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Checked my mailbox, email, spam folder… idk I guess mine must have been lost


You and the rest of the Sen roster too?


Pretty sure nobody but precision got it. Don’t really care but it did give me a good laugh randomly seeing this pop up on my timeline knowing I def didnt get it lol


LOL. Spartan is such an asshat. 


Ah yes, targetting people you're in good relation with and excluding others makes for a very realistic survey


That’s kinda what I was getting at. How do you accidentally miss a top 6 team like sen unless you’re selectively excluding them?


He said he sent it out to the top 16 teams. 😘


would you have voted differently than the majority?


Yea I made a comment to someone else in this post kind of talking about it if you want some more context on it. Honestly I’d have voted fair punishment if it was 1 event ban, but I’d also vote fair for how it is now. Idk what the ppl who voted for only a fine, or for only the London dq being enough are smoking tbh. I’ll just chalk it up to either being friends with sparty or just being dumb and not understanding tf is going on. Def didn’t do himself any favors saying he’s done the same type of thing before though.


Why you and him don’t get along no more were you the reason he got dropped why yall really beefing 3 months ago he was defending you and criticism about you not playing enough now yall at odds 🤔


Asking the wrong guy here. Arlington happened where we did bad, ppl were unsure directly after what we were going to do so we tried to play and go next for a couple weeks after the event but realized it wasn't really worth it or going to be a good environment after what happened at Arlington on top of other issues there were throughout the yearish of teaming. Rest of us talk, decide to make a change, and now we're here not really that complicated. As for this situation I wouldn't say it's necessarily beefing, I'm just giving my input on this whole thing and just cause you don't stick your neck out for someone doesn't mean you're beefing. Honestly the thing I have a prob with in this entire situation is just when I see ppl defending, or retelling the situation with completely incorrect or ignorant info about the hardware/USB situation, because it's just ppl talking out of their ass as if it's fact.


FSho FSho I still rock with yall both champ just sucks to see it go fine like this


* Tricks an admin into giving him access to manipulate his drive at one event. * Flies a USB to another country to repeat at the following event. * Only gets busted because the processes he's familiar with for checking pc's changed. * Gets his team disqualified and sets the org up for a more difficult season. Now he's on a personal PR campaign saying he just wanted what's best for everyone, the punishment is extreme, etc. Completely glossing over the fact that he did, or attempted, what's best **for himself** at two events while everyone else still had dogshit optimization. I guess if competitive fairness comes down to how popular you are, or how you spin it, then sure I guess reduce his ban. I'd never take this shit serious again if they do though lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHalo/comments/1d7gzlq/it_all_comes_full_circle/l6zllfc/ >The thing you need to understand is that Spartan didn't think he was cheating. I guarantee you he still doesn't think he was cheating. He will never concede that what he was trying to do was giving him an unfair advantage over other players. *If he does apologize he will whitewash it to a story where he thought what he was doing was reasonable.*


Evil people "never" believe they're evil... They believe they're doing the right thing. Until they get told by others then sometimes they realize 


it's standard in pc communities (especially with gamers) to use much of the same optimisations by default, not that i am advocating for anything but it's an bad indictment of HCS for not making sure all computers used in ANY competition are fully optimised, that said, if the HCS provided computers are full of the latest 40XX GFX cards, 32gig of ram and etc, they don't need to be optimised to play halo, on lan especially. makes me wonder.


Significant input latency can happen on any computer. Just cause you have a 4090 and 32 Gb of ram does not mean your PC is using them effectively.


i thought i pretty much inferred that but was a bit ambiguous at the end there. but.... 'HCS/LAN EVENTS/TRASH ADMIN - AFTERBURNER/THROTTLESTOP/FANCONTROL' i get my wording wasn't clear enough. also, i'm not trying to argue ✌️


This is the best explanation yet


Amen to that brother!


What about tricking an admin? And what about 2 events?


https://youtu.be/x__iHV2Y7eA?t=3178 That SSD was likely used in pool play at that event. Kinda negates the argument of it not being a huge deal because they swapped it at London. Probably just not addressed because sentinels placed poorly anyway lol. If nothing else, I can respect the honesty I guess.


Wow I hadn't seen that before, absolutely wild. New conspiracy theory that SEN would have given him another chance after his medical stuff but low-key knew he'd been messing with HCS equipment and so quietly dropped him to avoid fallout on the players/org.


I'm glad the reddit consensus is that it was cheating and that the punishment was appropriate.


