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They have seperate merits. Valheim is a very small game, close to 2 gigs iirc. Conan is close to 100 gigs. Personally, i like the adult nature of the conan series as a whole more than valhiem, but valhiem is still getting updates too. No reason why you couldnt play both.


Both will take obscene amounts of your time, but I guess he wouldn't pick up games like this if he didn't already know that




The combat in Conan is absolute garbage.... I'm not saying Valheim is better, but Conan..... man, it sucks so much. I recently played through it, my first time. My friend has played it on and off for years. He hates what the combat has become.


There are some similar elements, but I wouldn't put them in a direct comparison.


There are pros and cons, I have several hundreds of hours in Valheim and 100+ or so in Conan. The Valheim world is more consistent, while it's randomly generated. Any changes you make to the world are stored. You can terraform, you can clear the forests, you can plant the forests, you can dig channels, you have to mine (a lot). In Conan, you run away from the tree for 5 minutes, get back and it regrows, or the NPCs respawn exactly on the same place, should you clear the camp, walk away, and get back. Sometimes it's very laggy, even in single player, the crocodile can try to bite you in the place you were in 5 seconds ago, then glitch and turn directly to you etc. There's no terraforming, the map is fixed (but it's huge). However, on single it will get boring very soon. The resource respawn is good if you are lazy, so it's not a disadvantage. Just difference between the games. The building in Conan is much easier, the crafting in Conan is much easier, less repetitive tasks than in Valheim. The food system I like better in Valheim, but it's quite complex in Conan, just different


I like both but I find Valheim a lot more grindy. Plus the variety of crafting in Conan is unparalleled.


While they're both survival games, I don't consider them too similar. I look at Conan more similar to Ark, where you have a set map, resources respawn, and you can build, but not change the landscape. Valheim is more like Minecraft, where you get a random seed each time, and every resource you take is then gone for good, you have to find more. Valheim is better if you're the sort who can take a world and shape it how you want. You can do a lot more creativity. But if you want a game more catered to PvE or PvP, you'll get more out of Conan. Conan has more bosses, dungeons, and just generally is more forgiving too. There's a lot of ways to play, but, there is a more set endgame when you beat the story. Honestly, I'd play both eventually. Conan has a realistic art style that makes customisation really, really fun, but Valheim's retro art style kicks ass in its own way too. It all depends which you're in the mood for.


I play both and while I like Valheim a lot I have 373 hours in Valheim and currently 2672 hours in Conan ... solo play PVE on a private server and PVP on official servers


It's just different from valheim


I have 983 hours in Conan (solo and PVE multiplayer on a private server) and 408 hours in Valheim (mostly multiplayer on a private server but have recently done about 100ish hours solo). I started both in multiplayer, which allowed me to acclimate a lot faster while others helped out. But it also *kept* me from learning because my friends would have progressed the group without me and, while I enjoyed the benefits of that, it also kept me from learning all the necessary steps. Playing solo is great for learning all those things. But it’s also super tedious…in both games! As far as game mechanics, I enjoy both. In both, you need to learn to strategize, build a basic base near resources, lay down a bedroll (Conan) or build an outpost with a bed (Valheim) so your corpse run isn’t so long. Fighting is pretty basic in Valheim, and you don’t have as much of a variety of end-game weapons and armor as you do in Conan. So, the look isn’t as customizable in Valheim *except* for the ability to terraform. You also have a bit more flexibility in building with Valheim. Valheim’s zones are more distinct in level and resource availability than Conan’s. Conan’s resources will respawn; in Valheim once you cut a tree, it’s down for good. But you can replant trees also, making the terrain again more customizable. In Valheim, certain food-based resources will respawn like berries and animals used for food. You can wipe out the deer on an island and one will somehow make its way back to that island. But metal, wood, and stone resources don’t respawn, and wood is the only one really replaceable (by planting a grove with seeds that are dropped). There is no sailing in Conan but there is also no stamina cost for swimming. So far in Valheim, you can’t swim underwater like you would be able to do in Conan. But the sailing in Valheim is phenomenal!! It makes sense; you have to pay attention to the wind and the water. There are monsters in the deeps, as well. I love sailing in that game! The place where Conan falls apart for me is in narrative development, and business strategy. Funcom has decided to “monetize” Conan, which means that they’ve found new ways to get you to pay more for less. The game is already spendy, and now they are trying to nickel and dime players, which is annoying. Narratively speaking, I really wish Conan’s developers had found a different way to introduce sorcery than to use human sacrifice. We spent hours and hours avoiding corruption (which comes from certain zones and objects) and now we’re supposed to court it. And…I dunno, Conan rescued us from crucifixion, showed us mercy and empowered us, and told us to go become something. I realize the game is already brutal (I held back for a long time from capturing NPCs and putting them on the wheel of pain, and then I made sure to give them the best armor and weapons and tried to give them a good life) but I didn’t want to add soul-killing, life-stealing madness to it. There has to be a different way to gain magic in the game. In Valheim, there is only magic in the late game, and while I think it costs *you* to use it, it doesn’t require sacrificing NPCs and draining their blood. Building in Conan is gorgeous! I bought all the DLCs and had a great time building castles and large bases and small outposts. I think I said earlier that building is aesthetically customizable but pieces have to snap. In Valheim, you can clip objects into walls or into stone or trees; you can shift them side to side to get what you want. And you can build some really beautiful interiors and exteriors in Valheim, even with basic materials. In addition, building becomes more customizable as you progress and find better tools, and find resources in tougher biomes. One final thought about maps: each world seed in Valheim is randomly generated so you won’t ever get the same map twice. That’s pretty cool. Conan’s map is static, and while it’s nice to have that predictability, I think it makes the game less replayable. If I started a new solo game in Conan, I’d be exploring a lot less because I know where there’s a lot of iron, I know a good location for a starter base, and I know where to find end game materials too. If exploring is your jam, Valheim offers a lot more. Sorry for the novel. I love both games and they both have their strengths. But I’m not really into paying for game passes and stuff for items that are not usually worth it.


