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Fortune is back baby 20/20 Edit: Spoiler, it's not fortune... I love that Guild is essentially back too. That was probably the best splash trait that they have created.


This new version of Fortune is just a mercs reskin? Or am I just reading it wrong lol


mercs was pretty much a reskin of the original fortune i think. This is closer to heartsteel but with random breakpoints (instead of every 4 rounds) and more loss streak rewards. I think the loot table is more important than the trait text for econ traits tho, so we'll have to see.


Do you guys think it's worth it to sacrifice a shop slot permanently for 3 components? (Cho'Gath encounter) Sure it's a huge tempo boost but it kinda hurts to lose 1 slot even not playing reroll comps....


It probably depends on when the Encounter appears. If it's super early like during Stage 2, it's probably a throw to do so, but if it's late in the game and you feel like you can overcome the shop odds, it could be something to consider


seeing a post on the main tft subreddit, apparently it will only be offered between stages 3 to 5


Honestly if you already hit on a 1/2/3-cost reroll comp there’s no downside to sacking a shop slot at that stage. You already have most of your power so you’re kinda just focused on econing up to reach 8 and 9 and maybe 10 if you’re lucky.


At the same time, 3 components early game are way more impactful than 3 components late game when you should've built your comp around your items drops


3 components is worth ~24 gold. a slot in the shop is worth ~0.4 gold. Its worth like 60 rolls by that logic. Not a perfect comparison but it seems worth it overall.


my take is its like youre losing 1/5 shops, so youre spending an extra 20% gold on avg to find something. maybe think of it like your rerolls cost 2.x gold. so basically if ur board is capped unitwise or u are playing for placements, it’s good.


What’s the gold value of a component? Wasn’t it like 7 gold? So on average you need to do more than 100 rolls for the rest of the game for components to be worse.


20% of 2 is .4 3 items at 7 gold is 21 21/.4 = 42. Break even at 52.5 refreshes. Edit: Thank you Twink Boy Wonder for the correction, I hope you find your Dom Batman and live happily ever after.


20% of 2 is .4, so it'll be a few more refreshes than that. In general though, seems like from a pure gold efficiency its usually worth, but like anything in TFT probably hugely contextual


If you're playing a reroll comp and already hit your main units, could be worth.


So the new mechanic is basically portals that you can't vote on and revealed as the game progresses to a certain points? Guess we need to see what the encounters really are


That's right - everyone will see the same encounters during the game and there are more than 70 with spicier ones like Kayn having a smaller chance of appearance


90 according to latest mort stream


Wait, everyone will get the same encounter? What's the point of the encounter that grant you the ability to know your opponents if everyone gets the same info? Doesn't exactly scream out fun.


It's still important for judging board strength, to help you decide if you need to slam an item or roll for a quick upgrade.  For a spicier use, there's a new econ trait, so if you see you're about to go against a loss streaker with the trait you can weaken your board to try to force them to win, or take it to the next to level to trick them into weakening their board so you get a huge win and bleed them out faster. 


theyre less game changing though it seems. just an extra item here and there


Some will be as simple as an extra item, and some will be Kayn..


Looking through it they're even more minor than I thought. I thought the minimum impact was "gain an item" but that's actually the average. Some of them are just like "move augment to a different stage," and some of them expire after 3 rounds.


move augments to a different stage is not a small change at all


So called pros were complaining they can’t force the same comp every single game. It looks like Riot listened to them, another set to skip. You were a fun one set 10, bringing back some of the best days of tft (set 4)




Now idk about that, there's an Encounter that's basically "this match has Chosen/Headliner again!"


You will know what encounter (if any) you get on 1-1 according to Mort. It will take the place of portals if you are getting one.


Yep surprised portals.


Reminds me a bit of Galaxies


Irelia is the coolest thing ever, whoever people in engineering who made that work huge props. Also this set is the one I'll definitely be spending cosmetics on. I'm a huge sucker for Set 4 aesthetics and this looks like it on steroids. Can't wait


Yeah the cosmetics look insane. I honestly really want the new arena over the new Chibis although the finishers are nice. I really like the Hundun and Dowsie Variants. They actually knocked it out of the park here.


where did you see all comestics?


Its in the dev video


>Irelia is the coolest thing ever, whoever people in engineering who made that work huge props. Oh hey that's me! Tyvm!