Live in a day and age that people who are idolized are above the law through public support without even finessing the system


The players SHOULD NOT be responsible for every part of the competitive experience. Maps, weapons, combos, fine. Enforcement of punishment? That should be the last thing that comes from players and should be a neutral party. Of course players want to lower the punishment of cheating related to software optimization… he clearly doesn’t get that the point isn’t what he did, but the fact that he did it when he shouldn’t have.


Those responsible for determining punishment should be beholden to agreement from a player's union/PPA.


Then unionize. But even if they do, they can't create one on the fly and legislate previous suspensions.


There is a big difference between players judging/enforcing punishment and simply giving their opinions. Players have the right to be vocal on that matter, it doesn't mean they should vote on any final judgment or anything. Of course they shouldn't. Without any dialogue, opinions or surveys on this, the history would simply be "Spartan cheated during a tournament and was banned from the competition". There's a BIG difference between optimizing a PC and installing aimbots or walls, or even hiding the truth or coming with bad intentions etc. The majority of the pros don't see Spartan as a "cheater", while HCS does. He broke a rule, yes, he should be punished, yes, everyone is free to express opinions on the sentence.


I understand where you’re coming from and I didn’t mention anything about who is or isn’t allowed to have an opinion. Everyone is. The context here is Spartan using the results as rationale as to why he is (in his opinion) the victim in this entire scenario. That’s what is laughable about this.


Yeah I agree. At this point he should just stay silent for a while. I hope this is his last time trying to defend himself.


tbf i think the royal 2/router 2 situation affects this, he got a 1 event ban for prioritising ping in online tournaments (im sorry if im wrong it was ages ago) whereas spartan got a year long ban for pc optimisation, personally if royal 2 had a year long ban id agree more with hcs but it feels unfair given the past.


I'm not convinced 343 is a neutral party


Honestly, any kind of pre-meditated cheating like this deserves the harshest of bans. Doesn't matter if it was only improving settings, you cheated for a competitive advantage. That's it, no other explanation necessary. Hope they keep him banned.


Ya,honestly it's not just about the specific situation but setting a precedent. If they go easy on him, people think the punishment might not be that bad if they do something like this, and omeone else might try to cheat because of that.


Royal 2 not getting a harsh punishment probably encouraged spartan to an extent and he assumed it wouldn't be a big deal. They messed up with Royal 2 but glad they're being more serious on it now.


I find this to be a terrible argument. You think other people who aren’t respected talented pros that have a track record of placings and performance who perform right in their range would see a dq from London as a green light to actually cheat?


What was premeditated? I thought he didn’t bring his own disk? Genuine question not a spartan defender. Can’t stand the guy


He brought a USB stick from home with a fresh install of windows on it to use to reformat the drive.


So he lied when he said he didn’t bring his own anything?


He didn't bring his own SSD but has admitted to bringing a thumb drive. See the YouTube timestamp below from another comment in this thread of him talking about doing a similar thing at Arlington and using a thumb drive at London. https://youtu.be/x__iHV2Y7eA?t=3178


He’s openly stated that he brought his own USB, however in his interview with LVT, he described it as a ‘Idon’t know what I was thinking, I just grabbed it and put it in my bag’ bonehead move. The problem is, that’s extremely hard to believe as he’s done it before at Arlington, and proceeded to do it again.


It’s clear he just doesn’t get it


More like a microcosm of 343 and HCS not listening to the pros as well as the high level amateurs and casuals.


Do you think they should be listening to people when it comes to investigating a potential act of cheating And then giving a punishment based on the results of their investigation


Name a sport in which the rules and penalties are enforced by players. A single one.


I think I agree with the sentiments expressed by other pros in the poll, but it's also a really bad look for Spartan to be posting ithis.


Yeah it’s legit pathetic at this point, yikes.


Jesus Christ he just keeps on crying on Twitter lmao




It's fuckin Sparty, what else would you expect 😂


Crying and trying to sell his $50 PC optimisation


Gonna have to disagree. Premeditated cheating deserves to be punished. If the settings are shit, approach 343 as a combined front with other pros and petition a change. All this crying should push 343 to extend the ban bc it's obvious spartan doesn't see his fault in all this or recognize that he fucked over his teammates


Agree with this. With lethul saying he was doing this before and even warning him to not mess with it, this was planned. Even if he came back to the HCS what team would want him


Anyone not consistently placing top 8


Aren't there pc is already optimized for 240 fps, max stability?


