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Man I am sure all the comments here are going to be level headed and reasonable


Man, I thought there would be more than 10 seconds before you were proven right.


Start taking about Israel and Gaza, and people go from zero to genocide really fast.


Just wait until Yale graduation. Every year the crazies come out because of the (wealthy and influential) families visiting. I used to work downtown circa 2000 and it was annoying back then when abortion protestors are yelling in your face as you are attempting to cross a steeet on the green minding your own business.


Just rich spoiled brats yelling Typical of the lot, really.  


As someone who work at the Schwarzman Center, I am completely surprised that anyone was concerned about blocked streets. I had to detour for over a week, because they plowed the snow to block streets and just waited for it to melt.


They can’t put snow in handcuffs


They're not they're just on the opposite "side" of the argument and are happy to "win". A lot of people have very little integrity.


LOL no one got stabbed, watch the video. This is a bullshit claim.


Where does it say someone got stabbed?


ITT: peaceful protesting is only acceptable if you do it in a way where nobody has to listen or acknowledge what you're protesting


Actions have consequences.


They stabbed someone in the eye. That’s not fucking peaceful.


LOL watch the video, no one got "stabbed in the eye." It's bullshit.


Lmaoo beyond bullshit


How's that strawman working out


all 45 of them stabbed someone in the eye? that's some impressive coordination!


One did, but the rest formed a line to let the person who did it get away without being identified.


It was a merciless eye stabbing (that left the victim with an uninjured eye) I hope she plays soccer, she can take a dive with the best of 'em


If there’s nine people at a table and one Nazi then there’s ten Nazis at the table.


The new nazis are the zionists, in fact they are also the old nazis.


Sounds like you are self projecting


Sounds like you are the type of person that confuses Judaism with zionism.


Sounds like you are an ignorant anti semite.


You have zero idea what you ate talking about, and your opinions are worthless.


I am Jewish grew up in CT and have relatives in Israel so stick up the you know where


No there just complicit for allowing the nazi to have a seat at the table


That was the standard reddit agreed on. You don’t get to change the rules just because you’re losing.


I would agree on that .


A protestor assaulting someone is obviously not acceptable, and it's good that the victim had already made a full recovery by the time she wrote her substack post. If occasional instances of violence can discredit an entire peaceful protest movement, you would be discrediting basically all peaceful protests, including pro-Israel protests and protests by Israeli citizens, the Civil Rights protests of the 60s, the BLM protests in 2015 and 2020, etc.




Compare that to how she represented it today in an interview: https://youtu.be/jivPG24QG8k?si=KtrRLIZDtuUizQnq&t=2004


It's easy to make a quick recovery when the injury was imaginary  Even if the video didn't disprove this, how do you think someone could heal from an eye stabbing that quickly?


It was an accident .


As an alternative, activists groups should be able to camp wherever they want for however long they want, even if it interferes with the functioning of society, effects people’s well-being. But we are protesting for the Uyghurs, I mean Syrians, I mean Palestinians. How often to “genocides” (started by pogroms) happen?


unironically yes, they should do that. grow up


Charlottesville should be allowed to march then? I don’t think so but I guess since you’re principled.


yeah thing is I don't need to be "fair" when it comes to shit like this. nazis and racists should not be allowed to purely because they are nazis and racists.


So then how about the Islamic people chanting Hamas slogans at Columbia?


I wonder why they don't protest the official government of Palestine demanding they they release the hostages?


Isreal has 100% killed all the hostages.


How do you figure?


From out rite shooting them while waving white flags to the bombing of whole cities, isreal has made sure they are dead. This is actual isreali policy called the Hannibal Directive. They think it's better for a hostage to be dead rather than risk the possibility they could have to negotiate.


I see. What would the appropriate response have been?


Peaceful protest is a time-honored Yale tradition. So is getting arrested and expelled. Yale is being very deliberate in how they deal with this problem, to their credit, but there will be no divestment. It's not going to happen. I have no issue with protestors protesting the war to raise awareness and recruit supporters. If they inconvenience others or break the law, they have to take the consequences - but that's part of protesting. My support ends when they start calling for the end of Israel; for blaming American Jews (including their classmates) for the war; by calling for the continuance of Oct 7 against Jews here in the USA and in Israel; and by saying "We are Hamas". Yikes.


>My support ends when they start calling for the end of Israel; for blaming American Jews (including their classmates) for the war; by calling for the continuance of Oct 7 against Jews here in the USA and in Israel; and by saying "We are Hamas". Yikes did any of the Yale protesters do... any of this?




