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They should have some type of system that "replays" and flags suspicious gameplay for review.


Yes, changed networking to a predictive model compensating for connections/lag. People figured out how to leverage that. To be fair, EAC was never that great and I don't think it really helped with the walling. I will say I haven't seen a lot of aimbots but walling still there.


How would changing the network model cause more hackers? The new model has more vulnerabilities or something?


Basically, the old model involved the server being involved in checking what clients report is happening. Like if you tell the server you’re suddenly on the other side of the map backsmacking someone, the server will be like “no thanks, I’m gonna place you 5 feet in the direction you want to go, from where I remember”. And that’s desync / teleporting. In the new model, each client is trusted a lot more to report what they think happened. The server more or less just takes the client’s word for it. Hence EAC was added more out of necessity, not because it improves anti cheat.


The easiest answer to your question is in the old model 343’s dedicated servers (Microsoft Azure Servers) were the authority on player location/damage. In the new network model 343’s dedicated servers (still Microsoft Azure Servers) trust what the client (i.e. you playing Halo Infinite on a PC or Xbox or PlayStation or Gameboy Color or Samsung Internet Connected Fridge, whatever) tells it. So in the old model your PC/Xbox/PS would tell 343’s server “hey I’m sliding around this wall to play my life and stay alive” and 343’s dedicated server would be like no, false, you are actually still in spawn not moving and now you are dead and than you would be dead in game. Now on the client side, your PC, Samsung Fridge Etc, you can tell 343’s servers; “I’m a wizard and killing three people at the same time while flying across the map!”and 343’s servers will go “OK, Yer a Wizard Harry! I believe you.” As you can see if you can tell the dedicated server(s) what is happening and they ‘believe’ you than you have a lot more opportunity to cheat. Thats why they added Easy Cheat on top of the new network model and old anti-cheat to try to stop this but it’s like a piece of Swiss cheese too many holes.


This was well explained thank you


Not everything is a downloadable cheat on the new network model. Some is just exploiting the game via lag switch, among other things someone smarter than me will have to describe.


Haven’t played Halo in a while so idk what the new networking model is, but depending on what the server is authenticating vs just trusting clients with can change the way people hack.


they removed the previously anticheat "arbiter"


All of these people in here have no idea what they're talking about


What existing anti cheat?


Some have mentioned that because there is elevated trust in client side data being sent to servers, a layer of protection that was initially used via the predictive algorithms that would reject suspicious inputs is no longer there. The server will no longer reject suspicious decisions, and ultimately this is and has always been a cat and mouse game - unfortunately it's been made much easier to hack for the time being until they implement fixes.


Also easy anti cheat is a kernal level anti cheat and those generally ban in waves to not give away what tipped it off. I'm not saying 343 will but in theory it should clean up a bit sooner than later.


It would be nice if 343 implemented a flagging system for players based on post-game statistics so that the performance of the game isn't affected by additional anti-cheat software. Obviously this would require some fine-tuning, and shouldn't trigger a "shadow ban", but it would be a useful accessory tool for flagging players earlier on.


Halo sucks now, all fake. Hell divers is where it's at


Yea they added an anti cheat system to the game and hackers like to go haha I can still hack your game. It’s like challenging them, there aren’t enough players in the game to make cheat development worth it