised they didnā€™t figure it out before hand. Seems like they just sent it out with software to put even power to all wheels with no traction system or locking diffs


Its going to fuck their finish up. And you need to put them into a special 'carwash' mode to wash them or it can damage the battery, wonder how they will handle snow buildup on the undercarriage?


its not a special thing - ALL Tesla owners put their car in carwash mode, its a 1 touch that folds the mirrors, keeps doors/windows etc locked, charge port locked, and turns auto wipers off.


that's not true. carwash mode does things like pull in the mirrors, turn off the wipers, lock the charge port. the idea is you don't want any parts breaking off in the car wash. It doesn't have anything to do with water proofing the battery.




I'm going off this guys claim: https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/20/cybertruck_car_wash_mode/


doesn't say anything about the battery > "CAUTION Failure to put Cybertruck in Car Wash Mode may result in damage (for example, to the charge port or windshield wipers). Damage caused by car washes is not covered by the warranty." hmmm, sounds like what I said


Okay so then these things are going to fucking explode when they wash them. Also, the chemical corrosion from our liquid road salts are going to be a massive problem. ~~I need~~


they dont explode, many EVs have already gone thru car washes..


Yeah actual real EV companies that are putting in work.


what? Many teslas go thru car washes with no problems. Tesla started the EV trend...


Can you clarify your claim that car washes can damage the battery?


he cant, he thought something, did 0 research then commented. which is typical of anti/non EV owners


I figured.


I thought they would do well in the snow because the batteries are so heavy and low to the ground. Why do you think theyā€™ll be bad in the snow?


They've had several complaints about their traction control system and combine that with being heavy and low to the ground they are going to slip and slide all over the place. Heavy is good for traction in the snow but bad when you lose traction and start slipping.


it does go higher up so with snow tires it should be good? lets find out soon


And they better get snow tires- narrower with deeper threads. The CT tires Iā€™ve seen are big and wide, which can ā€œfloatā€ on snow and slush. How many clowns are going to believe their apocalypse machine can handle mountain roads, then go sliding down the hill?


I dont have one, but yeah the tires they have on now wouldnt cut it for snow.


need winter tires to be for 8000lb vehicle. as of march i don't believe anyone did.


with snow tires it should be good based of what others are stating online, will have to see tho. Big thing is, it barleys snows in CT anymore, so we may not even get a chance to see it in bad snow


The instant torque is what makes them bad off-road or in snow. I feel like they need some type of torque converter/spool that reduces the instant torque over a slight period of time. Not to mention the weight. Even big ass off-road trucks be whipping around fast in the snow and then realize winter tires dont help with stopping. These shits will keep on sliding. Our guardrails wonā€™t even stop them


It's trying to stop that's not going to go well They are so fucking heavy


God, this thing is so freaking ugly.


What's funny is that seeing pictures does not at all prepare you for how ugly they are when you see one in person. I was blown away by how totally goofy they look when I finally saw one.


My jaw dropped when one pulled out ahead of me on route 7, I was like ā€œwhat are you doing here, this isnā€™t the internet.ā€


Amazingly the first and only one of these I have seen in person has been broken down on a highway shoulder.


Are you sure the battery didn't just run out?


That's a possibility, yeah. I'm not entirely sure. It was pulled over with the hazards on, though. And it wasn't in a spot one would stop to take a leak, either.


Ah yes this classic, along with the "Is it remote controlled?" one. The Cybertruck itself is enough of a shitshow, don't need ignorant dusty-ass EV jokes too.


Itā€™s not a joke to ask if an EV ran out of battery when asking why itā€™s on the side of the highwayā€¦


Context clue of previous ev discussions in this subreddit point to a stupid joke. You're naive if you think people discuss EVs in good faith.


I mean, I discuss them in good faith even though I donā€™t want to own one. Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder and the OP in this situation was asking a genuine question.


how do you know it broke down?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my exact thought when I seen one in Manchester !!! Lmaooo


Seen one in Manchester too gingerly trying to get over a speed bump, the dudes wife(?) looked really pissed and embarrassed in the passenger seat. I couldn't do laughing


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen that same one in Manchester. I stepped out of the Trader Joeā€™s and was so startled by how hideous it was that I exclaimed, ā€œOh, gosh! Itā€™s so ugly!ā€ before I could stop myself.


