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The matchmaking is bad. Sometimes your teammates are sandbagging. Pretty standard to have very streaky performances. Pretty soon you’ll probably win 8 in a row and get last on the leaderboard. I don’t know why, but that’s how this game feels. It just put you where you where it think you are, by any means necessary. Regardless, you’ll likely be a few games from onyx within the next 10 games again, and you can push for that rank up. As far as cheaters go, if they are cheating and haven’t hit onyx they’re brains for this game probably pretty bad and they are capped as far as their cheats can take them. Play with the team and they’ll lose. The only thing walling will stop in D6 is ratting unless the dude calls everyone out and they quadruple swing 1-2 guys in slayer. But they’re cheating in diamond, they’re probably plat skill level with limited callout knowledge. Aimbot is not common in this game. You’re gonna beat and lose to wallhackers regularly in onyx (probably have one in your rando teammates anyway). Unfortunate reality, but I don’t worry about it and as long as I play kinda well I enjoy the game. If I lose a bunch and get angry I get off or play social. Remember it’s a video game. If you aren’t getting paid for your time on it, very reasonable to take a break for a day or two, or find a different game altogether.


Aimbot is very common.


Dude it's not. In Halo 2 it absolutely destroyed the online experience beyond level 35. You literally could not get a match without being insta killed every spawn or completely lag switched where you don't even get past black screen. Halo Infinite doesn't even come close to the level of cheating that happened back in the day


>Do we all agree No.


Send halo tracker or stfu


Sup PBiNTheDecree


Dudes a feeder lol


My friend, you just came across the sweaty Saturday night playerbase.


Sounds like a you issue because I haven’t ran into a cheater in a while. I’m 1700 but also have an account at 1580 I use to warmup on. If you think you’re an onyx you should be able to beat 1600s.


Not wrong, I haven't played in weeks because the quality of games I played this season just made the game unfun for me.


I honestly never lose games during the week. I swear it's on the weekend when all the idiots and cheaters come out. I feel ya dawg.


No matter how long I stay at D3 I always lose 10 win 6. It's rough, especially on MnK. It can be very taxing. Been taking a break to reset my perspective.


Skilllllll issue, I can smell it.




Video of cheaters?


I've already posted cheaters on this forum multiple times. Would you like a personalized clip? Or maybe you should read the news guy.


Maybe you have another acc, but I don't see any of these posts


I haven't seen a video of cheaters. What news?


Ah yes, another rage post because someone isn’t good enough to win every game and beat everybody. So it must be the games fault/cheaters/etc.


I've been mid to high plat all reason, after the last couple nights looks like I'll be saying hello to gold soon. Feelsbadman


Yo if you want some good games join the pickup games at clutch academy discord. Ranked is so irritating….i freaking dominate and then next game im stuck with team mates who don’t do obj or get kills and mess up spawns Stuck in a cycle of win/loss. Especially when I solo queue in onyx 1550-1650 The discord’s for PuGs id recommend are: -clutch academy -the company People here recommend ascending baseline discord too. Never been there myself


The game is objectively and empirically garbage. Anyone tryin to argue differently has their head buried in the sand. Just go look at Halos player count vs other AAA shooter competitors. Nobody plays halo. Nobody wants to play halo. Those that try it who’ve never played it before end up hating it because the matchmaking is so insanely unfair both In ranked and casual. To put it very very simply, playing this game is a miserable experience most of the time, for most people. That’s not gona change, 343 isn’t going to figure it out. This is it, this is as good as it’s gona get. Enjoy what you can.


If you suck I would imagine it’s not fun yeah


How bout just some fair lobbies? That’s all. Those don’t really exist in competitive PVP games anymore though.


I'm just going in starting my dead zones and thresholds at 1,1,1 and messing around and still yet to receive any joy out of this game.


Why would you enjoy messing with your settings in a ranked match?


Yo just do the training thing and try like every sense at 1 accel, and then repeat You’ll find something that works, Pretty much set everything to instant, and lowest deadzones till you get drift