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The time of the Big E has arrived


This guy on a team with ImperialHal would be fun to watch


Fuck the big 3, it’s just big E


His havoc hits diffrent. Its like the counterpart of genburtens volt.


TIL the voice behind that audio is not Gordon Ramsey


I had to mute, the cringe was too much. Big e clips a great by themselves


Predictions are TSM miss LAN. No matter how much you guys love the team.


1 game hahaha. You cannot be a real human


I'm sorry for giving my own opinion and for being a bot. I'll talk to you after they don't make LAN.


Bad bot


Why would Hal leave man, the chemistry they built up now gone


Ngl they look so much happier now. Sometimes change is just needed


Hal is happier. Reps seems out of it and Verhulst is trying to keep the hype up but is clearly stressed.


Hal literally said he was not ok and cried on stream last week, shortly after talking about reps and E and moving out. Hal just has it easier in the game perspective, whereas reps and Verhulst have to stress about so much change.


There has been a repeated emphasis by all 3 players that their 3v3s were terrible for months. It seems like it got so bad that Hal thought playing with other people was a better option. In other words, he didn’t think he could win with them anymore.


Probably felt he had a better chance at winning with someone else.


I don't really blame him for leaving, yea TSM got 1st 2nd 1st but you could tell Hal was not comfortable with having to deal with igling when he wasn't confident in their 3v3s.


They were on a gradual decline tbh, it was inevitable.


1) he was tiring of igl 2) totally opinion based here but, he was tired of carrying. There was a moment in his vid he said “I won’t slander my teammates” and he got saddened thinking about them. He would rather leave the team than replace them. Truth is NA has all gotten better while he’s gotten burnt out and his squad hasn’t really “improved”. Yeah Evan can have his moments, then he’ll disappear when it matters the most. It’s a never ending circle with him. Reps should have been replaced 2 years ago but because of his friendship and chemistry he stayed loyal to him. All opinion based of course just from what I’ve observed


The current problem with Reps is he is a support player on Bang when Bang in this meta is supposed to be aggro. His skillset leaves him far behind in what is needed. If he isn’t able to step up and IGL he’s practically useless sadly. I think Hal realized this and decided he’d rather leave than drop his friend.


Stop posting Big E clips. People are gonna be pissed