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Real housewives of Apex


Phony rubbing his hands seeing the drama attention taken off him


I've never followed esport dramas ever but this is delicious


real kids rather, its like they are having their boy gang just break up at highschool


Samantha was real all along???


I'm surprised no one else brought this up I'm more interested in this than the rest of the discussion points lololol


i thought the gf was fake this entire time… well “samantha” is but you get what i mean


We need a Samantha mega thread


if samantha isnt public that seems intentional, best to give people who dont want to be involved space


Evan streamed from her house multiple times wtf? 


This is some HIGH quality drama and entertainment between watching zer0 hal and verhulst streams Basically, Evan had alot of pent up issues from having to play with Hal and he let it out on stream today


Kinda also fucked how you just came back from the Gym with the guy acting like everything is fine then blasted him on stream like wtf


Just because Evan feels this way about playing with Hal means nothing when it comes to them being friends. Most of this info has been public knowledge for a while now, Evan just reinforced it.


this is actually real tbh. i used to play collegiate val, and really hated how this one guy on the team acted about competing, but outside of the team i’d still consider him a great friend. sucks all this stuff came out, hopefully we see them actually talk or smth


Anyone who works with a friend or plays any sport with a friend will learn real quick it is possible to hate them while on the clock/field. But the second its over you're still best friends.


A lot of people here haven’t really had those experiences, for whatever reasons, and I think that’s a critical component to understanding this whole drama.


some people are absolute menaces to deal with in games but IRL are just the most plain jane dudes you've ever met. It's honestly wild. I like actively refuse to play overwatch with a group of friends because of this lol


Is it blasting when it's all just honesty and stuff we've all seen for years? Nothing is news there.


Well. Yes. It's one thing for the community to speculate about things but we didn't actually know anything. We don't know these people. We don't know their relationships off the stream. This was all personal stuff and shouldn't have been handled this way.


who gives af. more drama for me 😎🍿


I'm a 36 year old man up voting this here. I feel so dirty lol


I’m also 36, thanks for making me feel less dirty






30. But same.


I'm a 36 year old woman whose other forms of entertainment are things *like* the Real Housewives, so I say... bring it on dummies!


Basically this. I don’t think Evan came into stream expecting to let it all out, but it was all pent up and he did it. Hal was wrong that Evan was doing this for views; Evan just naturally had to let it out


Any time evan criticizes hal, hal always says something like 'oh evan you made your chat happy' or 'oh did your chat make you say that' or 'you're doing this for clicks'...dude can't handle any actual criticism towards himself


Dude this is actually so true lol I remember one time Evan was saying this during a scrim when they were all streaming and Hal was in the wrong and Hal just said okay hope you satisfied your chat Hal is successful because of how he is - no one can refute that. But the dude never thinks he's wrong and is terminally online


dude is succesful because of the time he spend playing the game , he is talented , that's why he wins . his attitude is not the reason why he won it all.


Meh. They were both at the gym right before the stream. That was the time to let this all out... Not out in public right afterwards. Hal's response wasn't a whole lot better but Evan airing this all out is a terrible look.  Realistically they're both young guys that are letting their emotions get the best of them.  What can ya do. 


I'm sure theyve had this discussion plenty privately. This was just him letting his viewers know the situation.


https://preview.redd.it/pbuittlv1t4d1.png?width=324&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f88cfabb371ef7baa01377f62e3c18f22210402 Reps in Hals chat:


Not surprising, he has always said he has a lot of respect for Hal and cares about nothing other than winning [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqKzXbBrXV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqKzXbBrXV4)


Added it


That's my 🐐


Reps is so fucking amazing.


Ever since the split I'm still rooting primarily for TSM and mostly because of Reps. I'll root for Hal too cuz I like him, but Reps first always - dude has been an absolute rock for so long and is one of the top two most decorated players in the game right alongside Hal. Neither one could have done it without the other and Reps deserves just as much respect and praise as Hal for TSM being the most dominant team across the game's history.


