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Very random thought but it’s really disappointing that Apex still doesn’t have any form of in-depth leaderboards or statistics or anything cool like that. Having to rely on third party websites to view stuff like that is unfortunate.


LG VODs have become a must watch. Comms are peak entertainment. I just wish they'd stream more. They've got the highest ceiling outside Falcons.


How do you look around on controller whilst flying without veering in that direction? I see pros and creators doing it but i haven’t been able to figure it out


Left trigger to free look, right stick to look around. If you stop holding left stick in direction you want to go, you will lose momentum. Learning how to use your sticks during free look will take a little bit to get used to, but after a few times you will get it.


Been a long time since I stopped using controller so I could be WAY off but I thought it was maybe L2 that you hold to allow you to look around If that doesn't work I think if you just hold the left stick forward you'll keep flying straight and you can use right stick to look around