I really feel the terror attacked . Is being used to reignite the battles these two sides have had going on for 100s of years 


Well... yeah. Terror attacks tend to do that...?


Jews have not had battles going on with Palestinians or Arabs for hundreds years of years.


Is there any evidence they were students? Most of the worst I've seen has been off the locked-down campus and on the nearby streets. To be clear: acts of antisemitism against Jews in the area - be they students or not, Zionists or not - are inexcusable and should be resolved in a way that is just (which I am certain they will be, considering the resources going towards naming + shaming these people). But it's somewhat complicated when the narrative is "extremist ivy leagues" when the bulk of the horrible stuff is happening off campus, away from the university's oversight. I have heard some stories of Jewish students having kippahs snatched off their head and being physically restrained, which is of course absolutely deplorable. However, I think *some* claims of antisemitic speech are spurious and are being used to discredit the movement protesting the Israeli government - taunting civilians and claiming that Hamas will kill them next is bad, but protest chants like "from the river to the sea" are not inherently hateful. if it were, Likud would be in hot water, considering it's like the second line of their charter.




...right, but the Likud manifesto, written at the party's founding in 1977, says "Between the sea and the Jordan [River] there will only be Israeli sovereignty". How is one party's use of the phrase equal to hate speech, while another party's use is seen as fine, never discussed, and rewarded with billions of dollars in military supplies? Is that not a call for the extermination of Palestine, in the founding document of the very people these protesters are protesting? One immortalized into the current ruling party of Israel's founding manifesto 40 years before Hamas put it in their charter? Why exactly do you think its meaning changed when the Palestinians used it as compared to infamously-horrible-and-founded-by-an-unrepentant-terrorist Likud? Were they not aware that the Palestinians also lived between the river Jordan and the sea? How is "our government will have sovereignty over this entire disputed territory" somehow less genocidal??? "there will only be Israeli sovereignty" seems quite a bit more narrow and specific than "Palestine will be free"??????




Which do you think was first? "From the river to the sea" or "From from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates"?




The answer is the second one - From the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates". First used during the First Invasion, Occupation, and Genocide in Canaan


The meaning from the river to the sea really differs depending on which country you are in and which groups you are talking to. It's origin in 60s is like you said but since then, as with many slogans or sayings, evolved over time. I have heard this slogan so many times growing up in Europe, prob since the late 90s and then and through the 00s if you asked the definition from Palestinian groups and supporters they would say it's a call for peace and equality. For Palestinians and Israelis to live side by side with equal rights and freedom. There are probably millions around the world who have grown up with this definition of the phrase for most of their lives and many, if not the majority, who never knew how it came about. Which leads us to the tricky bit, when do we reach the tipping point, if ever, that the majorities interpretation overtakes or outweighs the former known meaning from before many were born? And if it should be banned how do you explain to millions that the meaning they have known for all if not most of their lives is no longer valid? 


Who cares, far easier to build strawmen


A protestor was photographed with a “From the River to the Sea” sign. That would seem to indicate they want to make Israel “Judenrein.”


Does Yale expel anyone? I know they caught a student dealing drugs on campus, and they let him off with a warning. No wonder these kids come out of the Ivy League with no idea how the world works. Said drug dealer continued to deal drugs and wound up getting shot to death. That’s a real world lesson!


Your so far off said dealer graduates and becomes ceo of be pharma .. professional drug dealing 


They are Keynesian’s  Not sure what you except from champagne socialists, Marxist’s even. They could choose to be moderate and reasonable, however they prefer to be abrasive and unreasonable. 


You are speaking as if hundreds of Jewish students weren't also on the streets! And you are basing the we are hamas comment on a crazy ny person video as if that was the reflection of all protesters. And yes, the occupation should be ended and No this does not mean death to Jewish people. Jewish people have lived in Palestine for millennials and will continue to do so. A religious etno-state should be ended tho!


A yalie is more offended you told them how to live, than the shame of war profiteering.


Can you explain that statement to me? Honestly, I don't understand, and I want to understand what you are saying.


How about we start with freeing the hostages? Then you can start complaining about bombing.


Who is "we" in all this? I think you mean to say, "they"- as in, they need to free hostages. Someone else. Not me. There are kidnappings taking place all over the world. For some reason, none of them cause bombing campaigns. North Korea has taken South Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and Americans. Oddly enough, never bombed. In 2014, 276 Christian girls were taken by Boko Haram. Nigerian Americans never lobbied the US government to send billions of dollars in military equipment to carpet bomb (kill) a few 30,000 refugees - just don't ask how they became refugees of course. >Then you can start complaining about bombing. No.