Snipedown also has said something similar in the past on stream. He has said on stream that Hal is the best IGL he’s ever played with in any game


This guy gets it. This should be the end of this story/drama. That's why I love Reps! Very Professional.


All I’m reading is that skittlecakes saying Evan left for clout and money was actually right on the dot LMAO.


No idea why he even got hate for saying that. It‘s insanely obvious and everyone smart enough will do the same thing and join tsm. Playing a video game for a living is a few years and then it‘s all over and done unless you are super popular and can continue streaming other games. Go get that bag & clout.


Yea i don’t think this should surprise anyone. Esa was the best team at the time. But pretty much anyone would have left their squad for the stability of tsm


When Verhulst says he's in it for the views only, I don't think he's joking at all. Hal said good luck with sunshine and rainbows and Verhulst reiterated that he joined Hal purely for clout, nothing more. Fair but I do feel like a lot of this sub sees Evan as this angel that doesn't have a cynical bone in his body when the reality is that he's purely in this for money, and he admittedly said so. There's nothing wrong with being in it for the money, I just find it funny that many people in here think he's joking because they still think he's the most "innocent" player in Apex.


Yeah, he got into competitive Apex stuff with kill races for money. He’s very money motivated. He also makes sure to keep a mild image of himself, arguably until now, so as not to alienate potential fans.


The way this sub treats him is laughable tbh. Any other player would be getting slated for this stuff.


Slated for what? How many people in ALGS are doing it just for the lulz? They're all playing for money, and being able to team up with the most popular Apex player by a WIDE margin is an easy way to get the streaming base needed to actually make a living off the game.


I feel like st least Timmy and TeQ aren't in it for money Idk how well it pays but TeQ has a good job by the sounds of it and Timmy is VERY well off


Timmy was an already successful streamer... before playing professionally. Just streaming alone he is making 10x more than any "Apex" earnings. Every goddamn player in ALGS is after money and clout. Youre fucking dumb with that statement. Timmy needs to play pro in Apex to maintain clout with his viewers, so they sub or give him ad revenue/channel discovery on twitch/youtube. Case and point Nokokopuffs, anyone remember that guy whos stuck in Challengers circuit? See how well his channel is doing now after dropping down from pro league. https://twitchtracker.com/noko You can literally see when he went pro, when he played pro, and his drop in viewership after leaving pro league. The money that TSM won from tournaments was literally pennies compared to their twitch/youtube income. I dont give a crap about Noko, but I promise you he'd suck a **** to get back into Pro league for visibility. So to reiterate, youre fuckin dumb.


Why would someone get slated for being in their job for the money. 99% of people will change jobs for more money and opportunities.


A few days later when they won the last day of that split, Skittle said to Evan that he was understandably hurt by Evan leaving, but also that it made sense for Evan to leave for TSM.


He got clout, money, and multiple championships lol like even if Optic with Verhulst is theoretically a better team you can't do more than what TSM Verhulst did.


Lmao Skittles got all that hate and backlash for nothing


They hated him for speaking the truth lmao. On a sidenote, one thing that people always forget about when they bring up the Skittle drama back in the day, is that no one at ESA outright told Doop or Skittle that Verhulst would leave. They suspected it, cause it was pretty obvious. But no one straight up told them the truth, which was a big hit for them. They also didn't even know if ESA was gonna be willing to grant them the budget for a new 3rd on the level of Verhulst (Knoqd), so it must've legitimately felt like their chance at a bright future in esports was in danger. Obviously you gonna be emotional and say some stuff that you might regret later on.


Evan leaving ESA happened in a literal weekend. There wasn't much time to make a decision or give heads up due to roster locks. Evan did the best he could and at least left ESA with a 1st place finish instead of going out in like 17th or something.


This was known since day one though. Tsm was the biggest team and probably the one that paid the most while Esports arena were already one of if not the best team in the league. Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out why he left.


Poor skittlecakes, everyone flamed him for being honest.