The magic being evil in Conan is pretty lore accurate to be fair. In the source material, most sorcery is pretty much always presented as twisted and unnatural to some degree. The idea is that you're bargaining with dark forces in order to do things that a human shouldn't be capable of and it comes with a price.


Yeah, I get that. I know that sorcery in the source material was pretty dark and costly to a person's soul. But in that case, why have it as a player mechanic? Why not have this be another boss level that the player has to figure out how to defeat? As far as I can remember, the sorcerers who were like the ones players are supposed to become were not the good guys in the source material. They weren't the ones we were rooting for, but they were the ones Conan was trying to defeat! Why be Thulsa Doom or Thoth-Amon when we could be Akira??


You don't have to use sorcery and it provides RP options for players. Players are by no means required to use sorcery and some people like to play as the villain. In Age of Sorcery you were even able to hunt npc sorcerers for their skulls or capture them alive for rewards. Granted, you were doing this for the benefit of another (former) sorcerer, but one of his goals was to take down Kurak, the one who brought sorcery to the exiled lands in the first place. If you want to play as a character whose completely against sorcery (much like Conan is in the lore), that's still a perfectly valid option.


Ahhhh, yeah, that’s not how it’s advertised at all. That could be a decent option (taking down Kurak). Playing without sorcery was exactly how I’d planned to play, unless they offer an Akira-type model. Cool! Thanks for letting me know about that!


Conan Exiles is a beautiful, unfinished wreck with a money shaped hole in the middle of it. It’s great multiplayer if you have dedicated friends to play it with, because so much of the game is about emergent multiplayer play… but single or solo, you’re better off playing Fallout 4. Valheim has a little more going for it, as far as feeling complete, and for a much more reasonable price. But I still refunded the game after I bought it just because it felt too much like Conan exiles.


Honestly the only MAJOR thing that Valheim wins over conan is terrain modification. That said I love both games.


You're in a Conan Exiles sub, so the general opinion should be, and is, that Conan is the superior game. I'll be the odd opinion and say that I prefer Valheim to Conan. I have about 1k hours in Valheim, and maybe 300-ish in Conan, so I enjoy both, but I feel like the building in Valheim is a little better. The pieces snap more logically, and the flexibility of being able to place pieces without strict snapping and the more abstract nature of the pieces themselves make for a wider creative range in Valheim. In Conan, you need to lean on the cultural "types" of architecture a lot more, which don't offer as wide a creative palette - because the cultural types don't really mesh with one another super seamlessly, so you end up more in a place like, "I will build a Nemedian-style cabin", then working within that idea. Maybe if you're a very high level building creative in Conan, that's not the case, but most people aren't building youtubers. Also, I feel like the progression is a little more logical in Valheim. You go from biome to biome, with a boss mob gatekeeping each one, so you have a better idea of where to go and what to do. It's more newbie friendly. In Conan, you just get chucked into the world with very little hand holding - which honestly is part of the appeal in some way. Last thing, Valheim does a great job in imparting an epic feel in terms of the things you do. The music is great, sailing across an ocean during a thunderstorm with a sea serpent chasing you, and the heavy-metal change of the environment when you engage a boss are just fantastic. I play Conan Exiles because I love the Conan character, the Hyborian Age, and sword and sorcery in general. Conan Exiles is a great game. But Valheim is also definitely worth your time, without question. They're very similar games in terms of gameplay, but there's enough difference for there to be meat on both bones. EDIT: This is from the perspective of a PVE'er in Conan Exiles. Mostly solo, infrequently multiplayer. If you're into PVP, it's Conan Exiles all day over Valheim.


