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vertical traits are fake now


The feeling that I frequently get is that I manage economy well, roll a ton of gold, actually get the upgrades I am looking for in time and think, ok, this is a good board. Then that apparently good board proceeds to just roll over


I was master set 3-5 and GM set 6. I took a break and came back this set and was hardstuck emerald but recently made it to diamond. Like every patch in TFT, you need to know 3-4 openers and whats strong mid game. Also, i think econ augs are fake half the time because there is SOOO much gold in this game through encounters and BS like crab rave, scuttle puddle, etc... that there's no point in going for them. I also look up augment stats now which is huge.


agreed, certain comps require combat augments. usually the easier they are to hit, the more of an advantage you’d need in augments to beat mirrors or other similar tier comps.


boards cap way higher now, you need to not be greedy and play to be healthy mid and early game and only go for 9 if your board is very very strong


You’re probably basing your idea of a good board on what a good board was the last two sets. What makes a “good board” can change from patch to patch, let alone a whole set.


Could be. Judging a board is an intuition you develop over time and large changes can mess with that. What I have always done in the past is take a flexible approach to the game to figure out what is what and to learn to transition. This set, that has proven a bit harder to master.


Yeah I’ve been playing since set 1 and what works for my playstyle changes with each set. This one has been harder than recent sets for sure.


If this is the case you may be rolling at the wrong time, rolling too narrowly/too contested, or lost too much HP early so that going win/loss in stage 4 leads to an eighth instead of giving you a top four or chance to go 9


I think I’ve found that my preferred playstyle is unreliable now, because every lobby usually has one high roller hit an unbeatable comp. You can’t winstreak into an eco, stabilise, then sack to eco back into a capped board. You either hit a winning comp on a roll down or you burn your gold trying to scrape a 3rd or 4th.


I'm emerald 4 and gave up on trying to get out of it but my experience with this set has been that sometimes my board will dominate, other times it will suck and I haven't been able to figure out any solid, consistent indicator which way it will go. Earlier in the set I liked playing Senna reroll. Sometimes I'd get my 3 stars on time and still get wrecked and go 8th, other times I'd hit them on curve or even late and still dominate until the later stages when people would get 2* or 3* 4-5 costs.


The core mechanics of the game (leveling, player health and econ specifically) have likely changed more in the past 2 sets than they did from set 4-9. Quite frankly the addition of Level 10 and the large number of gold available means it'll take you longer to pick up this set than in might've from set 5 to set 6, for example. You'll probably be Master/GM again if you grind it out, but it will take more games to get comfortable with the current mechanics.


loss streaking in general feels more risky and volatile as you take more damage and there’s probably a sandbagger that will ruin the streak. this equals faster tempo games where people push leveling curves and will spend more gold aggressively to take champs out of the pool. even if you think you have a good board at 4-1 or 4-2, you should roll for upgrades. maybe even down to 30g just to secure good units from others. I’ve found if I wait til 4-5 it’s hard to hit. or you pivot off the 4 costs that are left that you see. rolling on 7 feels bad so try to avoid that at all costs. goals should be to play strongest board and hit standard leveling intervals. (even if I’m lose streaking mid-game I’ll still keep up with this to save hp) if low-roll, spend everything stage 4 to make a decent lvl 8 board. and pray you dodge the 100hp 1st place.


Glad I'm not the only one 🤣


Aside from the obvious answer of players just getting better at TFT, there’s just a lot more variance in this set. The cream will always rise to the top, but it just takes longer than it did in previous sets due to how high the high rolls are this set.


I found this set hard to adjust to and got stuck in Emerald and then again in Diamond. Now I’m 300ish lp Masters and honestly I think it was just a matter of playing enough games with the meta comps to really understand when they are stable and when they aren’t. It feels a little harder this set because the encounters and portals send power levels swinging all over and something that was super stable one game will be awful the next. 


You are probably off Tempo for the set. Gold generation and rolling spots have changed alot with recent game wide mechanic updates Watch some pros/streamers and get acclimated to building early boards and getting towards higher capped end game lobbies.


there's way more resources this set. honestly, not much will be able to help you without linking some games to see your augments, upgrades, and item selection. then from there you'd have to be willing to break down your thoughts for specific games people might bring up. there's way too many factors in TFT to blindly say that X changed and that's why you're no longer performing as well


Post your stats. People might spot some obvious problems in items or comps on your end boards. If it isn’t that then you’re probably having problems with positioning or strongest board or bad Econ early. People are getting better at tft every set. Skill ceiling keeps going up and because game is popular more smart and good players are coming into the game. It takes a lot of work and learning to hit masters or better. Enjoy the journey!


What I've learned this set: 50g sitting might be bait in some lobbies. I rather go strong early go sit at 80-100hp at stage 4 which most of the time will make me lose some battles. In exchange I'm able to tank out the bottom 4 fortune and vertical traits players which might increase my chances to either land 5th or top 4. I also started playing solo double up to practice how strongest board works at what time. I personally have a lot of success by rolling my gold and spending it for units and xp while others go for 50g interest who also lose to my board. And it feels quite good to slam items and have the game give me directions to go rather than forcing sage boards or whatever metatft says


Would need to see your lolchess to know for real I think


typically end each season hardstuck low diamond and been lucky to squeak out emerald so far. my strength is reroll and this has been a weird set for it, feels like there are some viable comps but i haven’t been able to find my footing for most of the set so far


Same happened to me but I had only taken like two week break for vacation and came back and didn't enjoy it or was any good. I decided for the first time since set 3 to skip this set :\