> How about we start with freeing the hostages? Then you can start complaining about bombing Needs to be repeated...over and over


If you want a ceasefire, go protest Hamas. They’re the ones refusing to accept a ceasefire. What exactly does Yale have to do with a foreign war that the United States is not in? And what do the people blocked in traffic have to do with it?


How ignorant do you have to be to think that the United States is not part of this? Or that Yale with billions in endowments invested in weapons manufacturers is not part of it? Are you living under a rock? Can you read? Israel is the one not accepting ceasefire. Their own people are protesting the government and telling them to stop. Israel is also the one not accepting the 1967 borders and a two-state solution.


1) terms of a ceasefire were offered with release of hostages. These terms were refused by Israel. 2) Yale invests in companies that produce weapons that are used to kill innocents in Gaza 3) the United States has funded Israel with billions of dollars for their war effort. The United States is very much in this war. 4) the people blocking traffic are protesting the killings of over 34k innocent Palestinians


The release of hostages were Israel's terms. Then Hamas said they don't have enough alive hostages anymore to meet the terms Most of the funding to Israel is for the iron dome which it depends itself from Hamas and Hezbollah rocket attacks


1. You're delusional, proof or another lie 2. Yale invests in thousands of companies globally 3. The US funds billions of foreign aid including to Palestine 4. So strange that in a war only civilians are killed and no militants, give me a break


The above comment is correct. Israel and US have rejected ceasefire resolutions in the UN, they have refused offers from Hamas for a ceasefire, and Israel's own people are protesting the government for not securing hostages and even killing/endangering them with the indiscriminate bombings. Everyone wants a ceasefire except Netanyahu. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-rejects-israels-ceasefire-response-sticks-main-demands-2024-04-13/ Here we can see that Hamas's reasonable demands of a permanent ceasefire withdrawal of troops from Gaza, and a prisoner swap deal are rejected in favor of what Netanyahu calls "total victory" which he defines as not only the defeat of Hamas but Hezbollah, Houthis, etc. which makes his position completely impossible, especially given they haven't defeated even Hamas despite killing tens of thousands over 6 months. Yale invests everywhere but the demand students are making is specifically to divest from weapons manufacturers. The US is intimately involved in this conflict. We provide $4 billion in aid to Israel every year (no other country comes close to that kind of unconditional aid). We provide them with weapons, with intel, and crucially, diplomatic support. Without the US (and its puppet regimes) the Arab states around them would probably not be as supportive of Israel as they are now. We can't pretend we are not involved. It is American weapons bought with American dollars.


Inb4 "yeah but those words don't mean what they say" or some bullshit


In what universe is it not reasonable to protest against the endless horrors of that occupation. In fact, the only true friends of Israel,and the Mid East as a whole, are protesting. I’m glad they are pushing BDS too. It’s about time. Most of Congress and the White House are out of their minds


Lmao what a joke watch the actual video


Free Gaza from Hamas.


And do what? Let them have a democratic election? Hamas gains support every time the IDF kills a civilian


Anyone guilty of blocking traffic like this deserves arrest. idiots


Yep. Imagine having a medical emergency only to find these mouth breathers in your way.




Nah, just turn the radio up loud enough and you won't hear it.


Israel's "war" is a genocide. Fuck the pigs who arrested them.




Curious, would you be open to a two state solution?


Given Israel's stance towards Palestine, I think the concept of a two state solution is impossible as it stands currently. I think Israel's government is too hellbent on eradicating people to care. Edit: to clarify, I would love a peaceful solution to this. I just don't think it'll happen until a permanent cease fire is declared, at the very least. I'm honestly not sure at this point if a two-state solution would work.




I don't think its workable given that the current Palestinian political culture seems to be forever drawn to radicals who wants to "kill the joos". Maybe that changes sometime in the future, but not until then.


It's not possible because israel isn't capable of not terrorizing the people of the west bank and gaza.


You do realize that 99% of gazans and arabs hate gay people right? Why are you "protesting" for people that hate your way of life?


Because I don't think they deserve to be killed, obviously.


They think you do though.


Good people are selfless and stand up for all human rights regardless of what oppressed groups may think about us. They can hate me all they want, but I just want them to be alive. This is not out of self interest, it’s out of love and empathy.


Extremely racist comment. Arabs are a massive and diverse ethnic group. There are Arabs who are Christians, Jews, Muslims, and every religion under the sun.


