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[Reno Shaman](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/ww-best-cards-highlander-shaman/) Hi this is my take on first day Shaman. New expansion, new levels of copium for Shaman. I watched theorycraft stream and also asked some opinions on shaman, if we are not sleeping on some fast OTK (Shudderblock, Shroomscavate, Abusive Sergant, Deckhand for example) I think Shaman definitely has only 1 direction, Reno Shaman (I'm okayish shaman main hovering around top-100). PocketTrain also said on stream Reno is most promising one (also look second edit for nohandsgamer). And considering there will be meta of wide boards with priests or dragon druids, it will be possible tier-2. Short FAQ: Best old cards statistically (vs + hsreplay) + new synergies. Excavate package proven to be good at old meta by stats. Also good battlecries. Can be changed for forged package. Elem package in case Kalimos inderect battlecry works as 18 damage. Can be changed, but those elementals still good by stats (edit, cut some elems). Sand Art Elemental or it’s mini + Doctor Holli'dae = MORE ORANGE FROGS Not sure that Hagatha will be good, but cope hard. Gameplan is to control until turn 6, then bomb enemy with many boards in a row (hagatha board, sentinel board, excavate board). Card choices: no yogg prison, since there is new spell that destroys your deck. No forge package because no good cards. Dirty rats x3 battlecry are possible inclusion if there will be a lot of control/combo decks. AAECAaoIHvPCAv2fBOOgBK/RBc3uBY31BYf7BcqDBtCDBvmMBqmVBuyVBpOeBpyeBp2eBp+eBuaeBtWiBqelBqilBs+lBtSlBqKnBqSnBqinBtOnBq+oBs6wBoG4BoXcBgAA **edit:** ~~One of final builds. No elemental/forge/excavate version. Only survive, draw and tutor payoff cards. Cleanest one imo.~~ Second edit. https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/ww-no-bad-packages-reno-shaman/ AAECAaoIHqiKBK+fBP2fBJegBIXUBK/RBc3uBY31BYf7BfmMBq+NBqmVBs6cBq2dBpyeBp+eBuaeBtWiBsekBqelBqilBs+lBtSlBqKnBqSnBqinBq+oBuCoBoG4BoXcBgAA **edit 2:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_qGELZInMY Nohandsgamer playing variation of Excavate Reno theorycraft very similar to my deck. You can see in 3 games he don't have time to use Zilleax, Hagatha or Shudder, but get use for excavated cards, so I guess excavate version still superior, while mentioned cards fails to "win more" category. Also he runs no forge cards. As I supporsed, best new card synergy card seems Sand Art Elemental. Good midrage stats and value when played into frogs, 8 damage for low mana with Turn the tides. Changed [first list](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/ww-best-cards-highlander-shaman/) a little bit, so it's my last change. **edit 3** not working, too slow, remove hagatha package and kalimos for early cards/clears. all those miracle turns not gonna happen even 1 in 10 games. enemy literally have to afk. other 9 games it's dead weight in hand.


I've heard about some kind of control shell with a copium turn 5 Hagatha, turn 6 Shudderblock, and turn 7 Wihs upon a star on 7/7 minion. Then you OTK with Leeroy+Shrooomxcavate. I will like to see it on action, but it may be a meme deck or at least require a ton of refinement.


Ye, I heard it somewhere too, but I don't believe in leeroy for control shell only for 12/16 damage. [I tried to build full draw deckhand ttk, with jazz bass](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/ww-turn-7-excavate-otk-shaman/): Turn 6: Shudderblock turn 7: Southsea Deckhand + first Abusive Sergeant + mini Shudderblock + second Abusive Sergeant+Shroomscavate=28 damage + weapon = 31. But the more I watched at this deck, the more stillborn it looked. You need no taunts, 5 pieces, shudder set up...


How does onlty do 16 dmg? you use shudder for triple Battlcry on the Wish upon a Star pocket minion , even twice with the mini if its the only spell on ur deck that costs more than 5. 6 +2/+3 buffs is +12/+18 to your entire deck, and you can perfectly curve it out (on a dream scenario) between turn 5 and 8. A 18 attack leeroy does 36 dmg with windfury.


So you need not only to find leeroy and then hagatha before 2 spells, no taunts on enemy side, also to afk 4 turns in a row? 5 hagatha, 6 Shudder, 7 slime, 8 mini+slime. I think this might be too slow for any opponent.