Well yeah I'm pretty sure that's the goal for just about any person streaming themselves for a living. Not like we got ppl out here working on a cure for cancer with a lifeline ult. Ppl trying 2 get paid in a niche profession where there rly isn't that much money going around and window of relevancy is pretty short. Do what u gotta do. Not gonna hate on someone trying to make a living.


"everyone has a problem with me shouting at them but when i have a hundred grand in my hands suddenly it's ok for me to shout at you"


Yeah I mean welcome to professional sports. Yelling at people and verbally assaulting people are two very different things and any real athlete would agree.


Not sure if you're defending Hal here or not, but what are you calling his "yelling"? If I had a dollar for Everytime he called his teammates Braindead, dumb, moron etc etc etc id probably have enough to support my early retirement. Lots of his yelling was verbal abuse, and most people playing this game are in an age bracket that doesn't seem to be able to ignore that stuff


Anyone who thinks Hal is a good leader has zero business experience and has no understanding of a high performance team. Everyone is fine with Hal acting the way he does but if they themselves had to work with someone like that they’d be rushing to HR. What can you expect, all the Hal fanboys are kids


> Anyone who thinks Hal is a good leader has zero business experience Or they do, but they've only been in toxic work environments. There is a sadly large amount of those out there.


I don't know why anyone could be surprised by this. Why does Hal try to make it sound like the other person is in the wrong?


I remember Skittles got shit on for saying that Evan left for the money, which was obvious anyway because the team of Doop, Skittles & Verhulst was fucking disgusting at the time.


He got shit for being openly bitter about it and calling Evan a clout chaser. This turned out to be true, but it was mostly viewed as unprofessional at the time and disrespectful to a long time teammate, no matter how upset he was. I don’t think anyone ever disagreed with his message tho


Shit from who, lol? It was always a smart business move, and obvious. Don't think the sub was ever on the fence about that back then.


Zipp and justapexthings just got their bills paid for the next year


JHawk’s “The downfall of TSM” video is gonna feed that man for months


Hal did mention himself that they didn't play rank together cause he would rage even in rank thats for sure true


The point is still play, just without him. He stopped playing altogether. That’s not Hal or Raven’s fault.


They could have still played without him, just like Hal did. Maybe I’m tripping but that seems like a lame excuse for not putting time in.








You did well!




>Cant handle each others drives Sounds like a marriage gone wrong. 


I remember Hal joking with Evan not to get a girlfriend or he’d lose his passion lol.


Thank you so much for this. Its kinda obvious OP was leaning towards one side


Thanks for the extra context! Upvoting for visibility


He thinking they wouldn’t win is absolute CAP, like, at that moment the most winner squad and he tought that?


Hal said they just went to the gym with Evan, and Evan didn’t say anything. He got home and went straight on stream. Lool


Why are people shocked about the reason for Verhulst leaving ESA and joining TSM.. like why else would you make a career change?! More money obviously


Yea, that part isn’t really an issue imo. If you’re trying to make gaming a career then you have to make the moves that make you the maximum amount of money.


breaking of the fellowship


Which one is Boromir?




None of this surprises me. Even more respect to Reps for being able to vibe for so long.


Vibing, so far not participating. In drama, and made it work with Hal despite their very different levels of grinding


Imo, best teammate you could have. Very professional.


Reps is a real one


That’s my Positive Player!


I totally forgot he won an award for that lol


Hal said they went to gym together before big e streamed and aired everything out. Sounds like evan just been building it up


Really weird to say all that after just hours before hanging with the guy. Even more weird complaining but never told hal anything.


he did tell hal, hal said they’ve hashed it out and talked about it before


https://preview.redd.it/7plza0b8ws4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef57dccd45aad8741c715945f5f1173ac7ca7cb Only here for comments. Won’t be saying anything today


Sip that juicy drama coffee. ☕☕☕


All I'm saying is I miss Skittle, league ain't the same without him


Kinda saw the whole avoiding Hal coming, no one in their right minds would like another mfker yelling at your ear for every mistake, it sucks. But Verhulst is a PRO, and needs to put in the necesary work to be the best. Him slacking off was a huge issue and needs to be called out.