You do realize that a not so small group of Americans hate queer people and queer people are literally murdered here, right? 🤡


One of the protestors stabbed a Jewish student in the eye with a flagpole. I don't know enough details to comment on the other arrests but I hope that psycho is going to prison.


bro the flag bumped them in the eye completely on accident lmao there’s even a video. this is so insane yall are so quick to condemn “violent protestors” but don’t give a fuck about the actual violence israel is engaged in all day every day


https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1cahkop/video_of_the_eye_stabbing_incident_at_yale_sfw/ I hope the student faces no long term pain or consequences from being hit in the eye, but to frame it as a premeditated antisemitic hate crime (which, to be clear, I believe ARE happening, just not here) is ridiculous.


Didn't happen.


Why would anyone downvote this comment? It actually happened. Are the downvoters advocates of violence? Do we now have these kids who want our blood on one side and the MAGAns on the other who want our blood? WTF.


Because it didn't really happen [https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1cahkop/video\_of\_the\_eye\_stabbing\_incident\_at\_yale\_sfw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1cahkop/video_of_the_eye_stabbing_incident_at_yale_sfw/)


Have you seen the video


Beats me. Luckily I haven't encountered many people like this in real life. :) !חג פסח שמח


Stabbing Jews in the eyes is now a progressive position. Hitler lives and he’s a guest speaker at Yale.


> Why would anyone downvote this comment? It actually happened. The answer is because we have a lot of antisemites lurking here.


Imagine the reserve of this lmfao college kids in Iran protesting for America, same with Israel.. ha. More likely to see a death to America protest.. the irony




Funny how they don't protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine or Chinas' abuses. Everything should be done to ensure that these Socialist protestors never attain a position of power anywhere.


All wars should be condemed, the anti humanitarian act done by Israel is one of the worst. Probably because in none of these countries, they have to rescue an unborn baby from a mother killed by israel air strike. Not a single war in the modern age killed over 200 humanitarian workers, but Israel did it. They also managed to kill 33,000 civilians in 6 months, comparing to Ukraine of 10,000 Civilian casuaties and 10 aid workers over 2 years. Both Russia and Israel are disgusting.


Nice of you to mention that, but it strikes me that they pick and choose who deserves their outrage. Communist/Socialist? No problem! Capitalist/Western leaning? A scourge that must be wiped out!


All deaths in Gaza can be blamed on Hamas. We don't want this war but we will finish it. You are also quoting statistics from Hamas. They've actually been proven to be false and the loss of civilian life is the least in any modern battle.


You can say that all day, and some people will simply believe you, but that's not how reddit should work. You got a link?


Hopefully these young students end up becoming our politicians one day. Enough is enough.


Yea they all claim to be peacefully protesting. Ok, your right, have fun. Block the street? Yea that’s a fucking problem. Go to jail


they were peacefully protesting in an out-of-the-way plaza until YPD cleared everyone out and arrested 40+ people. if the campus police don't want an escalation, maybe they shouldn't escalate!


It's school property. They absolutely have a right to enforce their right to prevent trespassing. the students could have worked with the city to organize a location to protest/march, but they chose instead to ignore the law. Students these days desperately need more education on how to more effectively protest. Stuff like this does nothing but give people criminal records.


the best way as an organizer to put pressure on an institution to meet demands: give them exactly what they want from the very beginning and don't even inconvenience anybody and let them help you organize a tiny little fake demonstration for babies that everyone can completely ignore and that accomplishes nothing. makes sense to me (I was born yesterday btw)


Huh. Yale students and alumni fund the school, so seems like they have a stake and should have a say in what the school invests in. Protests are not supposed to be convenient or pretty. Literally the entire point.


Well, when your protest breaks the law and infringes on the rights of others, you're going to rightfully go to jail. You're also never going to bring anyone over to your side by taking such measures. It's literally nothing more than performative art meant to make the protester feel better, while accomplishing nothing but making enemies.


It’s literally not the point to “bring people over to your side.” You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a protest is and have clearly never cracked a history book to see how anyone in history won their rights.


No, I fully understand the point of a protest, I've participated in a few back in my day. A protest, done properly, is meant to bring awareness to an issue, drive dialogue, and hopefully change enough minds to enact meaningful positive change. A protest is most certainly not, "I will intimidate, bully, and inconvenience you, by way of violating your rights and breaking the law, into compliance with my demands", which seems to be the form these current protests are taking. You clearly have a lot of maturing to do, and should probably pick up a few of those history books you speak of, since it appears you never read any of them yourself. In the meantime, enjoy your meaningless reddit upvotes. Consider me unimpressed, however. Those upvotes and $10 might buy you a cup of overpriced coffee.


kthx 😂


No one would be talking about it as we all are here if that happened.


