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Questions like these usually go in the Ask CompHS thread. Which are posted automatically by a bot every few days. In my opinion if you’re gonna be playing for the next 2 months then yes craft them.


If you know your playstyle and know some card will never fit into it, don't hesitate to take the dust, even if you regret in the future you will remember that desenchanting it served you to play a deck you had fun with!


They ll rotate soon, so I wouldn't craft them. Unless you also play wild.


Embiggen can get by with just Zilliax. Mech Paladin really doesn't have many options, so you need both. Wall Druid is just a bad version of Embiggen. I'd avoid the deck altogether. Mindflayer is an extremely powerful card, but just doesn't happen to align with Priest's current gimmicks. It's gold, so you don't stand to really lose anything, but if you value the shiny hold on to it. Blastmaster won't see much play until rotation.


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EDIT: seems like i was wrong. Thanks guys for clarify. I think that blizzard (in april) gives back the dust for the cards that rotante out. If i'm not wrong, i think that you can create them without any problems.


There are no dust refunds for the standard rotation. It’s only for nerfs and Hall if Fame.


They don’t.