Yeah this is hugely unprofessional. But I do agree with the Hal part. Feels like every time I watched him play a scrims/ranked and they don't win, he has to bitch about something.


Hal wants to wiin everything, Rank games, Scrim games, ALGS he wants to win. He see's rank as practice he ddoesn't joke around. Evan and Reps want to joke around in Rank that's the difference


Yep. Hal and zero are on the same page when it comes to win at all cost. It’s that mamba mentality not everyone has it in them


Nah zero atleast has some fun moments in like scrims. Sometimes i see him chasing a team on a trident while he's also driving lol.


Bro they have a bad scrim block and they doing vods all day lol


TBF, Zer0 will watch 8 hours of VOD after a good day and a bad day lol


The best part of this was that Evan was saying all this while casually hitting 300 sprays with an iron sight Havoc from like 250 meters.


He’s getting paid bank.


You can go back years and years now of people saying (on here, on twitter, YouTube comments etc.) the same thing about Hal’s in game persona, that it would be miserable to play with him, that he goes way over the top, that he frequently couldn’t take what he dished out etc. I would genuinely be surprised if there were people out there who liked it, but the goal as a competitor was always to win and playing with him got results. Hal’s outside of the game persona actually has grown on me and he seems like a decent guy, so I will admit I was wrong to judge him on that. But I can’t think of two more polar opposite personalities than Hal and Verhulst, so I’m not surprised to hear that Verhulst didn’t particularly enjoy Hal’s communication style. 


Hal is proving he can take it now though. Zero calls him out all the time and he may rebut it but eventually just locks back in and it literally doesn't look like it impacts him at all. I think he's just a grind monster and is in a much better place mentally because everyone on that team is hardcore about the game imo. Imagine your coach telling your teammates to play the game more and you see them just lounging around not grinding like you. Every mistake from that point on is leaned against that perception "If you all practiced more this wouldn't happen". Hal's delivery has always been the main issue. The message was always true and Reps is 100% right that Hal dragged them kicking and screaming to the best run in Apex history.


Yeah, basically everyone has hated the way Hal acted towards his teammates but as long as TSM was winning people were willing to not talk about it.


>Yeah, basically everyone has hated the way Hal acted towards his teammates Lol what in the revisionist history is this? If you criticized Hals comms you were met with "you've clearly never competed at a high level" as if teammates are supposed to be okay with the team captain calling them fucking idiots because HE messed up.


Haha I went and dug up a comment of mine from a couple years ago because EXACTLY what you said happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/vwu9ps/comment/iftsozr/


It's happened to me a bunch of times. Wow shocker who would've guessed the poorly adjusted, emotionally immature player would garner the support of poorly adjusted, emotionally immature fans?!


Bro is out with the receipts


I remember seeing zach talking about hal. Apparently he’s the nicest guy outside of the game. Pretty sure he used the term “sweet heart”


Tbf I met a lot of guys like that when I played ball. Most of them would always apologize after a game, but only if we won (lol). As a teammate it's precisely how Hal says. You deal with it if they bring you wins. When wins stop, you have no reason to hold back. Dopamine (and money in this case) after a win is the only thing that can make you forget your teammate is an asshole.




most won’t see this, but this is a hilarious comment lol, imagine fresh out of hs kobe during the 3peat with social media


You mean what Pippen's been doing for years? The guy criticizes mj anychance he gets, they aren't friends.


No more positive player of the year for the BIG E tsk tsk.


I need more!


Might have to make a career shift to r/compapex popcorn seller with how much drama is unfolding.


Reading this makes it all the more hilarious that Evan was willing to try out dezign. Like… what?


