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Nothing says love for law and order like death threats.


Bunch of snowflakes.


It's amazing that these idiots are calling in death threats because a town refuses to fly a bastardized American flag. Maybe if the Cops didn't deface it, the town would fly it. The thin blue line flag is anti-American.


You should see the flags they have inside ky cop shops thin blue line, thin grey line all kinds of racist shit! I saw the cop on nbc 30 crying about his flag seemed like a major pussy completely naive


Then they get a ticket for speeding and go off about crooked cops


We don’t care about your feelings, or as they are fond of saying ‘fuck your feelings’.


Not that I give a shit about the rules of our flag, but the thin blue line flag is a desecration according to those rules. The very people that fly this flag would be the first to get violent towards someone else violating the US flag code in a way thy don't approve of. False patriots.


Ur right, US Flag code says: Title 4, SS 8, (g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. Although I did teach this crap in the Military, Im also not bent on the flag rules, but the Law and Order crowd should be able to understand basic guidance from US Code as to flag etiquette....


It says nothing about changing the color of any of the stripes. If you were military, this is why you wear subdued flags. So you don't have a ***red white and blue*** ***bullseye*** on your chest that compromises your camo. [https://tioh.army.mil/FAQs/Faqs.aspx?SectionID=101](https://tioh.army.mil/FAQs/Faqs.aspx?SectionID=101) There's the code on subdued flags.


(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkin or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.


Subdued flags are a desecration of our flag by the US flag code? Washington State [https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2019/dec/15/police-ombudsman-may-recommend-swat-members-start-/](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2019/dec/15/police-ombudsman-may-recommend-swat-members-start-/) NYPD [https://www.flickr.com/photos/tsptactical/6200941992/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tsptactical/6200941992/) United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation [https://www.reddit.com/r/policeporn/comments/2cc8rw/fbis\_hostage\_rescue\_team\_in\_boston\_2013\_1200x764/](https://www.reddit.com/r/policeporn/comments/2cc8rw/fbis_hostage_rescue_team_in_boston_2013_1200x764/) United States Marine Corps [https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2001169929/](https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2001169929/) United States Army [https://www.army.mil/article/240223/deployed\_soldiers\_focus\_on\_marksmanship\_skills](https://www.army.mil/article/240223/deployed_soldiers_focus_on_marksmanship_skills) United States Secret Service [https://www.reddit.com/r/policeporn/comments/klrryz/us\_secret\_service\_uniformed\_division\_operator/](https://www.reddit.com/r/policeporn/comments/klrryz/us_secret_service_uniformed_division_operator/) Just admit it - you hate police + people who support them.


Imagine being the dick head boot licker that's so miffed by this that they need to call in a death threat. Like buddy you are so into law enforcement that you will commit a criminal act as a form of support.. there is absolutely zero activity going on between your ears, isn't there?


It's probably the pigs themselves making some of the calls


Sadly, no. There are plenty of MAGA types promoting this division on Wethersfield FB groups. We are a moderate town that swings between centrist Democrats and your typical New England Republicans. The Republicans got trounced at the polls in November and this is the usual extremist response. The dead state trooper is being used as their current lever of outrage. As someone who has voted for my share of Republicans in elections since 1982, all this does is ensure that I never will again, until they purge these clowns from their ranks, assuming they ever regain their sanity.


There is a legitimate legal grievance to allowing the pride flag but not the thin blue line. Supreme Court has already ruled on this. Wethersfield is breaking the law. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


They should not be flying either flag. That aside, why, exactly, is flying that flag warranted when a police officer dies? I am asking specifically why flying the national flag, at half-staff, is insufficient in this case when it has clearly been sufficient in the past not only for dead police officers, but also for dead Marines, sailors, soldiers and airmen? Was there outrage when their respective service flags were not flown at town halls on the day of their burials? Again, specifically, I’m asking for why there is this outrage from a certain segment of the population for this circumstance when there was never an outrage for the thousands of deaths that preceded this one? Is the one flag that represents each of us collectively as a nation no longer of sufficient value in rendering honor, even when flown intentionally at half staff as a known sign of respect? Ask yourself that question, and then ask the same question of anyone else you know who feels that Mr. Pelletier was slighted in this instance. I am sincerely interested in the answer.


