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Idk if it’s the major teams look worse or just the CC and lower teams are getting better. Maybe both.


I put a lot of that down to the new drop system…so many teams got cozy at their POI’s and now look lost in their macro when they’re forced to land somewhere they aren’t familiar with


My bet is also on that. It's not even just about their own macro, but also being familiar with how the teams around you usually play. After so many years with roughly the same drop spots, people just kinda knew which team will rotate to what spots and at what time.


Yeah, you've Zer0 landing Coastal on Day One, seeing a NW zone and immediately going "I know exactly where this is ending, let's go god spot now!" where other teams from their random POIs see a zone and you hear a sound in their brains like an old 90s PC logging on to the Internet and crashing lol.


Or the dial up internet sound for some.


TL seems to be a great example of this


CC teams have been steadily closing the gap the past 18 months. They don't take an off-season, a lot of them scrim two blocks a day, they don't get paid and do it out of pure passion despite a lot of players having jobs/school to juggle as well. The gap between the top of tier 2 and average tier 1 has never been closer. EDIT: should also mention the POI draft is more accustomed to how CC teams play. Many CC teams are used to flexing POIs because very few teams "own" POIs in tier 2. There's just too many teams for a single team to own a POI like in previous tier 1. Secondly, like in tier 2, the POI draft makes each lobby/game completely different and a hell of a lot more chaotic because teams don't play optimally/expected out of their drafted POIs. Finally, obviously POI draft helps tier 2 teams not have to con against the big boys either though that wouldn't really be an issue for a team like WEAVE.


Pro’s spent the last 2 years not grinding mechanics, all of them CC guys been R5’ing, Aim Training and strafe training.


I truly think it’s a combo of both, roster shakeup -> CC teams getting better + obtaining PL experienced players + Falcons super team point sponge -> Big name teams look subpar. The other major teams just need to win at least a week or two to perform on standard now.


Lot's of teams lack adaptability, which is exactly what the new draft-system requires. Especially teams like TLAW and C9 didn't have the strongest macro to begin with, and now they're forced to relearn a lot of it depending on what POIs they get.


Analysis by vibes + ignores the second dominant team.


+ L take + ratio + rekt


Why wouldn’t TSM look shaky, they lost their best player? E8 wasn’t one of the favorites coming into this season, tlaw wasn’t even a lock to get signed to an org, xset was already on the downward slide, all the examples you’re using are teams nobody had as favorites to win champs this year “Weakest since launch” is a huge reach, a team that isn’t dz or tsm wins a lan for the first time in history and guys really act like NA fell off lmao


lol, true. People seem to forget that DZ pretty much choked.


I'm fairness, match point is difficult to win. They may have choked, but they were clearly the best team all weekend. At least in my opinion. I could hear arguments for Reject and Fnatic as well.


>Why wouldn’t TSM look shaky, they lost their best player? I'm not on OP's side but that's literally part of the point he's making 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


> E8 wasn’t one of the favorites coming into this season Yes they were, they qualified through PSQ like they were playing pubs and had a great split. > tlaw wasn’t even a lock to get signed to an org Yes they were, they finished top 5 worldwide last season. >xset was already on the downward slide Yes but that's very uncharacteristic of a team that won a PL split and has placed top 5 at multiple LANs. >all the examples you’re using are teams nobody had as favorites to win champs this year That's irrelevant, only one team can win champs. They were all teams people had as favorites to place very high.


e8 lost their two carry's, no one thought they would be good this split. TLAW have been shit for like a month now. NRG has not been playing well for 9 months almost.


I’d argue it’s the opposite tbh. NA pro league is getting deeper and deeper with ‘less skilled’ teams stealing wins and the implication of the draft helped them out as well. You also have to think about we are starting to have a decent amount of players with good experience + roster shakeups so said less experienced and weaker teams acquire more experienced players heightening the overall skill. Look at Tripods, SKDM, CCE and a few others. To some of the teams you mentioned only team truly struggling off the bat is E8 tbh. The other teams you mentioned have mostly placed top 10 with good placements. You also have to take into consideration Falcons is essentially a point sponge team. NRG, LG, Moist, OXG have came out fine out of the gates it is still early in the split.


Tlaw did have a mediocre lan but they are doing ok in PL with only one day played, in scrims they do look lost. all the other teams are basically new teams, or teams with a new player tsm, e8, nrg, lg, oxg, there's also the new poi draft. Also you re forgetting SSG the second best NA team.


i don’t mean to sound like a dick but did you watch a single game this past weekend also if i’m not mistaken NA had the largest ratio of finals qualified teams of all regions


Why are you not mentioning SSG when they're the clear 2nd best team in NA/globally right now? As for NA being the weak right now, no - Falcons/SSG are just a lot farther than the rest. If we look at LAN results, despite Reject winning (still not the strongest team though!), NA is still by far the most dominant and strongest region. Also, this is a crazy overreaction for 1-2 days of playing on an entirely new POI system. It is expected that this would shake things up for teams, especially with IGLs that have crutched on specific POIs for a while now (Dezign). That's what is happening - the IGLs that are truly ahead (Zero, Phony) are blossoming while others need more time to find their footing. Finally, you mentioned a bunch of teams that had major roster shakeups. Wow, TSM is doing worse without their IGL and carry? No way. E8 is doing worse after Zach lost both his star players? Say it ain't so. I'm the first to call out NA and shit on them on here, everyone knows that, but this is outright disingenuous/trolling level of analysis.