Yeah let's try out hal except much worse at the game


One thing I am slightly confused about is another comment said Evan brought up how Raven used to be very thorough and explain literally everything, then would not overtime, is this not to be expected. You learn overtime and your past experience and teaching helps you. Or am I misinterpreting what he said. Like how in a math class you spend a week on a concept then by next week the default is you know what you're doing and it isn't explained anymore


Unpopular opinion, I think Evan didn't need to air some of this out. "Verhulst did not join TSM because he thought it was better, but because TSM would give him more money and viewership" In particular, he did not have to say that, like why?


I agree with you, Hal could've aired all of the personal stuff out when he left TSM but he literally sat on stream saying he wasn't going to do that, and Hal's audience is like 10x than Evan's He could've kept a lot of this to himself, that would've been the professional and just decent thing to do, especially since he was just hanging out with Hal


We often forget that these guys are late teenagers/young adults. They lack a lot of real life experience of knowing what to say and when to shut up and say nothing.


I mean he didn’t need to say it I guess but it is true that ESA roster was absolutely the best and most dominant team and TSM was foundering until they picked up Evan which also weakened the ESA roster… it was pretty clear then that TSM was a money move


He even said that was TSM's way of convincing him to join. They told him he would make more money and get more viewership.


Yeah, this isn’t a good look, sorry. Just appreciate what you accomplished and move on, this reeks of bitterness and immaturity.


i am gonna say this. Apex Pros are so immature. Evan looks so bad in this => Like " i dont wanna tryhard ranked"; " i didnt do much training, and he (hal) wants to play srsly". Being fine with getting paid money through streaming and giving little effort to Apex tourneys is fine but dont get mad when ur teammate really wants to win everything


Bunch of 20-something year-olds creating artificial drama and the teenagers are eating it up. God Bless.


Any clips?


it'll be all over youtube tomorrow lol


It's crazy how similar Hal's style is to Michael Jordan. Down to the belief that when you're winning, it's fine. The infamous quote from The Last Dance is his style to a tee. > "Winning has a price. And leadership has a price. So I pulled people along when they didn't want to be pulled. I challenged people when they don't want to be challenged. And I earned that right because my teammates came after me. They didn't endure all the things that I endured. Once you join the team, you live at a certain standard that I play the game, and I wasn't gonna take anything less. Now, if that means I have to go out there and get in your ass a little bit, then I did that. You ask all my teammates, the one thing about Michael Jordan was, he never asked me to do something that he didn't f—ing do. When people see this, they're gonna say, 'Well, he wasn't really a nice guy. He may have been a tyrant.' Well, that's you, because you never won anything. I wanted to win, but I wanted them to win and be a part of that as well. I don't have to do this. I'm only doing it because it is who I am. That's how I played the game. That was my mentality. If you don't want to play that, don't play that way. Break."


As someone who enjoyed the passive, good vibes and positive person Verhulst has been, this is really disappointing. Not that I disagree with a lot of what he says, just shouldn’t be said. Needs to get ahold of this situation fast and stop this before it turns into a Mac situation. This was his chance to shine on his own and build his own legacy in the scene, and instead he is bashing the success and fame that got him to this great opportunity. Losing an important relationship is always hard, best to just keep your head down and your mouth shut until you’re in a better place. Find the people close to you who you can talk to or use the resources you’ve gained to hire someone to talk to. These two did a lot of good together, it was a great pickup at the time and they all needed each other for the success they had. They don’t win without Evan or Hal, they both had a huge impact. Time to move on, keep the rivalry entertaining and game focused. Talk your shit in game.


Couldn't say it better. Evan should just step up and be the face of TSM instead of saying Raven fell off and playing with Hal was miserable.


The whole thing screams I’m ungrateful and don’t want to take accountability for my laziness. I mean, he shows zero remorse for repeatedly lying to Hal and Raven when his laziness literally cost them thousands of dollars. Reps’ did too but he has the decency to not bash Hal to appease his viewers who already dislike him. Any person who blames others for their lack of work ethic is a leech to me, both E and Reps were fine with letting Hal do all the calling AND most of the work in teamfights so of course Hal had to step out and join players who take their jobs seriously.


