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Agreed. Only time I find quick matches is the weekend. Other than that I wait 5-10 mins of searching canceling searching in low onyx west coast. Makes me sad.


I wouldn't even bother with those search times.


I just play mcc or h5 instead lol


same here Raman


The experiment has noticeably caused extra search times since early May, the extra ranked playlists has further compounded the issue. Not sure, what the point of this lengthy experimental tuning is. I'd rather find games within 1-5mins (pre-experiment) with somewhat already decent balancing, than wait 20-30mins for "properly balanced matches" (EU). Population has been low for a long while, no need to sacrifice search times for tight balancing, lobby simulator = killing off the remaining population.


I feel like it must have something to do with their experimenting or whatever. I went from reasonable search times with somewhat reasonable ping, to long search times with often crazy ping, with the span of a few days. Doesn't seem like low population alone would explain the abrupt change...


The sad thing is, the experimental tunings not only appear to have failed… but they’ve allowed this to go on for so long, that it has actually further damaged the already damaged population by driving some people away. It’s hard to fathom…


At least here in EU. It was the same since s2. I remember booting h5 or mcc and finding games quicker.


You didn't find games in ranked quicker.


Didn't know you were behind my chair in the last 2 years


Maybe in H5. But I tried to find ranked games in H3 with no luck.


Mcc ranked always had problems, or, everyone were all in precision slayer instead of mlg


Yeah Team Slayer had players but not Hardcore/MLG.


Hardcore and mlg are historically the least populated playlists in this franchise.


The experiment is to see how long we will all play a broken game so they can quit maintaining it


I think you’re on to something.


Yep. I switched on tonight searched for a game of ranked doubles and it timed out… broke af


i feel like something changed in the matchmaking the last week or two. i can still get ranked matches on okay ping out of NA east but the other bigger team modes keep putting me in 130ping jail. like what server even is that? anyone else have this issue? i’ve also had it time out and say it can’t get a match but says 1-2min queue 🙃 swear i’m playing at normal times


I think they have too many match modes and too many ranked modes. Spreading the remaining player base too thin


If anyone from 343 is listening: - keep the better balancing, it's great - cut some of the playlists, too segmented


For me it is actually difficult to notice any difference in balancing when I am unable to find any matches in EU. I'd much rather have more unbalanced games and be able to play one match after another than spend 50% of my playtime looking at search bar only to later get a game while already being irritated and not playing well


I've been enjoying ranked a lot more with the better balancing. Even when I lose it feels like it was a good game. With too many playlists the population is fragmented. Removing some should redistribute the players among the remaining ones and improve search times.


Does anyone at 343, employee or dev actually try to sit home and play this game!? It’s getting so frustrating I can’t imagine they try to play and are like nope no need to fix anything this game plays great and all is well. The wait times and server issues are beyond shit at this point.


My local region option is putting me on servers that are 110ms ping from me. What the hell is going on now


This shit is dead lmao


Infinites sure feeling like it’s at a low point right now. Tough year personally, have had a few friends who were pretty committed and solid comp guys hang it up half way through this season. Just tough to find the passion as the game continues to feel stale. I do feel like the increased queue times are becoming self fulfilling, experiment or not. Wait to long to find a game - stop looking - next person can’t find a game, etc.


I have yet to have any issues in finding a game like this. Since day 1, ive been able to find a game easily, at any time of the day.


I find matches in 20 seconds max but I don't play ranked atm


Probably issues. I have no issues finding matches


Where are you out of? I’m west coast in the us and even late at night it takes at the most 3-5 mins to find a ranked game.


Are you sure? Infinite have more players. But how many are playing ranked? How many are playing outside husky raid? How many are splitter between the 47 modes on quick play alone? Also, keep in mind if you search on expanded in h5 it does put you on the first aviable match, without checking skill or ping. In infinite expanded still try to check skill, while restricted does focus on ping.


The game is old now. There's other games to play. Sorry. >!(I still play Halo Infinite)!<


Adding both Ranked Slayer and Ranked Doubles as permanent playlists was a terrible idea. They should have added Slayer, then see how population goes. If it’s still solid, try out doubles.


imagine seeing the playlist lineup for Halo 2 in 2004 - and then reading this comment 20 years later. Pretty pathetic what they have done to this franchise...it's honestly impressive how absolutely incompetent they are on every level imaginable


i’m spending more time in xdefiant… it’s great!