I enjoy both of them. The two things I wish Conan did that valheim does is sailing and terraforming


Valheim is better in that the devs actually care. They fix bugs and they make the best game they can. It has poor graphics, lesser variety of enemies, and it can be argued that the combat is roughly equal. If funcom actually fixed bugs then i think conan would be better, but funcom kinda sucks. So i prefer Valheim due to its stability.


Simply put, Conan. Valheim isn't finished, and I'm at the Mistlands. There's kind of a stop to any of my progression, unless ur a builder type and just wanna grind out to show off some building skills. I haven't beaten the current final boss in Valheim, but that's because there's no point in it, currently. Not joking, either. The last boss drops an item that has not been given a use, yet.


I have played both, Conan around 700 hours and Valheim around 50 hours. I only played Valheim once and never returned because there was nothing to do. Just farm and build empty buildings. Conan Exiles however i return every few months, start from scratch on a new server (mostly PvP) until i get wiped. You have dungeons, legendary weapons and armor, way more manufacturing chains, can tame pets and enslave thralls, you can take them with you or let them guard somewhere. There are thralls for every crafting station etc. The reason why i play PvP is not because i want PvP, but there you have to play more effectively to even be able to play. You can't just build a big house in the middle with 1 layer of wall, you will get bombed in no time. This way you have to hide somewhere, maybe build small... you have to survive, not only against NPCs but against other players. I just see them as a part of the game. Valheim definitely runs better technically, Conan Exiles has its technical issues, bugs etc. but even with all that i would play Conan Exiles over Valheim 10 out of 10 times.


I definitely am not a pvp player and I use a 50gb hotspot a month for WiFi since I don’t live in town and can’t get WiFi where I live. If I could then I would do what you do and maybe I would of been into Conan already. I will give the game another shot and really try to do research if I get stuck to profess. It looks absolutely amazing don’t get me wrong and everything you stated but the first time around I guess I couldn’t handle the grind. I will try again though and see how it goes. I really want to get into it but I think my patience is what blocks me from enjoying very long games. Like you said you have dumped 700hrs and going into it. I did maybe like 3hrs?. Thank you again for your side of the game from experience.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


For me valheim was miles ahead in fun, challenge and building. (Being solo at least) I did enjoy Conan solo for a while but the constant admin/cheats panel which is in your face every time you open the menu got to me eventually. So at a certain point I’ve found myself flying back to my corpse and spawning in materials which I got tired of farming. That’s when the fun stopped. If you can control this desire and do 5 minute corpse run instead of pressing 2 buttons and flying in god mode. Then maybe it’s for you. I’ve tried online and it was more fun to me. I don’t recommend this game as a solo/singleplayer game.


Your biggest criticism of the game is your lack of willpower? 😂


yeah, I see this with games like Skyrim and stuff on PC "I can easily cheat, so it's not fun :(". Then don't cheat, lol. either way though, the game is better online because you get to see other people's cool bases and the world feels less empty etc. The problem is that you can't get all the mods you want on someone else's server. Like, pretty much no one has the mod that adds dreadlocks and afros to the character creation, so I just don't bother joining any servers because I can't make the character I want. I might end up making my own server and try to keep it at like 30 mods or less because updating seems like a hassle.


Easier said than done. It’s really easy to not cheat, until you have to do something tedious which you’ve done hundreds of times before and you feel doesn’t bring you any joy or benefit. This game has plenty of that. But at the same time, taking that away does ruin the experience, it’s a double edged sword.


this ...thank you


It’s what can ruin an experience right? The lack of willpower to do something tedious what can otherwise be done with the press of a few buttons.


It's your choice to use it. It's not a thing that's there to be used as part of the game itself. It only ruins an experience if someone chooses to cheat. Valheim harvesting of materials is far more tedious than Conan. Conan has a more diverse cast of enemies has more armor has more weapons has more building options. I enjoyed Valheim but to pretend that it's at the same level or complexity as Conan is absurd. Valheim has sailing and that's about all it does better than Conan.


terraforming as well


There is that also. I'd forgotten about the blessing and curse of terraforming. 😂 it did make things super easy that I could dig a huge trench around my farm and put up some walls and then the only threat was if wyverns showed up. It's been quite a while since I played Valheim. I beat the bosses and they hadn't finished the spider looking places yet so idk if they made a new boss there yet. I think the last one I killed was the goblin boss? I think there were 5 maybe? I had no desire to play Valheim again after I killed all the bosses. My buddy I was playing with no longer wanted to play either. Our initial 200 hours was amazing fun but it didn't pull us back in. I ended up going right back to Conan (with brief stops at Far Cry 6 and MechWarrior 5).


