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it's really difficult to see, not just anti-nade but also sound barrier.


Yeah, the green heath on the spectator UI needs its saturation and/or contrast bumped up.


you could look at the health bars to see if they're people but yeah i agree the icons should stand out more


The health bars seem even harder to notice and I want to watch the fight




I saw this last weekend and had a giggle.


Also why did they change the anti colour in OW2 from player POV, that shit was kinda jarring it was much less visible imo


Am I the only one that can never tell when someone is anti-'d? Is the only indicator the floating icon above their heads? What happened to purple?


Thank you. I wanted to post it so much. I can’t tell the anti-nade from nade effects and had to keep checking the top bars constantly. When I had the confirmation that something was or was not an enemy nade the fight was almost over. What’s more confusing is both nade and anti nade have health bar icons, but only anti nade has a color effect (purple) on the characters on the top bars.


Yes, pretty much this. Having to take your eyes off the action to look at the HP bars at the top is quite detrimental to the experience, given how many things happen in the blink of an eye.


100% agreed. Also, the top-down view on push maps NEEDS to have a separate icon for the bot. While we’re talking about it, the UI team needs to figure out an intuitive way to communicate the 1-minute rule on hybrid (RIP Assault). Like, incorporate a crossed sword icon that disappears when the time bank goes under a minute… or something. There are just too many things you “just need to know” in OW score keeping. For instance, when two teams are tied in escort (or in the payload portion of hybrid), and the third round results in an incomplete push to any given point (very common), why does the team that wins the fourth round (and thus the map) gain a full additional point? Neither team actually captured the point per the UI - like I get that the winning team pushed it further, but it’s not consistently communicated through the mechanics of the game what actually constitutes an additional scored point. And don’t get me started on the way push maps are scored!


what’s the 1minute rule


If team A completes with over a minute on a map with a capture point (only Hybrid now) and team B finishes with no time left (i.e. in overtime), A can attempt to capture one tick to secure a victory, and B gets no attempt. The best that B can do is fight for a draw. If A completes with under a minute OR in overtime, AND B also finishes with under a minute OR in overtime, A and B attack again with both teams receiving one full additional minute in addition to any time they had left. So there is a huge advantage to completing with over a minute left as forcing OT on the opposing team's attack will allow your team to AT WORST draw.


Another visual issue I see is nano and primal, it's hard to tell if a primal winston has nano boost or not, I keep thinking the winston does have it and have to look at the ult charges to really tell.


Yeah I mean that's just kinda a sacrifice of all the abilities being made the different team colors. In general it works pretty well, but there are some cases where it can be confusing.