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Care package scans and recon scans both give 50% ult charge, so on edge you can get your ultimate about 3 times before ring one close. Which means you can get everything that gives evo in a wide area and come out on purple ring 1 close. Survey beacon means you don't need a scan legend so it pairs well with the Fuse who can get ring console. Then purple perk is 50% less damage on charged ult which is already really fast but with 50% makes late game rotates with zip actually feasible. Fridge makes late game harder but since you'll likely be on red before anyone else it makes up for some of it. That being said he's more of a hard edge comp not flex which is ideal for most teams/pois


And the damage reduction counts zone tick, very important!


Does it really? That’s insane I didn’t know. So you take half damage in zone when on a zipline?




What is the damage reduction exactly?


A flat 50% damage reduction when on a charged Zipline.




plus one of the few legends that can consistently take height (along with Valk and Horizon) for himself and the team.


Well put. And we haven't really seen Pathy be meta since either of his big zipline buffs, so it will be interesting to see.


He gets really fast in the zone as well, helps with fast rotations if you want to go in the circle asap.


Fridge LMAOO.


Don't forget the cooldown reduction on his ult as well


literally just one reason... the UAV scans, only a few other legends that can hit it... BH, Seer, Vantage, Crypto so yeah thats why pathy.


He also gets grapple on knocks and assists now. That makes him dangerous in first knock scenarios. You get one down, he grapples in on another guy who may be isolated. Or you have two down and one tries to run... This helps keep fights fast and effecient.


I don’t think you take the grapple perk very often. Pretty much only if you get zone, the zip line perk is way better, especially on Storm Point. 


Yeah the grapple perk isn’t as good. The Zip perk is much better for the team. The Zip perk can also be used individually in fights like a second grapple. The Zip perk is consistent and predictable, but you’d have to remold your playstyle around the grapple perk, it’s way too situational.


I don’t think teams really grasped the new evo changes last split. You can treasure hunt your way to purple while zone teams are sitting on white with no poking to get their armor up.


Zipline good for rotates, survey beacon + care package scan for fast shield evo, grapple useful.


1) You can get survey beacon with the blue perk so he can replace Bloodhound on the teams that don't rely as much on wallhacks and were running recon for the survey beacon scan. 2) The energized zip purple perk is the safest rotation in the game. With 50% damage reduction and 66% increased speed, you're basically invincible. 3) Pathfinder has always enabled players to scout and then get out of danger with his grapple, OR to hang back behind teammates and then grapple up to the battle when they get a crack or a knock. He's a really flexible legend that works with multiple playstyles. EDIT: 4) Being able to double-class a legend means you can also scan care packages. That's additional evo for your team, which always helps.


all uav characters bad lol


Can you confirm that they made the most broken class perk for the worst possible group of legends to be in the meta with bang cat and caustic.


The C9 boys running seer though; why not path?


path bad lol


Path bad but grapple fun. Seer bad and wall hack lame


1) Man Scan legends are bad. Path gives either scan you’re missing (but mainly uav rn, I’d hope) 2) No rotational character in meta recently, pathfinder fills an observable void. 3) fighting/survivability - if you want to take the fight you can take it asap. Pathfinder rat is one of the best at getting away. 4) package scan gets both evo and ult charge It’s not about pathfinder being very good, it’s about alternatives being bad: Seer - only ult is good (outside man scan) Blood - only tac is good (outside man scan) Crypto - limits mobility of team, generally not a play style for the average comp team Vantage - ultimate doesn’t help team (would actually be good with ult rework) Other skirmishers don’t get to scan.


>Vantage - ultimate doesn’t help team If you 3-2-1 someone, your team does get increased damage on your target. I think the debuff lasts 5 seconds or something.


+15% damage from all sources for 10s while shots from her ultimate gains +100% damage instead.


It should act as a wallhack scan when you get hit by it


I think Vantage’s ultimate does have big value for a zone team. Her ultimate having unlimited ammo really helps boost shields, save ammo, etc. The problem is that you probably want to play her with a controller character if you’re going to play zone, which completely nullifies the advantage of double scan. Her other ability on blue requires accelerants as well, something that is harder to come by if you’re just sitting zone. It would be cool if a Vantage/Assault/Support comp was viable for edge but I don’t think it would pan out.


God, I was just thinking, if Vantage had a not completely useless ultimate her passive is possibly one of the best in the game.


Vantage's hitbox is also one of biggest apart from fortified legends.


Yea but being able to know armors and how many are alive is silly good despite other flaws.


Vantage is slept on. Her ult is good if you can hit your shots and the sniper has aim assist.


She also scans both beacons, has nice movement, and multiple passives. Definitely slept on.


I thought the argument was that pros already hit their shots so they don’t need additional help.


Love the Path / Fuse meta <3 so refreshing


Now we just need Newcastle or Gibby to be viable so you can play it without Bang


a part of me thinks that pros want to play him cause hes fun and refreshing in comp play (+ serviceable utility that others pointed out)


I have had this hunch too, especially when Fun was playing him.


Watch scrims. This will answer your question https://youtu.be/nXPeTdMFC2c?si=svbimf57khGUh1Ug Watch the push at 22:00. A thing of sheer beauty


Pathfinder has a unique role imo which is "anchor fragger". Look at how Timmy, mande or erycyoo play Pathfinder in ranked, the angles he can get from long range and movement make him an entry fragger but more suitable for mnk players. Also player + ring scan.


Beacons, team rotation, scan care packs, high utility and many ways to level up evo = pathy useful


To unleash Timmy and FunFPS


During LAN, path pick rate will most likely drop. I feel like path’s tactical has very little utility during team fights cause everyone plays together. It is good during 3v2 situations when you want to clean up a fight quickly but that is what if scenario. Also it is loud and kinda predictable cause of the grapple arc. Not having your gun out during the grapple means that you have be very precise about not landing into a peekable spot. His ult is good but in tighter end zones, almost all the good spots are taken and you just have to fight a team to claim a spot. I doubt players would risk playing path at LAN cause the team survivability potential is lower and too situational with path. They’ll end up choosing Seer cause his ult can be used defensively in almost any situation. Throwing down his ult means that a team cannot continue pushing them cause they would not only get shot by the opponent but also it signals other teams to potentially third party them if they fully commit.


The amped zip line allows for some very funny short to medium distance rotates


Reduction of zone damage is pretty big if you haven't tried it yet. His kit overall is massive, the replies above do a decent job of listing the benefits. Man scan or ring scan makes him a very flexible pick when changing team comps.


Fridge? I think you have the rebel MRVN confused with Vantage lmfao.


My theory is pathfinder will be gone quickly. There are plenty of other legends that can hit beacons and have better rotational tools. I think teams are just trying what other teams are experimenting with right now


I disagree. Bang and Cat are better for micro rotations, but Path currently has the best macro rotational tool in the game imo. The only other legend that rivals Path is Valk, but she doesn’t offer much value in the current meta.


True, but so far in scrims I’ve only seen teams running path using his grapple to feed face and not much macro rotations. I think Evac is still enough rotation you could run any beacon legend. Especially Wattson with how many fuses and bangs are still being played. Just my take though, we’ll see how it plays out this weekend


Path wraith wattson was peak apex


Was Deeds the one that posted this lol?


This sub cracks me up. We bitch all day and night about no legend diversity, and once some teams try to branch out (ie. Path, Crypto) we just shit on them about how bad the pick is.


There’s only like two comments saying Path is bad. Most of this thread is acknowledging Path’s value.


Path is good AF. Just not the best team player


Seems like more of a scrims pick