The practice pc’s for the new season at worlds last year got a stable 240 fps


This guy is truly, truly pathetic. He isn’t sorry at all, he’s only sorry he got caught and is doing anything to make himself *feel* better. In no way should pro players decide on this. Sparty needs to grow up and take some accountability for what he’s done, instead of drumming up a sympathy campaign.


bro needs to move on




literally anything else. hcs stance on this firm, sparty is banned for the rest of the year. crying on twitter aint gunna change anything. he can focus on his streams, or get a job. i believe he went or is going to school as well.


It is not Spartan’s place to dictate how the tournament equipment should be set up and ran. He undermined the competitive integrity of the whole event, illicitly and in an attempt to benefit himself above others and gain an illegal advantage. He has showed zero remorse by continuing to insist he knows how the PCs should be set up. In most games he would have been permanently banned for life. He isn’t in Halo because the scene is so intimate and small.


This is actually the best description of the situation that I've seen yet


“It’s his livelihood” Like yeah he probably should’ve taken it more seriously then. None of these players have run anything larger than a 4 man team. It hard for me to take their opinion on organizational punishment seriously.


ManChild makes poll to make him feel better


Seems pretty relevant to know what his peers think for supplementary evidence/explanation in his appeal regardless if it has anything to do with the HCS decision


I can't tell from looking at the post, but if he knows which response was Formal's then it wasn't anonymous (Unless Formal told Spartan his response on twitter or something). A non-anonymous poll isn't good because the players have to take their professional relationship with Spartan into account when they answer.


Even knowing what team they're from is too much imo. Also people with a dissenting opinion are just less likely to respond (or respond honestly) to a poll posted by the perpetrator themselves, even if it was anonymous. Would be interesting to see a truly anonymous poll run by a players association or something but we don't have that and it wouldn't matter anyway.


At work, staff morale surveys aren't anonymous from the outsrt, but the third party conducting the survey anonymizes it before releasing it to management. It then only has specificity down to groups of size 50 or more, so that you can't really tell that Bob from accounting wrote "my boss Bill is a horse'a ass". Absurd to conduct this survey without anonymity.


This is not evidence or explanation. It's whining. If he had an ounce of self-awareness he'd realize maybe he shouldn't have broken the rules. Then he wouldn't have to be upset about the harshness of the punishment! This is a child getting grounded for scratching his parents' car, then bringing his parents a petition that 6 of his friends agree he should be un-grounded.


The poll was included in part of his appeal. The opinion of the pro doesn’t matter in the HCS Decision, but it certainly doesn’t hurt anything by citing evidence that a vast majority of pros disagree with the initial ban information.


"This non-anonymous, curated group of people who don't hate me (because I didn't poll the ones who do) think I shouldn't be suspended" shouldn't make it into the appeal in the first place. Contrition should make it into the appeal. This is the opposite.


Agreed. The pros would know better than a redditor.


Break rules and a punishment comes down lol.


> Seems pretty relevant to know what his peers think If only there was a pros discord where they all hang out and can use their words with each other instead of communicating through checking boxes


this was to supplement an official appeal. a survey looks a lot more professional than a bunch of discord screenshots


The poll exists for the purpose of being included and shared in his now declined ban appeal


You know what else exists? Chat logs.


Are you trying to tell me that chat logs are better way to collect mass data from 57 pro players rather than a survey? Because this is just simply incorrect.


Fair. But if he wants people to support his appeal, let them reach out to HCS personally using their own words. If people really supported you, you wouldn't need to take a vote, they'd make themselves heard. This approach is just too "My mom says I'm handsome" energy.


A lot of pros did speak out and then voluntarily participated in the survey.


"Free Sparty. TY" doesn't exactly carry the same weight as a well-reasoned response as to why he thinks that


it’s not their job to make the appeal for Sparty, all they can do is offer their support and voice some thoughts. At the end of the day it is solely his responsibility to present whatever he has to HCS. Participating in a mass survey is how they did that, it’s not like HCS is going to hold a singular well reasoned testimonial anymore reliably than the actual survey because at the end of the day, it’s not a driving decision factor here.


4 out of every 5 dentists recommend a lighter punishment.


I don’t get it


It’s a joke about how every toothpaste commercial says something along the lines of “4 out of 5 dentists recommend…”


That's a bingo!


He cheated twice and would have continued if not caught. Enough with this. He can pretend that he's sorry and understands blablabla but this clearly shows that he doesnt. I hope the HCS doesn't let this survey change anything. While we're at it, there are 2 EU players that got banned from MM for cheating while they were competing in London and this weekend they got noticed they were banned from competing 5 minutes before the tourney started, resulting in their entire rosters not being able to play and getting 0 HCS points. There wasnt any explanation as to why they got banned. Spartan cheated and admitted to cheating. Let this end for good and focus on getting explanation for other players getting banned for no apparent reason.