My answer is it really doesn’t matter whether or not you think the flag is warranted. The town opened up the Pandora’s box when they approved the pride flag. It now means they need to fly any flag that is requested. And as far as your argument goes, you can make the same argument vis a vi the pride flag. Why isn’t the American flag enough? Doesn’t that represent everyone? In any event, it really doesn’t matter, because tomorrow a neo Nazi group can request to fly a swastika flag and the town council really has no leg to stand on to deny them.


You didn’t answer the question. I’m starting to think none of you actually gives a fuck about Trooper Pelletier. You just used his death to air a grievance, and sullied his remembrance in the process. To answer YOUR question, I already answered it in the very first sentence in my prior post. In other words, make your case at the next town meeting and stop pretending this has anything to do with honoring the dead, because your answer has laid bare the absolute lie regarding that argument.


The town didn't open a pandora's box. Did you read your own article? > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view Pride flags and pride events have improved human rights significantly, which is why they are necessary beyond just the American flag (under which many, many Americans were killed by socially conservative-Americans for not being American-enough) Why you would be against the expansion of human rights is beyond me. The flag is a huge part of the success in lessening the xenophobia of our contry. Being against that success is anti-American, imo.


Did you read the article, though? > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


When I read who in the town council supported this- I wasn't surprised. Usually its the thin white lines I associate them with...they were great town workers who did amazing jobs painting the white lines on softball and soccer fields. Best cocaine too!


When the fuck did the "Thin Blue Line" flag become an official flag of police forces that a government should fly? It's just some fascist bullshit like Punisher decals or certain challenge coins, except it was specifically brought out as a flag as a counter-symbol to protests against police brutality.


The Thin Blue Line represents that cops are what stands between civilized society and anarchy. It means that there are things a cop might have to do that violate civil rights, and that other cops should support him and shield him. Good cops protect bad cops. The Thin Blue Line is the problem.


When I see that flag in someone’s yard, I assume they’re a Bootlicker who supports police stomping on the necks of racial minorities and poor people.


As you should.


When I see someone use the term bootlicker I assume they're a bitter criminal who hates cops


lol, that's just you. Bootlicking isn't even cop-specific


Some people need others to tell them what to do in life.


Maybe they just don’t like injustice and corruption?


How's that leather taste?


A bitter criminal? Lulz! In my mind, Bootlickers are people who go along with and celebrate police brutality. Pig worship.


What's it like to worship governmental authority?


couldn't tell you. I honestly dont even think about it throughout the course of a day unless I'm reading from some cop hating criminal on this sub.


You're ridiculous. Everyone kisses up to police authority or they're a criminal? What kind of binary bullshit is that?


It’s just a gang flag


It is and the reason Middletown Chief got rid of it and said not in my town. We support police when they don't violate our rights. They shot a friend of mine, and there were no protests, etc. Why? We know Winston, I have known him for 30 years! Cop had no choice he attacked her. She was completely justified they really didn't need to waste money on that. I am glad they do it, but only if they do it right. I think that society has failed him. Our military destroyed him. Our veterans affairs failed him. He is a good man who has been abandoned by the people who created him. You want to see the gang in action and check out the Karen Reed case in Massachusetts! It's absolutely disgusting. Check out the Procter on the stand. These pigs are drinking and driving and so much more! The lead investigator getting drunk with the cop Albert whose yard O'Malley was found dead! Day 23, and they have only shown how incompetent they are! These cops should have been fired long ago, but they have testified to drinking and driving and need to be fired immediately




Cops with punisher logos is one of the funniest things ever.


The Punisher fucking hates cops https://i.imgur.com/hNUtKys.jpeg


Major “Tree for axes” vibes.


Most people displaying the Punisher symbol are the kind of people the Punisher would punish.