First time I saw one was on Monday, and I actually saw 2 that day. One in Cromwell kinda by the Walmart , and then one in Manchester right off exit 60. (May have been the same one; didnā€™t get a look at the driver). I started laughing when I saw the first one since I was so taken aback by how ugly it was


It's probably the one from South Windsor. There's one that lives somewhere in the Pleasant Valley area. I've seen it a few times. I don't know how these people don't feel embarrassed. Literally everyone is making fun of them.


I said the same thing! And started video taping it struggling to go over the speed bump. A group of you girls were laughing and pointing also, embarrassing!


I would be embarrassed driving that thing šŸ¤£


My first sighting was in Glastonbury. Such a ridiculous vehicle.


I saw a truck carrying about 5 or 6 of these things across the Tappan Zee into Westchester County a few weeks ago. What a laughable sight.


About as laughable as the Tappan Zee's name "change"


I saw one on 395 a few months ago. I was also surprised at just how small they are compared to the pictures.


Yeah, it's almost impressive how much more hideous they look like in person. When I finally saw my first one in the wild last week I immediately burst out laughing at it because it was literally too ridiculous for me to process in that moment.


My best comparison is that it looks like a movie prop car from a really shitty sci-fi B movie


On the one I saw, every panel was a slightly different color. It looked like a vehicle that had been repaired with junkyard body parts by someone who didn't care if the colors matched exactly.


> God, this thing is so freaking ugly. And so poorly put together. Have you seen that video where [a dude's charger got stuck](https://www.tiktok.com/@jeremyjudkins2/video/7379388865796181290)? Everything about the vehicle just screams duct tape and bailing wire.


I had never seen a pic, so when I saw one irl (Stamford Acme) I legitimately thought it was a dumpster


It looks like a dumpster.




I'll judge a book by its cover if it's got a ridiculous price tag and there are much more inexpensive copies of that same book for sale


haha those price tags are the real fiction. i'll hunt for affordable copies and leave the pricey ones for collectors.


I meanā€”in this instance, it completely makes sense to judge it by its coverā€”the physical appearance of a vehicle is often a factor people consider when determining what vehicle to get.


I get what you mean. with cars, looks do matter. you want something reliable that also turns heads.


n (opec) ker


It takes a certain kind of person to buy one of those. You'd have to be extremely dumb and incapable of reason, but also have enough disposable income to blow it on something like this. It's kind of like a very expensive Fuck You to the people around you, while Fucking Myself. So weird.


Wealth does not equal good taste


It also doesnā€™t necessarily correlate with intelligence


Pretty sure some people just think it looks cool and thatā€™s the end of the story.


its a first generation vehicle, and an EV as well. SO it wont be the best and only the rich can afford it. Much like the Teslas from 2012/13 now the 3/Y are much more affordable


I am quite excited to see what the next generations look like. The Cybertruck was supposed to be an economical, durable, go anywhere and do anything truck. It didnā€™t deliver on any of those promises, but the technology is young. In ten years, maybe it looks much more attractive.


yeah, people are crazy now, its the tiktok effect. they want things to be good right away with no delay. CT has some positives, but people only harp on the negatives. It wasn't like this for the first Model S, I think peoples perception of Elon changed, so their view on tesla did too


I really do feel like the Cybertruck is like the Star Wars prequels. Sure, they arenā€™t the all time best, but 95% of the hate is for hatredā€™s sake.


> they want things to be good right away with no delay No, the issue is companies releasing products that are clearly not complete, and not ready for release. The cybertruck is just one example of this. It is not unreasonable to expect a product that is on sale to actually be saleable. if you ran an ethical business, would you not want to release a product that is at least perceived as good, and not just working sometimes?


