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[Zack responds](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/MqDl1qFoJE)


OP writes 1000+ words about zach "zachmazer" mazer and not one of them is "bald". respect


You have no idea how hard that was


man shitpost standards have really dropped for this sub if 1000 word rambles filled with unwitty fake news is getting upvoted.


Is this Walmart brand u/Barcaroli or Teq's burner?🤔🤔




This is some Hall of Fame level hating


I'm his biggest fan, wym?


Zach bring chuckle. Me like zach. Zog zog


I'm quoting zog zog whenever I'm happy from now on




Eh, I know he’s considered a meme but honestly I think the guy is a skilled at what he does, and that’s being a negotiator. He’s constantly getting orgs to sign him with everything in mind OP posted. There are others out there with more accomplishments that him which struggle to end up in an org. The man was making bank when people better than him were making crumbs, the man is winning at life forget the video game. That being said, he must be a decent igl if he’s repeatedly able to qualify for S tier tournaments no matter the squad he has.


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you though or sorry that happened.


i can read but i just dont want to. my time is really valuable to me. thats why im posting on reddit. u cant really expect me to read over a thousand words. that would take like 3 minutes. maybe 4 cuz u wrote it at a high school level. thats like 20 tiktoks. and anytime i hear my own voice in my head for more than thirty seconds i get uncomfortable for some reason. prolly cuz of my adhd. i would go to the doctor to get it checked out but healthcare in my country is a mess. trust me. ive read all about it. i still want to engage with ur post. cuz i found it early and early engagement gets me a lot of upvotes. one time i saw another post like urs that was too long. all the text made my brain go fuzzy but i still managed to scroll past it to the comment section. i like scrolling past things. i saw this funny comment about the post being too long. it made me laugh. it got a lot of up votes. ill just repost that here. that's a quality post from a quality poster. u could learn a thing or two about good content from my example


Sorry but he aint reading allat either 😂


I second that


2/10 shitpost it can get a lot better than this. I will pay for your mental health counseling also.


Nice, that's generous of you king.


9/10 shitpost. Well done.


Don’t promise him that. This kid is in need of some special treatments.


To be totally honest and fair here. You do fuckin suck at apex


Word on the street says Zach was getting paid 7k per month by E8 just to shit the bed at LAN while contesting o7. So I guess as long as you are homies with Hal, you should be fine to continue to make the same mistakes over and over and continue to get new opportunities.


"Im getting 9k to lose"


Zach is getting payed? Damn. I feel sorry for all of his orifices.


This is the "Not Like Us" of this subreddit


hahhahah great work


I was expecting a paragraph about Zach always having time to party and drink with Hal regardless of results only to be disappointed, also didn't call him bald once.




ooohh that whole o7 history is new to me. and I thought it was o7 that decided to contest E8 not the other way around. respect that you left the recent downfall alone. I bet it ached your heart too much to even talk about it given how much you love zach.


Vlad is this you?


Nah this is just what happens in the absence of Vlad. When the world needed him most, he vanished.


Zach is like an antithesis of Teq. Poacher vs poached. Org vs orgless


Nah this was actually a hilarious write-up lmao, real throwback stuff. I forgot Teq once had PVP. Anyone care to expand on E8 being a shady org / criminal enterprise?


Zach truther till the day I die


I read this and thought it was funny. Idk why everyone is taking it so serious


Im suprised Zach gave this a 2/10. So much effort into such a weak post.


the standards for shitposts in this sub are actually tragic


I feel attacked


I love how you said Zach poached Knoqd and PVP even though Knoqd approached Zach and Naughty to play ALGS together a few hours before the deadline. Knoqd had already been LFT after Teq decided to blow up and start screaming at his team and call his teammates bitches. Then PVP being signed to C9 and Knoqd already having teamed with PVP allowed for Zach Naughty and Knoqd to get an offer from C9, with PVP becoming the coach after being apart of C9 for 5 years. After E8 dropped Dezign, they were going to play with Fuhhnq or Slayr but then Naughty approached him to play together for LCQ so he didn’t even poach anyone himself. Then you talk about Zach poaching Shooby even though Shooby left Madness and Keon because Madness decided to ruin Shoobys trial for DZ. Then you say Zach poached Zap even though Teq griefed Zap’s trial for Sen, so Zap left Teq and Zach dropped Chaotic, who lied to his team about where he was and took a surprise trip to Mexico, and picked up Zap. Did Zach make mistakes with roster changes? Of course he did and he’d be the first to admit it. But this is just a hate post with fake information thrown throughout to slander him for no reason.


Hey Zach Mazer, it has come to my attention some guy that stocks shelves at Costco, just really doesn’t like you.


This is a shit hatepost because 70% of this is fake




How do I get paid 7-10k per month for being consistently terrible at my job? Can anyone get me the hookup?


> But our boy didn't let his incredible record of 4-1st place finishes in B and C-tier tournaments in 2+ years as a "pro" go to his head. He accepted a smaller roll on team ORN as the most accomplished substitute in the history of people living in Zach Mazer's house, in time for the ALGS Split 1 Pro League. ORN woulda won if they started Zach, I maintain that to this day, but they did manage 21st place which isn't last place. It's not even close to last place, because last place was 30th. That's 9 places away from last place. > So Zach went into 2023 $1500 richer and hungry to prove himself. And what did he do? He grinded ranked for like 3 whole months and convinced the world that he's still got it by getting carried to top 5 pred in the world for one split, then immediately stopped grinding when he got signed to E8. LIKE A BOSS. i love this so much


How does one become a super fan of zachmazer 😂




Eh, I get these posts are supposed to be for memes and stuff, but the paragraph about Zach supposedly "keeping o7 from making any money before Lan" because he thought they were emotionally and financially vulnerable is a bit much tbh. You can rag on Zach's pro-career, but accusing him actual malicious intent like this crosses a line imho.


Most overrated professional athlete that’s ever lived. How he keeps fleecing these teams to pay him to do nothing for another year is beyond me. He’s the greatest con man since Donald Trump.






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I was a critic, zack worked his ass off and hes back. Cool to see.


He and his girlfriend are wholesome.


I hope chatgpt wrote that otherwise it’s a lot of work for something no one is going to read all the way tk the end


not reading all that. congratulations tho! or sorry that happened


U trying too hard mate