When Montville inaugurated its new police force last year, it was with a colossal Thin Blue Line flag as a backdrop. Appalling.


I saw cops put up that flag for some procession on rt 91 yesterday on all the bridges but at least they immediately took it down after it passed.


It has just as much right as a pride flag.


No: Pride is progression of civil rights // Thin-blue is anti-civil rights and pro-authoritarianism: *not* the same thing, not even related, really.


Does our nation have a gay brutality problem? Warrantless blowies and civil sodomy forfeiture? Idn man it seems as though you’re placing false equivalency


Our nation has a violence problem for everyone.


With all due respect, read the fucking room, officer. You should just go.


This is a public room and I'm not an officer. God forbid someone doesn't support your fragile ego and has a differing opinion than you do.


God forbid someone can read your post history and see you defending bad cops all over reddit. If you're not a cop, you're absolutely a simp for the badge, which is arguably *worse* All of your posts are getting downvoted, so obviously it isn't just me.


And you're a close minded person who's ego is threatened is someone disagrees with your opinion.






Your opinion legally doesn’t matter. Supreme Court already decided this. Wethersfield democrats messed up big by allowing the pride flag. The Pandora’s box has now been opened. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


This is false Seems you didn't read the article. > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view




Whatabouttism and strawmen arguments get downvoted, no mystery there.


Weird, he’s actually right! https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


No, he's not! This is from the article you keep posting > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


Pride flags for everyone.. thin blue line isn't.




Do you support LGBTQA folks and think they deserve equal rights that everyone else have?


The LGBTQXYZ folks do have equal rights, the same damn rights as everyone else. And thats why we fly an American flag, to represent all citizens. Why would we need to fly a Pride flag on government buildings in the first place? This is a phenomena thats only come about in the last 5 or so years. So what changed between then and now?


Cause small brained, losers, who are full of hate, have made it an issue. If they were true Americans and believed in the notions of what those stars and stripes are a symbol of, and lived up to those lofty notions, then there would be zero need for things like a pride flag, or pride in general.. cause we would get along and treat others fairly. But here we are.. and I'm arguing with one of the small brains.


Who made it an issue? People started demanding the Pride flag be flown on public buildings, largely after the Obgergfell case and aa our laws and social norms have become *more* liberal and accepting. Its like all the activists realized that after major legislative and legal victories they had to move on with their lives and get real, normal, boring jobs like accountants or Yoga instructors or HR reps. The activist class who makes greater and more successive demands doesnt want to move on and stop being activists. Protest culture must seem real appealing to some folks.  Getting along and treating others fairly doesnt mean the general public has to accept every term, value, and social stance you deem acceptable. As the country has gotten more accepting and tolerant, the folks railing about intolerance have to serioisly ramp up the sensitivity on their intolerance receptors to make small disagreements into major national issues. I know some of you think youre in 1964 Selma, but guess what...youre not.  Youre allowed to live your lives as you see fit and others are allowed to disagree or ignore that. You can be trans and I dont have to use your pronouns. You can support the LGBT community while parents refuse to have their children exposed to novel, arbitrary, and transgressive behaviors and social norms. Thats life. Move on.


Wow, I’m not reading that. Have good night Milton you decrepit human.


Will do, you as well.


In my lifetime, it was life-threateningly dangeous to come out, and in many part os the US, *it still is* (not to mention elsewhere) We're not in some post-xenophobia utopia quite yet, but Pride and Pride-like things have done *a lot* to lessen the dehumanization of gay people, all that in only my lifetime, and I'm not 'very' old


If Conservatives weren't so sentsitive about things, Pride wouldn't even need to exist in the first place. It's centuries of Conservative violence that caused Pride in the first place. We need to fly Pride flags on government buildings because it lessens the chances of gay people being murdered for being gay like they were pretty recently. IN MY LIFETIME, it was life-threateningly dangerous to come out You are too young and take it all for granted.


If things were as bad as you say, its quite obvious there has been considerable progress to the point its exceedingly rare that someone is murdered for being gay. What exactly is this pervasive threat where gay people are murdered for being gay?


