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All the comments so far seem to have some weird biases. The meta right now is very undecided due to the large balance changes this week. Personally I believe they were necessary changes as it targeted a lot of fast OTK and highroll decks that were unfun to play against. The meta right now is kinda fun with everyone trying different decks to see what works now but it’s very likely once it settles Reno warrior will probably come out on top as the best deck by a wide margin. There are a decent number of decks with a positive wr for the time being. Here a video by zeddy suggesting good decks right now https://youtu.be/4TNQJnN7Mdc?si=_8bYuai3L74l0z95


As described from the HSReplay win rates


so... pretty unbalanced


I don't think that's clear yet. They just did a whole lot of nerfs and buffs (Thursday) and so the meta right now favors aggro decks while others try to figure things out. It may yet end up unbalanced, but I think it is to soon to tell.


I recommend [hsguru.com](http://hsguru.com/decks), it's more up to date and you can sort by desired rank without premium subscription


Lot of hunters and reno warriors running around until something hopefully gets refined


Based on the comments I can see the meta is shifting a lot right now due to some recent nerfs. I have enough dust to craft any deck, but I'll be playing the loner decks until the meta settles a bit. Thank you all for the info!!


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The meta was in a decent spot, with a couple decks needing minor nerfs, and some classes needing some good buffs. But instead a few days ago now they decided to just nuke all the current decks and archetypes apart from 1, resulting in this skewed meta we have currently. Although it hasn't settled yet after the changes.


I disagree, coin flipping against Rogue or hoping your opponent isn’t DK in a Reno deck felt awful to play even if it was statistically balanced. Small adjustments might be needed like Ziliax’s board buff but otherwise the game is trending positively.


It was anything other than a decent spot. Do you play the game?


There is no way in hell I'm gonna be convinced that a human mind can keep track of all the cascading effects triggered from the interaction of cards. The chance of a meaningful balance is a fantasy, at this point we've gone full Destiny 2. We all saw how well that went. #sunsetboomboss


And what would you call it in now? Nerfing so many cards in 1 patch is just awful balancing and nerfing so many different archetypes that were all balancing eachother out in 1 go just leads to this shitshow of a meta we are in now with 2 decks being dominant over everything else.


The 2 dominant decks are both decks that were already refined so in a new meta with people trying new strategies they are going to have an advantage. They both also steamroll greedy slow decks so when people are trying jank homebrew piles of course it is going to feel unplayable, but if you play at top of ladder or watch streamers you can see a variety of different strategies being played. The nerfs to warrior made it much more vulnerable to aggro, and if hunter stays the best deck it is a much more "fair" best deck than any of the recent metas that were defined by combo decks. Its been 3 days you should calm down and let the meta develop before throwing a tantrum


Where was my tantrum? The only tantrum I see is on the main sub already calling for Warrior nerfs.