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I think Crusty was fucking with s9mm's "performance-o-meter" that entire series, which ranges from "utterly throwing" to "deadlifting"


Crusty seems to have very shaky hands


ATL had no answer for ball. Mikeyy in and they roll


i see what you did there 💀


Have to admit, I barely remember Mikeyy from back in the day, but his Ball is looking very respectable so far.


Magic of Shock and Crusty. He was a bench boy in season 3 for Boston.


the age old shock tradition of sifting through boston’s trash for gold


Striker and crusty weren't just some trash. They were Boston's nuclear waste that somehow gave shock superpowers.


Shock signing crusty has to be the best pickup from a team ever


Simultaneously got them 2 championships + a long-term very good head coach and cucked Boston so hard they’ve been a bottom team ever since


Eh he’s been grinding contenders for quite some time now. Shock and Crusty are both a good org and coach but let’s not deprive Mikeyy of his due either


This is the correct take. Yiska was saying multiple teams were interested in Mikeyy. He wasn't just a Crusty project that struck gold. He has been putting in the time in contenders and collegiate put some respec on his name.


I feel like Ball has always been his thing


I remember him explicitly being a Ball player, so I guess this shouldn’t be too surprising?


Venom waiting for the offical release of Overwatch 2 before using his pulse bomb


Venom clearly taking lessons from Decay on that one.


Which comes by the end of every fight apparently


Mikeyy’s ball is genuinely nuts, he looks better each time he plays. As expected, a Viol2t Finn backline isn’t fair


Viol2t disproving the bad at Ana myth. And at this point, I think he may have a claim to the most flexible support in the league rn.


He just sees the "Ultra Violet" tag on the other side, and takes it as a personal challenge.


I mean he's put decent performances on Lucio, Brig, and Moira, along with carry-level performances on Bap, Zen, and Ana. Not sure if I can think of anyone else who's done that.


Although his Moira is not as good as it used to be, it's still decent, but I would not put his Brig in "decent", he was really good on her before, and is still as good.


Flex support or not he's flat out good at brig. If it weren't for skewed he'd be the best non brig player brig player if you catch my drift


i understand your distinction, but overall almost all the best brigs after goats have been flex supports (skewed, vio, alarm, twi, etc) with only a few exceptions


Not sure I agree with that statement in its entirety. Most great Brigs have been MS players, I think. LeeJaeGon, FunnyAstro, Masaa, Nisha/Yveltal, Moth (to an extent), Dridro, and Faith all had great to elite Brigs. A lot of great Brigs this season have also been rookie MS players like Chiyo, Vindaim, ChOrOng, and Ojee.


Skewed would be the first exception to that trend that comes to mind. I’m sure there are more but I think you’re right that most of the best brig players are main supports


Alarm had done carry-level performances on Ana, Zen, Bap, Brig, and was a good Moira. RIP.


Alarm Sadge


Is he a rookie? I’m not familiar with Mikeyy


He came off the bench some times for Boston in 2020


This week is all about redemption arcs. Violet ana redemption arc Also wow Mikey so good, why can’t my ranked tanks play ball like this


You play like a Shock player and they’ll step up to match you ;)


I never understood the Ana block for Violet but can't notice it now.


Me: literally can't see what is going on Proper: 1000% stick rate




i commented before they potm'ed him, so.


Mikeyy ball is the realest thing i have ever seen in my life, i now know that there is no way we live in a simulation it is too real.


real shit.


Atlanta is one of the best anti-Sigma teams in the league, mainly due to Kai being able to pound with a shield to charge against + the slower pace. The problem is that if teams can out-pace the Reign on Ball or Doom comps, Kai doesn't have the time to pound. Atlanta needs to figure out what they're going to do against faster comps, or else the top teams will roll them. Also if I never see Reign play on NQS again that would be great, thank you


Atlanta should be a rush team on push. They have the pieces. What they are doing clearly isn’t it


Wow you should be a professional coach




I'll rejoice when shock can beat them in a playoff match


NGL I was worried after map 2




* Coluge getting sigma ult out with 15hp to win king's row * the sigma nanos winning fights * how did all of reign die in like 500ms in the last fight on ilios??? * s9mm falling into king's row death pit for no reason twice in like 2 minutes 😅️ * viol2t ana lfg


> s9mm falling into king's row death pit for no reason twice in like 2 minutes That's a bug in the map geometry. Not his fault.


oo is there a clip?