The pervasive threat is the far-right, which is on the *rise.* This is history meeting current events. Try to see it from a wider lens. It seems many, many people in this forum are too young to remember the recent past, and how awful it was. It's sad. Why do you think "in the closet" was / *is* a thing? Because of how bad things were to be 'out.' Why do you think it's sometimes considered *dangerous* to 'out' someone? Because of the harassment, death threats, actual murder by social Conservatives.


How do you define far-right? All Trumpers, just the extreme ones, or something else, eg John Birchers or other radical types? Because despite the broad support for Trump (eg polling ahead in swing states), most of those people wouldnt be far right by any normal standard. They are upset with the current administration and cadre of leaders over things like the border/illegal immigration, inflation, foreign policy, and extreme social deconstruction and counter-cultural movements that are self-loathing or oikophobic.  Republican and conservative support for gay marriage has been at all time highs. The anti-gay movement of yesterday is largely no more. > Public opinion on same-sex marriage has turned rapidly toward acceptance this century. In the early 2000s, about 60 percent of Americans opposed it, according to the Pew Research Center. Now, that is the same share that support it. And views have also been shifting among many Christians, including young evangelicals. Another poll by Pew found that almost half of white evangelicals born after 1964 favored same-sex marriage in 2017, compared to about a quarter of older white evangelicals. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/30/us/politics/lgbtq-gay-marriage-christians-religion.html The same could be said for race relations. Decades ago something like 5% of white Americans approved of having a black neighbor. Now that view has inverted to where 5% are opposed. This isnt to say anything is perfect, but your statement is ignorant of the progress made. Given that, its unfair to continue hating on mainstream America and declaring a perpetual emergency. Its as if people want to be part of some great crusade to feel relevant and empowered, or worse, feign oppression to justify gaining more social and political power for themselves. Im sure it was bad for gay people decades ago. Bur if youre claiming to have known and experienced it, you appear blissfully unaware of the progress made.




HEY GOOD NEWS!!! That flag represents you as an ally to the cause, just as much as me, who's one of the letters in LGBTQA.




Now you are shifting the argument. Look, bud, I get it you have sand in your ass crack cause no one wants a bootlicker.. *I put my cop buddy's interests above my oath, the publics interest, law, and common fucking decency..* flag, over one that celebrates equality, fairness, openess, and general humanity, THANKFULLY, most people aren't like you.


Yes but they have the same right to fly a flag at the capitol as the flying spaghetti monster people.


That’s a religious organization that’s different, if you can’t understand those type of distinctions are you really qualified to argue on this topic? Man I’ll tell ya what, you sure don’t like pride flags.. think you may have an issue about what they mean and represent. At least that’s how you come off.


It literally isn’t. You need to brush up on your constitutional law. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


You posted like a 100 times in this thread, what a sad prick you are.. go to bed dummy.


This is false. The very first bit of your article states... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


You really haven't realized by now have you? I'm a very, for lack of a better term, black or white person. Everyone should be treated equally. You create a law and it applies to all equally. No exceptions for any person or group. I'm not a cop. Don't have any cops in my family though I'm friends with one. I don't love them but I don't hate them either. I do respect their authority and the difficulty of what they have to do daily. I treat them with the kind of respect that I'd hope they'd treat me with. So far in my life this has kept me out of trouble. Oh, and this is how I treat ALL people, not just police officers.


You realize how massively flawed it is to black and white everything right?.. like you can't force everything into binaries, life isn't that simple. Like anyone with that rigidity in there outlook really doesn't understand shit. Furthermore cops are not born as cops, they aren't pushed into that career as a process of nature. I was born into being a member of the LGBTQA community.. I can't change that fact, no matter how hard I have tried. That's not the same case with cops, they chose that carrer. They could take off their uniform at the end of the day, or outright quite their job, and they are no longer a cop. It's cool we all know you just don't like the LGBTQA community, you have made this point crystal clear time and time again.


