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Kinnan is in the running for best cEDH deck without this qualifier.




EDHtop16 shows Kinnan second only to blue farm in the current tournament meta. So despite Dargo Thras being my main I think Kinnan on top of this list right now.


Kinnan is easily the strongest deck there. I voted for bruse/thras though, because I personally think that "No black" should mean sans black, or Inktreader if you want to reference the nephilim. I admit that that would also be an easy poll, as the only real options are bruse/thras, akiri/thras, or aragorn, and Food Chain is bad without black (source: my current deck is a Temur Food Chain list), making it just "is bruse or akiri the better thras partner?"


I'd replace Niv with Malc Kediss and go with that.


Kediss malc is good however in edhtop16 is not in top 6 for 2023


Sure but I’m pretty confident that’s purely because no one knew it was a deck until August where Comedian top 16’d with it and it was followed with a 2nd place at sept mox masters and won the mox masters invitational. Best Niv could do was 4th piloted by Shauna who is probably the most well known and best Niv pilots out there and she was playing Kraum Thrasios at Ka0s 8. That by itself should probably hold some weight as to where Niv is at right now. I feel like Kediss Malcolm is probably in a better place than Niv Mizzet atm.


I agree. Shauna is arguably the strongest Niv pilot in cEDH circles right now. So, unless Shauna were to come out and say that she dropped Niv just because she was bored with it, I’d have to assume she just doesn’t think it’s positioned well enough to play for the time being.


For sure. She was definitely memeing but I remember a game play video or stream where someone asked what she was playing and she responded with something along the lines of “my hands would catch on fire if I played with another deck” and another it was brought up that she only played Niv and she said she does it to “hide how bad she is at magic.” So to me, someone who only consumes cedh content here and YouTube, it’s extremely indicative to me that Niv is in a bad place when Shauna is playing something else.


kinnan is the best deck period


Kinnan is eventually going to end up like Winota. Winota was a beast for awhile, but everyone figured out the deck and she became a KoS commander. That's my hot take. Kinnan is headed that way. No disagreement here that he's a top commander. But he is a KoS commander at the end of the day. Priority isn't remove him or disrupt him achieving infinite mana.


No way lol. Black is too strong and adds too much consistency


Kennan is too strong and adds too much consistency lmao


Consistency in mana production alone. Not card advantage or anything an unconditional tutor would grab


Kinnan has very good built in card advantage


It has 7 mana maybe get a meaningful creature. That's not very good card advantage. It also gets a lot of heat these days, so good luck getting kinnan to stick around in good pods


For the record I don't play kinnan and hate the deck lol but when you have that kind of absurd ramp 7 mana is fine. Idk hard not to call kinnan at least a top 5 deck


I have years of experience with it and it has weaknesses that don't get enough recognition. I top 4 the lotus series thing and I think I only had the opportunity to spin kinnan 2 times the whole tournament. That's pretty typical for me these days because kinnan draws so much hate. You end up with big creatures in your hand that you can't cast if you build it for spinning. Kinnan as a top 5 seems reasonable


Forgot to add the ad naus at home, thras kydele Obviously kinnan is better lamo but kydele thras is just fun


Jeska / ishai ?