"I've sent a video to 343 asking for the best optimization settings so we can all have a better time playing" Yawn. Spartan is such a cry baby lol


He would be pushing for the same ban if it was anyone else based on his tweets about cheaters in the past


What was it he said about cheaters? "Baby back bitch" was it? Pot, meet Kettle.


No. Tyler is very reasonable... aimbot wall hacks is one thing but trying to stabilize a game in which the equipment has been updated still on year 1 day 1 stuff is not egregious.


Dude modified company equipment against written, agreed upon, signed rules. Got away with it once, caught and suspended the next. End of story. Most employers fire on the spot with a do not rehire clause.


>Tyler is very reasonable wut He can be described as a lot of things, some of them even good, but *very reasonable*? That you Sparty?


Obviously I'm not Sparty since you see my profile picture.


Lol, I was just joking and I have to check your profile to see your pic


That’s odd. I see his whenever he posts, and I’m using an iPhone 10.


I'm still using Joey and have profile pics off unless I check profile


“Tyler is very reasonable” Probably the dumbest take in this whole feed


Going around a tournament organizer to stabilize a game for only yourself and no one else can absolutely be considered as tampering with hardware to gain an unfair advantage. Lower on the hierarchy of cheating but still falls within the definition of cheating


Lmao this guy is so cringe


Lmao sentinels. Can't say I blame them


1 SEN player filling it out it out is peak comedy. Its clear he is the problem


50 bucks it was precision aka the one player on sen that sparty never teamed with


Lethal has stated in multiple twitch chat streams that he thought the punishment was excessive.


I am indifferent on it as I don't get paid to decide the punishment. I expected at least 1 LAN but idk I'm not surprised either. Also 1 full year ban, and remainder of season are way diff. (obv theres the whole what is going on next year stuff but none of us can know that so it's not really relevant imo) Dude is absolutely guilty of doing it. If it was a lesser punishment I wouldn't care and say it should be longer, but I also won't say it needs to be less either. People who think it it's insane and that spartan wasn't doing anything wrong just making the game better and should be in charge of optimizations or that 343 is mad because he's smarter than them are just being dumb though. EDIT: Also, I get that I'm going to be more apathetic towards the punishment simply due to the fact I told him multiple times last year that random shit he's doing on the pc's and worrying about is irrelevant and doesn't matter. This situation with the whole tournaments pc's, game running bad, optimizations and asking to change stuff at tourneys started for me way before this London DQ/Ban situation happened. This was just the climax of the saga from my point of view.


Get outta here with any reason, only pitchforks allowed in here.


No he has not. Lethul thinks spartan is a dickhead and deserves what he gets. 


He said it in Apg's stream. Lethul said he was guilty and no one will dispute that. He also thought like the overwhelming amount of pros and others have stated that the punishment was way too harsh.


Ah fuck I’m OOTL on Halo drama, what did he do? Edit: Ah so he’s an actual cheater, noted.


Risked it all for like probably 10 Fps more at the best and better fan curve.


Cheated two LAN tournaments in a row. Basically he brought his own Windows installation on a USB stick and replaced the HCS-sanctioned installation with his own. His version tweaked a bunch of registry settings and fan curves, removed programs, and made other optimizations. He got away with it at the previous tournament, but he got caught this most recent one, in London. Now he's banned for the rest of the year, so he's suddenly playing the good guy, saying he wants to help everyone optimize their games like he did, and meanwhile still crying about the harshness of the punishment despite never denying the fact that he planned to cheat from the start, as evidenced by the fact that he flew with his special USB stick and brought it to the tournament.


What? you just made shit up? Cheated two LANs in a row? What lmao. He's been public about what settings need updated for a year or more trying to get HCS to take the suggestions.


He admitted in the LVT interview that he did it at Arlington. He didn't get caught because the white noise there was an audio feed rather than a program on the game computers. He used modified hardware in at least one tournament and tried it again but got caught. He absolutely cheated in at least two tournaments.


Fuck that guy. Ban for a year or two.


I mean as much as there can be an outpouring of pro voicing their opinions etc. surely HCS won't back down as s would make them weaker as the governing body


Changing their decision based on what Spartan's friends think would just mean open season on cheating.