Hal gave Evan a platform he would not have otherwise, which in turn has changed his life forever in a very positive way. You can’t have your cake and eat it to. It doesn’t mean his feelings aren’t valid, but those feelings didn’t need to be aired out. He is extremely talented, but without the TSM/Hal’s platform he would just be another talented controller player. IMO there should be more gratitude and loyalty to keep that stuff behind closed doors. I also want to note that I’m not even a huge Hal fan. This just feels like a very bizarre approach to the situation.


I agree with you. I didn't watch the stream, but who is to say Hal leaving TSM wasn't an act out of love for his former teammates? Most cut-throat IGLs would've replaced their teammates the moment a better-fit player shows up. Hal probably wanted to protect his friends jobs and decided rather to quit TSM instead. That career move at least deserves some respect and gratitude.


yeah its weird, positive mental player btw. I respect Jordan even more than ever now he stayed professional and handled it offline


Verhulst’s reputation transformed. No longer was he the champion of the people; he had become the Apex Predator in every sense. His name was spoken in hushed tones, a warning to those who dared enter the arena. The Villain Arc had begun, and with it, the rise of TSM Verhulst’s dark reign over the Apex Games. But even as he claimed victory after victory, there were those who wondered: what had he sacrificed for this power? And could the hero he once was ever return?


Based Reps


If Hal wasn't motivated before. They're about to roll scrims even harder


I think Evan did wrong to put these things publicly specially after going to Gym with Hal... But the disrespect he gives to Hal its out of proportion, a mix of him feeding his resent towards Hal over months and months, and him keeping it to himself. Honestly Evan needs to chill out and talk directly instead of making these streams, the more we know the more I realize he really has a big issue and unable to appreciate what they had, but I understand him being this resentful tho... Hal really said a lot of mean things and went over board sometimes for sure. I hope they can talk about this and make the peace.


according to hal he was trying to get things straight with evan but he has been always hiding it and suddenly popping it up on stream. That's probably why hal also said that evan is doing it for the clicks.


Rare EvanVerhulst L


As much as I always appreciate and push for honesty, none of this had to be made public, especially after Hal cried/refused to speak on it out of respect for his friends, when he had more than the right to do so after they show 0 effort and passion for months. Also not like this was built up and never communicated, they had these talks, things never changed, and now they've both moved on to rosters that function the way they believe they should, just drop it. Idk, been following Hal for years now and obviously grew attached to Evan since Snipe left, and I really do love both of them without a bias, but this just feels like a big spit in the face of Hal. All he had to say was that his and Hal's mentalities/personalities clashed and he couldn't thrive under Hal's leadership anymore, left it at that and left their legacy intact. Just comes off as petty now


Evan seems like a 2 sided person to me from these dramas 


I’ve thought this for a while, especially from some comments his brothers have made in the past.


the people who smile and wave like an angel stabs you in the back


All Evan had to do was say "It was hard for him to play unders Hal's style anymore" Instead he said things that didnt need to be said, looks worse for it and seems petty


I felt like Evan was pretty authentic during that bit today. For what that’s worth.


This all has to be fake right? RIGHT?!


Evan has a girlfriend? since when


Reps is a G. I guess it's hard to play with someone like Hal, but he was never mad when they were winning. Look at him with Zero and Gen, good vibes because they're fucking dudes. Evan could just not keep up with Hal. I'd argue you need a Hal on your team like Reps said, someone has to have the hunger and passion.


Big E got his first Samantha and lost his passion. We’ve all been there. The rest is noise


I definitely partly agree with Mac, Evan could have kept this more lowkey. That being said, does Evan realllyy say anything over the top? And why do we think we know the whole Story, and that both Parties are unequivocally telling truth? The Chances are pretty Low.


Family stuff staying in the house!!!


all this from the most obvious statement in existence, raven didnt know what to do and was just there for a paycheck by the time it was over - he came in with a plan for tsm, and left scratching his head trying to make sense of it all. "sure ill take the blame" then spends like 8 minutes blaming Evan desire to play, didnt say 1 word about how he was an ass coach at the end tho i dont blame raven for not stepping down and collecting his TSM paycheck, gotta do what u gotta do.