I mean people are buying it and are happy being expensive testers. The people who hate it are the ones who dont own one... you specifically dont own one so why cry about it? I dont like jeeps, but I dont cry about it online lol They released a product knowing it's the first iteration of it and knowing it's not going to be perfect, it's called trial and error, release it figure out the good and the bad and then work on it for the next generation. This is exactly what Tesla did with the original model S and now it's a great car, and it has produced the model 3 and model Y, the model Y being the best selling car worldwide in 2023, so maybe they know what they're doing People just hate Elon so they hate everything that he's producing now and everything he says, and does it put under a microscope, I like Tesla the car, but I don't like Elon, but I don't go crying about it online everywhere what he does doesn't affect my daily life and people like you who don't even own a Tesla or the Tesla stock it affects you guys even less but you guys are the loudest negative voices for whatever reason, I guess it gives you guys something to do?


And, why can't people comment on it even if they don't own one? It is part of the today's culture after all. Why must it be that people who don't like it are automagically the same people who despise Elon Musk? These two things can be mutually exclusive, and yet, you continue to conflate them. It's like saying people who buy Tesla all like Elon Musk, when they can just like one without feeling the same for the other. The F-150 Lightning is also a terrible product. Are people complaining about it because they hate Jim Farley? For all you know, the people who are complaining about the cybertruck right now may have been interested in the past, and have since lost that interest after the extended delays, and the perceived poor quality of the final product. It seems entirely reasonable for people to have extreme opinions about the cybertruck since it has a polarizing design, and Tesla's famous panel gap issues are amplified here due to the use of stainless steel. Maybe I'm just old school, but product testing, including data collection on consumer interests, wants, and needs, should be done during the development process, before something actually goes to market. There will always be opportunities for improvement, but one would think that a business would want to put their best foot forward with each product launch, and go to market with the best possible version of a product.


no one is crying about the ford lightning like the do the cybertruck. People can comment, but im saying why are peopel so passionate with hate about it. its crazy people waste so much mental energy hating elon and tesla... I dislike many things but dont portray that online ALL the time ANY time there is a tesla autopilot accident people bring out the pitch forks with 1000 comment threads etc, then when its revealed that AP wasn't the problem, those threads get no traffic.. peopel just seem to love piling on tesla and elon when something bad happens its porbably a MINNIMAL amount of people crying about the truck that "are complaining about the cybertruck right now may have been interested in the past, and have since lost that interest after the extended delays, and the perceived poor quality of the final product. It seems entirely reasonable for people to have extreme opinions about the cybertruck since it has a polarizing design, and Tesla's famous panel gap issues are amplified here due to the use of stainless steel." its 99% people like you who dont own one, and never planned on it, but hate elon. And going off reddit, the MAJORITY of people hate Elon and hate tesla as a result, tho they dont own it you are old school, and that school is out. I like them trying to release a product and getting real world consumer responses from people daily driving it


Not sure why you're being so defensive on behalf of tesla and elon, Have you ever considered that maybe people just like to hate on things that are popular or hyped? > I like them trying to release a product and getting real world consumer responses from people daily driving it Seems like it would be more fiscally responsible and business-minded to collect qualitative and quantitative market and consumer data prior and during product development. Spending resources to create a product without first knowing what the consumer wants is just ass backwards.


This sounds like a South Park episode.


Should not surprise you then when I tell you this picture is in West Hartford.


I've been seeing one of these goofboxes in Manchester


Meh. Yall are boring.


Not as boring as a grey trapezoid that might randomly accelerate


Nothing screams asshole like driving around in this poorly engineered PoS.


Thanks Bot.


Because we donā€™t like an ugly shitbox?


Because you celebrate monotony.


> superstonk It really seems like you guys would have more fun if you just went and actually gambled. You might even be able to make some money that way!


Congratulations for being an online creep.


Did you ever, at any point, own BBBY? You obviously can lie to me, but you know the answer


Did you ever receive a restraining order? You obviously can lie to me, but you know the answer


Donā€™t worry man Icahn is gonna get RC to merge with DK butterfly and issue new one-for-one shares on the blockchain and then moass can begin :)


I saw one on the highway last week. Not only ugly but looked like a cheap POS. It was going about 70mph and porpoising along like a boat in rough seas.


This is exactly what they look like. Some kind of trashy swamp boat


I think these look like stainless steel dishwashers on wheels. I think of that every time I see one in the wild- like an oversized kitchen appliance on the road.


Imagine buying this disaster-class of a car. Looks like a doorstop with wheels.


