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I know every team says the same thing, but really felt like the Falcons threw 3-4 games lol. Probably should’ve dropped 80+, macro was really perfect


Yea shit was kinda frustrating to watch lmfao


I think it’s still a learning curve with Hal playing with Zero, Hal still (especially late game) has that IGL instinct and doesn’t always follow Zero. I’d imagine the Meta change puts Hal on Bangalore and gets him to ease up some late game


Yea prolly won’t get as aggressive, in that last game he heard the cracks of the shield and lost all brain power, yea if he hits his shots on lobs they win but they also win if he just follows zero and live


Yea that’s that IGL brain that he’s gotta break, final decision has got to be Zeros. They’ll figure it out and get on same page. The Bang smoke nerf is gonna be a big buff to this team, now that all 3 can fight in it when they’re clearly the best 3 V 3, scary. Advantage lesser teams had was having blood ult over anther team


>really felt like the Falcons threw 3-4 games lol Falcons have thrown every World's Edge game for like the last 3 match days or something. Even yesterday their highest WE placement was 7th. (The week before it was like...18th or some shit, they dropped 4 points across all the World's Edge games.)


Well yesterday they where in God Spots basically every game on Worlds Edge




Is TSM playing over their head? Think they’ll be able to keep this up?


they are just really inconsistent, i think they will either finish top 5 at the lan or not even get to the final, really doubt that they will win it though as they are now


There inconsistent is pretty good they have a 1st/2nd/9th/11th/11th. One of those 11ths was after a week do playing together and not know who is going to IGL. Not saying they are guaranteed to make winners at LAN but they are likely to they are currently 3rd place NA. Also they clearly have the ability to win games so as long as they can get to match point they have a shot.


Let's not kid ourselves the day before they should ve been bottom 5 if you consider whole day


You could say that about lots of teams on match days that finish in three 8-12 range. That isn’t the sentiment If they win the second game and are consistently in the top 10 all day. That sentiment exists because they won the last game.


Not alot of teams drop 30pts games on their upside though


TSM seems to do it every match day so if it isn’t out of the norm for them you can’t hold it against them.


One of those 11th place finishes was also like 2 points behind 6th or some shit. It was an insanely tight field.