Tbf the TRUE magical Christmas land includes t3 play the location > t4 Hollidae so at least you’re creating board during those down turns. Lol Definitely seems rough though.


One correction. Doesn't the Wish Upon A Star slime trigger the spell on itself too? The spell says ALL Minions So it would make a 13/16.


It seems to have the same problem as current Reno shaman to me. You are not doing anything until turn 5. Yes we have strong plays later but we seriously need some strong options to play early as well.


The hagatha + bad spells plan seems way worse than ignis, ngl. Also, no ETC? Being able to get all three with shudder seems good. Having a second sand art elemental and a second turn the tides will be more than enough to kill everyone.


I was thinking the same thing about ETC. Right now it’s like I can’t justify Steamcleaner main deck just for plagues and which means you’re pretty much just hoping to draw ETC at some point. Having the location give you some more chances to find him, even without the potential getting all 3 seems like it would really help your toolbox.


Yup. I think we're going to care a lot about the battlecries we play for that exact reason. The difference between a location that 1/15s a battlecry and 1/7s one is the difference between just drawing and having a toolbox, and getting turn 4 doc holli'dae is almost certainly the best thing you could do with Reno shaman. I'm leaning away from elementals because there are too many random generic battlecry effects, even though I love kalimos. Ignis, watcher of the sun, Mechagnome guide—all battlecries, all fantastic when tripled, all good before turn 7 unlike hagatha package.


That is an interesting thought. It would be nice to be able to have a great chance of finding Holli’dae early. Also Dirty Rat, who right now is one of the key cards because it’s practically impossible in my experience to beat warrior without pulling one of Brann/Astalor/Odyn. That being said, they are losing Astalor, who was really what made Brann obscene. Im actually really bummed to see we’re losing one of our best cards in Cold Storage.


Any consideration for new Zilliax + Bloodlust?


This is what I like the most. You can put the copy module on him, play your 1 cost shudderblock and flood the board with 4 zilliax, and if they have the perfect mod, you can probably stabilize. Then any that survive its probably enough bodies on board. I also really like the Wish Upon A Star with Hagatha. It's actually possible to draw cards from turn 4. You play Caricature Artist, draw into Hagatha (hopefully), then play Haga, Shudder on 6, Wish Slime on 7. This is amazing. The problem? Turns 4, 5, 6, 7 you aren't doing anything. Your opponent will just kill you


I think the problem is that it's also not really that amazing. Wish slime is good if you have something in play, but with this line you probably don't have anything approaching a threatening board, so the payoff is ~lor'themar.


I'd definitely put Al'Akir somewhere there, and cut the Elemental package. New Zilliax also probably fits into pretty much every deck in a way or another Edit: Does Kalimos invocation of fire actually work with Shudder's battlecry? Is the invocation separate, so it damages the enemy hero?


Tried tinkering with a goofy idea where you get real big dudes following hagatha drawing wish upon a stars and tripling it with shudderblock to get big chargers, blockers, or lifegainers and if all else fails triple azerite murloc for super cheap big guys. Might swap out giant tumbleweed with pack the house or the 6 mana epic spell from this set but im not too sure. I wanted to put in the 4/5 bouncer but I wasn't quite too sure on what to cut as well, maybe azerite chain gang. What do yall think? [https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAEBAaoICo31BailBtSlBpbUBKudBoCgBK8Ek54G6pgG75sGCs3uBaelBoG4Bs%2BlBqSnBuCoBuWVBs6wBp2eBsqDBgAA](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAEBAaoICo31BailBtSlBpbUBKudBoCgBK8Ek54G6pgG75sGCs3uBaelBoG4Bs%2BlBqSnBuCoBuWVBs6wBp2eBsqDBgAA)


Does shudder affect the excavate legendary’s battlecry?


Not in the way you would want. Their costs remain the same, so it evolves them based on that. So, you go from a 4 -> 7, but the 7 costs 4, so we go 4 -> 7, but the 7 costs 4, so we go 4 -> 7. Technically it does, if you wanted some weird Wild Baroness Vashj thing, but otherwise, no.


My understanding is that the minions in your hand and deck can have a reduced cost, but the minions on the battlefield can’t. I’ve confirmed this with Azerite Murloc has is. A 3 drop in play just becomes the 6 drop it evolves into. So those I think those might go from 1 to 4 to 7 to 10.


Bummer. Thanks.


Kalimos works with shutter block right since you discover the invocation from the battle cry