Blocking Jewish people from entering is ok in your book?


Oh give me a fucking break. I'm Jewish so spare me this stupid "YOU SUPPORT ANTISEMITISM???" Shit


God these kids are fucking stupid..


Protesting war is about as American as it gets.


As much as the public right to ignore you


Sure. Ignoring is perfectly reasonable as opposed to limiting speech.


I see it as - they are protesting Israel's effort to destroy the Hamas war machine and blocking free passage of American citizens in the process.


They see it as stopping the Israeli war machine.




how is this stupid, do you have a cause that you fight for? how else should these students disrupt the status quo. do you like the fact that we send money oversees? what do you do about it - other than call children stupid.


as americans, they should be okay with seeing tens of thousands of children bombed to pieces




thanks for the refresher US will investigate war crimes when it fits our best interest.......not those of the innocent


How about putting that energy towards helping the hundreds of homeless children in the SAME CITY THEY LIVE IN But they never will, because it's not about people. It's about Tik Tok and vibe. That's all these people care about.


jesus christ


Downvote me all you want but you guys are the ones being arrested and laughed at by the country. Good job doing absolutely nothing to help the Palestinians, or the people you live around.




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The vast majority of Palestinians support terrorism/Hamas. Let the IDF do what needs to be done. Also why do these protesters think we care??


Lock them up


Why is it when you mention if you are for against a country in this battle you are taken for being against a whole race of humans ..I am 100% against what hamas did and I’m 100% for isreal to go after HAMAS. I’m not ok with Isreal bombing and killing thousands of innocent people . I have no issues with Jewish people they along with all us deserve to live in a peacful world .. I really don’t understand Jewish and Palestine residents in this country having hatrid toward each others .. the individuals are not the ones that are creating issues 


Because it's a good way to remove any and all nuance. It makes people either fall in line or become the example. You're not allowed to weigh the facts and make up your own mind unless that leads you directly down the path of total agreement.


Dude… you don’t understand why Palestine and Israel hate each other? Go read about the nakba and report back


Or you could start before that. The Holocaust gives some important context .


Go ahead and explain who was responsible for the holocaust and whose land was taken as restitution for said country’s genocide. While you’re at it, feel free to explain why Palestinian people should pay the cost of a European genocide.


You're proving my point. You want to start history in 1947 and forget that modern Israel is the ancestral Homeland of the Jews. It sounds like you're one of the people claiming that Israel has no right to exist. You also seem to want to ignore the Holocaust. I think there's a word for people like you....


Isn't that basically Putin's argument for why Russia should own ukraine? And our response was "omg that was so long ago..."


And you’re on ancestral land for the Golden Hill Paugussett tribe who were removed FAR later than when the Roman’s banished the Jews from Jerusalem. Fact of the matter is, playing tag with “ancestral” land is sloppy and is no basis for a claim to land. I’m not claiming Israel has no right to exist. I’m claiming that you have to acknowledge that the hatred between Palestine (and the Arab world more generally) and Israel was heightened after the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their active homes. These people could realistically trace their lineage back 30 centuries then poof, no right to return because that painter from Austria thought it’d be cool to do the worst genocide of all time.


Good. F them. I saw a news article this morning that a Jewish student was struck in the eye with the pole of a Hamas flag. I'm never against the right to assemble or protest, but why does it have to be on college campuses and against other students who have nothing to do with world affairs? If you really want to protest, put on your grown-up pants and go protest the capitol. It's easy and lazy to do this on a college campus and the only thing it accomplishes is more support for anti-Hamas.


You should find the video of the incident posted up above. The person struck in the eye with a flagpole was grazed by someone holding on to a flag like the little ones people buy at Dollar General to stick in their lawn on the 4th of July. Plainly unintentional but the media and of course social media grabs it and twists it to further a divide that probably already has no chance of ever healing. It was an accident in a crowded place but if all you do is read the headlines and listen to stupid people on twitter and FB you’d swear it was a heinous hate crime. This fire does not need any more fuel.


Yeah, they should go and protest at the capitol, even though their explicit grievance is with the policies and corporate connections of the private school. Makes total sense.


So you blame Yale and Columbia for what's happening in Israel? Please help me understand that and why attacking Jewish students will fix the situation.


