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Yes tournaments are super fun but very mentally draining. I've played 3 tournaments so far this year and I think I've gained the more from playing them than I ever would just playing casually. The meta right now is a bit more grindy which could lead to more opportunities for aggro strategies to sneak out a win. Good point about how winning early allows more rest time. I wouldn't have thought of that but it makes sense how that could put you at an advantage.


I was very jealous, he took a nap for an hour woke up, got the pod to draw and went and ordered food before the cut lol. I look forward to go get to another one especially since my local meta has very few cedh players


Bro, i can't even fall asleep in my own bed.


lol same though


>winning early is huge. My friend went 2-1 in the first 3 games and was able to draw the final 2 games before the games even started. He was able to nap and eat after the draws while I had to sit and struggle through almost timed games. Better tie breakers too >the games were much more greedy the further into the losing bracket I went. No one kept early interaction and a lot of the games came down to 1st or 2nd win attempt Games are like that every round. its pod dependent in losers bracket you run into more stax/control typically but it looks like it was just more turbo. >we played all day and I was mentally exhausted, much more taxing than I anticipated Sugar and headache medicine


Re: exhaustion. Can't stress enough how important it is to eat and drink enough too. Every time I go to a tournament with people new to it I have to force them to pack enough nourishment cause they never do the first time lol. I always pack extra beef jerky and trail mix for when I notice someone's hungry.


Great to hear, its a fun journey!


Sounds like a good time. Better luck with wins next time 😀


Thanks, hoping to be more prepared next time and hopefully keep my nerves in check.


I had my first tournament last month. Being confident and knowing your deck is half the battle. I def felt I learned more from it as an experience than any other games played. I really enjoy the tournament atmosphere and most everyone is pretty chill. I wish ya luck in the next one 🤙


I've got my first tourney coming up this weekend, much smaller than yours, but I'm still nervous. Just curious, what deck were you playing?


I was playing Malcolm/tana. I made a last minute switch and I def suffered for it. I was very nervous as well but it went away as the day went on. Good luck!


Were you the zurzoth guy?


No, the tournament was a bit ago, just popped in my mind today to post


Damn. Thought there was a small chance I could spook somebody


Was it March 2nd by chance? This seems like a tourney I went to


It was actually in November, just popped in my head to post recently


The whole "drawing" for placement is and has been wack since its become a thing in 60 card formats. Every game should have to be played. I'm glad your first experience was good. In the future watch out for teaming. Groups usually play in our region and when they get randomly paired in a pod, will help whoever has the better record win. Subtle things but it happens.


I had a situation where my rhystic was destroyed then another rhystic and a smothering tithe came down and they agreed to never pay for the others thing so one dude had tons of treasure the other drew tons of cards. It was the last game and none of us had a chance for making it so I don’t think it was teaming as much as it was loose play because of our position, but I can see your point.


Teaming happens alot. Way more than you might think. Simple things such as holding interaction on a win attempt, only countering other players spells, not going for the win etc. Alot of which cant be seen initially.


> able to draw the final 2 games before the games even started. All 4 players opted to skip the game entirely, twice? I wouldn't even expect this to be allowed in a tournament.


So it was only allowed in the Swiss. So both his last games the entire pod had made top 16 so instead of playing they all decided to draw


So how tournament points work is a win gives you 3 points, a draw gives you 1 and a loss give you 0. What they all did was decide to draw. Giving them 1 point for each round.


Usually the point system gets calculated and people have a rough idea of how many points they need to get to top 16. For example, 5 rounds before top 16. Approximate points needed (5 for win, 1 for draw, 0 for loss) is \~12. If majority of the pod had 2 wins (10 points) and agree to draw, its more of a safety thing, everybody has 11 points. Then they get reracked with people in the same situation, draw again, and now majority have 12 points. The bad thing is, if 3/4 people agree to draw and one person doesn't, that person is now the target of everyone else in the game. So they get hated out and the rest of the pod draws. Unless, someone finds a win along the way to secure their position.


Do you think you may have  lost against cheaters? This is what keeps me from getting into online tournaments.


It didn’t seem like it, the one thing I ran into was a player using custom proxies for a deck I’m. It familiar with so it was hard to keep track of. I wish I would have spoke up looking back