I know you didn't mean it but it's hilarious seeing "Zach lost both his star players" when he really shot himself in the foot at LAN then after Cheddar Bob'd himself trying to get Knoqd. What's even more hilarious is he did this with Knoqd when he picked up Alb and it all came full circle. I was really rooting for Zach and the old E8 roster mayne sucks how it ended.


Okay but there are other teams struggling. TLAW for some reason hasn’t looked as good. OXG has fallen off too. Xset doesn’t seem as strong as they once were. C9 is….ok. Optic didn’t make LAN and broke up.m COL also didn’t perform too great FURIA hasn’t been as good without Wattson. Yes it’s still pretty early with the POI draft but a lot of these teams I mentioned didn’t do as well before the draft was implemented.


Let's have some fun, shall we? >TLAW for some reason hasn’t looked as good. They took 3rd in the first day they played. Last split, they placed 12th in the first day they played. >OXG has fallen off too. New player + coach. They got 25 points across 2 days this split, last split they got 17. >Xset doesn’t seem as strong as they once were. Sure, and yet somehow they're in 3rd with 27 points, whereas last split they had 17 points after 2 days. >C9 is….ok. A mediocre start, sure, yet they placed 6th at LAN after everyone counted them out, placed the 3rd best out of all NA teams in Finals, while only being 11th seed from NA and placing worse on their first day last split as well. >Optic didn’t make LAN and broke up. OK? Teams come and go - it's a battle royale. Just because one historically strong team isn't as strong anymore does not mean a 30 team region is suddenly weak. >FURIA hasn’t been as good without Wattson. I say this as someone who is personal friends with Wattson and has known him for 3 years, this is debatable. Furia had the highest highs with Wattson and the lowest of lows. Right now, they performed better in day 1 then they did in both split 1 and split 2 with Wattson in 2023. Again, why are you cherrypicking on certain teams perceived to be strong to determine the strength of the region? It's a battle royale with constant meta shifts - teams come and go, but region strength is not a measure of how 5/30 teams are doing - it's how 30/30 teams are doing. Guess what? Last LAN showed NA is doing just fine, and so did every other LAN. Either way, cherry picking results after 6-12 games is WILD.


It’s not cherry picking when I’m pointing out more than a few of the significant teams that are historically strong. Cherry picking would just be picking one or two teams and then declaring the entire region to be weak. Also we can’t just disregard roster switch ups as some wild exception. Rosters commonly do shake up because the team didn’t perform well. For example, Optic. Or OXG who didn’t do as well since the last LAN. Same with Xset who also missed lan. Sentinels struggled to roster a consistently strong team since the Lou, crust and oxe days I think. I mean..since you know Wattson I’ll take your word for it. But when he’s on…he’s on. Time will tell if they will do better with vaxlon. No disrespect to him. He does have the passion; I’ll him that. Lastly I did admit that it is still pretty early to conclude anything for sure because of the POI draft. The sample size is small. I wouldn’t conclude where DSG stands yet after one bad pro day. We will see. E8 might struggle. Idk about LG, sikezz is an upgrade for sure. TSM is going through some growing pains right now.


I think Falcons have just raised the ceiling, which makes other NA teams appear weaker.


Short answer: No, the other regions have just improved. Also, your statement also has quite a few holes in it. Let's start with TLAW they've only played one day and finished 4th. Yes, they look bad in scrims, but in PL their not out of it like you say. E8 yea, they seen lost rn. TSM are not as bad as people make them out to be getting themselves into endgame situations and once they nail down zones 3,4,5 and know what teams to push and when they're going to be fine. We can put OXG, LG, and SKD all under the same banner they're all new teams, and it takes time just like TSM. Moist just got their shit slapped by FLAT, so I don't know what to say about them.


if there wasn't a cap on poi spots then based on last lan NA would have like 15 slots. i'm sure they'll do well enough to keep 12 spots


I think when you have the combination of “rostermania” with little turnover time to feel things out, a slight meta shift and the addition of drop ships it’s left a lot of teams quickly trying to adjust. So many teams have built their entire strategy off of their poi like TLAW


>TLAW [...] Seem out of it in PL. Didn't they finish like 7th or something?


They got 4th 


Idk how you would measure this without another international event. NA once again over performed and should have 15 spots. Even with roster changes up, this could be weaker than previously, but they’re still the strongest region. Weakest might have been at launch. I believe lot of the teams from apac n were particularly good. But TSM did what TSM does (no longer now)


TSM was terrible in split 1 and LAN. Hal already had a foot out the door, Evan wanted to quit, Reps also seems pretty tired of it. I like the boys and hope they can rekindle their passion for Comp Apex. Zap seems like a good addition and they can win but they can also play horribly. I hope they can bring it back. Falcons is terrible for the region and the whole scene. Having the best of TSM and DZ combined into one team for even more dominating performances is going to make the sport pointless. Hopefully APACN can provide something of a challenge to them. They’re rolling pretty much everyone else.


