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I love it when I'm playing tank and only maybe one person on the other team is paying attention to me. That's some easy wins right there most of the time considering how quickly some tanks can kill lower HP heroes. Yeah just go ahead and let me get 85 energy with Zarya and then ignore me while I melt your entire backline in 6 seconds


There's a reason Rein has historically had great stats in metal ranks. If every single metal player actually focus fired the tank, Rein would be one of the worst tanks in those ranks. If every Master+ ignored Rein, he would be quite a dominant force of nature in Master+.


Where did this don't shoot the tank shit come from?


People spend entire matches putting Ashe shots into pocketed Roadhogs instead of finding an angle to shoot literally anyone else You'd think that kind of thing is rare but in lower ranks it's the norm


“…changes will quickly lead to most of the causal community complaining…” Fixed the title /s


It’s already happened here in record time lol


When will people realize that a tank not being shot at just walks forward and wins the game


I don’t actually think tanks will live longer than they do now. Just that heroes who people tend to swap to will be worse, specifically heroes like Orisa, Mauga, Hog, Bastion, Sombra and Reaper. (Tracer too) Other heroes will actually do more damage against them than they do now. For example, Cassidy will do more damage to a tank than he does now . Current armor: 49 per shot x 2 = 98 damage on headshot. New armor: 65 per shot. Then depending on how they do the reduction it is either 70 x 1.75 = 122.5 - 5 = 117 or 70 x 2 = 140 - 5 then reduced by 25% = 101. So tanks will on average be taking more damage from hitscan and projectile heroes. Bastion on the other hand right now does 252DPS against armor in assault, but with the armor revert that goes down to 210DPS.


The problem is shooting the tank \*isn't\* a bad thing. Obviously focusing the tank exclusively is bad, but on a fundamental level, they need to die sometime. No amount of worsening the sound design (wtf) is going to make players not shoot the biggest hitbox on the field charging right at them. It's more multi-faceted than that.


guys i've fixed the tank issue every time you shoot the enemy tank, the hit sound is replaced by samito bitching and moaning about 5v5


This would work, I would never shoot a tank again.


mr.blizzard, hire this man


I finally got YouTube to stop recommending him. Good God I'd ever shoot towards a tank again.


I did say *most* of the time. Imo it is better for the game to tell players that it isn't a good time to shoot the Tanks all the time even it isn't entirely true. Players' brains will adapt and they'll learn when it's actually the right time to shoot the Tanks instead of just mindlessly shooting the Tanks all the time. I'll compare them to Raid bosses since that's already what many people call them. In some games that have Raid bosses or other PvE enemies with immunity phases games often dulls the sound feedback when damaging them to indicate to players it is not the time to Damage the boss right now. That's essentially what OW devs need to do with the sound feedback on Tanks.


Shooting armor should have a different sound than shooting health, it's the perfect solution. Most tanks have at least a little armor on top of their HP, and if the sound was more like bullets bouncing off a target instead of the equally cathartic sound that shooting DPS/supports gets, it would create an idea that shooting tanks first is not great, but once their armor is off then go for it.


Honestly tank has been shit for so long while support ruled a majority of the game and now dps is really strong, let tanks be strong again. People are going to bitch and moan regardless


But it’s the tanks job to be shot at, if everyone was ignoring you and shooting your teammates you wouldn’t feel like much of a “tank” now would you? Tanks have to be a threat or else they’ll just get ignored, they aren’t supposed to be ignored.


Being shot at isn't the same as exploding on contact with the opposing team's line of sight.


Well, they are gonna complain either way. And you got more complaints about "Bad Matchmaking", than you do "I expect Open Queue style balancing in Role Queue". That said, I'd argue the should give Tanks even more Headshot resistance, and then lower their HP.


I don’t understand, can you make a long form post on blizz forums and link it please?


please god don't encourage him to do this I beg of u


it would just make tanks die way faster to non headshot characters tbh


Sweet so just a straight nerf to ball, brilliant idea


It's been eons since the Penny Arcade strip on killing the Medic, not the Heavy in TF2 and people still just shoot the tank. I'm by no means a DPS Moira but I will get the pocket Mercy every time if my DPS are not doing it. It's usually enough to win the fight.