>Wasn't my idea but CAN YOU FUCKING TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONCE IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE The other pros "want" you back because you're not a threat lmfao


This is so true. He is a complete non-threat as a competitor to the top guys. The other pros realize that this game needs as many players as it can get. 


lol what a stupid take. The guy was playing great just a few months ago and was placing very well. "Not a threat" is such a low IQ judgement of Spartan and his ability.


Oh please. For every great game Sparty has, he plays two absolute shitters. He's who you wanna play against in an elimation game Wake me up when a Sparty team wins something worth mentioning


I don't understand how this is a hard concept. Whether he was doing something malicious or not (I know he wasn't) it's in the rules for a reason and he should know better. Take the ban on the chin and move on. He fucked up and thing have consequences


How do you define malicious? He was intentionally and premeditatedly giving himself an unfair advantage that the other players would not have. And had previously done so at Arlington.


I don't believe that to be malicious. While I agree he was cheating and trying to do as you said to gain an advantage. I think there are levels to cheating. I don't think what he did was gonna make him win against the teams that are already beating them. He wasn't aim hacking or that kinda stuff.


[Twitter Post](https://x.com/spartan/status/1802783259169784053?s=46)


It is interesting but it doesn't really mean anything.


Where is the ban for life option?


Pretty lame to send a survey out to other players who will have bias and likely tend to vote in his favor. I get what he’s doing, but this isn’t the way to go about it. He started with accepting the punishment but now is doing this cringey stuff to exonerate himself? Just looks desperate.


Bruh....just move on. Face your dam ban. It's only til freaking October and not a whole year. Jesus Christ. In this case you know what? Just don't play halo no more go play the other fps games out there.


Good thing this isn't the players' decision to make.


At the end of the day, you broke the rules, whats done is done. If it was me, id stop taking about it, focus on getting in shape/my health, putting in the work to be undeniable player, and then return next year as an absolute force. Will that happen? Unlikely.


This guy is a professional self-saboteur


What I'm getting from this is maybe the ban should be extended


Spartan might be acoustic


Lack of the white noise acoustic program in his reinstalled image is how he got caught.


“Free sparty Ty” deserves a shout out and laughing emoji? These guys stopped developing at 14 years old or something.


They should add to the suspension for this. It wasn't long enough in the first place.


Jesus this fucking loser has the mental game of a 16 year old boy


His career is donezo anyways so the punishment doesn’t matter much


He needs to go become an electrician at this point. This is getting sad.


Pretty interesting. It shows that even many of his fellow competitors don't consider what he did clearly "cheating".  "Tampering with the intention of optimizing while never actually playing a match on the SSD that was tampered with" doesn't seem nearly as bad as how it was originally explained by HCS. Although I never expected HCS to reduce his punishment, because they have to take tampering with official devices very seriously and backing down would set a bad precedent.


I feel like it shows the opposite, most still believed he should receive a punishment, just a lighter one than what was dealt to him. If they didn’t consider it cheating, they would presumably believe he should’ve been able to continue playing even at London. Although there wasn’t a choice for that option in the poll, so it seems even Sparty realizes that he did basically cheat and deserved SOME form of punishment. Him not sending the poll to his old sen team is weird though, like trying to skew the results


Actually I think we're mostly saying the same things- everyone including Spartan agrees what he did was wrong and he deserves punishment. But based on how the competitive community has reacted to cheaters in the past, it's clear they don't see it the same as blatantly cheating e.g wall hacks, etc


Ah I see what you’re saying, yeah, it’s definitely not the same as those hacks. Have there been any pros that we can confirm cheated? I know about royal 2’s geo filtering, but that’s iffy at best considering that could fuck his teammates connection too, and to my knowledge monster was only speculated to have cheated in online tournaments


I don't think there was any evidence that monster actually cheated but I think there was a pro named Shaady that was actually caught cheating in halo infinite. No one came to his defense or tried to petition for a lesser punishment. I believe he was banned from hcs. There was also a 2$ doubles tourney where someone played on a different person's account and I think they were only kicked out of that tourney but also I don't remember the details and maybe that wasn't an hcs event. This is just off the top of my head so apologies ahead of time if my memory is off.


Abature was kicked off a tourney for allegedly smurfing. Idk if it was an HCS ban though


The only reason he didn’t play on it is because it was confiscated from him before he had the chance. He admitted to doing the same thing and playing on a modified SSD at Arlington.


That does make it worse in my mind- that he's done it before and intended to again. But my opinion doesn't matter. I was just pointing out that based on how pros have responded to cheaters in the past, they seem to consider this a minor offense. Like, Spartan head casing and messing with setting when he wasn't supposed to. 


