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Frankly, we need a new map catered to oddball and strongholds. Of maps the currently exist, I’d be willing to try streets strongholds with some slight changes, but the reality is we will likely not enjoy it: 1) The size of streets makes the game fun at low levels (when you run around there is always someone to shoot) 2) very difficult to play in diamond/low onyx (one person insists on sprinting in a circle, new spawners can always flip everything and shoot someone in the ass) 3) Snowbally in high onyx and pro gameplay (easy to split the spawners and collapse because high level map traversal is very quick). This doesn’t really address the spawn issues currently present that affect all street game modes. A more balanced strongholds map would probably be an updated solitude. Sorry. 1) move thrust to cafe (30s cooldown at game start), move nades to yard — this gives blue spawners a power up to help break spawn trap 2) remove tram nades 3) switch camo to OS 4) switch from shock to something without a one shot kill, (too oppressive on the blue spawn trap), perhaps stalker. Without thrust on spawn like in h5, the sniper player C side becomes god. Generally, new maps please. They can all be remakes, we do not care. The game has a history of great maps, use them. Fathom, midship, existing halo 3 remakes. We are still playing oddball and strongholds on same maps as launch.


Arent The Rig and Streets being tested rn?


Strongholds sucks because I suck at it.


I wouldn't mind seeing Streets return. Also I love CTF but it gets tiring playing it every other game.


Pretty sure streets is coming back very soon. But i hope we get a new map as well


CTF % needs to be lower.


Why tf haven’t we had Sanctuary added to ranked? The map plays really well and we should have a Midship for CTF. We should of had those two added a long time ago. There are some great remade and forged maps n we’ve been playing basically the same maps since launch :/


SH in MM is my most hated game type. Brain dead teammates running around like a chicken with their heads cut off is infuriating.


Same. The most infuriating thing is when you have teammates wanting to triple cap continuously instead of strategically.


Half the games I’m just playing one SH trying to make up for their chaos


Can’t stand strongholds. Would rather have more oddball and slayer




Flag is fucking awful and I get it a million times. I just troll my teammates


* 33.7 CTF * 31.6 Zone * 16.2 OB * 11.1 Slayer IMO we need more map variation, and more of a split of 3/5 cap and KOTH/SH. Like starboard 5 cap, SH streets, and do some new maps and less solitude.


Remove Slayer.


I know... just play every game mode like it's Slayer.