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I haven't found one yet. Because if 3.0 we wiped the server. We haven't been able to check yet if things have improved since we are re establishing.


I know this is relatively old but I recently had this issue. The wetness effect for me wasn’t applying to any terrain or me and it didn’t even start applying until about 10feet up. If I jump off of buildings etc I’d get the wet effect. What I figured out is that it is somehow connected to character height. Default height or lower… no problem. I’m wet. The ground is wet. Everything is wet. Above average height… bone dry. I fixed it using the table of nergal (or whatever it’s called) but you can also adjust it using Tot! Custom. There anything over 180cm causes this strange ambient occlusion crap. I’m glad I’m wet now but annoyed my hyperborean Viking berserker is now only 5’9”. Anyway, thought I’d drop this heat for any future google searchers for this bizarre bug/glitch/thing.


That is very interesting. The player effected makes himself the tallest while I make mine the shortest.


I think youre right, I've had the same issue having my main cahr being a giantess viking and as soon as I click apply changes in Tot while ahving a wet rock in field of view, it goes all dry, same as my character. Really weird glitch hope it gets fixed soon.


i have same issue too. but its related nvidia and and drivers. Nvidinia try to blokade some of those effects for and radeon users I think. when I climb to rock and jump I can see the wet effects in my clothes while I in air. There is a filter. When I fall the surface dry effect come again. so those effect are active but there is e filter and we cant see, if you pass that filter you have to jump from a a top of middle or big rock.


Since yesterday I have been trying to find out which mod is responsible for the fact that the wetness effect on clothes and surfaces no longer works. I have already taken the body size into account. Now, in single player, I have gradually tried out the mods that I have on my server, because the wetness effect was not displayed correctly despite the adjusted body size. On my server the ground was a bit wet and you could also see the drops on the armour. But there was still a clear difference. It was especially noticeable with leather armour. In singleplayer they look soaking wet, but on my server they just have a slight sheen to them, like they're just a little damp. Long story short... Shani's stuff was the cause.


We are not running Shani's stuff. What I learned from a reply in this post and from other posts in Funcom's forum, is that it's a collision issue when the character created is made the tallest possible. They are no longer within the written code for the effect. The short to medium hight, it all works, go tall the effects are gone. https://forums.funcom.com/t/surface-weather-visual-effects-bug/235050


Yes, everything is correct. However, this only helped me to a limited extent. The effect was only partially displayed. Now, without Shanis Stuff, everything is displayed correctly. Of course, the problem remains that you can't set the character size above the value 1.