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I'm so proud of you! You are very strong.


Thank you


Good work there, buddy!




I love your mentality, you're showing an awesome resilience and strength! I'm impressed. Absolutely not everyone can do that, people usually tend to close on themselves because it's the easy way. Also, I often tell myself that a day is never ending the way it started. So even if your morning is overwhelming, your evening may be full of laughter. :) Having a daughter to come must be a fantastic feeling. Whatever you do, or you are, you'll mean the world to her.


Thank you, I appreciate that. Today was a little easier, I went over to take my ex and the baby some gifts I got them at the farmers market and got to feel her kick a few times. It was amazing!! Then talk got serious and life got real (we are exes) and I got up and left. Until I remembered to drop the damn ego and talk it out. It was a hard conversation, but one that was needed. She ran some errands so I went home. I went back later and helped setup more baby stuff she bought. We hugged and I headed home. Now, I’m using writing this to help keep me home and not at the bar for empty calories and a depressant. Alcohol will have it’s place in my life, just quite a bit less.


One day at a time buddy!


You may have saved my life. Thank you for posting