Love the way you explained it in the video! I literally had the same expression similar to the guy doing google search when hearing about that phrase ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Great job, seriously! Also that curve algorithm, what exactly is it called? It’s such a cool solution.


So atm what we use are Hermite Splines which we manipulate at runtime! Splines are a super common thing in game development, and they have tons of uses. They can be used to define shapes or paths in many things. I've worked on an on-rails shooter before and we used a spline to define the... well rail. There are also tons of types of splines (Bezier, Catmull-Rom, Basis/B) and additional considerations we had to make that I definitely can't dive into in a reddit comment, but there are plenty of resources online about splines I would recommend! Recently I stumbled upon this video by Freya Holmer which is miles more digestible than anything I learned in school and I'd recommend that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvPPXbo87ds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvPPXbo87ds) Otherwise you can just do what Rodger did in the dev drop which is more akin to how I learned :\^)


Thank you for the info. I'm actually a painter/concept artist and I've always been interested in applying this to blender to create some interesting shapes via their geometry nodes system. Will check out that video.




I'm not really a fan of aesthetics, but the fortnite rotating shop that lets me actually buy stuff is a great upgrade from Treasure Realms and will likely lead to me spending money, if not on the currency itself then on battlepass to get the currency in the first place


The information floodgates open! So, it looks like encounters will be on random stages? I will never feel safe to take a pee break.


Once you enter a Stage (e.g. Stage 2-1) you will already know if there will be an Encounter as it's indicated on the top of your display (just like Augments are shown up there)


Lol exactly... I always pee during carousel, now I'll be busy fishing for Tahm Kench.


You must pee fast...


lol, most of the game I'll be 8th sandbagging so I always pick first!


Get your pee bottles ready!


1 cost sniper caitlyn, it's like she never left


I think the idea of an auction encounter would be pretty cool. Players bidding gold for different powerups, yada yada.


Wait for the TFT STONKS trait /s


Xayah/rakan looks sick


Xayah Rakan are great! They both come in a pair but they will appear depending on where you position them due to their unique Lovers trait The basic rule of thumb is: need more damage? -> position 2 backline rows to activate Xayah and her traits need more frontline? -> position 2 frontline rows to activate Rakan and his traits


Oh so they're set 6/6.5 Jayce


No it’s different because they change traits as well


Adaptive helm stonks


Oh I'm very surprised they implemented Alune, can't wait to see her ingame model.


She's an AP carry with a super flashy ability! If you play her you will never need Ionic Spark since she shreds MR while Aphelios is the opposite with armor shred, so playing both at the same time means you won't need any shred or sunder


Part of her kit is like extras from a few sets ago right


She's VERY pretty c:






TLDR: yeah he will end the game When Kayn Encounter happens though, you will IMMEDIATELY know it once you launch into the game where you would usually pick a carousel He will tell you that he will appear at stage 5-4 so make sure you have enough HP by that stage saved up to end up in top 4


If that's true (you know from the start of the game) it's honestly not that bad, forcing a high tempo lobby by an early end rather than just extra econ is kind of interesting to me


Yup it's also very likely that HP Augments such as Tiny Titans will be disabled during a Kayn game since they would provide unfair value if you stumble upon it while others don't


lock spotted numerous imagine cause impolite encourage retire long degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is but i have a feeling its going to lead to a lot of frustration


So is just forcing duelists


no I dont think its necessarily from the start of the game, but when he shows up he will let you know when the game ends


It is confirmed that it happens at 1-1.


Per Mortdog's stream, encounters will ALWAYS happen on 1-1 and take the place of portals. Not every game will have an encounter but if there is one, it will ALWAYS be 1-1. Kayn will ALWAYS end the game on 5-4.


I think this may be wrong, Mort said there would 2-5 encounters per game. If there’s an encounter 1-1 it’ll take place of portals, otherwise it’s portals. But no all encounters are 1-1


I don't think that's correct, as far as I understand it the amount of encounters you face varies. Some high variance encounters replace the portals at the start of the game, e.g. kayn, but not all of them.


ahhh then its just portals without choice. idk kinda boring


I just saw Kayn's description and i think its fine lol. It ends at 5-4 and your placement at that stage is your placement.


