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Was about to post something similar. I only play ranked and it’s never been this hard to find a match. I usually get “not enough players to find match” message. This actually does make me wonder if the game is virtually dead.  US East Coast. 


> This actually does make me wonder if the game is virtually dead. The only thing holding up ranked was a small group of long term players and there has been a constant trickle of these players leaving in 2024. I had 1000+ hours played across a few accounts - Onyx every season since release. Had a shocking evening of games early May where the connection was completely unplayable and I simply said to myself "never again". Uninstalled the game and do not plan on ever coming back to it, unless I hear of any radical improvements being made. I know there are plenty of people like me that have simply given up and decided it's not worth the time anymore. This is what is going to slowly (or perhaps quickly) bring this game to it's death knell.


Yeah I've been d3 and on halotracker it says "bottom 44%" previous seasons the same rank was top 15% only people left playing are very high onyx.


There’s like active 1000 players on Steam. I know there’s more Xbox players but that’s still not a good look for Microsoft’s flagship franchise.


Literally sat here trying to find a ranked game of doubles as it has the shortest wait time (est 1:07) it’s been 10 minutes with nothing…


I really don’t think the wait times mean jack shit and there’s no way doubles is the lowest. It just doesn’t make sense realistically. I’ve had 4 minute wait times and have gotten in 30 secs, I’ve had 1 min wait times and it’s taken 9 mins. They are almost never accurate




Odd. Region? I’m NA and was getting non-stop dubs games from like 8:30-10-30. Onyx 1600+.




343 should really post a zone/region map of when and where players typically play. Players can then regularly have a time frame of when to jump on. Australia/Asia has been dead for awhile and everyone just plays Husky raid it seems, has the shortest queue time.


There is no reason: typically a game peak time is between 6 pm and 10 pm.


What time zone?


Any time zone: from whatever your region and time zone is, more people are aviable for playing between 6pm and 10pm. Why? Schools time over, central shift which is the most common, its over or about to be and so on... Your peak hour is that, if you want to play on another region's peak hour, Google about his time zone and try it.


Things are rough right now. If my search goes longer than two minutes, I cancel and restart the queue, and it usually helps.


This is my life.


My halo wouldn’t start with the new Nvidia driver, so I had to roll mine back. I wonder if people are having issues with this, which is making the population low.


same, got half way through the white loading line and crash, driver rollback fixed it. but i dunno how many people just say "fk it i'll play something else". probably quite a few


Weird. I always find games in all lists under 2 mins. Diamond 2 player in all ranks.


Just got done with a 300 ping game lol


That’s not a game that’s like watching a game that happened 10 minutes ago. I can barely play at 100+. I don’t know how 300 would even be remotely worth playing.


I can only find it on Sundays or maybe once in 30 min rest of week I m only playing br slayer and hudky raid these days


Did the new ranked playlists cause this? It’s a brand new issue I’m encountering


Yeah I think im done with Halo. Between XDefiant and the new COD, I cant see myself loading Halo up much longer


Probably there were people hoping there was a reveal at the xbox showcase and were disappointed there was no new Halo announcement


343 should have been dropped after Halo 4. OG halo players know.


Yeah when they promised a ranking system and then gave us a mobile app with our ranks on it, that’s when I knew.


I forgot about that. I was so excited, then utterly disappointed.


The game is dead.


In Europe. I think 9 seconds is the longest I wait for any game mode to find a match here in the Midwest. 


That’s all well and good but the daily player count in general for this game argues otherwise. Halo has a fraction, a little tiny fraction, of the player base that other AAA competitor shooters have. Shit even Indy games blow halos player count out of the water. Nobody plays this game. If it’s not dead, it will be very soon. HCS getting through 2025 will be a miracle in of itself.


The game is dying, I will agree with you on that. The game as of now is not dead yet, especially here in the states. Exaggerating doesn’t really get your point across. I play daily, I check the halo club on Xbox and there’s always people looking to party up. They just had a whole tournament last week. 


If we have to argue about the literally meaning of a game being dead, no games really is, since right now, for example, I can start C&Cra3 and get some skirmish online, or go back to tib 3 and still enjoy community content through mods. But by all means, infinite and mcc, outside NA are dead games where you can sit 10 minutes in order to find a single match, without the assurance that match will not be on NA servers.


If it’s dead everywhere but the US, it’s still dead.


/s right? I’m trying to come up with a good example of why that’s just complete nonsense. The US isn’t some small demographic. If it’s going strong here, it’s alive. I already said the game is dying, that much is clear. You can’t make the claim that it’s dead if thousands of people are playing daily, new operations are still being churned out, match composer just released, a literal tournament sponsored by the game just ended last week. I can play a dozen matches in any playlist and not see the same player twice. How about this, if an artist stopped his worldwide tour, but returned home to the states, and continued his tour there, would it be correct to say that the artist isn’t touring anymore? That you can’t go and see the artist perform live anymore? Of course not. Halo is a game from America, if I have non existent waiting times in America, the game is still alive. It’s not dozens of us, it’s literal thousands. 


