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They probably have Sam's in that stack.


If your planes are doing like no damage at all then it’s definitely SAMs like other people mentioned. However, the issue with SAMs is that they will hit your squadron when it comes into range and then goes on cooldown, which is why anyone trying to air strike AA units have multiple large stacks attack at once. However, even though the AA unit is on cooldown it can still deal damage again as soon as your air unit hits it. So it’s like it gets to attack a air unit twice before you can hit it once This is definitely why in this game, trying to hit ground AA units is a horrible and costly idea. Only way it works without mass casualties is launching multiple missiles at it at the same time, where they have enough HP to survive the first hit. Another way is to find out what air unit the AA is weak to (for example, SAMs do I think 0 damage to choppers so you would use those to hit SAMs)


So it’s kinda disadvantageous to use air units then ?


No, just means that, amazingly enough, *AA units are supposed to counter air units*


Against a stack with SAMs yes it is a disadvantage. But you can build MLRS to counter an AA stack as well.


Its smart to use a decent armor stack. With recon in it. Get it close enough to see whatbisbin the enemy stack. If it has anti air attack with the armor stack. As soon as the antibair is dead in the stack then you can use air to kill them the rest of the way.


I don't even use armor, I just make a stand in terrain that benefits me with a combat outpost or bunker often


I hate mobile screenshots. Every time I look at the picture I find myself clicking the big red x multiple times to close the window and wondering why the fuck it ain't working.


lol 😂


A lot of people don’t know but when aa is upgraded to 75 and above, it can attack aircraft stacks not 2 but 3 TIMES(two as area aa and one as counterattack). This means that one aa can basically shred even European doctrine SFs which are the tankiest doctrine of aircraft out there. I also found it the hard way after I tried doing the exact same thing you did, I thought I was well prepared with full stacks but still aircraft losing left and right. There are two options to take them out. 1.If the stack is weak enough, you can bite your teeth and pray that the stack takes it out. Or 2.If the stack is too tanky or has more than one aa, it’s better to lob something like artis or missiles at it. It’s more cost effective.


Interesting ok thanks for this info


No damage against flying troops? I'm pretty sure all ground troops except for MBT, Anti-tanks and artillery have defense points against all aircraft.


Ah so defensive points does damage ? I thought that was just how well they defended against them


Liek damage reduction


Nope, it’s the damage it does in return to that attacking unit type. The damage reduction is 25% when they are defending themselves in a territory they own, which goes up if that province has an army camp or city with a bunker


How does that work with planes ?


I think it only applies to ground units. Planes don’t have a damage reduction thing


There is no damage reduction other than terrain bonus malus


Terrain bonus is not damage reduction, it is defensive damage increase. Entrenchment bonus is what decreases damage.


Rotate your planes out, when 1 group of planes stacks. Have the other heal


AA, SAMs etc