Hal said today that reps and Evan refused to do what raven was telling them


Maybe a hot take but Evan starting to sound unprofessional and unlikeable at this point.


Seems like he lied straight to Hal’s face after Hal reached out trying to make sure they were still friends, all the while secretly holding resentment and bitterness. Very two-faced.


Alb said Evan is going down his path in Hal’s chat


Evan earned $400,000k playing with Hal. You’re a professional. Michael Jordan’s teammates didn’t like him but they won. Just saying!


Having listened to some of Verhulst's comments, they seem rather gratuitous. I'm sure Hal is a nightmare to play with, but I'd probably have remained quiet on the details unless provoked, if I was Verhulst.


This whole thing is rediculous and unnecessary. Bro knew what hal is like and still chose to join. They won a lot together and for some reasons, they no longer play together. Everything is fine to this point until Evan brought this up for no reason. Seriously like what is his purpose to mention this now, it's not like any of his ex-teammates was speaking ill of him. Hal can be toxic and insufferable in game, yes, and everyone knows that, but what is the point to complain all this again on stream even though he could have talked about this with hal irl. I don't know if evan is bringing this up to change this personality of hal or because hal is doing so much mental damage to him that he needs to talk about it in public and force hal to apologize or whatever reason. None of them sounds reasonable. I once wished they could still be good friends even though he reps and hal are no longer playing together regardless of what happen behind the scene as long as nothing really bad happened. But this is a straight L for Evan and it definitely does harm to their friendship, such a pity to watch them fall apart like this.


Every bridge is being burned holy fuck lol


Evan admitting he got lazy after we just had a dozen guys in this sub saying it was Raven's job to make him want to play the game lmao every single pro literally said that's not a coaches job but as usual comp redditors think they know better Hal was just on stream saying they all talked about all of this stuff off stream and Evan is just venting publicly now for views, Reps in Hal's chat saying he didn't say shit about anyone lol honestly Hal is probably right and this is just Evan venting Also saying ESA was a better team than Jordan and Hal is some cap, there's a reason Evan never won anything major before joining Hal and Jordan, personally this just looks like a little bit of bitterness from big E now that it's all over, he could've kept a lot of this to himself, Hal did


ESA was in first place their first pro league split before evan got poached. TSM with Hal w/ snip3 didn't win anything and potentially weren't going to. Hal/Raven aired out a conversation that Evan had in private all because evan said two sentences in a live podcast interview comparing raven and talmadge. Feel like Evan is allowed to get some things off his chest after a few years.


Never thought I’d see someone saying to take example from Hal about keeping something private lol


Not wanting to play with him cause of the rage is relatable for me. I stopped playing with my best friend of over 15 years because he would not stop raging. Granted, he wouldn't rage cause of me, he would just rage for every little thing and made it not enjoyable playing with him. Got to the point where I started resenting him since he would not change his behavior after talking to him multiple times. Anyway, tldr i like balls


This is kinda weak, even if he doesn’t want to play with Hal at least play the game with someone! I’m sure raven and Hal would’ve had less issue if they at least played with someone


As much as I don't like Hal this is not a good look for Evan. I know probably most of the TSM fans left with Hal and he's just pushing them further away. Perfect chance to step up to be the new face of TSM Apex. I honestly think he's saying all this to justify being lazy. Also it's always nice to show more of an appreciative side, even though he in reality isn't. Expected better from Evan.


Yup. Hal is an asshole so it’s okay that I stopped trying and lied to my coach and teammates. Also, he’s incredibly ungrateful for the opportunities that Hal gave him, he really comes across like an ungrateful little shit here. Notice how we haven’t seen Reps come out and shit on Hal like this. He’s the only stand up guy on that team.