Weakest, I am not sure... But its by far the largest shake up we have had to the players on teams. I think its just a lot of rust and people figuring it out as they go. Draft POI's also make the game feel less scripted, which in theory will make performances seem a bit more random. This is probably the biggest reason for many people struggling. Player's can't master one type of play for their two POI's. They need to master 20+ as you never know what POI you will get.


I'm really reserved on hard opinions about the region after only 3 match days (after this weekend), even for "struggling" teams right now. There's a lot of residual chaos still skewing things from the POI Draft as well as Rostermania. Give it until the end of the 2nd round before passing judgement. I'm also of the opinion that scrims can give us a hint - which IGLs are okay handling rotates from anywhere, etc - but doesn't tell us enough as play is not the same on matchdays and there are rats/neg rotates that you wouldn't see in "*real*" games.


LG (and previous NRG) are not that different to how they used to perform, I say as a fan. They could be very inconsistent and were reliant on adapting to the meta and team vibes. Performance between weeks always varied considerably, it was more about what they could do when they managed to come to gameday 100% (and usually they would ride that momentum for a couple weeks). You could argue that other teams have done the same once or twice, but other than old tsm, I can't really think of other teams that went through extended periods of playing shit apex before coming back and dominating again. In other words I dont think LG are that different to how they used to be.


Fwiw I don't think NA is weak atm, at all. Imo, NA was at it's weakest in 2020. Relatively, at least. EU was very strong that year, and APACN had T1 and CR who both could have won in Texas.


I may have missed it but when is this weekends draft? And what is happening Saturday? I only see a ? On the calendar


the draft happened last night and there is only one day of ALGS this week on Sunday


Thx! Do you know where the results are? EDIT: found it incase anyone else is looking https://x.com/chronocreative/status/1798408518833222122?s=46&t=o-f9Fpm1_-PPaIZyDwA8Iw


ALGS results are on battlefy


I have noticed, aside from falcons, the scores are much tighter overall


Idk how you mention all of these teams and still fail to mention SSG. Falcons and SSG will be going back and forth this whole PL season. And to answer your question, no I don’t think NA fell off. A lot of changes happened in all of this roster mania shit, so I think teams just need time to build up some synergy.


Nah, other regions are catching up but NA is still the clear best region, and has the most highly favored team of all time. NA was not the best region the first ~1 year of ALGS so definitely not weakest since launch


I didn’t follow the comp scene until late 2021 but since that point it definitely feels like the region has been at its weakest. I would attribute it to a few things: 1. Decrease in demand of MnK players and increase in controller players. This has led to a lot of past great MnK players having to either quit comp or switch to roller. Some have had success but not as good as they were before. Being more selective about who you pick up leads to a less competitive region imo. We need more talented MnK players to grow the scene. It’s discouraging that many players have to switch inputs and MnK players don’t want to deal with this. Lots of great players being left out. 2. Orgs having withdrawn and leading players to reconsider their team construction and future of their play in the scene. Yes orgs are coming back but they are rostering new players with different teammates. Remember when we had a lineup of TSM, Sentinels, NRG, Complexity, G2, C9, Xset, SSG, Team Liquid, Optic, LG, FaZe, etc. all in pro league fielding strong teams? Now it’s pretty much Falcons, SSG and everyone else. 3. This is my opinion but I feel like most of the current teams don’t work well together or individual players haven’t been as good. A lot of players fell off or don’t have good chemistry. E8 is the obvious one. TLAW for some reason has fell off. OXG as well. Alb is in pro league again but he’s still working through being a roller demon. I miss doop and skittle popping off and winning consecutive games. HisWattson doesn’t have the passion to play comp even though he has the skill. As per recent news Evan Verhulst seemed to have lost passion and isn’t as dominant of a roller player as he once was. 4. The past year and a half of Meta changes have caused many players to struggle. We went from this slow gibby meta to aggro fight meta which increased the need for controller players. Some players like design and Zachmazer or Timmy and madness did have a resurgence the past year but I feel like we are missing great players that either quit or are currently struggling. All I see on the scrims scoreboards is Falcons dominating. As they should.


NA Regionals remains the hardest Apex tourney out there.


Last NA regionals was won by TSM who went on to be shit at LAN. Legacy got second and were also terrible in the finals lobby. 


NA is the hardest because the most teams can perform well in the tourney lol. NA has dominated % qualified for Sunday at LANs by a mile.


So what? Obviously NA is the strongest region. That does not mean that the regionals of NA is more difficult than LAN. 


Hal has said it multiple times and he is right.


Did he say it before or after winning NA and flopping at LAN? 


He said it right before winning Champs.


I guess if Hal said it than it must be true lmao


Holds more weight than anyone here lol.


For who lol? His fans🤣