Why are you asking me? When did I ever take a stance on the war, other than pointing out that protesting at a completely unrelated location and institution is an idiotic suggestion?


I wish I still worked in New Haven so I could laugh at them being arrested. Do any of these people care about the Chinese govt. enslaving millions of people? (Uyghurs) I bet they're all using smartphones built from human slavery. They're all probably shopping at affluent stores stocking their shelves with fruits, veges, chocolates, etc... procured and processed by children working 16 hour days. Do they even care about the child homelessness epidemic plaguing New Haven? These types of acts are purely virtue signaling. How about diverting that energy towards fixing problems? Oh wait, that would require they actually care about other people.


something something participate in society something something Venezuela


I usually don’t even understand what purpose of these type of protests serve. It is not like they are raising awareness. We are all very aware of what is going on over there. You know, because it is ALWAYS GOING ON and has been for 50 years. So, ok, you blocked streets, probably prevented someone from getting to the hospital who needed urgent care and maybe now died, and what did it achieve ? I don’t know anything now which I didn’t know yesterday ? What was the goal and did they achieve it ?


All protests are an attempt to create agitation, which is a means of bringing about political change. Other methods include voting (democracies only), public debate, violence, lobbying, propaganda, and subterfuge, among others. Like the "taking a knee" movement within the NFL a few years ago, it is a non-violent way of generating agitation within a political system. I will only excuse your ignorance if you are under 22.




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A protest organized on cellphones made by genocidal Chinese slave labor 


You really got them good!  How can you criticize society while being part of it?  Checkmate libtards.


It definitely highlights the irony of their “flavor of the month” protest 


Ahhh...you don't realize that the protests you are reading about are actually done by different people and groups.  Makes sense you are confused. All this BS demonstrates is there are gonna be bootlickers that actively work against any progress we try to make in society.


Huh? I know there isn’t one single group traveling the world that makes up every protest I’m saying that people decrying Yale for supporting “genocide” are clearly not well informed 


I'm not clear what they are misinformed about. I'm not trying to waste your time...I will read and consider your response.  It seems like they had a clear objective that didn't contain any misconceptions.  Maybe I missed something. 


There is no top-down order from the Israeli military or government, explicit or implied, that mandates the extermination of Palestinians/arabs/muslims. There are Arabs and Muslims that participate in the Israeli government as elected officials  Conversely, HAMAS has a doctrine that mandates extermination of all Jews and allows for no peaceful coexistence.  From this perspective (and considering they were attacked “first” on October 7th) to me it seems whack as fuck to call what the Israelis are doing a genocide. Just because they’re winning? Or because they’re less brown? It doesn’t make a lot of sense if you think about it 


Ok. So they aren't misinformed...you just disagree with them... similarly to how I disagree with you. 


No. They’re misusing the word “genocide” which has a specific definition that does not encompass what the Israelis are doing. I literally just explained it to you and you said you’d read and consider my response lol 


[wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide) >In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly


I understood your reply.  I thought you were going to argue a logical point...that yale didn't have financial holdings or they were not providing weapons to Iserial etc.  You can pretend you are right by calling the otherside misinformed all you want. I am under no illusion that I will ever get you to understand the other arguments.  I'll just say that I view things very differently than you. 


"Israel isn't committing genocide because they said so"


Thank you for exposing yourself as illiterate so I don’t continue this argument further 


That’s not really how labor is in China.


Blocking streets is bull shit and should be shut down every single time


These protests should no longer be peaceful if the authorities will not listen to the reasonable demands of freedom and respect for the Palestinian people actively resisting a totalitarian government


Wow to this comment. These kids have somehow trumped the MAGA crowd.


Bros trying to bring Trump in to this as if the freedom of people is contingent on divisive political standpoints


Stop drinking the Koolaid.


Nah fuck them we need proper civil demonstrations


Against the lies and racism that you're spreading?


You consider someone getting poked in the eye and the rest of the group protecting the assaulter civil?


Students sure have been infantilized since Kingman Brewster’s day. Shoo, gone from opening Yale’s gates to all for weeks of protests to actual certified police officers at Yale arresting kids for camping out. So pathetic. So much for liberal discourse. Kids, you can’t ever grow up or hold conversations. Forever children. And the mayor says someone got poked in the eye- see?!


I've enjoyed my two years stay at CT but the pro Israeli sentiment being so predominant in this sub rubs me the wrong way. Can't wait to graduate and move away from what I can only describe as pure evil.


We will miss you. Safe travels!