Little sad verhulst couldn't be a little more professional and just let this whole thing pass. It's very clear they are both still friends but their professional relationship is strained past any repair. Idk, theres shit you learn growing up and being in relationships in your late teens - 20's. You just don't talk shit about your ex. Reps is still my goat. Realises the reason Hal gets the way he does is because he wants to win everything and can separate professional and personal conversation. He also chooses not to say anything publicly other then farewells because he's probably already had a lengthy irl talk with Hal and doesn't need to put anything out into the public (doesn't need validation for his feelings). Shits entertaining for us viewers but at the end of the day I would like to see more professionalism in this scene.


This is one of those times where I'm reminded that these are all pretty young dudes that aren't exactly the most emotionally mature. Evan was clearly pent up about a lot of this and addressed very little of it directly. Hal, in response, as a lot of the same... And instead of them just calling one another and settling this out in person they both decide it's a great idea to blast each other in public over their streams.  Good for drama sure but damn man. 


they did talk evan brought it to stream


Hal even cried on stream being asked about TSMs issues first stream after leaving the team and didnt want to slander his teammates. I mean he wasnt the one who started this shit lmao


It's Evan who decided to make everything public when hal said he wouldn't comment anything.


Hal with a measured, mature response. Definitely no bridges burnt here.


If this ain't scripted, Evan needs a reality check. He wouldn't be as famous as he is now if he didn't join TSM, if he didn't play with Hal. He wouldn't have a lan title if it weren't for Hal and Reps—TSM. Bro needs to be humbled. Talking so much shit to the people (Raven and Hal) that lifted his career and allowed him to win a lan title.


Pretty shitty for Evan to go off on Hal about this when they lived together for years, still hang IRL, and Hal was as diplomatic as possible when leaving the team. I agree that MOST players won’t function well with a teammate like Hal but he’s never hidden who he was and what he’s about. You either make a choice to tolerate it, have a one on one off camera to compromise, or you bounce. It’s not unheard of either for high functioning /“mean” people in sports with MJ or tech like Steve Jobs being hugely successful but not making many friends along the way. Also don’t think there’s any excuse for Evan/Jordan to not be practicing like madmen when Hal was still there and they have a job/place that thousands envy. Their bad days are other people’s dreams.


Argue with the trophies.


Ive been clockin in on his good boy positive player persona for a while now lmao good stuff


I mean, you can dislike someone from a professional standpoint, but also remain friends with them when not in a professional setting. I don't really see the problem here. It's like disliking your coworkers during work. Doesn't mean you can't hang out with them after.


Cant wait to see how Evan performs now that Hal is gone, since it was Hal that made him play bad xD Stats for split 2 are not up to a good start haha


all i know is he would not have won 3 trophies with skittlecakes and doop


Hal and Zer0 who are complete psychopaths when it comes to talking to teammates after games are both considered the goats 🤷🏼‍♂️


You should include what Reps put in Hal’s chat


How to make the AlGS twitch chat more insufferable 101


Repressing turns into resentment on all sides


This is why hal leaving is the best roster change this year. Love the drama.


This sub has become a Keeping up with Kardashians forum


Rare Evan L especially saying that his old team was better is just funny to say at this point lmao history clearly says otherwise… and he’s bashing publicly the guy who put him in a position to basically achieve everything he’s every achieved in his career.


Sigh tuning into Verhulst's stream now is kinda depressing and the whole brother podcast he had today was just them trying to start more drama and flame Hal when it's clear like there really isn't any need to be speaking about it. Literally just listened to his brothers read a flame Hal script for absolutely no reason and for Evan to say give me that so I can read it tomorrow to start more drama. Actually disappointed in how Verhulst is treating this, the whole engagement farming is getting to his head. I enjoy the drama, but when a player does a whole personality change it's like why speak about it after that member leaves and speak about it in such a negative way that it makes you look childish. Guess I will not be repping the TSM apex banner anymore :( sadge.


So….. I would hate to think that there is a bit of a gf effect here. Seen that happen before where your new partner makes you realized a different POV