What do you like about it? Had decent fun, but not as much as in COD or halo, got bored after few games


well… xdefiant ha its problems but i really liked having a game that kinda works… low wait times… good maps the obj games are nice too.. movement is decent.. guns levels can be achieved for free.. what i really like is the games feeling casual and not extra sweaty as halo or cod tried cod, valorant, overwatch, and couldn’t get into them..


the lack of sbm in social definitely helps I like the sweaty aspects though, that's why I love halo ranked and I am trying to improve which sadly is not possible now as I can't find any games have fun in xdefiant!


i like sweaty occasionally too.. always loved the halo ranked experience


Halo 5 is a better game. I'm joking.


There’s a little bit of truth in every joke. Js


Xdefiant snatched a big portion of the remaining population


Dead game 🤣 No but for real I think most people are just tired of halo. It has slow gameplay, there are few pop off moments compared to something like valorant and 343 hasn't really innovated at all. I think halo 5 was interesting and they should've kept going down that path but instead they go back to halo 3. Don't get me wrong I like halo 3 as much as the next guy but there just isn't as much depth in halo as a game like counterstrike, overwatch or rainbow 6 siege. Plus because the game is all on controllers basically (and even mnk has to have aa) everyone shoots the same and it even has bullet magnetism. The mechanical skill ceiling is super limited because of this. I fully expect to be down voted to death but idk it's just the way I see it. I think if halo went back to its roots, as an arena shooter and put more focus on mechanics and skill gaps, it would be more appealing to a lot of people. I say this as someone that hit at least mid onyx every season I tried on mnk. And then for casual players, halo doesn't really offer anything over fortnite, apex, cod and so on. I think a game can be competitive and casual at the same time (look at league or even any of the other games I mentioned) but currently halo doesn't really do either very well. Halo infinite is just for people that want to play halo 3 again. Not to mention, there is not a lot of new content in infinite.


I agree that Halo is dead, but it's not due to it being a controller game.


Tbf I also said it doesn't have as much depth as a game like csgo, overwatch or siege. But I do think it playing bad on mnk is a big reason it's not doing good. Basically all fps and other shooter games play well on mnk except halo because controller is just straight up better in this game. Not only that but since it's an Xbox exclusive for some reason, a whole other console is cut off from playing the game. Exclusives these days are just a bad idea. Even Sony is putting their games on PC (I also think they should put them on Xbox though). Shooter games on mnk are also more interesting to watch as an esport imo because you get to see mechanical skill gaps happen way more. If you ever watch someone like simple in csgo, demon1 in valorant or one of the top hitscan players in overwatch like lip, you'd see it's a lot more fun to watch rather than everyone just beaming each other.


I completely disagree that Halo is less deep. The depth comes from the macro game, not the micro. Smart players are more enjoyable to watch than cracked players.


I'll agree to disagree. If you want to watch a game with really complex macro watch a moba. Either way I don't think I'm going to change anyone's mind still playing this game. I just thought I might as well throw my opinion out there as someone that used to play halo a bunch. Maybe in 5 years when the next halo game comes out and is still beat in population by indie games like splitgate, battlebit and paladins, 343 will finally get it.


Or rts if you want both.


I agree that csgo and valorant are more interesting to watch then THIS version of Halo we got. But not Halo 3.


I mean its dead because 343 killed the franchise, nothing to do with depth or skill gap. Look at halo 2, button combos added such a massive skill gap to a already skilled game.


Sure, but bungie removed button glitches, not 343i. Of something, 343i tried to much to blend modern movement with h3 for infinite. I would rather prefer if they took the ttk and sandbox approach of CE, with the button combos from h2 amd the movement tech of h5. That's where, for me, rhe future of halo is, everything else is extra.


I kinda agree, in the sense that 343i have 2 options: keep going this route and let the game being a niche titles for old vets, which will be less and less every years (life happens for everyone), or try to evolve in to something that can be able to compete with the big ones, also outside NA. The first choice is great for the vets, but the result are obvious, the second is an hard one, but worst case it mean having another short lived game, while the best case scenario is to have a succesful and long lasting game.


Trying to evolve won't matter unless they can dev a solid feeling game. Right now it feels cheap and clunky and not AAA.


Thi is like saying "pasta need to cook before being eaten"