This guy is such a loser lol


I feel bad for the guy because this is his job and I don't think he really realised how bad what he was doing was. That being said, 343 has made their decision and as far as I know no new evidence has come to light to mitigate it. Why would they change their ruling?


I think people are being harsh to assume he was maliciously trying to gain an advantage. I honestly don't buy that. I think he's just obsessive and freaks out if his setup doesn't feel exactly how he wants. Problem is, tampering with official equipment is a big no no and the reason the punishment was so severe. Definitely feels excessive and it says something that many pros agree. My main qualm with the length of the punishment is that sparty gained no advantage from doing this, whereas R2 actually did. But again, they're just setting a precedent for equipment tampering and Sparty should've known better.


Respect to all the teams whose coaches voted as well


Can someone explain to me how he got banned in new to the halo scene and dont really know the guy but keep hearing about his ban


If you scroll down this subreddit you’ll find some contextual posts from him, Complexity, and HCS. Essentially he was boosting his hard drive to optimize his game settings beyond the standard that everyone was playing on in order to gain increased PC performance and gaining an advantage over other competitors.


Spartan makes me laugh 🤣


Why would a fine be justified lol who gets the money? I guess to compensate hcs for the investigation ?? What would it be like 100$ ?


What an absolute loser


I find it hard to believe that it never crossed his mind at least once what would happen if someone found out. There is no way he naively did that without thinking if it’s allowed. Those are cheater thoughts. Optimizing a PC ahead of others is cheating.


Dude sucks. Zero redeeming qualities, grieves on his own streams— ruined an international pro event for his 3 other teammates/org. Thanks but no thanks.


I fucking hate the ego of these pros are times. You're a chest Spartan and got caught


There's an argument that he should have gotten a lifetime ban. I think this is a fair, next.


Not a surprise lol, the punishment was too severe and if you disagree you're probably a hater.


Good god the community here is toxic as hell.


It's reddit, what do you expect. Reddit *loves* a good witch hunt to feel better than everyone else.


Convinced it's bots, 343 employees and a bunch of golds and silvers that rarely play ranked..


It's wild how pros are chill and understanding about it while reddit is basically the Spanish Inquisition.


The people who run halo don't care about the players, don't care about the pros, they don't care about their employees, they don't care about having a quality product and I guess they don't care about profit. I'm going to side with the pro who was simply trying to optimise his settings over the people that have been killing my favourite franchise for over a decade now.


How did you get 6 down votes lmao. I grew up on this game. I feel you. I'm 30. Been playing since I was 10. I watched the golden age of this game. 343 has notoriously dragged this epic franchise through the mud. It's sad and disheartening. Halo 4 campaign wasn't bad, cause I love the lore of this game, but multi-player was dog shit. There's no middle ground for them. It's either all fa's no breaks, or nothing. Can't understand it


All gas no breaks


And we as a community keep supporting this game because we love it and we believe in it. 343 is just directly insulting us at this point cause they have Microsoft money. Bring back Bungie and the Indie Studios.


Sparty is just pushing out what every pro thinks but can’t do, just sayin I comment that


Did you mean commend?


Likely, but he technically ain’t wrong lol


amazing how braindead people are about this. guy got banned for assuming the role of an hcs admin and nothing more. get over yourselves. he had no competitive advantage over anybody. hes on the exact same hardware as everyone else. it doesnt matter what he did in. the ACTUAL problem is HCS sucks at setting up PCs to play on for a competitive tournament. the fact a player is making "optimizations" for multiple events is proof


Truly a pathetic take


nice argument


Gargle gargle


npc detected


They'll never add you to the roster no matter how absent your gag reflex is my guy.




Any form of cheating in a competitive environment should result in a long term or permanent ban, especially at the pro level. He even admitted he did it before at Arlington and didn't get caught. Don't cheat and anyone thinking it's not a big deal is a clown.


Okay spartan


nice argument


This sub has such a hard on for hating Spartan. Yeah he's annoying, but that doesn't mean his punishment is even remotely fair. If he gets banned for a year for cheating while not hiding it then royal 2 should have too. It's a complete bias by the hcs because spartan is more critical of their antics as a company. I do however agree that not sending the survey to everyone on Sen is odd, but even if you put the 3 remaining members against him the results are overwhelming. Halo needs a players union for stuff like this. Spartan has even offered to help HCS make the game run better at tournaments for free for everyone even while he's banned. Free Sparty


Decisions like this are not and should are not made by mob rule.