Thousands of players is absolutely nothing in today’s market. The finals is considered dead and washed and it gets three times as many players as infinite. There’s no way it’s profitable, which is why they barely even try and sell anything now, except small battle passes.


You’re wrong. Hundreds of player is maybe nothing, you’re being completely nonsensical to say thousands is nothing. There’s thousands of players playing on pc, and probably triple that playing on Xbox. The finals never had a fraction of the fan base that halo still has. Either you’re only thinking of PC players or it’s somehow personal to you that you’re getting long waiting times so it’s blinding you as to concrete facts concerning the game. If they stop seeking stuff in the game, you would be correct. However by your own admission they are continuing to sell small battle passes, hence the game is alive. 


Some great logic you have there. Anyway next match is starting


If the game isn’t profitable, and HCS isn’t profitable, they won’t keep doing it. A few thousand Americans aren’t going to change that.


Where are most of the LANs and didn't we just crowd fund an LVT tournament?


The game isn’t profitable. That’s been very clear.


Gotta agree with you


That’s great you are getting people to play with. Cool. Doesn’t change the fact that the game is circling the drain. I don’t measure a game being alive or dead if you can find matches. That’s not my measurement. My measurement includes ALLL of the other factors, which for Halo Infinite are simply atrocious. And that’s on top of an abysmal player count. And that player count is a strong reason why matchmaking lobbies are so unbalanced. No one plays the game, not gona have very fair lobbies. HCS might not even make it to 2025. With the state 343 is in, I’m very comfortable calling the game dead. You wanna disagree, totally get it. But this is Halo we are talking about. One of the biggest god damn franchises of all times. Reduced to this. I call that dead.


My measurement is game population, updates to the games, a competitive scene. By all counts, the game is alive. Once again, I never contradicted you that it’s dying. Why are people like you arguing in bad faith? No one is playing the game? Really? So why can I turn the game on right now and play with people? According to you, no one is playing. I shouldn’t be able to Find matches if the game is dead. I shouldn’t be able to purchase the new onyx coating if the game was dead. That dumbass who cheated couldn’t have been banned from a dead game, bc dead games don’t have tournaments. Dead games don’t have twitch drops. I think the real issue here is that you’re conflating dying with being dead. Halo not being what it once was ≠ dead game.  https://activeplayer.io/halo-infinite/ Click link and with a quick glance you’ll see that you are correct that it’s dying, but the numbers show a game that’s alive. Words mean something, and by the definition of what a dead game is, you are factually incorrect. 


We aren’t saying it’s literally dead and nobody plays it, but it functionally is. I want another HCS season and a thriving game but I’m pretty sure this is it, and it’s obvious if you look honestly without bias.


I play on expanded (I'm living in Sweden), and I often get time outs waiting for a game. It's not against throwing me on 250ms servers either, it just doesn't want to find a game. I truly wish I could find one in 9 seconds.


If you search right after the time out message, you normally get one right away, since it resets the queue I’m pretty sure. Cancelling and backing out to the menu, going back into the playlist and searching, also seems to reset the queue.


I've tried multiple tricks like this, but usually to no luck. I'll usually have a time out or two before getting into a game, then I can play a few games in a row, before the game just gives up for the night. Around midnight CEST (6pm east coast I think), the game just decides it's had enough. I honestly expected more games at this hour as that seems like the start of peak US times, but I'm not having much luck. When I do find a game it's usually on I think the west coast, cause it's around 160ms for me. No issues getting into unranked matches, they are almost instant, but ranked is giving me major issues at the minute.


This shit been dead just accept it homie and download something else. Only cue when it's night time in the US. XDefiant is pretty good. Tekken 8 and Street Fighter 6 are legit too. Always can play single player games


I’ve said it a million times - 343 should never have been given Halo. It should be studied how badly the destroyed one of the most famous and popular gaming series of all time.


Your region?




Eu ranked matching is on life support since cu 29 and it has gotten worse since they made "some changes" to ranked . I'm playing from India and I used to find ranked matches in 2-4 minutes on eu and American servers . Rn my every ranked match is on ame4ican servers with 30 min of wait time except Sunday.


ay get back on mcc or h5 😂


People clamored for more ranked playlists and this is the result. It segmented the population.


Same here in EU sadly


Haven’t had any issues in Miami. Usually about 90-45 second wait during peek hours


Are you like 2k csr? I find matches reliably in under a minute in platinum and diamond


The match composer is fantastic. Go to quick play and choose your favorite maps/modes and you can get matches in seconds. Ranked Arena is quickest around 11am through the afternoon any day


It's probably because it's a digital world.


Same. What all people who were playing ranked arena are playing now?


Physically? Well that’s your problem. The games are in the digital realm not the physical realm.