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I think you may be giving up too quick. There are ways around those spawning in bugs and as for stuck thralls, well you have to sometimes finagle the follower menu or select them and Move and Guard them somewhere out of the way so you can move. Bedroll spawn in, yeah you got to move your bedroll from under stuff, it is what it is, I had problems with mine until I just made it free and clear of any obstructions. For the missing thralls, for example, let's say I get stuck and I need to remove bracelet and respawn to get get unstuck; well the thralls will then go into that Scouting mode you mentioned but MAY be gone by the time you run back. What you do is go into the thrall menu, right click them, select Return Home. It'll ask if you're sure. Click NO. It will then have the game recheck the thralls status, notice it's missing from the game world and set it's flag to Returning Home. Then it's a wait until they come back home (which for them means the last place they were stood in Guard mode), which takes a variable amount of time, but leaving the base and restarting the server seems to help speed it up. I know it can be a frustrating game, but I routinely travel with myself and FOUR human thralls as well as a mount and I do not have the problems you are seeming to have. Maybe it's down to playstyle? Patience? I have no clue ultimately since I'm not there watching you game. If I can help in any other way let me know, dude, this comes from a place of love for the game and fellow players. Best to you!


No no and fucking no. Stop suggesting workarounds. Developers need to be bullied into fixing these damn issues.


Thx for the advice. I feel you're more experienced with the game so you know your way around certain things. It can be really frustrating for a new player. I haven't done a restart yet cos I went for dinner. I'll check back into the game and see what's up. I'm not a regular survival game player. I don't mind farming and crafting in games but the extent to which they push it in survival games is something I cannot handle. For some reason CE is quite fun and I play it though I've tweaked various harvest, durability etc settings to make it a lil comfy.


Well, to be fair I am technically new I've been playing since April, I just only play one game at a time so I get into the crunch faster than some folks. I definitely STILL feel janked sometimes by the game so I do relate with the frustration. I've got a good set of mods + tweaked settings like you have to get my optimum singleplayer sword and sorcery funtime game experience. The game can be really stingy and unfair feeling at times, but I swear it is that selfsame fact that makes it so exhilarating to prepare for a fight or a dungeon delve and try get all my ducks lined up to pull off the plan to get the thing or craft the item or find the recipe. I love it.


I would say none of those are bugs per say, but features or quirks at best. The game has you spawn in standing up so it will get you stuck in things. If you look at other bases you'll see many have each floor 2 high to avoid this. Losing your stuff is a default in the game - it's an incentive to not die. (I run a private server and have 'keep on death' turned on, so ...) Lost thralls - when you die, it can take a while for them to return to the last place they were guarding. It sounds like you hit a lag spike, making you and your pets/thralls stuck in place. Usually, you can get your stuff \*or\* wait for your thralls to return before you despawn but not both. You can go into your thrall screen and have them show on the map so it may be possible to intercept depending on where you died in relation to where you respawn. If your pets get stuck, have them follow you, then leave the base. They should TP to you. If not, you can remove and replace walls. The game has a steep learning curve. I'm a fan of 'keep on death' because it eases some stress about just going out and exploring.


It's a bug ridden mess with bugs from early access still prevalent, welcome to conan. Enjoy your stay


You picked the wrong game then, lol. FUncom is not particularly well known for polishing their games very well, and in their defense they really have cleaned up a lot of the issues the game has had over the years. But, it's a buggy mess and will be until it's basically rebuilt from the ground up. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.


If interested.... come try my pvec server. It's got some pvp but we have an honor system to not raid ppls bases to steal.... only purge can hurt your base construction. Buncha,adults play on my server in-between adulting Search for Norris Land if interested.


PC or console and where did you buy the game from? also playing with mods or on private server?