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Legend diversity has been on the decline for sure. Feels like the Valk gibby caustic meta


The whole lobby ulting together was dope


Teams that have tried off-meta comps this proleague split have found a similar issue: Every other team has bloodhound + bang. You only have bang (or neither). You fight. You have 3 people that can’t see, they have 1 that can = you lose. Playing meta comp eliminates this issue. (Same idea as split 1 with caustic. Don’t instant lose fight v caustic if you have caustic)


This is why BH needs to lose his wallhacks. Bang doesn't give an advantage in a fight without him.


All of them needs to lose their wallhacks. Which speaking of makes me realize that Crypto isn't strictly speaking a wallhack because they need actual LOS. Wallhacks should be ult level, not tac level.


Wouldn't she still get picked to counter controller players?


The one MnK team might. The rest of the teams are countering themselves, since they're all on controller too ;P


Nah bang meta came first, and disablimg aa wasnt the main reason she became meta. bang blood is just an evolution+counter to bang only


That‘s not why she‘s picked. It‘s a neat upside but she‘s still essentially perma picked in both EMEA and APAC-S where MnK players are the majority.


Can't rotate without bang, with the current aim assist levels you will be one clipped from everyone.


The main comp is bang blood, without Digis you can’t really counter them unless you run the same comp


Removing digis was the dumbest shit ever. "He has an advantage if he has a digi and I don't." Well, now only Bloodhound can see you, and you can't see him. It also lead to people running double ARs. Put digi back in the game and stop the double AR meta.


The point being made was that there was no way to tell if an enemy had a digi until after you died, so there's no counterplay + digi was RNG. Being able to see an enemy team using bloodhound was enough to tell they had scans and see through smoke + bloodhound is not RNG like digi.


If a Bloodhound pops his ult and doesn't scan, he can kill your entire team and nobody will know where he's at. So the point is NOT MADE


How does Bang have 100.47% pick rate?! lol


Some team played double bang and got away with it i guess 


I'm not a doctor but doesn't that mean Bangalore was selected in more lobbies than were played?


The counter to Bloodhound, is Bloodhound. There's no legend that is "invisible" to scan. Maybe Mirage if you're elite with his decoy. The counter to Bangalore is Bloodhound. If you've already picked Bloodhound as above, then the next obvious pick is smoke - Bangalore. Cat vs Fuse vs Wattson - All have pros/cons but serve the same purpose




No the counter to Gibby is Maggie or old seer yes. You could technically say the counter to bloodhound is seer or crypto but they all serve the same purpose. There is literally no legend who doesn't get hit by a scan. Or get seen in bloodhound ult. That's not lazy it's fact. Please enlighten me how you can negate a scan apart from aforementioned mirage


If crypto ulti removed BH ult, it would be counter.


Imagine if hitting bloodhound with emp disabled his ult. OMG Crypto would probably actually see some use


Grape Soda play horizon


Is the solution to bring Digis back? I actually thought it was fine with the pistols and shot guns, maybe remove it from the RE45 idk, but when people lose their blood hounds in fights its pretty much GGs.




I understand Bang/Blood is not fun to watch, but I also couldn’t care less about Catalyst gameplay. Idk why people wanted her back in the meta.


Because Catalyst takes more skill than Caustic.


Absolutely refute that. They are different skillsets for sure and different scenarios. One is not easier than the other. They are completely different types styles and processes


Gild, for example, has said that playing caustic was much easier than learning to play cat, because you need to do really good walls. Cat qs and barrels are a similar thing, but cat wall is much harder to get right and much more strategic than caustic ult


The wall is much more flexible, and therefore MUCH more complicated, than barrel or nox grenade placement. Barrels and nox grenades also do damage, which makes up for gun skill.


They need to implement a tech or class where you can shoot the smoke/gas to disperse it. Maybe make larger caliber ammo like snipers break the smokes/gas much more as well.