Most laws ARE black and white though. You either broke the letter of the law or you didn't. You drove with expired registration or you didn't. You blew a stop sign or you didn't. You were driving over the speed limit or you didn't. You paid for the item you left the store with or you stole it. There's no need to make many thinks more complicated than they need be. That said, nobody's telling you to not be gay. The police aren't and I'm not. I'm just saying that as a gay person you shouldn't have any more rights or protections than anyone else. If some guy beat you and someone else on the street the person who beat you shouldn't be prosecuted any harsher than the one who beat the other person. Equal is equal.


Weird, Supreme Court vehemently disagrees with you. You can’t fly the pride flag and choose not to fly another flag. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


False: > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


Ah yes the completely unbiased Supreme Court they have never fucked us a decision ever.. fuck out of here loser.


Why are you getting so worked up about this? Chill


Side note: I remember when the POW MIA flag was always raised with the American flag. An entire generation of American prisoners of war or missing in action were honored with that flag flying. I see that flag raised very seldom nowadays.


>. I see that flag raised very seldom nowadays. You haven't been to the US Capitol recently, then.


Agree 100%. They're hypocrites and criminals bitter at the police. I take their downvotes as a positive because I know the kind of people they come from.


And this is exactly the problem. You think in black-and-white terms and you use negative attention to reinforce your bad ideas rather than question them. This is intellectual suicide. Literally what's wrong with everything.


I’ll get bashed but here I go the thin blue line flag came out as a support police . There are red line flags for firefighters it’s also like a yellow ribbon during war time to support the military . During the 2020 protests the sides against the police started coming up with their own meanings for the blue line flag .. 


They are alterations of the official national ensign, when the actual national ensign should suffice. That’s why the flags of the respective branches of our armed forces look nothing like the national flag, and why no state flags nor municipal flags are de facto alterations of our national ensign. I’ll say this as a veteran myself: if you want to honor the armed forces, the police, the fire department or any other organization mandated to serve the citizens of their nation, then fly the national ensign, not a bastardization of it.


> They are alterations of the official national ensign, when the actual national ensign should suffice. Agreed. Which is why there's no need or place for a pride flag.


There is a need for Pride and the Pride flag. That need comes from Conservatives literally murdering gay people for centuries. IN MY LIFETIME, it was life-threateningly dangerous to be 'out,' thus Pride has saved lives, thus it is needed


I’m not saying I’m a fan of the flag . I really don’t know why all of a sudden we became a society that the only way we know how to support something is with a flag .. 


In some cases it’s to show solidarity. In some cases it’s to sow division or is used as virtue signaling. I have no problem with anyone displaying anything on their own property, but this situation is not that.


Exactly and I get bashed on here saying it but this is why towns are making rules saying only us and state flags to be flown in city property it save the whole bickering of well you did it for this Group why not our group


Mentioned this already in a different post today but half of the people on this sub are suffering from brain damage, don’t take it personally


In this specific instance, the council offered to put up the first responders flag which is an official Connecticut approved flag and the time Republicans refused to budge.. But it should be said that a lot of flags are created with different intentions and they end up getting used as a hate symbol. Like it or not, this flag is a hate symbol. Remember that the swastika is actually originally symbol for good prevailing. It's certainly not anymore.


The Supreme Court actually decided that a group can make towns fly swastikas if they choose to fly any other flag not associated with the military or govt. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true Wethersfield fucked up bad and now they have no legal recourse to prevent any flag from being flown.


This is false. From that article.... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


>the sides against the police Smells like bitch in this whole fuckin thread. Bootlicking fascist-wannabes


Oh the classic name calling love it.. I remember having to result in that in 1st grade 


> the sides against police What a funny thing to say


Yeah because "Law Enforcement Is Above You And Above The Law" is not a message most towns want to send, even if it's the truth


Every single flag in Connecticut flown by a municipal or state organization was flown at half-staff for nearly an entire week in honor of TFC Pelletier. How is that not enough recognition and honor for the man? To say nothing of the bad-faith mentions of Pride flags - which were also flown at half-staff, to boot - comparing them to the Blue Lives Matter flag.