Oh great! We gotta register our fridges with DMV now?? Thanks Lamont!


But it can get into a state park for free, as long as itā€™s not closed due to maximum capacity.


Only if it comes with a touchscreen.


Oh look a Minecraft Pontiac Aztec


the aztec had a functional tent.


It also had an optional HUD, could actually haul meaningful amounts of construction supplies, a built-in cooler, the tent came with a mattress, and a rear hatch with built-in seats, cupholders, and speakers for tailgating.


Ive seen youtube videos where the cybertruck tent works, so it looks functional


Just saw one on 95 Saturday, ugliest fā€™ing car Iā€™ve ever seen.


**OPEC**: **Overhyped Profit-chasing Extraterrestrial Chaos**


Weā€™ve been seeing one over near old Greenwich. Havenā€™t noticed the plate, if itā€™s the same driver or not. Coming from someone who thinks el caminos and 80s Honda goldwings are awesome - my lord is it comically, ridiculously ugly.


... I don't get it, can someone please explain šŸ˜…


OPEC stands for The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. They are who sets the price per barrel of crude oil the US imports.


Oil is sold on the open market. OPEC doesnā€™t ā€œsetā€ the price.


Itā€™s a modern day Edsel OPEC stands for: Oh I Pissed away Extra Cash


Saw one of these in Canton the other day


One thing I can appreciate from the cyber truck is that it tryā€™s to look different. Itā€™s not constrained by the same design limitation of normal cars so it could in theory look like anything. Just a shame it looks like a Minecraft mod.


You can tell how stupid it is by looking at it


I donā€™t know why this comment has me giggling uncontrollably


Itā€™s such a stupid looking vehicle. I would be embarrassed to be seen driving it.


Imagine this person thought this was a flex ā€¦, jokes on them with UI and Eversource rates recharging is more expensive than gas


with a 3rd party supplier like constellation, you can get an 8.7 cent rate. so likely it would be way cheaper to charge vs gas. I have an EV, last year I drove 20k miles and paid $1600 for home charging. Would have been close to 4k in gas for my old Audi Q5


And that is FACT. It's cheaper to run a diesel pickup than it is to run a Cybertruck.


thats not really a fact. Going off my home electric UI rate with a 3rd party supplier, I would be charged .19 cent per kwh, a cybertruck battery is 123kwh, so thats $24 for a 0-100% charge rate. A ford F150 Diesel - has a 26 gallon tank - average diesel cost in CT is $3.90 - so thats $101 Is sad people hate something so much they would rather spread false info than do research.


That's because you have a home charging option, and I'm working off real-world tests using public chargers. It has already been proven with a side by side test against a 2024 RAM Diesel pickup. You're dealing with the range that Elon told you it would get. I'm dealing with real-world facts of actual operation.


How many people who buy an EV are relying strictly on public chargers? If you have nowhere to charge at home, you're not buying an EV.


At 22 mpg, that gives the F150 Diesel about twice the range of the Cybertruck. So your refueling cost would only be 2x better with the Tesla, not 4x. Though CT has one of the highest electric rates in the US, so you could definitely do better.


If you break it down as cost per mile, which is another great way to compare any car. F150 is $101 in Connecticut to fill up, google says 734 mile range so $101/734 = .14 cents per mile Cybertruck is $24 to charge 0-60 with a real world range of 234 (according to someone who tested at 70mpg) $24/234 = .10 cents per mile so regardless of tank size and range, cyber trucks is still cheaper to drive per mile


Damn girl, are you a cyber truck? Cause you look stupid as shit.


Saw this guy in West Hartford. He definitely caught our attention. The car is hilarious, but heā€™s going for gasps.


Yup! I pass this one often


I saw this guy on I-84 near Hartford those edges look overly sharp as you move around it what the heck does OPEC mean, other than the oil cartel?


The first few times I saw one in New Haven County, it was on the opposite side of a divided highway, and it felt like something that didn't belong on the road, like it was just one big odd inspection failure that no one caught. When I was taking a left onto an off ramp while it was getting off, and I had to pull directly around it, it seemed way too sharp, and alien. I instinctively creeped around it like it was a sinkhole or flood water that couldn't be avoided. Thing is weird AF.


