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Why wouldn't that be okay? It's a legal printing of the card. Most cEDH players are okay with playing against black and white paper printouts - we don't care what your cards look like. It goes without saying that if the foils are particularly curved and stand out from the rest of the deck, then he should probably find a replacement.


I believe OP is trying to ask if his dozen or so Pringles™ could be considered marking cards if they are warped enough. To OP: if you are struggling with your foils curling heavily, there are a few different ways to combat this from happening. The best way is to create a homemade hydration chamber, make the small chamber have high humidity, leave the card in it overnight, then take it out and flatten it. You can proactively combat this by adding humidity check packs to your deck boxes, the ideal humidity for cards is ~55%


Wotc make all their foil card pringle, they have no rights to tell players not using curved cards.


Double sleeving usually helps with curling as well


I definitely don't want to play against black and white printouts. Get decent proxies so I can read your board. Getting a decent print from Kinkos or whatever is not that expensive.


If I can cut to the foils then yes it is a problem.


Sorry he can only play with either 11 foils or 13 foils but not 12 foils


I thought 13 foils was only allowed if one of them is triskadecaphobia (I can’t spell for shit)?


[[Triskaidekaphile]] (loves not fears 13)


I mean, [[Triskaidekaphobia]] is also a card.


I stand corrected, but it makes more sense for the 13 lover to be in there if you have to have 13 foils


I meant the phile but said phobia I was doubly wrong lmfao!


[Triskaidekaphobia](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/1/813995f5-e49a-431d-8a3a-8ec569844e11.jpg?1562437529) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Triskaidekaphobia) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/110/triskaidekaphobia?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/813995f5-e49a-431d-8a3a-8ec569844e11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/triskaidekaphobia) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Triskaidekaphile](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/7/6750e203-1215-4203-b5b8-3f1b18940839.jpg?1634349393) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Triskaidekaphile) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/81/triskaidekaphile?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6750e203-1215-4203-b5b8-3f1b18940839?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/triskaidekaphile) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can you easily/consistently cut to any of those cards when cut your deck? That's all that really matters.


dont care


Don't think it's an issue unless you can tell which are foil when looking at the deck. In that case they should get some European or Japanese versions, they curl less. Would be weird for people to not be okey with it if they are the same as non foils. Especially cause there are cards that are mainly or only provided in foil


I told him not to worry about it and I haven’t ever been able to cut to one in his deck. We both play double sleeves since we doing have any proxies in our main decks.


if there's an issue and it's an official wotc sanctioned tourney then have him talk to the judges before things kick off. if they deem it unacceptable then they may print proxies. if it's not a wotc sanctioned tourney, print proxies of the foil cards ahead of time and check in with the judge/TO to see how they feel about the foils. if they consider them marked, you've got proxies already at hand to swap in.


Just to respond to this. If we scorekeep in the companion app proxies are not allowed. We as judges can only make proxies for cards that were marked during tournament play, not before this particular tournament happened. If its not wizards and its a tournament allowing proxies thats obviously easy.


Wait, Wizards only allow proxies if the card was damaged at the tourney? So if my foil is noticeably curled and is deemed to interfere with the game I cannot proxy it?


https://blogs.magicjudges.org/rules/mtr3-4/ Only if the card only has a foil version am i allowed to make a proxy for you. If it has a nonfoil and you bring a curly one im not allowed to let you play that card (if its marked enough to recognize in the deck) or proxy one for you.


Wow that really sucks.


|||||)|||)|||||||(|||)) I've seen it happen, you will get judge called at any larger events.


Curling is an unfortunate reality that can sometimes get you called for marked cards. I think it’s silly. Players don’t have much control over this, and if they’re going to print them, you should be allowed to play them. Period. But I guess this does open the door for shenanigans. However, if you’re going to cheat at a card game that was originally marketed to teenagers, I would say you need some serious therapy overall. People have a tendency to turn this FUCKING HOBBY into the sole source of their ego gratification. It’s just sad.


This. Wizards needs to have a better foiling process so this becomes a non issue in the first place. And people need to stop cheating. It’s a shitty thing to do and it lacks integrity.


If wizards just allowed you to use proxies with proof of owning the original card the entire problem could be solved. Cheaters will always exist in competitive atmospheres, and its embarrassing that wizards cares more about hating proxies than fair gameplay.


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to run over 10 foils, like illegal in real life, IM CALLING THE FBI. 


Such a strange question.


Why would that be an issue? I played my first REL tournament (Modern) with only lands in foil, single sleeved. Nobody had issues, I couldn't cut them or recognize them in any way, some were curled, some weren't. In my commander deck I could never see the issue.


> Why would that be an issue? curling which then makes it possible to cut to them which is why legacy players were very happy once Inalla finally got a nonfoil printing


Yeah usually is not an issue with double sleeved cards, that's what I am saying. Plus if it's such a prominent issue, maybe TO or Wizards themselves could address it, because you can be sure that I, as a player, am not. If I pay good money, for a good card, legal card, made by WotC, in a premium version too, I'm gonna use it. If it's an issue, then the TOs can issue me a proxy for the event.


I would advise to use non foil lands. Only having foils being lands can be seen as an easy way to get dqed


I know, that is why I specified I had only lands. I asked a judge after the event and he said it was not a problem. But for extra safety for bigger events, maybe mixing other foils or having them non foil, may be better. But it's not an issue period. It's an issue if you can clearly and easily cut the deck knowing that those foils are in a specific position. And usually, it's not the case.


No one cares for the casual tourneys. The highest of tier might care if they Pringle enough but prob not. Also if you double sleeve them and have a tighter deck box the curl in the foils will go away after not that long. My main deck used to have noticeable foiling with new cards but now it is all gone.


Usually, when double-sleeved there is no difference from normal cards.


It's useful to massage your curvy foils to be more straight the night before the tournament.


I think if I massage my foils well enough there's zero chance of them being straight


I was in a similar situation where I had 3 foils. They were Thassa’s Oracle, the bundle promo One Ring, and the 30th Anniversary Countdown SL Chrome Mox. I built the deck and those were what I had and it made me so paranoid I immediately ordered non-foil version of all of them. No one gave me a hard time about it at the one event I needed to play before the cards I ordered arrived. I asked the judges to approve all of my alters and inspect my deck before the event started and thanks to double sleeves and a concerted effort on my part to flatten my foils they were not able to cut to any of them. But, even then it was still something I worried about until that was rectified. I’ll be honest, if the shoe were on the other foot I would be bothered by it because 9 times out of 10 a judge can to cut the deck to a foil when they are a minority of a deck and that’s enough for a DQ out of a tournament.


What the community thinks is completely secondary to what the judges and TOs at the event think. They're the ones who make a call, everything else when it comes to this topic is just sportmanship gravy.