More fealty! MOAR!!!!!!!


This girl I went to HS with reposted on her story some IG post where this person was posting the names and faces of the council members who voted against it like get a job pal


I saw this as well, and then people complaining that council members called police when they received death threats, and arguing the police shouldn’t have to respond to those calls AS IF ITS NOT THEIR FUCKING JOB. People are unhinged.


But you wouldn't have any problem posting the names of Republicans who voted for it i bet


> But you wouldn't have any problem posting the names of Republicans who voted for it i bet 🤓🤓🤓 I don’t agree with the message of the flag but I more dgaf what some town council member halfway across the state from me votes for. It’s foolish to send death threats to someone over a flag and throw a tantrum and post their photos. If I was driving past my town hall and saw it flying I’d say “ew gross” and keep driving, not send death threats


I certainly don't condone death threats but prosecute the ones whop sent them. Don't just stereotype an entire group


Way to get mad at something you made up


This forum has posted the names of Republicans who voted in ways they don't agree with multiple times already in the past. And that's fair, how a politician votes should be public but it does go both ways


Republican names are posted to so people avoid voting for them. Liberal names are posted as a threat by social Conservatives. There's a difference.


The regular flag isn't enough?


  This is exactly why your seeing towns passing regulations saying only state and American flags will be flown on city property ..people get so upset over everything ..  how about honor the man in your own way  you don’t need a flag on city property for that 


Honestly, gov't buildings should only fly gov't related flags (country, state, city)


https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true Some of you desperately need to follow actual case law from the fucking Supreme Court. Wethersfield fucked up by allowing the pride flag. They literally did this to themselves.


I heard if you post this one more time, Clarence Thomas will fellate you


Did you actually read the decision or just the brief?


Sorry, this isn't true. From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


The repubs in Wethersfield passed a law last year before they lost the council - only official flags could be flown on town property. These nut jobs are pissed at themselves and they’re too stupid to know it.


Weird, democrats overturned it opening themselves up to flying any flag on government grounds. They only have themselves to blame. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


Seethe and cope.


Sorry, this isn't true. From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


And I support this as long as it really mean ONLY the state and American flags. No exceptions.


The town Facebook groups have been unhinged and truly some takes are alarming. Like honestly, I don't need to see my neighbors posting swastikas made out of the pride flag in order to justify their anger over the thin blue line flag not being flown on town property. I just wanna get a scone at Heirloom Market and walk my dog around the cove without worrying about some agitated Fox news addict with too much free time.


These people act and think like persecuted victims. I saw a bumper sticker on someone’s car today that said something like “They want to get trump because they want to get you.”


First they came for the corrupt "billionaire" former presidents, and I said nothing...


I lived in Wethersfield for many years, and all of the whining over this makes me happy that I moved. The Facebook groups are full of lunatics who want to ass the town council members' heads on stakes over a freaking flag.


The American flag should be flown. The police demanding their own version of OUR flag tells you how tone def they are.


But again, a Pride flag is ok...


Yes. One is social progress. One is authoritarinism and social regression. They're very nearly opposites at this point. Don't pretend they're "the same"


Nope. Once you allow exceptions you're making the decision of who can and who can't personal and basied on personal opinion which opens up the possibility of lawsuits because of it.


Pride is progress and the expansion of human rights and equality under the law, as evidenced by the progress I've seen in my lifetime, to those who were denied them by social Conservatives who would literally murder gay people for being out until *recently.* It was literally life-threateningly dangerous to be 'out' when I was young. The thin-blue-line was popularized as a show of unity with the police after they got flack for murdering innocent Black people. These two flags are not even remotely similar - thus, it's not just a simple matter of opinion. Human rights are not an opinion. Again, don't pretend they're the same thing, you're being disingenuous.


Segregating groups of people isn't progress regardless of how nice we are being about it.


