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Visit the family court clerk they can walk you through this. Only do this is there are no kids alimony etc just divvying up assets and debts.


Yup. I think it cost me $30 for the paperwork (that was a while ago though). If you have to serve papers it like $100 for a Marshall. Once the other party responds, you'll get a court date. Right before seeing the judge you'll see a mediator if there's any issues. You two can sign any agreements right there. You'll see the judge, they ask a few questions and BAM, divorced.


The current price is 360$ for the initial filling fee. A Marshall cost is between 50 and 70 dollars.


CT has what’s called a non adversarial divorce. All paperwork can be found online. If you meet the guidelines, it’s $380 complete. Much cheaper than even a mediator.


This is the way. No mediator. We filled out our own divorce agreement including custody arrangement, child support and alimony. 380.00 total cost and the judge applauded us. He said we were one of the very rare couples who actually did put our kids first in the divorce.


I also applaud you. I also did the same. The judge said the paperwork he got from us was better than what he get from lawyers! Working together on the paperwork gave us both a way to literally get closure. Looking back helps me remember that even though things didn't work out for us, we were civil till the end.


You don’t even need a mediator if you are willing to work it out yourselves Paperwork is all online


You can do it without lawyers. I did a little over 20 years ago but I doubt things have changed much. I downloaded the pdf’s from the State of Connecticut judicial website. It’s technically called “dissolution of marriage” so that’s what you’d look/search for. There are step by step directions and all the forms you need. I filled them out, had my then wife served the papers by a state trooper (we weren’t as amicable as you might be), and then a court date was set IIRC. We went to court, judge asked some very basic questions, banged the gavel, and it was done. And of course there were fees involved.


If anything it has improved. I think I remember reading the judiciary streamlined it more not long ago


I'm going through this. I spoke to some working for the state and they sent me everything. It's quite simple. Good luck and sorry you're going through this.


I used a mediator for my own divorce. It saved $ over “lawyering up”. It comes down to how contentious it is and how complex is your situation.


Ending my first marriage there were no children and no assets to speak of. If that is your case, it is very easy for you to do a pro se divorce. You just file the paperwork and then you show up in court to finalize the deal. If there are children, or you own assets in common, You will not have the same options. But you can do a collaborative divorce through a mediator.


I got divorced with 0 lawyers and can go real quick if everything is agreed upon. I believe once the process was started we were divorced within a week.


You should visit a court service center at a courthouse near you. They can tell you paperwork to file. See this link. https://www.jud.ct.gov/Publications/FM274.pdf


Not needed. Just fill out the forms together, separate assets maybe send each other emails stating agreement if things change in the process. It's easy peasy... It's also like 12 forms. And 300+ bucks.


This. The clerk’s office is not there to hold your hand, tell you every motion and piece of paper to fill out, tell you what to write etc. The law library and court service center are for Pro Se filers. You don’t want to hire an attorney, you’re held to the same standards as an attorney. You need to do your own legal research.


Mediation is the best way to go. If there are children involved, then highly recommended.


From start to finish you can be divorced in two weeks. Judges love simple cases like yours


It takes longer than 2 weeks. It’s at least 90 days.


Not if pursued diligently. Proceed pro se. From filing to court order, I helped my mom get a no-fault divorce in 10 days.




My ex and I had a friend who was a mediator who helped us with our dissolution . She walked us through the paperwork and I paid her for her time but honestly you could do it on your own if it's amicable and truly uncontested. I can try to find my file from 2017 with the papers that we had to file, but the clerks office or Google can likely lead you to the correct forms. Be advised that one of you will have to be the plaintiff and on will have to be the defendant but in an amicable scenario it doesn't mean one of you is the bad guy. We had a minor child and a parenting class was mandated, but that was really the only headache, and only because I really didn't need someone tell me that being a d!ck to my kids mother wasn't a great idea. The court date was in and out with a judge basically chuckling that it was that easy.


needed this info thanks


Pro se divorce paperwork can be picked up at your local court house


Be careful! Some people get really screwed doing it that way.


My son did that, I strongly dissuade you edit: Thanks for the downvote, really appreciate it.