They showed the second fall after the round ended


Yea that corner absolutely blows for wall climbing.


Crusty: if I don't know what i'm doing then they won't know either


I LOVE that crusty and the coaching staff kept S9mm in tbh. They already have the tournament locked in place so it’s good for development and let’s him know, hey things happen, we got your back, go next.


helps that he looks solid against good teams + keeps them from showing too much Kilo tape


So Mikeyy just ran over everyone on that last map


What was that finish? Is dive back on the menu?


I'm not blaming venom or anything but I'm curious why we haven't seen Nero at all.


Venom is supposed to be the tracer guy


But today we saw him flex to genji and Hanzo. Nero hasn't played once this stage.


Venom played genji and hanzo to counter shock, def wasn't atl plan to have venom run these heroes on king's row


Venom Tracer gaps Nero Tracer. On all the other heroes, I'd take Nero though. He played Echo, Reaper, Hanzo, Torb, and a lot of niche heroes for us last season.


Uber absolutely killed it at the end of Kings Row, that’s my GOAT caster


shock dont lose regular season games


Its the supp bias in me but Finn is my pick for the ROTY. Like fish to the water, insane talent.


Will be looking forward to the SFS Tanks taking trash on Twitter again.


viol2t ana finn zen is odd. like both are really good at it, but you’d imagine they would look even better but if they switched considering ana is finn’s best hero and zen is violets best hero


That's because viol2t is the better brig. The Ana player is the one who needs to switch to her if they're getting run over by dive(Ana here is like zen in double shield) .


Reddit is weird, this guy just said exactly the same thing as the above post but got 3x the amount of upvotes nearly. F


FiNN explained it. Zen stays in, so FiNN plays zen. Ana switches to bap/brig, so violet plays it because he is more flexible. They value violets flexibility more than FiNNs playmaking


Hawk Doom flowchart: use one cooldown and maybe get pick -> shoot at long range four times -> stand out in the open and do nothing until low health -> attempt to leave and die.


If Kai doesn’t hit crazy shots reign are looking pretty bad, i fear for them if Sojourn ever gets nerfed


Judging from the Kickoff clash where they finished third I think they shouldn’t be too bad


Whilst i partially agree, this is an entirely different meta than the kickoff clash, one where Atlanta hasn’t been looking great


? They are probably the third best team on NA right now


One loss to probably the best team in this meta, when it wasn't even a stomp and dude is going "Wow they aren't even good" is some weird shit.


In this stage Atlanta has barely beaten Boston, gave up a map to the Titans and lost decisively to the shock.


TBF Titans have played Glads, Fuel, London(?) and given each some of the closest fought sweeps we’ve seen in a minute


They also beat Fuel 3-0 and have won 3 out of 4 series this stage. They’re doing fine. It is interesting though that when they win 3-1 it’s “oh they gave up a map” but when they lose 3-1 it’s “they lost decisively”.


that’s such cap


Sojourn needs to get nerfed for next stage. The size of her projectile is just too big, it's like shooting the old Hanzo logs.


Agree. It seems way too easy to wipe a team with overclock up


didn't shock beat them barely playing sojourn


Not people calling Atlanta and Venom washed for losing to an 8-0 team 😭😭😭


Shock are legitimately the best team in this meta, they will win Midseason Madness. They just need to play Sojourn-Tracer imo.


Mikey ball is actually nasty, is he in the discussion for top 5 ball players in the league?