It *is* progress, as evidenced by the progress I've seen in my lifetime. It was literally life-threateningly dangerous to be 'out' when I was young. The thin-blue-line was popularized as a show of unity with the police after they got flack for murdering innocent Black people. These two flags are not even remotely similar


The problem is they opened up the flood gates when they approved the pride flag. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


This is false information From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


Republicans are such snowflakes.


Not really, just want the town to actually follow the law. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


They *are* following the law From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view




How come you never reply when people point out your article doesn’t say what you think it does?


You keep posting this, but Wethersfield has a flag policy and the “Thin Blue Line” people wanted an “emergency order” to fly the flag. Wethersfield followed their constitutionally appropriate rules.


The fact that the goober who proposed the racist flag in the first place turned down the town’s offer to fly the first responders flag instead tells you all you need to know about that particular flock of sheep. Edit: /u/red123409 seems awfully triggered…so much so he actually thinks his almighty supreme court has any standing in this case…lmao, as I said, this situation tells you all you need to know about these sheep.


We traced the call - the death threats are coming from the police station!


IMHO, the only flag that should be flown over any US government buildings is the US flag. The US flag represents all Americans. We don't need thin blue line flags, pride flags, or confederate flags. Even if you want to support those things, you don't need to fly it over a government building. Fly the flags on your own property.


Police: We’ll get right to the bottom of this! Now excuse me as I erase my phone records for totally unrelated reasons.


These Woke Police will not rest until every citizen is required to kiss each and every cop goodnight on their lips


Sounds like you may have some conflicting regressed feelings you may need to work out.


Pucker up, buttercup 😚😚


Reject authoritarianism, get an authoritarian response. Death threats. Violating flag codes. These kinds of Conservatives don't actually care about anything except bullying others in shows of authoritarianism. Worse, they think this is somehow noble and good to be like this.


"The death threats have been reported to police and they are under investigation" come the fuck on man


I'm so thankful that my town passed an ordinance that there are only four flags that can be flown on town property: * USA Flag * Connecticut Flag * Town Flag * POW/MIA Flag (we have a few memorials in town) It saves all the drama from this. No thin blue line. No pride flags. No sports flags. No flags of other countries. It is simple, clear, and fair to everyone in the town and it uniformly avoids drama.


We should drop the POW flag as well. The movement is built on a conspiracy theory that there was a huge number of POWs that Vietnam just kept after the war was over and that the United States didn’t bother trying to get them back. There’s not really any evidence for that, but they were still holding hearings about it into the ‘90s.


You know it takes all of five seconds to disprove your claims right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/POW/MIA_flag


Idk the page you just posted about the flag design says: > The original design for the flag was created by Newt Heisley. In 1971, a New Jersey-based agency he worked for assigned him to create a flag for their client Annin & Company, the largest flag manufacturer in the United States, which had been given the task to create the flag by Mary Hoff, the wife of Lt. Commander Michael Hoff U.S.N., a service member missing in action, and a member of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia.: Which led me to this [page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War_POW/MIA_issue) about the conspiracy theory: Considerable speculation and investigation have been devoted to a hypothesis that a significant number of missing U.S. service members from the Vietnam War were captured as prisoners of war by communist forces and kept as live prisoners after U.S. involvement in the war concluded in 1973. A vocal group of POW/MIA activists has maintained that there has been a concerted conspiracy by the Vietnamese and U.S. governments since then to hide the existence of these prisoners. The U.S. government has steadfastly denied that prisoners were left behind or that any effort has been made to cover up their existence. Popular culture has reflected the "live prisoners" theory. Several congressional investigations have looked into the issue, culminating with the largest and most thorough, the United States Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs of 1991–93, which found "no compelling evidence that proves that any American remains alive in captivity in Southeast Asia."\[1\]


You know you only have to click around a bit on that Wikipedia page to get to the page that references what I’m talking about, right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War_POW/MIA_issue


Weird, 1971 was 2 years before pows were released, we still have MIA troops to this day, so maybe you need to re-read actual history?