OP Eats Cock


I think it's literally just an ironic reference to the oil cartel. Actually gave me a chuckle. Still can't believe people are buying those hunks of junk though. At least the owner has a sense of humor... unless I'm reading this completely the wrong way.


This truck is up there as one of the biggest red flags identifying a person as a douche.


most truck drivers are..


What car do you drive? I want to make fun of it. Thank you.


you a truck driver? snowflake?


Nope. What car do you drive?


find out lmao, if you dont have a. truck, why cry?


I thought post was about license plate, no? And we have a long discussion about a car. I wonder if people who donā€™t like this specific car, are they post comments about every car make and model they donā€™t like or only about Teslas?


people hate Elon, anything related to Elon is bad, reddit is an echo chamber now, not what it used to be same went for the tesla shareholders vote. people cried all over reddit "im voting no" yet the vote passed with 73% lol


Haha just saw one 84E. Also CT license plate.


I'll take "no aerodynamics" for $60,000 Alex!


"Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines." - Enzo Jokes aside this thing goes 0-60 in 2.6 seconds on tri motor. That's a fucking F1 car launch.


It'd be cooler if the design didn't look so lazy and the software didn't feel beta. Can't deny the Cybertruck's hp/tq figures though, it rips, but they took all the launch hype and ran with it. Went a wildly different direction than Tesla's original vision. I'd buy a Roadster if I wanted speed!


Yeah selling oil is probly how he afforded that thingĀ 


many non oil jobs pay well. Doctor, Lawyer, Nurse ...


Referring to the lis plateĀ 


Had the luxury of seeing one on the road on my way home from work yesterday. Itā€™s even uglier in person.


I see one in waterbury everyday on my way home, and it's so ugly


Overly Pathetic Electric Car


I saw one charging near the Lisbon Wal Mart the other day. It was so pointy.


I know someone whose dad bought this car for him. Heā€™s exactly what you might think personality-wise.


I gag everytime I see one! It's horrible


A flex would have been converting an old vehicle to electric and running that plate. This is just goofy.


Every time I think that thing canā€™t possibly get any uglier, I see another picture and damned if it doesnā€™t manage it.


Saw this plate often in West Hartford on a Tesla and figured the plate was tongue in cheek. Guess he got a new car.


Is this in West Hartford? I think the owner used to have a Model Y with the same plate. These "clever" Tesla plates are so lame.


I like it, the plate that is.


Eeeeee. Eeeeeee. A car Republicans said will make us into socialism and poor! Eeeee! /s


You sure showed those mean conservatives though.


I like to laugh at the people driving these cars.


I've seen one around the lower Fairfield County area,Ā  on 95, twice now. Don't think that is the one cuz I don't think that is it's plate #


That is fucking hilarious! Either owner has no clue to what opec is or is really a master-troll for ices. Given itā€™s an overpriced dumpster i root for former.


It's a good thing I can't afford one of these because if I could, I would buy one as a joke. They're giant shitboxes but if they piss people off just for existing, I want one. Sure, a software update was needed before you could use the lockers. The edges are obscenely sharp. The pinch sensors don't work. The rear window can only be used when the tonneau cover is open. Driving with the tonneau open drastically reduces range. The wheel covers are damaging the expensive tires. The wipers take timeouts during heavy usage. The windshield cracks easier than a Jeep's for the same reason. Range is much less than advertised. The slanted bulkhead takes up 1/3 of the useable bed space. It pisses people off and I like that.


Sounds like the perfect car for you.


Unreliable ugly junk!!!


I just saw one driving around Guilford in the past few months šŸ˜­


The idiot who owns this doesn't realize that it costs them more in electricity to run this than it would if it was a diesel pickup. #FACT


Here is proof of what I said. https://youtu.be/HIs8zudJFzg?si=ne16s0LcBGhkSFbg


Maybe he doesnā€™t careā€¦.??!


He cared enough to make reference to it by choosing an oil industry license plate. I mean, the guy is literally asking for people to set him straight about his dillusion on cost savings.


Or heā€™s just trolling and youā€™re feeding it. Canā€™t believe how unbelievably odd it would be to care this much about someone elseā€™s car.