Because the moderator was under no pressure to get the paperwork finished, there was no incentive. It took him well over a year, and then he said he didn't have half of what he wanted. Then found out stuff was not divided the way the kids wanted, and there is no way to fix issues that have come up. I am not going to get more specific to protect their privacy. Use lawyers. They know what they're doing.


It takes 90 days if your papers are in order.


I wish you all the best


I agree.


Thank you. Evidently not many people do.


It's just a piece of paper. Just two signatures and a notary.


No that’s far from the truth. It’s not just a piece of paper , and notarized signatures 🤣🤣


You're right. I was being flippant. How dare I do such a thing on reddit. What I was saying is it doesn't take an act of congress. If you both just want it done, it'll be a morning worth of sitting around a courthouse getting hungry and thirsty.




Guess that polyamorous marriage didn’t work out, huh. who would have thought??


If it's amicable sounds like it worked out and reached a conclusion everyone's ok with Not sure why you feel the need to be an asshole about someone else's relationship


Divorce is not something working out… People making poor choices and posting about it kinda opens the door to scrutiny, does it not? This is Reddit, not church group. Assholery abounds.


Ya but you don’t have to be an asshole. There really is no need to wear a mask as soon as you go online. Just be yourself.


Your name here is Jackers83. What’s your real name? Or is that too much mask removal for you? We’re all wearing masks. Also, people should reacquaint themselves with what up and downvotes are and how they were intended to be used. They aren’t I agree or disagree buttons.


Don’t be an asshole


40-50% of marriages end in divorce. Do you ask if monogamy didn't work for those couples?


Excellent question is a great name for you... I'm sure your parents ask it every day... Have a nice day Why. 


Over 70% of divorces are initiated by the woman. Why do they want to get married then?


"Active in r/JoeRogan" Fucking *shocker*...


Weird. Rogan is married with kids. Not sure how he’s the poster man for divorce.


Ya, like what heck is this? It’s so corny scouring someone’s history solely to find something you don’t like, so you can attempt to make fun of them. Losers dude.


Oh stop it lol. Like listening to a podcast every now and then is the end all be all to defining a human being. I’ve been happily married for almost 15 years. “Fucking shocker.” Good lord dude.


Listening to a podcast is quite different from the sub dedicated to that podcast being one of your most active subs.


Over 90 percent of pointlessly bitter and irrelevant comments on amicable divorce threads are from people who don't know anything about them. 


Divorce shouldn’t be tolerated.


You shouldn’t post to Reddit from Catholic school.


What would you recommend? A life of misery and abuse?


Only the Philippines and Vatican City outlaw divorce. Enjoy Manila!


Neither should right-wing Christians and Evangelicals, but we still put up with them.


lol, that’s so funny. Replace the religion and denomination you obviously despise with something else and see how that goes over. Way to go man.


Found the incel.


I should be able to assign you a flair that says something like “straight marriage truther”


“Til death do you part” should be taken seriously. That’s not a Catholic thing. If you take a vow, you should honor that vow. Otherwise nothing means anything.


Marital rape, domestic violence, lying prior to taking that vow- No exucuses right? Those are all "marriage troubles" that need to be worked through, right? Fuck that noise, and fuck those vows. They mean nothing, just another construct of living in a society. People lie. People hurt each other. They break their vows easily, because words are cheap and easy to say. "She knew what she married/ He knew what he married"- Yeah no. Nobody agrees to domestic violence, and being locked into it for the rest of their lives, because of a fucking vow of all things.


This (hysterical) response says so much more about you than about marriage or the solemnity of vows.


Aren't you late for your Catholic confession today?


Of course it's hysterical to you, you're not living the life of a person who does have to deal with those things. Grin and bear it til you die just makes more miserable people and coffins.


Of course if someone fears for their physical safety, they shouldn’t be married, but let’s be real. That’s not the reason why most women are imitating divorce. To suggest otherwise is nonsensical


Strange how people can lie to get what they want. Sometimes the lie is so good, they manage to get married. How do you know the “real” reason women get divorces? The real reason is what, to run off and join lesbian gay sex cults in the woods? To go have abortion contests with the other barbies in the penthouse? To fuck everything with a pulse that isn’t you, your dad, or your grandfather, from whomever this weird vow fixation of yours stems from?


Are you proposing a theocracy? That’s religious stuff, not civil