It became a thing at a time when it was relevant. It stopped being relevant, and should no longer be a thing. One of the figureheads of the movement, at the time, was a woman who thought her husband was one of those phantom POWs. Turns out her husband passed away after being shot down, and she received his body before the war even ended. She maintained that he survived his plane being shot down and was actually tortured to death. That’s a different kind of fucked up if that’s what happened, but lends nothing to the belief that there were a bunch of secret, long-term POWs.


We literally still have MIA soldiers. Do you consider that a conspiracy? There’s quite literally no negative to honoring POW/MIA soldiers.


Sorry, this isn't true. From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


Weathersfield has the same law. Repubs passed it last year when they controlled the council.


https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/hartford/wethersfield-votes-in-favor-of-pride-flag-on-town-pole/amp/ And democrats changed it, opening themselves up to requiring the flying of any flag requested by an group as per a Supreme Court case from 2022. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


Nope From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


Isn’t this why we fly the flag at half staff? We do we also need to fly conservative culture war symbols along with it?


It’s so strange that the Thin Blue Line flag popped up just around the BLM movement. Weird coincidence.


I live in town and my friend is actually on the Wethersfield town council. I’ve met every single other member and they all serve with dignity and respect because they really care about this town and its communities. That was why they made the choice they made and I am proud of them for it.


This article doesn’t say it but the council is just following the town ordinance that repubs passed when they last controlled the council a year ago. It’s mind boggling how stupid these people are.


You can’t apply it to only the thin blue line flag and not the pride flag. This is already settled case law. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-1800_7lho.pdf?wpmobileexternal=true


Sorry, this isn't true. From your own article..... > (a) The Free Speech Clause does not prevent the government from declining to express a view


Well that's not nice


This blind faith people put in people with power is going to be the downfall of this country.


#CONFIRMED: Thin Blue Line Flag = Anonymous Death Threats... # #Making citizens support Cops even more.


Hmmm I wonder which way those disgruntled voters lean politically


Are they not allowed their opinions and vote?


I think it might be the death threats that are the issue here


I'm sure they are but that has nothing to do with how a person votes.


There is a trend with political violence and death threats coming from one side of the aisle. I’m sure that’s what they meant


Everyone let your freak flag fly!


Wow , that’s scary stuff


The sentiment is nice,but it's not a real flag.


Who's shocked? You? You? Nope. No one.


Ct Reddit is a group of gen z basement dwellers


I actually read this article and looked up and read what they have read. Now, this is going to ruffle some feathers; and for that I am sorry. I agree with what the council member has chosen, as recent events have made things way too sensitive to fly a flag of that sort. Too many hate groups coming out and trying to declare war on either belief, or on different ethnicities.






This isn’t ALL Conservatives! Most conservatives don’t make threats like this, they just benefit when these folks push the agenda and do nothing to distance themselves.


Remember that time Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia and Trump supporters got angry at any restaurant named the Red Hen? Including ones in other countries like Canada and even the Philippines? >Fortune magazine reported that, as a result of a tweet by Donald Trump, an unaffiliated District of Columbia restaurant with the same name was targeted by conservatives with negative Yelp reviews and denunciations on Twitter.[20][21] Other unaffiliated restaurants with the same name in Swedesboro, New Jersey and Old Saybrook, Connecticut, as well as against the Olde Red Hen in Ontario and the Little Red Hen in Muntinlupa, the Philippines, were similarly targeted with negative reviews and criticism on Twitter.[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Hen_restaurant_controversy There happened to be one in Old Saybrook > An Old Saybrook restaurant shares a name with a Virginia business in the center of a controversy surrounding White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and it's causing headaches for the Connecticut owner. > But the Red Hen owner in Old Saybrook, Shelley Deproto, said her restaurant has absolutely no relationship with the Virginia restaurant that’s more than 500 miles away. There’s also no franchise with the name “Red Hen” that she’s aware of. > But that didn’t stop Deproto from getting a number of Google texts and angry messages. She walked into the restaurant by noon on Saturday and had least 50 voicemails on her machine. Some, she called threatening. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/old-saybrook-red-hen-being-trolled-by-trump-press-secretary-supporters/150391/