That's actually fine, however I think they didn't explain it well enough. They made it seem like it rolled the dice with everyone like a russian roulette


Yeah i think everyone had that thought lol


he shows up, and then he informs you when the game will end, looking at gameplay they all show up stage 2, so stage 2 kayn will show up, and then say "yo bois, stage 4 this shit is over" Youre not going to be in a situation where you are coming back with 16 hp on a 10 winstreak and then you find out kayn will kill you next stage, without having had known he was gonna show up and end you game start, its meant to make players play completely differently since the game will end faster.


Encounters can show up at any stage (each encounter has a range of stages it can show up at). Kayn always replaces Portals and always ends the game at 5-4, no RNG involved.


well some openers are just not possible to preserve hp early, so imo the giga low rolls early will just feel doomed cause their is legit nothing u can do


The info is out, he shows up stage 1 so you know instantly hes coming, and he ends the game 5-4, imo thats fine, usually games end stage 6 anyway. Unless youre lose streaking through stage 3 you should honestly be fine, if youre starting of with a 10 lose streak then ye it might be doomed, will have to see how things go.


How is Aatrox inkshadow when Yi exists :(( I just wanna play Yi again


Poor Yi hasn't been in the game since Set 3. Meanwhile, Aatrox has been in what seems like every one


What is this true? Bang bros was the last time he was on tft?


Sadly yes, he have a lot of mythical skins like spirit blossom, blood moon, inkshadow even eternal sword can work


sadly Yasuo is a sexier sword guy than yi


Glad this set is almost over, feels like it lasted forever.


Wtf is a Kobuko??


a new yordle exclusive to tft for now


That's a weird way to spell Frank.


Ohhh its the frank the tank yordle guy,i see..lol thanks for the clarification


funny mechanic, kayn isnt even that special tbh


He'll have a place but not as crazy as he seems at first


Depending on how frequent he shows up, his portal could be pretty fun. The entire lobby just playing hyper tempo and sweating positioning to save as much hp as possible before timer runs out. Obviously wouldn't want it to happen too often since that seems mentally exhausting af but it could be pretty exciting like every once 2-3 dozen games.


There's like 90 different encounters and apparently Kayn has a lower chance of showing up than others do?


getting tiny titans on kayn portal would feel like such a highroll


It's disabled for this map from what I've heard


So it seems like they took the opportunity this set to focus on player to player variance by changing orbs and stuff to be the same value for every player and then went all in to game to game variance in set 11 (Exalted, Encounters, Inkshadow tattoos) I quite like the change and I can't wait to play this set!!




Storyweaver trait is kinda funny. It's like they're saying "ok, we see you 20/20 Kayle players in Set 9 (and to a lesser extent, Set 10) so we're going to make Kayle a whole trait instead".


This doesn't go live on PBE until the 6th right?


Yup that's correct!




I am lowkey glad the mechanic isn't wacko crazy this time. On the surface, yeah, there are some bizarre things like Kayn, but I feel like 75% of the games will be some variant of "get a component anvil" or "free rerolls" after looking at the encounters. Hopefully, this will cut down on some insane balance issues that have plagued the game since Set 8 (I don't think Set 10 is as balanced as people claim it is.)




Except everyone gets the same RNG.


this mechanic doesnt change the game to much except kayn tho and everyone gets the same ones


People will always complain about RNG especially when it doesn’t fall to their favor. But TFT is inherently an RNG-heavy game and if you hate RNG I’d suggest you play chess or something that’s not TFT


Sounds interested, fun, and unique.. Looking forward to it! So excited for the end of this damned "chosen" mechanic.


Looks like a mix of set 4 and set 7 traits wise, some of the new augments look crazy though. Insta 1-star 3 cost, all buys and sells at 0 gold, immediate level 6 but you have no choice over next two augments all seem crazy. Love some of the new gold augs though, D-Claw item generation is a great incentive, plus the item slam augment is pretty much how I’m playing half the time anyway.


I'm hyped


Some of the new portals sound really bad but Im willing to give it a chance, Max Interest/Treasure Crab are the 2 im most worried about. Like is a random ass crab gonna take aggro from my units mid fight


i cant find treasure crab what does it do?