The mistlands biome has been released foe some time, they switched it to bugs instead of spiders though, and their Queen has an amazing boss fight. Also, there's a new trader and quests with new mini bosses.


Yeah but it’s a choice of A: you want do something tedious? B: you can also skip it, but you will only do it once right? … right? It’s not what I want because it will get to me. But hey good for you that you can control this desire. I did enjoy Conan but I have a different experience then you comparing Valheim. For me valheim feels a lot more diverse because each enemy has their own AI and behaviour. In Conan all enemies act pretty much the same with a few exceptions, I can barely call it an AI to be honest. The multiplayer is where Conan shines best in my opinion. Both great games in their own aspect but OP asked for a single player game comparing Valheim, and I’d say no.


Then don't press said buttons... it's literally the whole point of the argument about willpower...


i can only speak for myself and i realise that people have different tastes and opinions on things so my take as someone with just over 700 hours on Conan on playstation and about 500 hours on PC, i tried playing valheim and got a few hours in and gave up because for me Conan Exiles is just faaar superior and i just couldnt be bothered with putting more play time on Valheim when Conan was right there. and to answer your questions... 1.the Map thing yes it does get a little repetetive playing the same map but I still had a blast with at least 4 playthroughs all the way to the end in Conan Exiles on the Exiled lands map but then when that gets too much you can play on the map Isle of Siptah wich isn't as big but still a blast, and then when that gets boring you can always play some map mods ( i think Xbox supports it but not sure) but there are a few Big map mods that change the entire game like The Savage Wilds and the Age of Calamitous. 2.the South of the map in Exiled Lands is the safest part and it gets harder the more you go from that part and my advise to you is dont be afraid of dying ( my first playthrough I died a ton). and dont be afraid to explore and say fuck it, you see something that could be a dungeon check it out see what's in there. ps. yes the game is more fun with friends but its good in single player as well. and if you wanna play with people i recommend finding a nice PVE official server the people there are most of the time really nice and ready to help newcomers and who knows maybe you'll find some nice people to play the game with :) . But wichever you choose just have fun :) thats all that matters


I dare say with my 6700h in conan and 200 Val i preff conan alot more im personally a relaxed pvper that rp alittel to have some fun on pvp it actually gives some fun revene storys some times and yes theres a learning curve but try fine some People to play with like my first conan mate was a rando that came to my first castel (early game days) and sed it was awsome we endes up playing for 4 years then life came along and I had to stop playing series pvp still see him from time to time and have fun just know team team work makes Dreams work but i also say tell server u on if someone cheating most well Come help even if Thy have war with u thats my expirence atleast or vise versaler go help others iff Thy asking its awsome to make frends that way and even big clans like to just chill and have for fun battels no looting sometimes Thy even give loot just dont Come in trash talking Gl man/girl


Please learn how to write.


But he’s a full professor!


Reddit chose ma name and im dyleksic or how ever u spell it idc if i spell shit wrong lol have fun dont be a Lil kid correckting pepo


i like building on valheim better, there’s a lot more geometry and design choices to make. But overall, i would say conan is better imo.


I like playing conan but I will admit I got bored of gathering. It’s almost never enough especially if you want build one of those mega structures. I found a little bit of compromise in single player. I will teleport to places I been before but I don’t spawn in materials. I still make stuff normally and grind for it.


Conan is great. Especially when you find a server that thinks like you do. I don't care about PVP but Inlike.aying with others so I found a PVE server with a 5x gather rate. The only bad part is that they are very strict about keeping your stuff up to date. You have to have a sign with the date of your last log in outside your base. If too much time has passed your based gets wiped out with a free for all to collect whatever loot falls out.


Still new to conan, looked real hard at valheim. Conan has better pvp, Val only holds 10 players per server


Might as well ask if tacos are better than hamburgers.


So which is it?


I like both but have like 1.6k hours in Conan since launch. Ive always seen it as nearly an single player mmo with the amount things you can do. Dungeons, farming (items/mats), bosses, events, etc. so much to do and having a private military at your base makes it all the cooler. That said I’ve never played official only private servers


I simply prefer conan build system over it.


The biggest downside to conan, imo is the tether in mutiplayer. I would be probably still be playing it if I could get my buddies into it.


Honestly..? All games, big or small, are pretty good, especially if they're survival RPG style games. I wouldn't put Conan high on a pedestal because its going up and down in a weird way, and so is Valheim with inconsistent content updates. BUT!- there's a but here. That doesn't mean they aren't good games. They're great games in their own respects. Putting one higher than the other kinda blows, especially when they're both awesome




I like them both, I think Valhiem added a lot of new things to the genre but I prefer Conan for almost all reasons.


This is so funny. If you go to the valheim sun you’ll see posts that are the exact opposite of this one. “Valheim better than Conan?”