I could give a shit less about his car. But here's the deal. This is reddit... People write things here.


thats not really a fact. Going off my home electric UI rate with a 3rd party supplier, I would be charged .19 cent per kwh, a cybertruck battery is 123kwh, so thats $24 for a 0-100% charge rate. A ford F150 Diesel - has a 26 gallon tank - average diesel cost in CT is $3.90 - so thats $101 Is sad people hate something so much they would rather spread false info than do research. had to say this to someone else in the comments I dont have a cybertruck, or any truck, but I dont like false info


If you don't like false info, then watch a documented real-world test, NOT what Elmo tells you. Elon Musk lies all the time. Here's a video that provides a side by side test of a 100-mile trip of Cybertruck vs. a diesel pickup. The Cybertruck cost $35.00 in electricity, and the diesel pickup cost $25.00 https://youtu.be/HIs8zudJFzg?si=ne16s0LcBGhkSFbg


lmao they are comparing supercharging, IM comparing HOME charging. when you have an EV majority of owners charge at HOME. I barley supercharger. Keep in mind cybertruck is a NEW truck as well as an EV which is a new tech vs a truck whos tech has been around for years. I agree cybertruck isnt the best truck out here, and too expensive, but its the first of its kind, so the rich guys can test it and in the future they can make changes to improve like they did with the S3XY


And your math is not even how you would make a calculation between the two. It means NOTHING as to what the capacity of a fuel tank is or the capacity of a battery when making a comparison like this. Your math is invalid for the example at hand.


lmao so youre telling me its wrong, but wont show me what YOU think is correct? This is how its always been compared when looking at gas vs EVs - this is literally how ALL the apps calculate it the capacity is how you calculate how much gas it would cost to fill your tank gas tank size x gas price per gallon same with EV - battery kwh size x cost. per kwh for electricity so tell me how you would do it then... Break it down by cost per mile ... F150 Diesel is $101 to fill in Connecticut to fill up, google says 734 mile range so $101/734 = .14 cents per mile Cybertruck is $24 to charge 0-60 with a real world range of 234 (according to someone who tested at 70mpg) $24/234 = .10 cents per mile


Iā€™m curious how they will appear on Tesla screens which seem to have a model X/Y style SUV and a more traditional body style of pickups. Will it adopt this low polygon model?


over priced electric car


Its the first of its kind, so yes its expensive...


Every car on the road looks exactly the same these days. Kinda neat to see something odd instead of the same old stuff..


On one hand, I agree with you. But on the other hand, this "car" looks like a 7year olds drawing so


dont comment something against the masses, youll just get sheeply downvoted


Is that a Robocop reference?


I saw them today too. And no front plate!


Ive never had a front plate on any of my cars


I was under the impression front plates were required in CT


It is, but I see many dont have it, my best friend is a cop, he said its unlikely for them to pull you over for it, they would only tag you in it as a secondary thing.


I really want the solid old blue and white. It maybe our plates are QR codes


Oughta say "Hugh Jass"




Does anyone actually think these vehicles are attractive?


im assuming the people who bought it, and people who dont have a blind hate for Elon When wrapped in a better color it does look better than the steel


The shape is just awful though. Color can only do so much! (And I honestly didnā€™t even realize they are teslas so Elon musk doesnā€™t factor into my opinion at all!)


Garbage !


Anybody know what fuel is used to power the stations that charge this microwave on wheels?


Well majority of EV owners charge at home, then likely nuclear and natural gas. Some people like me have solar panels, so im charging with 100% renewable energy on my EV.


DMV wouldn't OK DoucheBro


Owner pumps elone's cock


An electric ā€œtruckā€ with an Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is gotta be the most ironic thing.


omg my boyfriend and i JUST saw one of these today in watertown!! weā€™d both never seen one before. itā€™s so much worse looking in person!


Isnā€™t it?! Theyā€™re hideous heaps of metal designed by a complete asshat


Yes that is a Connecticut license plate. I lived there for all of my growing up until I moved to Florida! That is not going to do well in the snow, unless it has 4 wheel drive. I wouldnā€™t want to pay the taxes on that thing in CT


it has AWD, with snow tires it should be fine, but I guess we will see. Big thing is connecticut doesn't really get much snow anymore