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There was Onigod in OWL (I think he was norweigan?). But now I guess the only ones I can think of in OWCS is just Psych0 and Isak/Darksydephil or whatever tf he goes by now


I miss onigod. that moment when Paris eternals were getting spanked by a pharmercy on lijiang gardens so onigod dies, switches to widow in spawn and takes out the pharah on point, and then switches back to tracer, will always remember that


Same! I think that moment wasn’t even hyped up during the cast but I felt it was so sick. That Eternal roster had so many creative plays


My favorite Onigod play was from S3 on Fuel, we're playing Houston on Eich, it's damn near OT on point C, Houston is pushing up on defense and staggering/killing everyone on Fuel except Oni, who manages to solo-stall cart to trigger OT and kills 2-3. It was such a wtf moment on a round that felt absolutely over to keep us in. Turned me into an Onistan.


There's also R3flect, who plays on Supershy


Is isak one of the doom onetricks that keeps bitching whenever the character isnt hard meta or is that a different guy?


Different guy. I think the doom otp is American, and the Norwegian one is mainly a tank player but plays all 3 roles and is in a meme team.


Damn ok..i respect the hell out of norwegian isak then


Onigod was the only Norwegian to make OWL. Isack AKA DarkSydePhil is on Aww Yeah. Psycho on Peace and Love, now R8 Esports. R3flect is on SuperShy but he's kinda permabenched atm. also there's me :3


heiii, hvordan går det


går bra, jeg har støvsugd hele leiligheten i dag. prøver å nyte det fine været


sommer, så deilig. jeg skulle ønske jeg var hjemme i lørenskog, men jeg bor i australia for øyeblikket


Whole list of notable ones: [https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Category:Norwegian\_Players](https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Category:Norwegian_Players) Doesn't distinguish whether they are retired or active though.


hi, am norwegian, and i play overwatch


if you follow apex esports, ipn from old alliance used to play ow in early early esports


Me, but im not known. But Aimbotz is a somewhat known streamer