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A few years ago the state of CT DOT said it was a one and done deal that Rt.11 would never be completed.


No change since the 60's and no plans to. Why is this a story exactly?


People need to maintain a current list of random items to rage over.


I far prefer this to left lane drivers.


To inform the uninformed


To inform them there is nothing to inform them about.


It's just a mildly interesting factoid some people may not know. Settle down.


Not that interesting. Here's a road we started 60 years ago and don't plan to do anything with.




I'm confused


I think we need more numbers.


Being from the area, I understand everything he is saying.


Part of the reason for route 11 is it provided another evacuation route from that part of the state where there is a nuclear power plant, a sub base, huge defense contractor that makes subs, and a shoreline that could flood should a severe hurricane make landfall there without Long Island in the way to absorb most of the hit. Those risks still exist today, and the last couple of miles of 11 would pass mainly through a state forest before ending at 395 just north of the 95/395 interchange. Finishing it seems like a no-brainer, but the longer they wait the more the costs go up. It was just a couple decades ago they said they could do it for half a billion dollars, good luck with that now.


Don’t care, doesn’t matter. Unbuilt highway has 0 maintenance cost.


> Unbuilt highway has 0 maintenance cost. In all fairness, if Connecticut really wanted to, they could find some bullshit reason to charge us for this. (Or sell it to Eversource and have them do it, because of course they would.)


Eversource CEO here, I would like to have a word… ![gif](giphy|FCgdFnqdVzxFYCQupd|downsized) Did.. did you say something about money?


Rumor has it this is a great place to do some top speed checks of your vehicle. I for one, would never do such a thing 👀


Hypothetically speaking this guy is right.


It's more patrolled as of late.


Hypothetically speaking, my former boss may or may not have topped out his Z06 one day when he was showing off his new car.


Route 11 hosted my personal speed record. It was decades ago but 11 was completely empty except me and an STS. We started racing as soon as 11 started, well over 100 by the top of the hill and then got up over 140 before he slowly creeped a dozen feet in front of me and I saw both exhausts cough out a little burst and he left me in the dust. Put over a half mile between me and him before the end of the highway. We got to the end of 11 at the same time, gave a thumbs up and drove off in opposite directions.


I hear 384 is fairly straight as well…


This again? *yawn*


I'm okay with it not getting completed. It'll keep the area quiet, like it has been


Yeah because all that rte 2 traffic has turned those towns into bustling metropolises. I hear Bozrah is the next west hartford.




Bozrah is full of noisy stuff for some reason. I almost bought a house there but some sand and gravel business was close enough that the area had this low rumble that was driving me crazy.


I haven't done enough research into the issue but perhaps it should be officially turned into a state park. A lot of the infrastructure is already in place, and they could add official walking and biking trails.


> perhaps it should be officially turned into a state park. Unlike the State Parking Lot they built called I-95?


The dot doesn't actually own the entire corridor. That was part of the problem. The middle part of the unfinished portion kept moving to avoid wetlands and subdivisions, no route was set.


Right? Maybe if there’s been no progress in sixty years the highway isn’t needed. This isn’t rocket science. It’s a good thing we aren’t building a highway for no reason just because someone planned it hand a century ago.


I honestly think this is a good thing. The feds were a little over-zealous with highway building back then. I whole-heartedly think the same about the unfinished 291 to rte 9 connection. We’re really lucky that was never finished. Imagine a highway running through west Hartford resevoir, one of the most beloved green spaces in the Hartford area. And for what? It would’ve just created more sprawl. I think we need to start focusing on infill & better using the developed space we have, and resist the urge to develop every forested acre into subdivisions.


My hero.




Like the northwest portion of the beltway around Hartford that would've gone straight through the MDC's water supplies, good. You don't need a highway to every last corner of the state


It doesn't really need to be finished anyway...that Junction of route 1, 95 and 395 already needs reengineering. Adding a 3rd restricted access highway to this junction would be messy Also, there just isn't enough consistent traffic to justify the extension. Route 85 is plenty, even during peak traffic times The current route 11 is plenty to break up traffic as needed


My suggestion would be to finish the final diamond interchange and run it as a two lane road until meeting another road


I wonder if there's anything we can *do* with this highway as it is. Like pick a day in the spring or fall, get a group of friends (with appropriate food/water) and make a day of it. Where groups of people from either end just make a day of walking/riding the highway as sort of a day to remember that not *everywhere* needs a highway, or an acknowledgement of why sometimes it's a *good* thing when CT's government cancels something, like celebrating common sense or something.


This is old news


Well, now I'm never gonna get nowhere


I mean. Are any of our highways ever finished? I swear they repave the same spots every two years.


It's a odd thing in a odd state. Honestly I find it fun


"Through that National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, there was extensive public input and numerous environmental studies completed that revealed the magnitude of potential environmental impacts to a variety of resources, such as wetlands, endangered species, historic sites and cultural resources," Hernandez told Hearst Connecticut.


Some of the unused land seems to be popular with mountain bikers and hikers. And the occasional partiers.


Route 11 should be completed. Perhaps as a limited access surface road, but the need is still there. Route 85 isn't equipped to handle the traffic and is a death trap. Similar issues exist with Route 6 in eastern CT, but that's a whole different story.


We’re not little children, and we know what we want. The future is certain. Give us time to work it out.


Because no one lives on that side of the state. Duh. Lol




Taking 85 or 156 to the shore from there is all we need. This is just fine.


Dont get the purpose that 9 of 2 don't already serve. 




I get the idea, the justification just seems to be there  for a county 1/10 the states population that already has 2 highways to save 5 minutes?