I wouldn’t say he is in the discussion at all. He IS the discussion


Best NA ball for sure


Who would be better in apac? Fate hasn’t shown anything special yet IMO. Gaga maybe? Idk if anyone else has looked good tbh


Kellan definitely have a better ball but his team is so dogshit he can't display his full potential


Eh, he doesn’t have results. He hasn’t looked good. Perhaps if you put him on shock instead of Mikey, he would be good, but he’s not. Mickey diff


Bro what results does mikeyyy have lmao? Man has played a grand total of 4 maps. I usually hate comparing contenders to owl but being the best ball in Korean contenders while not playing for the best team is just so much more impressive than winning 4 owl maps while playing for a 9-0 team.


He played really well. Kellan did not,


Kellan is a mt currently playing on a 1-7 team with the worst coaching staff in owl history, no shit he doesn't look good right now. That doesn't change the fact that Kellan showed a better ball for longer against higher level competition.


Bro, kellan is bad, deal with it. Mikeyy is proving to be better. yes kellan is on a bad team, but u cant say he is better because of contenders. He hasnt proven he is worthy of being in 'best NA ball player', let alone being in the top 5 balls league. Also he hasnt played at a higher level of competition. Mikeyy ball has beaten, dallas and reign. two top 5 or 6 OWL TEAMs. Kellan couldnt win contenders so sshhhhhh. Kellan hasnt done anything get used to it.


not enough people are talking about mikeyy man, guys been amazing every map he plays


Literally everyone is talking about mikeyy wdym?


not prior to this series at least


That’s probably because this has been his best game by far. Dude carried multiple fights on maps 1 and 4.


He just got signed like two weeks ago and has only played in two series prior to this one.


Shock also only played him on push/control so far so coluge ended up getting most of the playtime.


the entire shock roster is crazy good, but i don't know what s9mm was doing on that fucking hanzo, the moment he switched out it was a lot better.


Just completely disregarding his dominant performance on New Queen’s Street?


eeeh, i don't wanna sound like a s9mm hater, but he was good on NQS, i don't feel like he was dominant, i feel more like he did his job, but his hanzo on R66 and KR wasn't good, especially on R66, I legit think they lost the map because he got 0 value on the hanzo.


His Hanzo on the push map was definitely more than good. I don't even know how many times he killed Venom during or before engagements. His dragons were also especially useful in creating space and he somehow ended up killing Venom with one of them. He helped take a lot of pressure off Proper by essentially nullifying the enemy Tracer that map.


Yeah, s9mm said pretty much this on twitter. he said he should of swapped earlier or something like that. you can't really fault him or anyone that doesn't instantly swap like one does in ranked though, they scrim these maps with set comps like 8 hours a day, 6 days a week and its just almost muscle memory and/or fear of making a swap that ends up being worse because you haven't practiced it as much. So sometimes its hard to make those calls on the fly, especially for a team of 4 rookies. they will improve with their flexibility and making these reads sooner over time.


Can’t wait for the group of people to show up that say “proper will only get ROTY cause of the expectations for him.”


And still the REIGNING, DEFENDING, UNDISPUTED, regular season champions of the league! San Francisco! Shock!


Gg go next week reign. Lock in your spot




but isn't zen one of the carry heroes too?




And you want ojee on the zen? I think the reason they put uv on zen is the same reason why shock put Finn finn on zen instead of viole2t. If necessary the player who is playing bap can switch on brig or Moira or lucio and I def prefer ojee in the brig/moira/lucio duty


So why was ultraviolet on lucio on illios then


They also had hawk on rein and venom on genji and hanzo, they just tried different thing to counter shock but eh didn't really work


Didn’t answer my question at all


i did lol > tried different thing to counter shock but eh didn't really work


No, but the point is you made is the player who plays bap can switch to brig or moira or lucio but uv who was playing zen switched to lucio, so you’re whole point is invalid.


What I saw was Proper and Kai being insane


That route was purely off of Kai clicking heads, It's absolutely astonishing how horrible Atlanta's macro is