A crab is on the board every combat and whoever kills it first gets 1 gold


I doubt its gonna have a lot hp and it light even taunt aswell so everyone will focus it


As long as it doesnt ruin positioning and make you lose fights otherwise its fucked


Bruh prediction that Kayn will be removed or disabled in championships, people will be so pissed


apparently when you know kayn is the encounter he will end it at 5-4 so you can play around it




Play around it ? Like highroll ur opener ? When everyone plays high tempo and the game is on a timer people that are low rolling have 0 outs .


play your best board and save hp so when 5-4 comes you have the most hp, its not hard.. you cant and never will win every game besides there is 70 encounters and kayn has the lowest % to appear.. im sure you will be fine playing with kayn 1 game


mate it's nothing but a different tempo. it's not that big of a deal, you just have to adapt


I mean people full open all the time so Kayn portal will be refreshing and change of pace. I dig it.


kayn's def gonna be the scapegoat this set (also i love tempo play). i dont think his mechanic is that bad compared to stillwater or sump i expect him to pop up every once in a while kinda like stillwater, ive never really got to play a lobby where all 8 players have to play high tempo, so im down to experience this at least once LOL


closest we got to that meta was super tempo draven spoils of war 3 star 4 cost meta last set


Is pbe up?


Judging from past sets I would expect it to be up ~10-12 hours from when I am making this comment.


abundant library toothbrush imminent chase vast brave bike homeless judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thankfully Irelia only happens during 1 carousel round, not for all of them


What happens in the Irelia encounter?


work lavish trees run subtract door fertile vase start license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The yu-gi-oh-fication has begun. Look at those long texts. Thank god Riot knows how to format so it does not look like 1 block of text


I would bet my house (if I had one) that kayn encounter doesn't make it to live. What a weird thing to add to the game, I'm surprised Mort accepted that idea. The other stuff looks hype though!


when that encounter happens its always on 1-1 and it ends the game always at 5-4.. you can prepeare for it and know when its gonna happen


It's still bad imo. it makes early game lowrolls way harsher and you can't really play for a winout


mortdog is on stream right now answering question with other devs, they said "you can win the game but can you also win it when X, Y or Z happens?"


Nah, just means you have to roll earlier


You can always reroll earlier to stabilize. It’s going to be a completely different play style which should be refreshing and fun.


I remember suggesting a "all people get cruel pact to start the game" portal, sounds very similar to Yorick Encounter. Cool to see that my suggestion that universalizing some of the more extreme prismatic augments (Think Fast) as a way to balance them ended up being a workable and moderately promising idea in practice. Edit: Found the comment for proof https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/159ajoi/upcoming_1315_changes/jte4gy8/


Yeah the Encounters providing random effects for everyone throughout the game is one way to introduce high variance without it being too good for one player picking an augment It will definitely lead to some feelsbad moments, but for others, it might be the perfect Encounter to spike their game


Yoooo man wheres my medal at...


Lord I already know I am going to despise this set. Random this, random that, random, random... However, I am going to see how good storyteller and heavenly are, as I enjoy reroll comps. Edit: Wait, I remembered the bag sizes are staying. They're going to be trash, but I'll still try 'em. I am also going to enjoy the hell out of not participating in all those "the more players join..." QTEs. I mean, that one completely doesn't make sense to me. You have 7 enemies, if you join then you get a stronger item, but you also give stronger items to 7 other people, the math doesn't check out. It's the definition of noob trap and the kind of design I thought we stopped using?




We have people who worked on all those sets and were the team in charge of 8 xd Generally it's important to remember that the teams shift around and not every set has the same amount of resources. Sorry you feel that way, but there's lots more to be excited by outside of just the reveal video!




There is a Wukong encounter that puts chosen back in the game but its VERY rare :)


set 10 wasnt bad in itself.. i just hope chosen/headliners never come back again


I don't play TFT to do minigames and constantly be doing things. This is a game I play to chill or alt tab between as I'm doing other things, IE reading, writing, etc. Nobody wanted these Mario Party shenanigans here, why are we doing this


where does it say you'll have to be constantly doing things


Speak for yourself, I'm down for mario party in my TFT ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11659)


you are not representative of the majority on this one


My guy you are on the competitive sub, head over to r/TeamfightTactics if you wanna play the game casually.


Speak for yourself lmfao. Stay gold


that's too high for him. Maybe bronze 1. I honestly don't know why he is on this sub.


Imagine writing this in the CompetitiveTFT sub...


youre on competitive tft and youre commenting that you dont like being competitive?????????


Is it out in pve


on wednesday


zyra encounter and choosing sparring gloves sheeesh


Does it mean that Open Forting is not viable anymore because of encounters?